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Chapter 823 Important News

Deputy Xie Sen was responsible for the specific interrogation. Within an hour, Xie Sen came to see Li Chenghua.

"This man was settled in Chang'an in October last year. He was a scoundrel who cheated on food and drinks without having a meal. Later he joined Tianji Tower and was sent to Jincheng County after a few months of training. I threatened him with execution.

He was scared to death, he recruited everything, and he was willing to cooperate with us. I really don’t know what kind of roles Tianji Tower is recruiting?”

Li Chenghua smiled lightly and said: "Tianji Tower was only established the year before last. It is a surveillance agency controlled by eunuchs. It has no background and has not cultivated any talents. They will only recruit some low-level people to serve as samurai for important officials.

Car drivers, maids, etc., and then monitor them. Although this Jia Xin is a coward, he must have special skills, so he was recruited into the Tianji Tower."

"The commander is right, he does have special skills. According to his explanation, he was recruited by Tianji Tower because he had read books and wrote well. Most of the people in Tianji Tower were illiterate, so he was highly regarded.

Only those who become a first-class spy will be sent to Jincheng County."

Li Chenghua nodded and asked, "What information did they collect?"

"He said it was mainly to disclose information, such as where His Highness went to fight, which officials were in Helong, the admission list for the civil service examination, etc. Then they could collect some information by listening to the officials chatting in the restaurant."

Li Chenghua asked further: "Apart from the seven of them, have you continued to develop hidden lines, such as buying servants of important people's houses?"

Xie Sen nodded, "He said that their next task is to bribe the servants and monitor important people. The first step is to bribe the servants of Prince Qi's Mansion, but they have not yet started to implement it."

Li Chenghua walked a few steps with his hands behind his back: "Actually, I'm not worried about this coward of Xinjia, but his six subordinates. At first glance, they are all people who are skilled in martial arts. They should be the divine eagle warriors of Tianji Tower.


"The commander is worried that they are assassins?"

Li Chenghua nodded, "If you are just collecting general intelligence, there is no need to send people with martial arts skills. Moreover, sending a person with no experience as the leader is a bit funny. I suspect that those six people actually have other tasks, or even even

Even Jia Xin doesn’t know that this Jia Xin is actually just a nominal leader. He has no experience and cannot understand the true purpose of those six people.”

Xie Sen became worried, "Sometimes His Highness will go to the Yellow River Restaurant to eat, and other important ministers will also come. If they poison or assassinate, it will be hard to guard against."

Li Chenghua gritted his teeth and said: "Act immediately to arrest all six of them, replace them with our people, and arrest them together with the chef."

When Jia Xin was released, he immediately summoned everyone, including six waiters and two chefs, on the grounds that the proprietor wanted to pay the reward.

When everyone excitedly came to the backyard to collect their money, what they saw was dozens of military crossbows aimed at them, and the entire backyard was surrounded.

The three waiters winked, turned around and rushed out of the door. As soon as they rushed to the door, more than a dozen spears were fired from the outside, knocking the three of them to the ground. The inner guard soldiers swarmed up and tied up the waiters and the chef.

take away.

Six more waiters and two chefs came immediately. The shopkeeper looked on and was dumbfounded. After he was given a hard lesson, everything continued as usual, as if nothing had happened.

The next morning, Li Chenghua reported the latest situation to Li Ye again.

"Your Highness, we have completed the trial. The task of the accountant Jia Xin is to lead six clerks to collect intelligence, but the six clerks are all divine eagle warriors. In addition to collecting intelligence, they will also perform other tasks, mainly assassination

It’s the Lord, but the mission has not been assigned yet.”

Li Ye said slowly: "You have captured them all, will that affect their acceptance of the mission?"

"Replying to your highness, we have interrogated them in detail. It will not have any impact. They don't know each other. They can only identify each other by their waist badges and each other's code names. After asking these questions clearly, our people can completely impersonate them."

"What about sending information?"

Li Ye asked again: "If I send information to the capital, will I be discovered?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, Chang'an Tianji Tower sent people here to collect information, and they will not enter the capital."

That's pretty much it. Li Ye nodded, "Just continue according to the current plan. If there are any changes in the intelligence, report to me again!"

"I humbly obey my orders!" Li Chenghua bowed and left.

Li Ye walked to the window with his hands behind his back. In fact, he knew very well that Li Fuguo would not assassinate him. He was his important financial source. How could a powerful official like Li Fuguo wipe out his financial resources?

In fact, with Li Fuguo here, even if he goes to Chang'an, he will be safe and sound.

At this time, Wen Jingnian, who joined the army outside the reporter room, came in and said: "Your Highness, there is a big businessman named Xue outside who wants to see you. He said that he performed a mission to Jiankun for Your Highness."

It was Xue Deji who came, and Li Ye was about to look for him, so he nodded and said with a smile: "Invite him in quickly!"

Not long after, the dark-skinned big businessman Xue Deji was led into the official room. He put his hands on his chest and bowed, "May the sun god bless your highness!"

The Sun God is the god of shamanism. Currently, all ethnic groups in the grasslands believe in shamanism, so people in the grasslands believe in wolves, bears, eagles and other animals. These are actually the gods of shamanism, but the sun god and the Earth Mother God are the most important gods of shamanism.


Li Ye also bowed back and said with a smile: "Please sit down!"

Xue Deji sat down on the small stool, and a tea boy came in to serve tea.

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "I have received the report. I am very grateful to Dongzhu Xue for traveling thousands of miles to deliver supplies and letters to Jiankun for me. I thank you again!"

Xue Deji said with emotion: "I heard that Your Highness fought in Fengzhou and all the Uighur Khans were killed. This is a huge event on the grassland!"

"Does Dongzhu Xue know what will happen next?"

"I am here to report to His Highness. My half-brother came from Uihe. He told me that there was a civil strife between two princes in Uihe fighting for the throne of Khan. More than 10,000 people died. The eldest prince and his family were killed.

The little prince inherited the throne of Huihe Khan and called himself Mouyu Khan. However, the Jiankun tribe and the Geluolu tribe simultaneously launched attacks on the Dubo and Sijie tribes in the east, occupying large areas of land, and both tribes surrendered.


"What about the Huihe army? Did they launch a counterattack?" Li Ye asked.

"I heard that the Uighurs had stationed 50,000 troops each at the borders of Sijie and Dubo, and were confronting the Jiankun army and the Geluolu army. Mouyu Khan urgently summoned other tribes to send troops, but both Beyegu and Pugu found various excuses.

I don’t want to send troops, but I heard that the war didn’t start, and both Jiankun and Geluolu withdrew their troops.”

"Then what?"

"Then Huihe would not dare to peek at the Tang Dynasty for at least ten years, but I heard that they still sent a team of envoys to see Shi Siming."

Li Ye couldn't help but snorted heavily, but he still wanted to use Shi Siming's help to plunder the interests of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Ye nodded, "Thank you, Boss Xue, for telling me in time. This news is very important to me."

Li Ye immediately sent someone to find Qiu Xuan. He went to the staff room first.

Not long after, Qiu Xuan hurried over, bowed and saluted, "See you, Your Highness!"

Li Ye was checking in front of the sand table. He nodded and said: "Excuse me, Qiu Sima, if the Huihe army goes south again and enters the Tang Dynasty, if they don't go through Shuofang, how many channels will they have?"

Qiu Xuan immediately replied: "That means we can only walk through the clouds and enter the south and south of the river."

"What if Huihe wants to send troops to help Shi Siming?" Li Ye asked again.

Qiu Xuan thought for a moment and said: "If Huihe sends troops, they may go to Youzhou through Juyongguan and go south from Hebei."

Li Ye nodded, "Not only is it possible, I also want to control their movements at any time. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand the humble position!"

Of course Qiu Xuan understood that His Highness meant to monitor the Uighur army at all times.

This chapter has been completed!
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