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Chapter 950: Outsmarting the Sword Gate (Part 1)

At noon the next day, Fang Qun came down from Jiange Pavilion and handed two ingots of silver to Mr. Liu in front of all the soldiers, "Go and treat Third Aunt quickly!"

After a pause, Fang Qun said meaningfully: "Sanlang said it would be best to ask Dr. Li Qingtian."

"Thank you, nephew, I'll leave first!"

Mr. Liu cupped his hands and urged the little donkey to go away.

Only now did Fang Qun know why Mr. Liu specifically asked for two taels of silver yesterday. This was a slang term, which meant launching an attack at two o'clock in the night.

Fang Qun quickly turned around and went back. Now he had to find a way to change his shift. He needed to be on duty at night.

After Liu Laozhang had walked for more than forty miles, he met the soldiers of the Helong Army who responded to him and took him directly to a mountain depression, where 20,000 troops were hidden.

The soldiers brought him to a large tent, where Bai Xiaode was already waiting.

Bai Xiaode cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Liu!"

"It should! It should!"

"Did Colonel Fang say anything else?"

"He said it was best to ask Dr. Li Qingtian to see a doctor."

Bai Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief. Being able to say the word "Qingtian" meant that Brigadier Fang was one of his own.

He smiled and stretched out his hand. Liu Laozhang hurriedly took out two taels of silver and handed it to Bai Xiaode. Bai Xiaode took the silver and said to the soldiers beside him: "Reward me with twenty taels of silver and send him back to Miangu County."

Mr. Liu thanked him again and again and left.

Bai Xiaode returned to the tent, took a sharp dagger, carefully observed the silver for a long time, and found a small slit. He cut along the slit and broke it to both sides. The silver was broken into two pieces, and a small paper ball fell out.


Bai Xiaode picked up the small ball of paper and opened it slowly. He nodded slightly. Zhang Dian understood his intention of asking for two taels of silver and knew that he was nearby.

In fact, I can imagine that Miangu County is about a hundred miles away from Dajianguan, and the round trip is two hundred miles. It would take the old man riding a donkey at least five or six days to walk. The day lilies are already cold, so there is only one reason to explain that the main army has arrived.

The sword is closed.

He immediately ordered: "Take a good rest and prepare to send troops tonight!"

The commander of Dajianguan is called Ni Wenzhong. He is a confidant of the third prince Li Zhen and one of Li Lin's famous generals. He is relatively experienced in combat.

Li Zhan failed miserably in his attack on Jingxiang last winter and was captured on the way. Although he was finally released and returned to Chengdu, he lost the trust of his father Li Lin, who regained control of the military.

Ni Wenzhong was also quite worried. The death of the Supreme Emperor would probably lead to a falling out between the prince and the court. The court would most likely attack Dajian Pass. From the prince's order to cut off the passage between Dajian Pass and Jiameng Pass, he knew the seriousness of the problem.

Maybe the war is just around the corner. After pondering for a long time, Ni Wenzhong asked: "Did anything special happen in the two days when the passage was cut off?"

Lieutenant General Yang Qi asked cautiously: "What special situation is the general talking about?"

"For example, collecting money privately and secretly letting people pass, is it possible?"

"This does not!"

Yang Qi shook his head quickly. He knew that Fang Qun had brought a message to his relatives to Jianmen County, but he didn't let him go, so it shouldn't be considered a special situation.

"Very good! Send my order again. From now on, Jianmen Pass will enter a wartime state, and the number of troops on duty at night will be doubled. Also, no one is allowed to leave the military camp without my approval!"

"Follow the order!"

Lieutenant General Yang Qi hurriedly went to deploy.

Fang Qun has already exchanged duties with another brigade commander with whom he has a good relationship, and he will lead his men on duty before midnight tonight.

I thought I was sure of it, but unexpectedly, an accident happened. From now on, Dajian Pass entered a wartime state, which really surprised Fang Qun.

Once wartime is entered, not only will the garrison be doubled, but the checkpoints in Jianmen Town will also be restored. Sleeping at night will not be allowed, and soldiers will not be allowed to leave the camp. More importantly, Fang Qun is worried that the generals will no longer be allowed to communicate privately.

On duty.

At this moment, brigade commander Wang Bochen, who was exchanging duties with Fang Qun, came over and said, "Old Fang, we just informed you that private exchanges of duties are not allowed. I'm sorry!"

Fang Qun suddenly became anxious, "We have agreed well and I have made arrangements. If you change your mind, what will I do?"

"Hey! It's not that I don't want to help you, brother. It's what the higher-ups mean. I can't help it. If you really want to change, go to Vice General Yang. He nodded. There's no problem with me at all."

"Will he agree?" Fang Qun asked worriedly.

"Of course he will!"

Wang Bochen sneered, "Isn't it just about money?"

Fang Qun secretly cursed himself for being confused. Vice General Yang always clearly marked the price for doing things for others, but when he was nervous, he actually forgot about it.

"I know, I'll go find him now, and I'll treat you to a drink later!"

Wang Bochen reminded him, "Now that we have entered a wartime state, the prices will definitely rise, and you may bleed.

Normally, the control is loose, and everyone can leave the barracks at will, and they are very free at night. However, once the wartime situation enters, soldiers are no longer allowed to leave the barracks at will. At this time, being on duty at night is very popular, and they can secretly go to the town when on duty at night.

Find a woman online.

Fang Qun spent two years of savings and a full twenty taels of silver to finally secure the deputy general Yang Qi. Yang Qi specially approved him to exchange duty with Fang Bochen tonight.

As night fell, Zhang Dian led 300 soldiers to appear in a forest outside Jianmen Town. All the soldiers were wearing armor, holding swords, spears, crossbows, and carrying shields on their backs.

The 300 soldiers are all the best among the best, and each of them can fight one against five. If they are gathered together, their combat effectiveness will be even more amazing, and they can defeat an army of 3,000 people.

Zhang Dian naturally already knew that the other party had entered a wartime state. This kind of news was easy to find out in the town.

At this time, Zhang Dian stood by the woods, like a leopard, staring sharply at the activities in the town.

In fact, the town is very small, just one street, about 200 paces, with restaurants, brothels and inns on both sides, as well as several grocery stores and dry food supply stores. It relies entirely on the military camp to survive.

Merchants traveling to and from Dajian Pass also have to pass through Jianmen Town, but they generally do not stop at Jianmen Town. Instead, they rush directly to Jianmen County to buy some dry food supplies at most.

The military camp is at the other end of the town, surrounded by a camp fence and filled with tents. The entrance to Dajian Pass is between the military camp and the town.

Zhang Dian was waiting patiently for the soldiers to hand over.

At this time, groups of well-fed and drunk soldiers rushed out of the military camp and ran towards the mountain ridge.

Zhang Dian silently counted. After he counted the army, there were 1,000 people. During the night, the number of people on duty increased from 500 to 1,000. Sure enough, it was in a wartime state.

Half an hour later, groups of soldiers came down from the mountain.

After the army entered the military camp, the camp door was closed and complete silence fell.

But we still had to wait patiently. Just before the first update, Fang Qun appeared.

"General Zhang, tonight's command is May be safe, you can take action."

Zhang Dian nodded and immediately led the soldiers to run in formation, ran through the town, and hurried towards the mountain road.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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