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Chapter 146 Diabetic Yin Deficiency and Internal Dryness Syndrome

Chapter 146 Diabetes: Yin deficiency and internal dryness

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 146 Diabetes: Yin deficiency and internal dryness

"Justin also came to see Mr. Ding? Oh! That's right. You and Jason are fellow patients. Jason's diabetes has been cured, so you also want to see Mr. Ding for you?" Jack looked at Justin.

Said with a smile.

"Yes! I also came to see Mr. Ding to recuperate my body!" Justin was very calm.

Diabetes is not a disease that needs to be kept secret. Justin is very honest about the fact that he has diabetes.

Jack, who originally wanted to leave, was not in a hurry to leave now, and sat aside to watch Ding Changsheng treat patients.

Lin Chaosheng and the others are also busy. Lin Chaosheng and the others take over the diagnosis and treatment of the patients on Wu Street.

However, after they finished writing the medical case, they had to show it to Ding Changsheng.

After Ding Changsheng read it, he thought there was no problem and signed it before he could proceed with the next step of treatment, either taking medicine or acupuncture.

"Mr. Ding, do you want me to take a look at my illness?"

"No problem, I want to take your pulse!

The definition of diabetes in Chinese medicine is different from that in Western medicine! Western medicine only divides it into dominant and recessive diseases, and then there are early, middle and late stages. In Chinese medicine, there are more classifications.

I need to determine what type of diabetes you have before you can treat it accordingly." Ding Changsheng explained patiently.

"Okay! Take a look!" Justin readily handed his wrist to Ding Changsheng.

It’s not like Justin has never seen Chinese medicine before. Although the effect is effective, it is not very obvious.

Jason had long shared with him about Chinese medicine treating diabetes, but because of his previous experiences, Justin didn't really believe in Chinese medicine.

It wasn't until Jason fully recovered, or completely got rid of his dependence on insulin, and the complications completely disappeared, that Justin was moved.

So there is today's action.

After Ding Changsheng took his pulse carefully, he said again: "Mr. Justin, let me take a look at your tongue!"

Slippery and rapid pulse, red tongue with less fluid and yellow coating.

"Mr. Justin, do you often feel thirsty? Even though you drank a lot of water, you still feel unbearably thirsty. Instead, you feel hungry very easily. You feel hungry again not long after you finish eating.


"Yes, yes! This is the case! I can't live without water now!" Justin said as he took the tea cup from the assistant and took a sip.

This is the third time Justin drinks water since he came in.

If only, it didn't take more than ten minutes for him to come in.

The same thing happened last time at Jason's manor. While others were chatting, Justin held the tea cup and drank sip after sip of tea.

"Is your urine very yellow, similar to the color of red copper, and then your stools are smaller and more difficult to defecate?" Ding Changsheng then asked.

"Yes! That's it!" Justin nodded simply.

Having been ill for such a long time, he has become accustomed to these physiological phenomena and will not feel awkward because of the doctor's questions.

In Internet terms, Justin is completely ruined. I am diabetic. I just have these symptoms. How can I get rid of it?

"In traditional Chinese medicine, your diabetes is called Yin deficiency and dryness-heat syndrome.

I will prescribe you a prescription here, you take it for three days first, and I will give you a follow-up consultation after three days." Ding Changsheng said while prescribing the medicine for Justin.

"Mr. Ding, don't I need acupuncture?"

"No need, Mr. Johnson did acupuncture before, not because of diabetes, and the root cause of his disease is not diabetes, but qi stagnation and blood stasis, diabetes caused by old injuries, which is different from yours."

"Old injuries, I know Jason was injured when he was young, but injuries can also cause diabetes?"

“The human body is a very mysterious component. Even with the development of science today, neither Western medicine nor traditional Chinese medicine can completely decipher the mysteries of the human body.

The injured area seems to be healed, but in fact, it is not completely healed. There is something inside that cannot be understood by Western medicine and has not been found by modern anatomy, called meridians.

Many old injuries seem to be healed, and the flesh and bones have grown back, but they will feel sore when it is cloudy and rainy. In fact, the meridians inside have not recovered.

Jason's situation is similar. The meridians in the injured area were severed and did not recover, resulting in what Chinese medicine calls qi stagnation and blood stasis.

That is to say, the circulation of qi and blood is blocked, just like the traffic in our city. Once it is blocked, no one can say what will happen.

The same is true for people. When the flow of Qi and blood is blocked, no one can predict what kind of diseases will result.

The principle of our traditional Chinese medicine in treating diseases is to look at the cause of the disease. Jason was caused by the blockage of qi and blood, so I will solve the problem of blocked qi and blood for him.

Once this problem is solved, will other illnesses still be problems?"

"What about me? What caused my diabetes?" Justin didn't quite understand what Ding Changsheng explained, but he felt like he was unaware of it.

"You have diabetes caused by internal heat due to yin deficiency in the lungs, stomach and kidneys.

The root cause of your disease is in the lungs. Yin deficiency and heat in the lungs cause the body fluids to decrease, which in turn hurts the stomach. The stomach is also reduced and the heat is dry, which further damages the kidneys." After Ding Changsheng finished speaking, he saw the confused look on Justin's face and knew it.

, to explain these to Americans, it is almost the same as playing the piano without talking about it.

In fact, not to mention Americans, even Chinese people, how many can understand this set of traditional Chinese medicine theories?

"Let me give you an example. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the human body has yin and yang, which is like our day and night.

Why is it so hot in summer? Because the days are long and the dark days are short.

The day represents yang, and the dark sky represents yin. Yin deficiency causes hotness and dryness. It’s not just that the dark sky is too short and the day is too long, so it’s hot.

In winter, the days become shorter and the nights become longer, so the weather becomes colder, which corresponds to Yang deficiency and Yin coldness in Chinese medicine.

If the earth only had summer or winter, would there be problems? The same goes for our human bodies.

Therefore, we traditional Chinese medicine often say that yin deficiency causes fever and yang deficiency causes cold."

"I know, I just feel cold in my limbs. This means yang deficiency and chills. My back is hot and sweating. It's caused by yin deficiency and fever. So I have both yin and yang deficiency." Before Justin could speak, Jack rushed to the side.


Ding Changsheng looked at Jack speechlessly. It was not me who revealed your illness. It was you who revealed your illness yourself.

"Jack, you have both yin and yang deficiency? Do you also have diabetes?" Justin had not recovered from his illness. After listening to Jack's words, he took it for granted that Jack also had diabetes.

"No, I didn't!" Jack quickly denied.

"Then how come you have both yin and yang deficiency? Oh, I know, you are..."

"What is it? I was joking just now! I am very healthy and not sick at all!" Jack quickly defended.

(End of chapter)

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