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Chapter 1 I ask for more than money to see a doctor

Chapter 1 My medical treatment requires more than just money

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 1 My medical treatment requires more than just money

United States, New York, Manhattan neighborhood, central street of Chinatown.

Wu Street is one of the earliest blocks in Chinatown. In the middle of the street, there is a century-old traditional Chinese medicine clinic: Changshengtang.

Everything in the Changsheng Hall is arranged according to the layout of a traditional medical clinic.

A book desk, behind the desk is a Taishi chair, in front is a round stool, and behind the Taishi chair is a row of cabinets.

Changshengtang is very deserted, with only one young and somewhat excessive Chinese medicine doctor and herbalist inside.

At this time, this Chinese medicine doctor and herbalist was taking the pulse of an old man in Tang suit.

"Your insomnia is mainly caused by insufficient qi and blood, deficiency of the internal organs, and incompatibility of nutrition and health, leading to malnutrition of the mind and spirit. This is a type of geriatric disease, and many elderly people suffer from it.

However, we must not ignore it. Long-term insomnia will deplete the mind and aggravate the loss of qi and blood, thus affecting people's life span.

I'll give you something to replenish qi and blood, mix Yingwei's Guipi Decoction and Guizhi Decoction, and take three doses to ensure that you can sleep until dawn." Ding Changsheng said with a smile after taking the pulse of an old man.

"Ah Changsheng! Your medical skills are getting better and better, and you, the old Ding family, have successors!" the old man said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"Mr. Yang, thank you for your praise. Thanks to the support of neighbors like you, my medical clinic would not have been able to open long ago.

Take one dose of medicine a day, divided into two doses." Ding Changsheng said, turning around to grab medicine for the old man.

I saw Ding Changsheng casually opening a medicine cabinet, grabbing a handful of medicines from it, and without weighing them, he directly placed them on the yellow grass paper and divided the medicines into three parts.

Then he opened another medicine cabinet and took out another handful of medicine, which was still divided into three parts.

The old man was not surprised or questioned at all about such a casual way of taking medicine.

It seems that this is how it should be.

"Chenghui, thirty dollars." Ding Changsheng handed three packages of Chinese medicine to Mr. Yang and said with a shy smile.

"Okay!" Mr. Yang happily took out thirty dollars and handed it to Ding Changsheng.

As Mr. Yang handed over the money and left, a mechanical voice sounded.


Experience +10.”

Facing the system prompt, Ding Changsheng remained calm and rubbed his hands together, preparing to open the blind box.

A ball of clear air suddenly appeared in front of Ding Changsheng's eyes, and then exploded in front of his eyes, turning into four balls of light.

There are two words floating on these four light groups: treasure, lifespan, luck, and opportunity.

This is what Ding Changsheng calls the blind box, and also his golden finger, a mediocre system.

Others require money for medical treatment, but he requires more than money for medical treatment.

You can also randomly select one of the four light groups as a reward.

For example, if Ding Changsheng chooses a treasure, he will get a treasure randomly.

This treasure is only what the patient thinks is a treasure.

Maybe it's just something ordinary and worthless but very precious to the patient.

For another example, if Ding Changsheng chooses life span, he will randomly get a life span of less than one year.

This lifespan is deducted from the patient's lifespan and added to Ding Changsheng.

For another example, if Ding Changsheng chooses luck, he will randomly receive a certain amount of luck from the patient.

However, this luck is a bit tricky. If the patient is having bad luck, then Ding Changsheng will get bad luck.

Another example is that Ding Changsheng chooses an opportunity and can randomly get an opportunity from the patient within the next year.

However, this choice is often just a lonely one.

Because most patients do not have opportunities, so if Ding Changsheng chooses opportunities, he may choose loneliness.

The most powerful thing about the system is that it can cut off cause and effect.

For example, when Ding Changsheng chooses a treasure, when he obtains the treasure, he will cut off the cause and effect between the treasure and its original owner.

Even if Ding Changsheng turns around and takes this treasure to the original owner, the original owner will not remember that he once owned this treasure.

Another example...

At first, Ding Changsheng was a little unable to accept such an evil system.

Treating someone with a disease requires a person's lifespan. Isn't this the life-threatening doctor in martial arts novels?

Save one life, kill one.

After some research, I found out.

The patient's efforts are not unrewarded. After Ding Changsheng chooses one of the four options, his treatment effect will be expanded.

Ensure efficacy.

In addition, the theoretical life span of human beings is not equal to the actual life span.

There are three calamities and six disasters for people, nine prosperity and one misery.

Therefore, in theory, one can live to be a hundred years old, but in fact many people can only live to be forty or fifty years old due to various disasters, such as diseases or accidents and other factors.

Theoretically, you can live to be eighty years old, but with the help of medicine and technology, you may be able to live to be ninety years old.

What the system extracts is the theoretical life span, which has no impact on the patient.

On the contrary, it resolves the patient's disaster and allows the patient to live longer.

However, it still makes people feel uncomfortable.

Ding Changsheng randomly selected the treasure.

The light group exploded and turned into a scroll, appearing in Ding Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness space.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness Space is a portable space given by Ding Changsheng's system.

Ding Changsheng took out the scroll and opened it to see, what a guy!

It's actually a picture of Tang Yin's lady.

Although, Ding Changsheng's limited knowledge of antiques could not tell whether it was genuine or imitation.

However, given Mr. Yang's family fortune, he probably wouldn't be able to collect a copy.

There is no way that an imitation could become one of Mr. Yang’s treasures.

Even if it is a forgery, it is most likely the imitation of Zhang Daqian and Qi Baishi.

Not bad. If it were a painting of Tang Yin's ladies, this painting would be worth thousands.

If it is an imitation of Zhang Daqian, that would be even better, and it would directly achieve the small goal.

Just seeing a patient can achieve a small goal. Such days are really promising.

After Ding Changsheng admired it for a while, he put away Tang Yin's pictures of ladies.

Then, I took out the medical books and started studying them.

Although there are systems around you that can add points to improve your medical skills, you can also gain skill points by studying them with concentration.

The hospital was very quiet, with no patients or other staff.

Ding Changsheng is not only the boss, but also a doctor and a Chinese herbalist who dispenses medicine.

Such a quiet environment is not bad. Make a cup of tea and slowly read medical books.

I don't know how much time passed, but the doorbell rang and an old man wearing a Tang suit came in.

I don’t know if it’s because they are in a foreign land, but these elderly Chinese like to wear Tang suits.

Ding Changsheng is not qualified to judge whether the heart in Tang suit is yellow or white.

After all, he is also a stranger now.

"Ah Changsheng! I've been feeling a little sick in my stomach recently, please show me." The old man in Tang suit walked to the desk and said slowly.

"Mr. Wu, please sit down first!" Ding Changsheng stood up quickly and greeted him with a smile.

No way, his current customers are these old people living in Chinatown.

"Ah Changsheng! I've been suffering from stomach burning pain recently, and sometimes my ribs and wishbones also hurt." Mr. Wu sat on the stool and told Ding Changsheng about his condition.

"Mr. Wu, I have to give you a few words as a junior. As the saying goes, at fifty you know your destiny and at sixty your ears are attuned. You are already this age, what else do you have to disapprove of?

You see, now that you are sick due to anger, you are not the only one suffering from it?" Ding Changsheng did not take Mr. Wu's pulse, but said with a smile.

"You said my stomachache is because I'm angry?" Mr. Wu asked in surprise.

"Yes! You have liver-stomach disharmony caused by excessive qi injuring the liver, qi stagnation in the liver, and irritation in the stomach.

As we often say, you are so angry that it makes my stomach hurt, that’s why." Ding Changsheng continued to explain gently.

"Oh! I don't want to be angry, but if my children and grandchildren don't live up to expectations, what can I do?" Mr. Wu sighed and said.

"Haha, Mr. Wu, your children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, so why do you have to worry about it? Everyone has his or her own destiny.

Isn't there another saying, if there is no light in the east, then there will be light in the west." Ding Changsheng explained with a smile.

Doctors should not only heal the disease, but also heal the heart.

Mr. Wu's illness was caused by family discord and overworked anger. Although decoction and medicine can cure the disease, if the root cause of the anger is not solved, even if it is cured now, it will relapse later.

"It's easier said than done! I don't want to worry about those unworthy descendants.

But, as a parent, who can do it without worrying about their children?" Mr. Wu shook his head and said.

Ding Changsheng also shook his head after hearing this.

This is an allusion to worrying until you grow old.

In fact, Mr. Wu's descendants are not unfilial, they are just unwilling to inherit Mr. Wu's tailoring skills.

Mr. Wu's tailor shop is not an ordinary tailor shop. Seventy percent of the Tang suits in the entire Chinatown come from Mr. Wu's tailor shop.

Mr. Wu naturally hopes that the family business he has worked so hard for can be passed down to his descendants.

However, Mr. Wu's children and grandchildren did not appreciate it very much.

I always feel that there is no future in being a tailor shop.

This is a generation gap, a difference in thinking between two generations.

There is really no way to persuade me, any words are pale.

Ding Changsheng could only persuade him a few words, and then prepared to give Mr. Wu a prescription.

At this moment, the doorbell of Changsheng Hall rang, and a young man walked in from outside.

"Grandpa, why are you here? Didn't I tell you that I have made an appointment with a doctor today.

It's not that my grandson said you should go to the hospital when you are sick. What are you doing here?

Don't eat those dirty withered grass roots to ruin your health." As soon as the young man came in, he said to Mr. Wu with a look of disgust on his face.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What do you mean by dirty withered grass roots? Do you know that when you were a child, you were so weak due to premature birth that you almost couldn't survive? It was the dirty withered grass roots in your mouth that cured you."

Mr. Wu reprimanded angrily.

Regarding the young man's doubts, Ding Changsheng just shrugged and said nothing.

Such doubts are quite normal.

Even in China, many people question the scientific nature of traditional Chinese medicine, let alone this is the United States.

Since he took over Changshengtang, he has relied entirely on the elderly in Chinatown to take care of the business.

Speaking of which, he was originally a graduate student at the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in his motherland and had just received his Traditional Chinese Medicine Practicing Qualification Certificate.

Suddenly one day, a lawyer contacted me and told him that his second grandfather passed away in the United States, leaving behind an old pharmacy called Changshengtang and specifying that he should inherit it.

Ding Changsheng searched through his memories, but could not find any memories about his second grandfather.

However, the other person named him and said he was his second grandfather and wanted him to inherit the family business.

If this society wasn't one with advanced information, Ding Changsheng would have thought he had encountered a liar.

First, the authenticity of the will was confirmed through BJ, a relatively large international law firm.

Then, I went home and asked my parents, and finally confirmed that there seemed to be such a second grandfather in the United States.

However, this second grandfather and his grandfather are not biological brothers, but uncles.

No one knows why, after such a long distance, they still choose to let him inherit the inheritance.

Could it be that just because his name is Changsheng, he is allowed to inherit the Changsheng Hall?

Ding Changsheng followed Lawyer Smith to the United States in a daze and inherited this old pharmacy.

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(End of chapter)

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