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Chapter 96 It’s hard to make a comeback

Li Ye rushed to Gao Lishi's mansion. He was lucky. Gao Lishi had just returned from the palace and met Gao Lishi's carriage in front of the mansion.

Li Ye stepped forward and saluted, "Junior, meet Gao Weng!"

Gao Lishi nodded, "I know why you came, go to the house and tell me!"

Li Ye followed Gao Lishi into the mansion and came to the back hall. Gao Lishi asked him to sit down and said slowly: "But you are here for your father's business?"


Gao Lishi shook his head, "I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter!"

Gao Lishi's attitude was as expected by Li Ye. He took out the letter from his grandfather Li Linfu and presented it to Gao Lishi.

"Please take a look at it, Mr. Gao!"

Gao Lishi took the letter and read it again, nodded, "If your father is really innocent, I will definitely speak for him."

"Does Gao Weng think my father is really guilty?"

Gao Lishi said calmly: "Judging from the current evidence and testimonies, your father cannot escape suspicion!"

Li Ye immediately realized that the matter might not be as simple as he thought. He quickly asked: "Can you please Gao Weng to reveal the details of the case to my junior!"

"That's okay!"

Gao Lishi said unhurriedly: "It happened at one o'clock last night. Your father went to the document warehouse, and soon there was a fire in the document warehouse. According to the testimony of the guarding soldier, your father was the only one who went to the document warehouse before the fire.

According to many people's visual inspection, it was a fire dragon that flew into the warehouse. Do you understand? There was an illusion in the fire incident, so the emperor was furious."

"What does illusion have to do with my father?"

"Later, a box was found under your father's desk. Inside the box was a paper dragon with various charms on it. That's why your father was arrested."

Li Ye asked: "Excuse me, Gao Weng, when was my father arrested?"

Gao Lishi took out a booklet from his sleeve, looked at it and said, "It's time for the fourth watch!"

Li Ye stared at the fold in Gao Lishi's hand and asked directly: "Is this fold from Gao Weng an investigation report?"

Gao Lishi nodded, "This is a preliminary investigation report. It has just arrived in my hands. I will submit it to the emperor in the afternoon!"

"Gao Weng, can you please take a moment?"

Gao Lishi shook his head and said: "I can understand your desire to save your father, but the court has its own laws. When the investigation report comes to me, if there is no sufficient reason, then I will submit it to the emperor in the afternoon."

"Gao Weng, there are many unreasonable things in this. It can be said that it is full of loopholes."

"Tell me, what's the loophole?"

"First of all, the first big question is motive. What is my father's motive for burning the warehouse? He has only been in the Household Department for three days, and I'm afraid he didn't even know the secrets of the warehouse. Why did he burn the warehouse? Gao Weng, you must first look at the motive for committing a crime.

My father was on duty, and it was his duty to inspect the warehouse, so why did he become a suspect? If he had committed a crime, how could he have been seen by the soldiers? It would be like stealing something and entering the house in front of the owner.

,is it possible?"

"That makes sense, let's continue!"

"Secondly, my father is a scholar and has no power to restrain himself. If he is asked to commit crimes in person, he might as well spend hundreds of dollars to hire a murderer to commit crimes when he is not on duty. He can still get rid of suspicion.

Weng, my father is not that stupid!"

"That makes sense, keep talking!"

"Thirdly, the fire started at the first watch and he was arrested at the fourth watch. There was a gap of three hours. He couldn't throw the so-called evidence into the toilet or throw it away casually. He had to put it on his forehead.

Come on, tell everyone that I am the one who set the fire. Can a dignified sixth-grade official be so stupid?"

Gao Lishi smiled and said: "When you say this, it is really full of loopholes."

"Mr. Gao, it's obvious that someone framed him. He didn't know there was something under the table. How could the investigators be so easily gullible?"

The smile on Gao Lishi's face disappeared, and he sighed slightly, "But the problem is, your father admitted that he set the fire and signed it, so he came out with the investigation report so quickly."

Li Ye took a breath of air, "How is that possible?"

"That's the truth. Your father also confessed that he was ordered to do it by Yang Shenjin, the servant. The fire dragon that burned the warehouse was caused by Yang Shenjin's arrangements for the demon monk. The dragon in the box under his desk was a spare thing."

"How is it possible! How is it possible!"

Li Ye murmured to himself, and a bright light suddenly flashed in his mind, Fire Dragon! He suddenly blurted out: "Illusion! My father was under the illusion, so he will confess everything as required by the interrogation, and then ask him again when he wakes up.

, it must be another matter."

Gao Lishi shook his head and said: "Your explanation is a bit far-fetched. In fact, your father's confession is more reasonable, including his motives. He was arranged by your grandfather to manage documents in the Ministry of Household Affairs, and then cooperated with Yang Shenjin to burn down the Ministry of Household Affairs for more than ten years.

years of records.

It happens to be the records of your grandfather's time as prime minister, and the treasury deficit that occurred when Yang Shenjin was the Minister of Household Affairs. It can be completely explained that your grandfather and Yang Shenjin worked together to destroy the evidence of the treasury deficit."

Li Ye sighed, "There is a fire in a small household clerk's warehouse, and the prime minister and the household minister are going to be convicted. Is there such a ridiculous thing in the world?"

Gao Lishi said calmly: "I have encountered things that are ten times more ridiculous than this. What is this?"

Li Ye suddenly remembered something and said anxiously: "Gao Weng, if they get my father's confession, they will definitely kill him to silence him. They will pretend to commit suicide out of fear of crime. Please save my father!"

Gao Lishi's expression changed, "I got this report early in the morning. It's already been two hours. I'm afraid it's too late."

"But no one has come to report anything happening in the prison yet, right?"

Gao Lishi thought for a moment and then ordered: "Gao Fu!"

I saw a man in gray clothes walking out from the side. He was of medium height and light-footed. He looked like a man with strong martial arts skills. He bowed and saluted.

Gao Lishi took out the gold medal and handed it to him, "Go to the Dali Temple Tianlao to see if Li Dai is safe?"

"Follow the order!"

Li Ye said anxiously: "Junior, let's go together too!"

Gao Lishi glanced at him and nodded, "Take him there!"

"Thank you very much, Gao Weng. Regarding the competition, I will apologize to Gao Weng in the future!"

Gao Lishi laughed, "Boy, have you finally admitted it?"

"This junior is not sensible and has been severely criticized by my grandfather. I will never dare to do it again!"

"You think I don't know? I'm just too lazy to argue with a kid."

"Junior knows my mistake!"

"Go! I hope your father is okay."

Li Ye followed Gao Fu to the Tianlao of Dali Temple. The Tianlao is located in Taiji Palace and built underground. It is a place where felons are imprisoned.

He was uneasy along the way, fearing that he would be late and his father would have been silenced.

If his father is really dead, the first thing he will do is to escape with his mother and Aunt Mu, otherwise once his father is convicted, their family will no longer be official slaves.

The jailer checked his badge and waved his hand, "Let it go!"

Li Ye took the opportunity and asked in a low voice: "How is my father now?"

"He's fine!"

Li Ye's heart suddenly dropped. He felt a little strange. Didn't the other party think of silencing him? In that case, his grandfather would be indistinguishable.

The other party was very thoughtful, how could he not think of such an important step?

At this time, Gao Fu said to Li Ye: "The master just asked me to arrange for you to go down. You can go! I will wait here."

Li Ye understood that Gao Lishi did not want to be involved in the case.

"Can I take my sword with me?" Li Ye asked again.

The jailer hesitated. According to the rules, it was not allowed, but Gao Lishi didn't dare not give it to him, so he had no choice but to nod, "Only this time!"

Li Ye followed a jailer down. It was still sunny outside, but when he entered the prison, it was gloomy and dark. The entire prison was dug into a deep pit and then repaired layer by layer with big rocks. There were three floors in total.

More than a hundred cells.

To open the iron doors, the light is very dim. There is only a soybean oil lamp on the wall dozens of steps away. The cells are black holes without a trace of light. If you have claustrophobia, entering here is enough to drive you crazy.


They reached the deepest part of the third-level dungeon, and the jailer pointed to the black hole in the innermost room, "It's right there!"

Li Ye hurried forward, and at this moment, a long sword with cold light appeared in front of his eyes, piercing his throat.

This chapter has been completed!
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