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Chapter 830 Help

Pei Sanniang was looking forward to her son's return, and her neck was sore with anticipation. But when her son did come home, she didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, Pei Sanniang was extremely concerned about Qingyu, holding her hand to greet her, but instead she ignored her son.

Li Ye had no choice but to carry his luggage to the back house.

Of Pei Sanniang's three daughters-in-law, she disliked Yang Yuhuan the most, but she gave her son face and never showed it. At least she seemed pretty good on the surface, often going shopping with her and so on.

Pei Sanniang and Dugu Xinyue get along well, and they are very harmonious between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. However, after all, Dugu Xinyue is from a noble family and is a princess with a high status. There is still a class gap between Pei Sanniang and her, and this gap is difficult to eliminate.

Qingyu was different. Qingyu's class was the same as hers, and she was the daughter-in-law she fell in love with at first sight. In addition, Qingyu was extremely beautiful, had a well-behaved and docile personality, and had a sweet mouth. She had a mother-in-law every time, which made Pei Sanniang very happy.

Pei Sanniang liked her from the bottom of her heart and regarded her as her own daughter.

"Aye, why are you carrying your luggage by yourself?"

Pei Sanniang became a little anxious when she saw her son leaving with a few boxes.

"Mom, a few boxes, they are not heavy!"

Pei Sanniang angrily scolded the servants next to her, "Why don't you even look at me? That's the prince, how can you let him carry the box?"

Several servants were trembling after being scolded. They were actually a little afraid and did not dare to go up. It was not that they did not wink.

Li Ye came to his yard, which he had always kept. Knowing that his son was coming, Pei Sanniang had people clean it so that every corner was spotless.

The room was decorated as before, even some of his childhood toys were placed in boxes and neatly arranged at the foot of the bed.

At this time, Pei Sanniang came with Qingyu, "Ah Ye, there is a room full of miscellaneous things in the east room. I got them back from Baoji Cabinet Shop two days ago. They are all gifts for your wedding. Look.

The clothes are good, let Qingyu pick some, she has too few things."

This mother-in-law is also a bit biased and picks out the eldest daughter-in-law’s things and gives them to the younger daughter-in-law.

Qingyu quickly waved his hand and said, "Thank you, mother, I'm used to being light and don't need so many things."

"Family, please stop being so polite. I'll tell Xinyue later and she won't care."

Qingyu had no choice but to remain silent, and Pei Sanniang smiled again and said, "I'm going to see the hot water. You guys have been so busy all the way, so you need to take a good bath!"

Pei Sanniang walked away quickly. Qingyu lay in Li Ye's arms and said, "My mother-in-law is so kind to me. She insists that I call her mother, so I have no choice but to obey her."

Li Ye hugged her and smiled: "She has no daughter, and she only wants to have a daughter. She likes you and treats you as her daughter."

"Husband, don't you have a sister?"

One sentence reminded Li Ye why he didn't see Xiaoyun and Erniang. He took Qingyu's hand and said with a smile: "I'll take you to see my sister. You haven't seen her yet!"

Qingyu pursed his lips and smiled and said: "I have known Xiaoyun for a long time in Xiangyang. I also taught her how to cook medicine. She pesters me every day and wants me to teach her martial arts!"

"Then he is considered a half-apprentice."

The two chatted and laughed, and when they arrived at the side yard, they saw their sister Xiaoyun sitting on the threshold wiping tears.

"Xiaoyun, why are you crying?" Li Ye stepped forward and asked in surprise.

Xiaoyun stood up and threw herself into Li Ye's arms, crying: "My mother is dying."

Li Ye was startled and hurriedly handed Xiaoyun to Qingyu. He quickly walked into the room, and a strong smell of medicine hit his face.

Two maids stood beside the bed. When they saw Li Ye coming in, they quickly retreated to the corner.

I saw Mrs. Jiang lying on the bed, skinny as a stick, dying, her face was sallow, her lips were pale, and there was no trace of blood.

Jiang opened her eyes slightly, recognized Li Ye in front of her, forced a smile, and struggled to say: "A Ye is here, little Xiaoyun!"

"Mom, I'm here! Don't talk."

Xiaoyun threw herself on her mother and started to cry.

Qingyu has practiced medicine with his master for many years and has experience. He knew at a glance that Mr. Jiang did not have a few days to live.

She felt sad, took Li Ye's hand and said, "Husband, is there any way to save her?"

Li Ye nodded, "I'll give it a try."

He knew that Jiang was injured while rescuing his father in Xiangyang, which damaged his lungs and pulse. He was about to die at that time, and his mother hurriedly used the training medicine he left for Aunt Mu to save her life.

Li Ye has two types of training pills, one is a small pill called Yuanyang Pill, and the other is a large pill that is used during key breakthroughs, called the Heavenly King Life-Saving Pill. He gave Aunt Mu some Yuanyang Pills and two life-saving Heavenly King Pills.

Pill, when Jiang was seriously injured, Pei Sanniang gave her the Heavenly King Life-Saving Pill, which saved her life.

When Liu Wutong was saved, he also used the Heavenly King's Life-Saving Pill. Currently, only thirteen pills of the Heavenly King's Life-Preserving Pill are left. Ten pills are placed in Longyou, and only three pills are taken with him.

Li Ye took out the porcelain bottle, poured out a pill the size of longan, and said to Xiaoyun: "Go to the aunt and ask for the strongest wine!"

Xiaoyun ran away, and not long after, Pei Sanniang walked in with a bottle of Jiannan Shaochun, "Ah Ye, do you want to use big pills? I have used it too, but it seems to have little effect."

"Mom, you only took one pill!"

Pei Sanniang smiled bitterly and said: "There are only two pills in total. My aunt gave them to me. I used one pill during the rescue, but then only one pill was left."

Li Ye pondered for a moment and said: "It should be that the dosage of medicine is not enough, and the method may not be right either."

"Give me the medicine and I'll give it to Er Niang. You tell me what to do?"

Li Ye gave all three pills to his mother and told him: "Take one pill now, another pill around midnight in the evening, and another pill three days later. If you notice any signs of complexion, take Yuanyang Pill immediately, one pill a day, and take one pill continuously."

For a month, other meat porridge, bird's nest, etc. can be used as usual. Don't use other medicines for the time being. After one month, stop Yuanyang Dan and use high-quality tonics. Ginseng, astragalus and donkey-hide gelatin must be used. After half a year of recovery, you can basically take it.

The bed moved."

"Who taught you this?"

"My aunt taught me. She participated in the preparation of the Liefeng medicine. She knows how to use the life-saving pill, and she will help me prepare some more in the future."

Pei Sanniang nodded, "You and Qingyu go ahead! I'll give Er Niang some medicine."

The young couple took a joyful hot bath together, washed away the dust and put on clean and loose clothes.

Pei Sanniang insisted on picking some good things for Qingyu, but Qingyu had no choice but to follow her mother-in-law.

Li Ye simply went out for a walk. When he came to his previous house, a carriage stopped in front of the house. A young woman got out with a child in her arms, followed by several maids. Everyone walked quickly into the house.

, the door closed immediately.

Li Ye was a little stunned. Who is this? Why is someone else living in his house? Is the house rented out?

It turned out that Li Dai was worried that the news would be leaked, so he did not tell Li Ye about Li Huai's son in his letter, so Li Ye didn't even know that his eldest brother's concubine and son lived in Chang'an.

Li Ye did not knock on the door abruptly. He returned to his parents' house and happened to meet Butler Liu.

"Your Highness, madam, please go back. It's time to have dinner."

Li Ye quickly pulled Butler Liu aside, pointed to his house and asked, "Who lives in that house over there?"

"But a young woman with a child?"


Butler Liu looked both ways and whispered: "Not even the other servants know about this matter. It is the secret of the master and his wife. He is the son of the former eldest son Li Huai."

Li Ye was shocked, Li Huai's son?

"That woman is his wife?"

"No! It's his concubine. Because his wife wouldn't allow it, Li Huai had no choice but to send mother and son back to Chang'an for the master to take care of her."

Li Ye nodded. That's it. No wonder his mother could accept it in the end. This was the same as his mother's situation back then.

This chapter has been completed!
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