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Chapter 153 Mr. Yang is a peacemaker

Chapter 153 Mr. Yang makes peace with the old man

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 153 Mr. Yang makes peace with the old man

Rushing to see a doctor for free is not just to take advantage, but full of helplessness.

If you have money, who is willing to bear the pain?

Not everyone can lose face and go back to China to play rogue when they are in pain and have no money.

Or, these people don’t know that when they return to China, they can actually regain their nationality and receive subsistence allowances, and there are also unscrupulous lawyers who can help them file lawsuits against their wives and children who have been abandoned by them.

You can openly ask your children who have been abandoned by you to support you.

Otherwise, I will definitely try my best to return to my country.

Even if you can't sue your abandoned children, you can still go back to your country and live on subsistence allowance!

Here in the United States, they don’t have subsistence allowances.

Ding Changsheng doesn't care about this, he has no way to distinguish who is a good guy and who is a bad guy.

Even, there is no way to judge whether the other party is really poor.

Like Cantonese people, no matter how rich they are, they still like to wear hurdle vests and pull pedals.

Ding Changsheng doesn't care about these things. The so-called charity is just to attract customers and allow Lin Chaosheng and others to grow quickly.

The other one is also for accounting purposes to make the charity fund’s books look better.

Those who receive free treatment will be listed on the website of the Changshengtang Charity Foundation the next day.

A certain person suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and received treatment at Changshengtang on a certain day of a certain year. The treatment fee was paid by the Changshengtang Charity Fund.

Information like this is updated every day on the website of the Changshengtang Charitable Foundation.

Lin Chaosheng is relatively busy among the others, making diagnoses, prescribing medicines, or doing acupuncture treatments. Basically, there is no idle time at the end of the day.

Not only were they busy at the front, but Zhou Linlin and the other two were also busy at the back. There were so many people and so many medicines that had to be fried. After they were cooked and allowed to cool, they had to be bagged.

Originally, they said that Ding Changsheng bought too many casseroles, but now no one says too much, but instead shouts that it is not enough.

Ding Changsheng arranged for Uncle Lin to send a batch over urgently to solve the problem of insufficient casseroles.

Ding Changsheng made himself a cup of tea and leisurely watched where Lin Chaosheng and the others were busy.

Lin Chao bared his teeth in anger, but was speechless.

It's not that Qi Ding Changsheng arranged a lot of work for them. In China, when they entered the hospital, they wanted to be busy and didn't let them interfere.

When you enter the hospital, you will first do odd jobs and then take care of the beds. If you want to work as an outpatient, you have to wait for three years first.

Even if you do acupuncture, you need to practice for one year before you can take over the treatment.

If they lose their temper because Ding Changsheng asks them to diagnose and treat patients, then they are a little ignorant.

Therefore, they were so angry with Ding Changsheng that he behaved like an old man, drinking tea somewhere, and all he had to do was find a beautiful girl to come over and squeeze his shoulders.

Before five o'clock in the afternoon, patients who had seen the doctor in the morning and afternoon came one after another to get the medicine.

Zhou Linlin and the three of them could finally rest for a while.

"Chang Sheng, I'm really busy in the future. You should at least find someone to be responsible for cleaning the casserole.

We still have to make medicine, decoct medicine, shoot videos, and wash the casserole, so we are really busy." Zhou Linlin came over to give Ding Changsheng advice.

"Well! You're right!

I ignored this! In this case, I will go and talk to Uncle Lin and see if some women can come over to be responsible for washing the casseroles and boiling the medicine.

In this way, you will have more energy to shoot short videos." Ding Changsheng agreed obediently.

He did what he said, Ding Changsheng got up and left the Changsheng Hall.

"Chang Sheng, I see you have been very busy recently!" Seeing Ding Changsheng coming out, Uncle Lin greeted him with a smile.

"Yes! No, as soon as I heard it was free, people from all over Chinatown came over!

We are all compatriots, and we are too embarrassed to refuse, so we simply treat them all as a sign of good deeds." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"You are a kind-hearted person, just like your second grandfather, both are good people!" Uncle Lin said with emotion.

"Uncle Lin, you know a lot of people on our street, can you help introduce a few women who are down-to-earth and willing to work. They don't have any other heavy work, just boiling medicine and washing casseroles." Ding Changsheng directly stated his request.

"This is simple. I'll ask you later. There are many housewives on the street here. They want to find some work to supplement their family income. But they don't have the skills and can't do heavy work. I can wash the casseroles and cook the medicine for you.

Yes." Uncle Lin agreed readily.

Uncle Lin is known as Wujie's PHS. Although he sits in front of the store every day, there is nothing that he doesn't know about Wujie.

"Then I'd like to thank Uncle Lin first! How much do you think this would be?"

"If you pay them five dollars an hour, there will be many people rushing to do it. Your work is not tiring."

"Isn't five dollars a little little?"

"That's quite a lot! Five dollars an hour, that's forty dollars an eight-hour day, which is enough for their family expenses for several days." Uncle Lin shook his head and said.

"Okay! You said it, then it will be five dollars an hour as you said!

Let's do this. We don't work on Saturdays and Sundays. If we work for a full month, we will give them a subsidy of ten dollars a day on Saturdays and Sundays." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"What if you guys weren't all good people! Here in the United States, people make money by the hour, but there is no subsidy on Saturdays and Sundays." Uncle Lin praised with a smile.

While talking to Uncle Lin, a car stopped at the entrance of Changsheng Hall.

An old man and a middle-aged man got out of the car.

Ding Changsheng saw the person coming and quickly stood up to greet him.

"Mr. Yang, you look very good recently!" Ding Changsheng stepped forward to greet him.

When he first came to New York, Mr. Yang was one of the first patients to see a doctor. It was said that he had a very good relationship with his second grandfather.

"I owe you eternal life! After taking your medicine, I can sleep well now and sleep until dawn.

If you sleep well, everything you eat will taste delicious!" Mr. Yang said with a smile.

"You are here today..." Ding Changsheng said while staring at Mr. Yang's face.

Although he has some minor ailments, which are all diseases of old age, he is generally in good health.

"This is Dr. Fei from Fei Jinghua Clinic on the next street."

"Hello, Doctor Fei!" Ding Changsheng took a good look at Fei Jinghua and immediately understood the purpose of his visit.

Dr. Fei and the old man who was taken away by the police in the afternoon looked like father and son, so the purpose of their visit was naturally clear.

"Changsheng, let's go in and talk?" Mr. Yang said with a smile, standing on the street which was not the place to talk.

"As always, please! Dr. Fei, please!" Ding Changsheng smiled and extended his hand to invite.

"Ah Changsheng, I am also entrusted by others to come here to be a peacemaker!" After entering the Changsheng Hall, Mr. Yang spoke about his purpose.

Ding Changsheng said nothing, just looked at Mr. Yang, waiting for what he would say next.

"Dr. Ding, I'm so sorry! I really didn't know that my dad would come to Changsheng Hall to make trouble!" Fei Jinghua said with a bitter look on his face.

(End of chapter)

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