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Chapter 843 General Anxi

There are twenty-seven boxes of gold in the box, each box is about 3,000 taels of gold, a total of about 80,000 taels of gold, and three boxes of various jewelry and jade.

The gold cakes cast by the officials of the Golden Capital also had numbers on them. Li Ye thought for a moment and guessed the reason.

Of course, Yang Yupei would not deliberately give up this wealth. No one would think that she had little money. All the wealth she had hidden in the secret room was transported away by Baoji Cabinet Shop. In the end, she still had a large amount of copper coins that she could not take away, and Baoji Cabinet Shop also

Since the copper coins were not transported, she took advantage of her power at the last moment to exchange her copper coins for gold from Zuo Zangtang, and hid them in a secret room together with the jewelry and jade she had no time to transport away.

Yang Yupei came to Beijing this time to get the wealth she had hidden in the secret room, but her house had been given to her. How could she, a weak woman, take out the money from the secret room and ask for help from outsiders? She didn't want to

Dare, she didn't trust her son-in-law, so in the end she had no choice but to do a favor and give herself the wealth in exchange for security for the rest of her life.

Li Ye's guess was absolutely correct. Yang Yupei really couldn't withdraw this wealth, so he used this wealth to exchange his safety for the rest of his life with Li Ye.

Li Ye locked all the boxes and said to the soldier: "Hire a carriage and transport all the boxes back to the inn!"

The secret room returned to its original state, and Li Ye left immediately and headed to Jinzouyuan.

When they arrived at Jinzouyuan, Liu Yan and Duan Xiushi came to see him. Duan Xiushi looked depressed and brought disappointing news. The prince died of illness and the polo match was suspended.

"Did you say when it will be restored?" Li Ye asked.

Duan Xiushi sighed, "Cui Shilang of the Ministry of War said that it is impossible even before the burial. It will take nine, nine and eighty-one days to perform rituals and resume the competition. It will take at least three months. I estimate that the post may be cancelled."

"Then I won't participate!"

Li Ye immediately said: "General Duan, please go find General Bai and General Li Fei. I have something to say to you!"

Duan Xiushi left in a hurry, and Li Ye asked Liu Yan next to him, "How is the progress of the negotiations?"

"The imperial court and the emperor have agreed to the terms of the three of us. Now there are two problems. One is just as we were worried before, Yu Chaoen is unwilling to hand over the Jingyuan Army."

"What about the five thousand Shangzhou army?"

"There is no problem with the Shangzhou Army. It is Yu Chaoen's 10,000 Jingyuan Army."

Li Ye nodded, "I will solve Yu Chaoen's matter. What is the other problem?"

Liu Yan said: "Another problem is the number of troops sent. The imperial court thinks that our 50,000 troops to attack Luoyang are too few. It hopes that we will send at least 80,000 troops."

Li Ye made some calculations in his mind. After receiving the 15,000 Anxi Army, in fact, as long as he added another 15,000 troops, it would not be a big problem. He nodded immediately, "I can promise them to reach an agreement as soon as possible!"

Liu Yan nodded, "I understand, I understand. Tomorrow is the fourth round of negotiations, and both parties should be able to reach a compromise."

At this time, Li Ye saw Wen Jingnian next to him but hesitated, so he smiled and asked: "What does Jingnian want to say?"

"I have a good friend in my humble position, named Yang Yan, who is currently the registrar of Taifu Temple. He also wants to go to Longyou to serve His Highness."

Li Ye asked with a smile: "Are you a descendant of the Yang family in Qianlong?"

"Exactly, he has been very famous since he was a child. When my grandfather was the governor of Longzhou, he praised him as the number one prodigy in Fengxiang."

It should be Yang Yan who created the Two Taxes Law. Li Ye smiled at Liu Yan and said, "Has Sima seen him?"

Liu Yan nodded, "You are indeed talented, but your personality is a little more arrogant, so you can use it!"

Wen Jingnian added: "Your Highness, it is because of his arrogant character that he cannot stand the eunuch's dictatorship and wants to go to Longyou to find light. These are his exact words."

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "He is from Longzhou, so he will first go to govern his hometown, Longcheng County, Qinzhou, and ask him if he is willing to take office. If he is willing, Liu Sima will arrange the procedures for him."

"Go and talk to him!"

Li Ye said to Liu Yan again: "General Yuan Xiao wants to arrange for his grandson Yuan Xiao to take up a post in Longyou. Yuan Xiao and I have a good relationship. I agree to Yuan Yuan's three positions, one as Deputy Chief of the Salt and Iron Department, and one as Chief of the Shazhou Governor's Office.

, a Min Governor, the elements may send people to contact us in the past two days, please ask Sima to receive them."

Liu Yan nodded silently. He knew very well King Qi's plan to win the support of the Guanlong noble forces, of which the Yuan family was an important part.

At this time, Duan Xiushi and several polo players came over. These five polo players were all famous Anxi players, Bai Xiaode, Li Fei Yuanli, Li Fei Shouyu, Tian Zhen and Xi Wanli.

Why did Li Ye take the Anxi Army as a condition for sending troops? He was bound to win it. It was to place these famous Anxi generals and make them his elite army.

The oldest among them is Tian Zhen, a thirty-five-year-old veteran. He is the first battalion general of Li Siye's Mo Dao Army. He is two meters tall. He has never been reused because he offended Bian Lingcheng.

The youngest is Xi Wanli, the eldest son of Xi Yuanqing. He is two years younger than Li Ye. He is tall and strong, and he can wield a golden sword with a wild goose feather weighing fifty kilograms and has the courage of ten thousand men.

The six of them bowed together and said, "See you, Your Highness!"

Li Ye smiled slightly and said: "The emperor has promised to give me the Anxi Army as a condition for me to send troops. Please forget about polo! You are about to start a new journey."

Everyone looked at each other with excitement in their eyes. Li Ye added: "The Anxi Army will still be called the Anxi Army from now on. According to the convention, I will be the chief general of the Anxi Army, Bai Xiude will be the deputy general of the Anxi Army, Duan Xiushi will be the Sima, and 15,000 Anxi Army will be divided.

There are five battalions, Bai Xiude concurrently serves as the first battalion's general, the second battalion serves as the Modao camp, Tian Zhen serves as the general, Li Fei Yuanli, Li Fei Shouyu, and Xi Wanli serve as the third, fourth and fifth battalions respectively.


"Obey!" Everyone bowed and saluted together.

Li Ye waved his hand and said: "Next are the generals. Xi Wanli is slightly younger, Feng Yingyang is the general, Tian Zhen, Li Fei is Yuanli, Li Fei Shouyu is the tiger general, and Bai Xiaode is the hussar general."

After the Battle of Shuofang, Li Ye reformed the military system and divided official positions into three categories: professional ranks, general ranks and official ranks.

Among them, the ranks mainly refer to functions and status, and are divided into five levels: team general, regiment general, battalion general and military general.

There are also subdivisions within each level. There are hundreds of people in a team, and the team will be divided into fire commander, team deputy, team commander, brigade deputy, and brigade commander.

There are five hundred people in a regiment, and the regiment will be the deputy lieutenant and the principal lieutenant.

There are three thousand people in a battalion. The battalion will be divided into generals, generals and generals. Logistics will be set up at the battalion level. Generals are responsible for the logistics of soldiers.

There is no limit on the number of troops at the army level. There are currently four armies, Longyou Army, Hexi Army, Shuofang Army, and Anxi Army. Each army has a chief general and a supporting general.

The general rank is the rank of generals, which is related to the seniority of the generals. Generally, they are only for generals above the regiment general. They are divided into Lang Jiang, Eagle Strike Lang General, Ying Yang Zhong Lang General, Tiger Ben Zhong Lang General, Hussar General, Chariot General, and Great General.

, General and so on.

As for official ranks, they are casual officials of the imperial court, which are of little significance at present.

Among the six, Duan Xiushi was a civil servant. He served as Sima of the Anxi Army and was awarded the fifth rank of Zhengyi Dafu, which was at the same level as the Chief of Staff and the Governor.

Li Ye thought carefully and asked them to go to the military camp. Each of them would lead a hundred personal soldiers, ready to take over the army at any time.

At night, Dugu Ming visited Yu Chaoen. In the living room, Yu Chaoen took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Dugu Prince Consort is not here for the Jingyuan Army, right?"

Dugu Ming smiled slightly and said: "His Royal Highness King Qi once served as the military envoy to Anxi. He has a deep affection for the officers and soldiers of the Jingyuan Army. He also watched the military envoy complete his career."

Yu Chaoen laughed dryly and said: "Since the Emperor has promised to hand over the Jingyuan Army to His Highness King Qi, our family will definitely obey the holy will. But recently I am adjusting the army. I cannot guarantee whether the soldiers of the Jingyuan Army are the same as before."

Anxi Army, of course, I will give His Highness Prince Qi a favor, after all, we are very happy to cooperate, it depends on His Highness Prince Qi’s sincerity."

This means that there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. If you want the Jingyuan Army, I will give it to you. But if it is not the Jingyuan Army you want, I cannot guarantee it.

This chapter has been completed!
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