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Chapter 945 The sneak attack failed miserably

In addition to the Tubo Asan Army twenty miles away, there is another army fifty miles away. This is the authentic Tubo Army, but it is not large in number, only 5,000 people. The leader is Shang Jiezan.

Due to civil strife in the country, Shang Jiezan had to send troops back to quell the rebellion. Unexpectedly, Li Ye seized this opportunity and completely uprooted their base in Shanzhou, pushing the border back to the Dafeichuan line.

He had been scolded by many people for this matter. Even Zampu, who had just ascended the throne, complained that he had mishandled the situation. His tone was as if he was treating him like a wild duck. He wanted to keep one wing in Shanzhou and only needed to flap the other.

The wings come back to calm the chaos.

He angrily scolded everyone else's accusations, but he did not dare to complain about Zanpu. No matter how wronged or angry he was, he had to bury his dissatisfaction in his heart.

Since last year, Shang Jiezan has been planning how to recapture Shanzhou and Hehuang, but now he finds that it is too difficult. The reason why they were able to capture Shanzhou before was actually the same as how they lost Shanzhou. There was civil strife in the country, and Shanzhou

The army went to quell the rebellion, and Shanzhou was occupied.

The Tang Dynasty was like this, and so were they. Now it's like going back to the Tianbao period and going through another reincarnation.

Although it was difficult, he still had to do it, otherwise he would have gone to a monastery to retire.

Shang Jiezan considered taking two steps, the first step was to recapture the south of Chiling, and the second step was to recapture Shanzhou.

The plan was easy to make, but the key troops were insufficient. After decades of war with the Tang Dynasty, their national power was almost exhausted. The main reason was that the population was too small. It was difficult for a group of people to grow up. They died in the war and then grew up again.

A group of people died in the war, and most of the children grew up without a father.

Seven or eight years have passed since the last war in the Tianbao period, and another group of Tubo children have grown up.

Starting from the age of sixteen or seventeen, Tubo recruits went to Tianzhu to train. Tianzhu had many small countries with low combat effectiveness. They could be easily defeated, plundered food, captured slaves, and trained slave armies.

Shang Jiezan has been preparing since last year. He selected 20,000 people from hundreds of thousands of Tianzhu slaves, first let them adapt to the plateau, and then conducted training.

This time he led 20,000 people to attack the Salt Lake military camp, including 15,000 Tianzhu slaves and 5,000 Tibetan troops. Of course Shang Jiezan knew very well that it was impossible to recapture Shanzhou with this small force, but he could recapture Chiling and beyond.

Nan, more importantly, was to test the troops. After training for more than half a year, he wanted to see the combat capabilities of the Tianzhu Army.

It was already two o'clock, and it was time for a sneak attack. Shang Jiezan immediately led an army of 5,000 people and rushed towards the Salt Lake.

When Shang Jiezan arrived with his army, Lunza Dezan, the general in charge of the Tianzhu Army, stepped forward to report, "Report to the governor, the enemy's camp is completely dark, and nothing unusual was found!"

Shang Jiezan nodded, "Send the order to attack!"


Lun Zha Dezan shouted: "The Tianzhu soldiers who were half-frozen to death struggled to get up and ran towards the Tang army in darkness."

They didn't dare to shout out, they just wanted to rush into the camp immediately and kill the opponent to death.

Densely packed Tianzhu soldiers rushed towards the military camp like a colony of ants. Most of the soldiers were short, with a height of only 1.5 to 1.6 meters, but everyone was strong, especially with dark skin and a beast-like look on their faces.


Seeing them getting closer and closer to the military camp, three hundred steps, two hundred steps, one hundred steps

It was already thirty steps, and at this moment, several rockets were fired from the military camp, and the fire started burning with "Boom!". Before Ah San's army could react, in an instant, the raging fire engulfed thousands of soldiers rushing in front.


Their hair and clothes were set on fire. Ah San's soldiers howled and fled in all directions. At this moment, two cavalrymen, each with two thousand men, came out from both sides of the military camp. They strangled them left and right. The fierce fire had frightened the Tianzhu soldiers to death. These Tang soldiers

There is no difference between the A San Army in the past and the A San Army now. Even if you look at each of them with a fierce look, they look like little black devils. But once they find out that the opponent is powerful, they will immediately run for their lives in a panic, running faster than a rabbit. This is their innate tendency to bully the weak and fear the strong.

Deep down, he is greedy for life and afraid of death.

More than 3,000 of the 15,000 people were engulfed by the fire, and the remaining 10,000 people shouted for their lives. The Tang army chased them for more than ten miles at a stretch. The horn sound of withdrawing troops came from behind, and the cavalrymen turned their horses.

Run towards the military camp.

At this time, five thousand Tibetan troops were arrayed twenty miles away and were ready. However, when the Tang army's cavalry was still five or six miles away from them, they withdrew one after another.

Shang Jiezan's face became extremely ugly. The Tianzhu soldiers who were usually well trained were so vulnerable. In fact, he had forgotten that all the Tibetan recruits who were fifteen or sixteen years old went to Tianzhu for practical training. What kind of virtues did the Tianzhu soldiers have?

Don't know.

At this time, Lun Zha Dezan, who was covered in blood, escaped back. He held his fists in shame and said, "This is a humble and incompetent position. The sneak attack failed!"

"What's going on? Is the other party prepared?" Shang Jiezan asked sharply.

Lun Zha Dezan nodded, "Their use of fire was so terrifying. Thousands of people were engulfed in flames all of a sudden. All the Tianzhu soldiers were frightened, thinking that the God of Fire was coming, and their morale suddenly collapsed."

Shang Jiezan narrowed his eyes. He knew that the Tang army had kerosene. During the Taoshui interception, he saw with his own eyes that the Tang army's kerosene could burn on the water many times.

I didn’t expect that the Salt Lake Military Camp also had kerosene. What a mistake!

Realizing that he had made a mistake, Shang Jiezan had no fighting spirit. He immediately ordered: "Collect the remaining soldiers and retreat back to the military camp!"

At dawn, Li Ye did not rush to give orders. He drank milk tea while patiently waiting for news from the scouts. Not long after, the scouts came back, knelt down on one knee and reported: "Your Highness, the Tibetan army has returned to the plateau!"

As he expected, there were Tibetan troops behind him. Li Ye asked in a deep voice: "How many people are there?"

"About 5,000 people. Including the 7,000-odd people from the Asan Army they gathered, there are more than 12,000 people. It is estimated that there are so many people."

Li Ye knew that these scouts had very poisonous eyes and were very accurate in judging the number of troops, which was also gained through experience.

Li Ye nodded, turned around and said to Wang Fuling: "Send troops!"

Wang Fuling immediately sent 3,000 soldiers out of the camp to clean up the battlefield. Outside the camp, there were corpses of Ah San soldiers scattered everywhere, some burned black, some burned into a ball, but these were only a few.

Most of the soldiers died of hypothermia after being burned or stabbed, that is, they froze to death at night.

The soldiers piled the corpses together, doused them with kerosene, and burned them to bones before digging deep pits and burying them.

The enemy troops have returned to their military camps hundreds of miles away, and they will not appear in the Salt Lake for at least a month.

"Your Highness! Do you want the Salt Lake Military Camp to retreat?" Xin Yunjing walked to Li Ye and asked.

Li Ye nodded, "Retreat according to the original plan!"

Now that the Tibetan army has a plan to counterattack, the army cannot be stationed dispersedly, otherwise it will be defeated one by one by the Tibetan army. The army must be concentrated to compete with the Tibetan army.

Ten days later, more than a hundred carts arrived at the military camp. The carts were very large and were pulled by more than a dozen oxen. One cart could hold four hundred shi of grain at a time.

In fact, this kind of large-scale transportation was only a small problem in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Emperor Yang's castle in the Sui Dynasty could be pulled by thousands of horses on the grassland. It was a real giant.

The Tang army evacuated the Salt Lake military camp and slowly headed towards the West Sea.


[There are only two chapters on New Year’s Day. Here, Lao Gao wishes everyone a New Year’s greeting. I wish all book friends good health, all your wishes will come true, and lots of money in the new year!!]

(End of chapter)

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