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Chapter 112: Ways to Build a Platform

Chapter 112 How to build a platform

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 112 How to build a platform

Ding Changsheng didn't know how to build a big platform. Although he had a system, he was only a newly graduated graduate student after all.

A lot of things are basically just crossing the river by feeling for the stones.

Organize a gathering for the acupuncture industry in New York to spread the reputation of Changshengtang. First, let people in the circle know that there is such a traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

Later, I will set up some kind of scholarship or industry assistance fund to gain some good reputation in the industry.

Then, you can make the next step.

Short videos are also a direction for publicity.

Today, it was very good and a patient was successfully drained.

Even though there's only one, it's a good start.

I believe that more LSPs will be attracted by the video and receive treatment in the future.

As for the old neighbors on the street, if you have money, you can give them a discount; if you don't have money, you can get free treatment.

If it comes from outside, it will always be at the original price and there will be no counter-offering.

A few people were drinking coffee and talking, and they didn't feel that time passed slowly.

It seemed that not long after, Yulia Diallo and Amour Rosen came to Daniel's restaurant with their children.

Amour Rosen did not bring his family, but only two children, a boy and a girl, who were about the same age as Yulia Diallo's two children.

"Tell Daniel, we can serve food here! We have four children here, let Chef Daniel make some dishes that the children like to eat." Ding Changsheng said to send Yulia Diallo and the others over.

The waiter explained.

"Okay sir! Please wait a moment!" The waiter turned around and left politely.

"Everyone, we will not order food today and let Chef Daniel do whatever he wants! This way everyone can taste more delicious dishes.

After all, after your cooking skills reach a certain level, like an artist, you don't like to be restricted and you can reach the highest level of your cooking skills by giving free rein." Ding Changsheng said to everyone with a smile.

"BOSS, it's a great honor to be able to eat the dishes cooked by Chef Daniel!" Danny Flamel said with a smile.

"Actually, there is another reason why I don't want to order food. It's that there are too few types of Western food, and there's nothing good to order. It's better to let the chef do what he wants." Ding Changsheng said with a smile again.

"BOSS, I strongly recommend that you go to a Chinese restaurant for your next dinner party! Of course, it would be better if BOSS is willing to cook himself!" Danny Flamel raised his hand and suggested.

This suggestion may sound like flattery, but Ding Changsheng found it very useful.

"Okay! Next time you go to my house, let's do it together. We in China have a saying that we can make enough food and clothing by ourselves." Ding Changsheng said with a helpful smile.

"BOSS, I heard from Zhang that your home has a big swimming pool? I suggest you go to BOSS's house to have a BBQ on the weekends." Debbie Abdullah also suggested.

"Okay! Then come over this weekend. My house not only has a big swimming pool, but also a lot of gardens and a private cinema. I guarantee you will have a lot of fun!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

When employees want to go home to play, Ding Changsheng naturally welcomes them.

It doesn't cost much, and it can also promote integration among foundation employees.

Soon, the appetizer soup was served, and everyone started their daily photo taking mode.

Ding Changsheng discovered that Americans also like to take photos and post them in their own personal communities.

However, they don’t just use WeChat.

Ding Changsheng also followed the crowd, took a photo with everyone, and then posted it on WeChat Moments.

Caption: Give your son a clean break.

Soon, Ding Changsheng discovered that Lin Chaosheng and three others had also posted on Moments.

Caption: What a treat, Daniel’s Restaurant.

Ding Changsheng left a message below: Dad loves you.

Then there was a quarrel in the circle of friends.

When I returned to my circle of friends, I found that in the blink of an eye, there had been more than a hundred likes.

Unknowingly, Ding Changsheng's circle of friends had a lot more friends, so many that he had forgotten who they were and when they were added as friends.

The first time we got together, we didn’t drink much, just a few drinks.

After the meal, Ding Changsheng led the way to take Lin Chaosheng and the others back to Changsheng Hall, picked up the sea cucumbers they had just bought during the day, and then drove back to the villa.

Wang Linna was busy getting a glass of water for Ding Changsheng, Zhou Linlin, Zhang Xin and herself.

Then he, Zhou Linlin, and Zhang Xin went into the kitchen and started busy making the Foundation Building Drink and Dragon Palace Youxian.

Ding Changsheng stayed on the sofa and continued to play on his mobile phone.

Chatting with mom.

There were also other classmates and school teachers chatting.

Ever since Ding Changsheng offered Zhou Linlin and his three daughters a salary of US$30,000 a month, their popularity has suddenly improved a lot.

Not only did I get more likes in my circle of friends, but even the teachers at school became amiable and approachable.

I often discuss medical skills with him, or help him popularize things that need to be paid attention to in the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the United States.

Some teachers also said that they would help him introduce fellow Chinese medicine practitioners here in New York.

Speaking of introducing colleagues, in fact, traditional Chinese medicine in the United States has a close relationship with BJ University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

There are a group of traditional Chinese medicine doctors in the United States who all graduated from BJ University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

After all, BJ University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the first university of traditional Chinese medicine after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Therefore, despite being separated by thousands of rivers and mountains, some Chinese medicine practitioners in the United States have very close ties with China.

Maybe someone is his mentor's fellow disciple.

Ding Changsheng is really weak in this area.

He really didn't know any Chinese medicine doctors here in New York, so Mr. Long was the only one who was close to Chinese medicine doctors.

It would be a good thing if the teacher is willing to introduce it.

Ding Changsheng doesn't need to care. He has the system by his side and doesn't need the approval of his peers.

But the three girls Zhou Linlin and Lin Chaosheng need such connections.

A doctor's status in the industry does not depend on the reputation of his patients, but the recognition of his peers.

Ding Changsheng naturally thanked him profusely and invited him to come to New York if he had time. He would definitely welcome him throughout the whole process.

Ding Changsheng took his mobile phone and chatted casually with his classmates, friends and teachers in China, wondering if he wanted to have a few words with his mother.

Until Wang Linlin and Zhou Linlin came over with the cooked Dragon Palace Youxian, Zhou Linlin said softly: "Master, it's time to eat!"

"Dear, can we also take the Dragon Palace Youxian?" Zhang Xin put the Foundation Establishment Drink on the coffee table and asked in a tired voice as Ding Changsheng spoke.

"Whatever, you guys can take it if you want!

However, I suggest you take the Foundation Building Drink first, and then change the prescription after you gain strength." Ding Changsheng was lying on the sofa and said nonchalantly.

"Why do you need to work hard to take Dragon Palace Youxian?"

"You are also a Chinese medicine practitioner, but you don't understand what it means to replenish a deficiency or not? When you are just laying the foundation, taking the Dragon Palace Youxian medicine is too strong, which is not a good thing." Ding Changsheng pinched Zhang Xin's nose and said.

(End of chapter)

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