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Chapter 990 Huaixi Mutiny

Around Hai hour, Aunt Gongsun, wearing a black warrior uniform, appeared outside Prince Ji's Mansion. She lightly jumped onto the high wall next to the gate.

She and Pei Min are both top masters trained by Lie Feng. Both of them have mastered the Suzaku Mental Technique, and their assassination skills are among the best in the world. Although Li Ye has also mastered the Suzaku Mental Technique, his skills are more focused on battlefield fighting.

, in terms of personal short-distance fighting, he is not as sophisticated as Pei Min and Gongsun Auntie.

Especially in Qinggong, Aunt Gongsun was the best in the world. She climbed up the two-foot-high courtyard wall in one go.

Aunt Gongsun squatted under the eaves and looked at the palace. The palace covers an area of ​​80 acres, mainly because of the huge back garden. After a few ups and downs, she climbed to the roof of the main hall. This is also the commanding height of the whole palace, and she can overlook the back garden.

With her extremely keen eyesight, she quickly found eight hidden sentries and a team of patrol soldiers leading hounds to patrol back and forth in front of a compound.

Aunt Gongsun laughed. She knew where Li Huan currently lived based on the other party's secret sentry and patrol arrangements.

Aunt Gongsun then sneaked to the roof of the other party's courtyard. There were songs and dances in the lobby, and a group of dancers were dancing. In the middle of the lobby, there was a man in brocade clothes, who was in his thirties, relatively thin, and surrounded by five or six young women.


Aunt Gongsun had super eyesight and could see clearly that there was a dark red scar above the man's left eyebrow. This was Li Huan. The scar above his eyebrow bone was from the injury he suffered when he was kidnapped that year.

But Aunt Gongsun did not act easily. She was worried that the other party was a substitute. After all, it was easy to make a fake scar.

Aunt Gongsun looked around the mansion from the back door and up the wall, and learned about various situations in the back garden, before returning to the inn.

She was not in a hurry, she needed to master the opponent's rules before she had the chance to make a move. After observing for three consecutive days, Aunt Gongsun thoroughly understood the habits and loopholes of sentry and training, as well as the daily routine of the back house.

On the fourth day, she was ready.

At night, Aunt Gongsun once again sneaked into the palace. In fact, she had discovered that something was wrong. The surrounding defenses were too weak and the patrol was just a pretense.

In the lobby, the man watches songs and dances every day, always accompanied by a few women. The man is so sleepy that he can't even open his eyelids. He yawns continuously and refuses to leave. Although there are women with him, he doesn't dare to touch her.

, clearly acting.

Aunt Gongsun concluded that this was a fake Li Huan. Two days ago, she discovered that there was a small courtyard hidden behind the courtyard. The pavilions and pavilions inside were extremely beautiful, but the courtyard was dark, and several rooms had thick curtains.

When a tile was uncovered on the roof, it was brightly lit and noisy. A dozen beautiful women were drinking and having fun around a man. The women were all bare-chested and hugged by the man. The scene was unsightly.

Aunt Gongsun could see clearly that there was a dark red scar above the man's left eyebrow. Because of the close distance, the scar was natural and it was a real scar.

The women were all dancing and dancing, and they all coquettishly called to His Highness to drink.

Concluding that this person is the real Li Huan, Aunt Gongsun no longer hesitated, flicking her hand, a cold light was like lightning, the blade flashed with a dark green color, 'Poof!' The flying knife went straight to the top of the head, this is Li Ye's willow leaf flying knife,

Aunt Gongsun also used it very well and tempered the poison. Li Huan suddenly stiffened.

With one shot of the knife, Aunt Gongsun ran away, her figure disappearing into the darkness. She faintly heard the screams of several women.

Aunt Gongsun returned to the inn, and immediately took her two apprentices over the city wall and left Shouchun City. However, they did not go far, so they rented a passenger boat in Feishui outside the east city to enjoy the mountains and rivers.

At dawn, Li Xilie received the news that King Ji Li Huan had been assassinated. He was overjoyed in his heart, but on the surface he was furious. He ordered the whole city to be under martial law, closed the city gates, and ordered soldiers to search all the inns and rental houses in the city.

Strict investigation will be carried out and all persons with unknown origins will be arrested.

At noon, one of Gongsun's disciples came back after inquiring about the news and said to his master: "The city gates are closed, and the city is full of soldiers. I paid money to ask a patrolling soldier. The soldier said that the Jiedushi was killed.

The city is being searched for.

Aunt Gongsun nodded, gave the boatman twenty taels of silver, and asked him to sail to Bianzhou.

The ship gradually moved away and left Shouchun.

Li Xilie immediately wrote to the court stating that Li Huan unfortunately died of illness, and strongly requested the court to appoint him as the military governor of Huaixi. He also made it clear that if the emperor refused to appoint him as the military governor of Huaixi, he would have 40,000 troops under his command.

He will be crowned King of Huaixi, and the rebellion of the army will flood Yangzhou and Jiangnan.

The naked threat made Li Heng shocked and angry, but he had no choice but to reluctantly appoint Li Xilie as the military governor of Huaixi, the Duke of Huaiguo, and the censor Zhongcheng.

Li Xilie couldn't wait any longer, and he immediately began a large-scale purge of state and county officials in the eight states of Huaixi. Officials who were loyal to him were retained in their posts, while officials who were loyal to the imperial court were all dismissed and driven away.

Even the three towns in Hebei didn't dare to do it so obviously. They only dared to secretly use various methods to replace people. Li Xilie didn't care so much. He not only purged local officials, but also took all the money and food belonging to the imperial court for himself, and began to do so on a large scale.

Except for the banner of the Tang Dynasty that was erected at the top of the city, all the other people, property and materials of the recruiting army were independent. He completed the journey that took three towns in Hebei several years to complete in less than a month.

But this was not enough, so Li Xilie wrote to the court, requesting that he be canonized as the king of Huaixi. At the same time, he threatened the court that if he refused to be canonized as the king of Huaixi, he would proclaim himself the king of Chu.

The Huaixi Incident caused a great uproar in the court. The courtiers denounced Li Xilie's unruly ambitions. Li Heng refused to compromise and immediately declared Li Xilie a traitor. He then made Li Guangbi the commander-in-chief and the former Huaixi Jiedushi Li Zhongchen as the deputy general.

, Luo Fengxian served as the supervisor and led Xu, Bo, Ying, Song, Chen, Bian and other Central Plains troops, totaling 80,000 troops, to attack Li Xilie.

Li Guangbi had just suffered from a serious illness and had just improved. The emperor's decree was issued. Li Guangbi could not refuse, so he had to go to war despite his illness.

As night fell, a man in gray clothes leading a horse walked into Anshanfang in Chang'an. He was dusty and it seemed that he had come from afar. Soon, the man found Liang Chongyi's house in Chang'an. He came to the door and took out a military badge.

He said to the guard soldier: "I am sent by the prince to deliver a message. Please inform the young prince!"

Liang Chongyi's residence was originally in Changxingfang. After the incident of the Changsun family's westward migration, Emperor Li Heng finally made up his mind to restrain the party in the feudal town. He dismantled all the five palaces and redistributed them to each village. At the same time, he sent soldiers to stand guard. After half a year, no one was allowed to live.

The feudal town party went out.

Liang Chongyi's residence was assigned to Anshanfang, and Liang Baoer had not left the house for almost two months.

Hearing that his father had sent a messenger to deliver a message, he quickly asked the housekeeper to invite the messenger to wait in the living room. He changed his clothes and hurried to the living room.

The messenger knelt down and saluted and said: "I'm sorry to see you, young prince!"

"Where is my father's letter? Get it to me quickly."

The messenger quickly took out a letter and presented it to Liang Baoer. Liang Baoer opened the letter and looked at it carefully, and was shocked. His father actually told him to be prepared to escape Chang'an at any time.


This chapter has been completed!
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