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Chapter 159: They Are All Smart People

Chapter 159 They are all smart people

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 159 They are all smart people

After waiting for a while, the backup called by the police outside arrived, and Smith also rushed to Changsheng Hall.

In other words, the old guy Smith had arrived a long time ago, but when he saw a fight going on inside, he hid aside and watched the fun.

After the police had the situation under control, they came out to negotiate with the police.

Ding Changsheng heard the sounds of Smith negotiating with the police.

As many police officers came in, everyone lying on the ground, whether they were patients or reporters, were handcuffed and taken away.

Smith accompanied a policeman to Ding Changsheng, and Ding Changsheng stood up.

"Mr. Police, I want to sue them for destroying my store!"

"This is your right. Can you tell me how this conflict occurred?" the leading policeman asked.

"It was those reporters who poured into the store to interview information about Talia Ryder. I have made it clear that I need to be responsible for my customers and refuse to disclose any customer's situation.

However, they still surrounded the Changsheng Hall relentlessly, and even hindered the patients' normal medical treatment.

As a result, a conflict broke out between the patient and the reporter!

I have surveillance video here!" Ding Changsheng briefly told the cause of the conflict, and finally told the police that he had surveillance video here.

The police took a copy of the surveillance video and took it back as evidence.

Ding Changsheng explained to Smith: "Smith, I suffered a huge loss this time. Not only was the store smashed, but the money in the donation box was also robbed!

Therefore, I want to sue those reporters and ask them to compensate for my losses!"

"Understood, I will take care of it! Someone will pay for all your losses!" Smith agreed simply, took out his mobile phone and started taking pictures and fixing the evidence.

Ding Changsheng only talked about reporters and did not mention the patients. Naturally, he meant to tell Smith that reporters would pay for all losses.

Who is the main person responsible for this conflict?

The police are also taking photos, fixing evidence, and counting the damage to Changshengtang.

After a lot of trouble, the police led the people out of Changsheng Hall, and Smith followed him to the police station to deal with the matter.

"Changsheng, someone posted the conflict just now on the Internet!" Lin Chaosheng said to Ding Changsheng with his mobile phone.

"So fast?" Ding Changsheng took a look at the phone and said with a smile: "This is a good thing!"

This is after someone saw the conflict, took a photo of it with their mobile phone, and then posted it online.

The speed of the Internet is just that fast.

Ding Changsheng thought for a while and took out his mobile phone, called up the surveillance video at the entrance of Changsheng Hall and the surveillance video inside, and sent it to Yulia Diallo, asking her to edit it and post it online.

Now that someone has posted the conflict online, he is no longer polite and must seize the opportunity to seize the position of public opinion.

Anyway, there is no privacy, and there is no need to worry about the police trouble him.

Yulia Diallo moved very quickly. She edited it in a short time and posted it on Twitter.

Ding Changsheng retweeted it again, p.s.: Is it a reporter or a thug?

In just one sentence, he expressed his protest against reporters.

After Ding Changsheng forwarded it, Zhou Linlin, Zhang Xin, Wang Linna, Lin Chaosheng and Danny Flamel also all forwarded it.

P.S. all: Journalists or thugs?

Ding Changsheng’s Twitter account is basically a white account.

Lin Chaosheng and Danny Flamel are similar.

Zhou Linlin, Zhang Xin, and Wang Linlin are not just celebrities, they are small celebrities with hundreds of thousands of fans.

Their forwarding quickly caused a stir.

The waves are expanding rapidly!

Especially after Talia Ryder, Mackenzie Foy, and Scarlett retweeted and commented on it, the incident of conflict in the Hall of Immortality quickly became popular.

The three words "Changshengtang" have entered the eyes of American netizens.

In particular, all three of them, Talia Ryder, expressed their sympathy for the experience of Changshengtang in their comments, and expressed their indignation at the atrocities committed by journalists.

At the same time, they all stated that they were clients of Changshengtang and Ding Changsheng was the health consultant they hired.

Talia Ryder even talked about her physical condition and current treatment status in the comments below the forwarded video.

We also urge everyone not to disturb Changshengtang and provide patients with a quiet treatment environment.

If only three big stars like Talia Ryder forwarded it, it would only make Changshengtang popular, and it would not be because of the attention of certain people and certain institutions.

Jason, Harding, Jack, Henrik, Brad and others also forwarded Ding Changsheng’s video.

Now, the institutions behind those reporters are a little weak.

Talia Ryder, the three big stars, they can be ignored. Stars and entertainment reporters are interdependent.

Entertainment reporters rely on stars, and stars also need entertainment reporters to keep them popular.

Therefore, the entertainment media does not pay much attention to the opinions of big stars, and at most they will not disturb Changshengtang in the future.

Anyway, a traditional Chinese medicine clinic doesn’t have much entertainment news.

However, after Jason, Harding, Jack, Henrik, Brad and others forwarded it one after another, things were different.

These people are all elites in politics and business. Although they are not as good as Bill Gates, in New York State, they are still stomping and trembling figures.

Ding Changsheng did not expect that he had such a large network of contacts without knowing it.

About half an hour after Ding Changsheng posted the video, a call came in.

First, he reported his family status, and then he apologized for the irrational behavior of his reporter, and said that he would definitely compensate Changshengtang for its losses.

Ding Changsheng made more than a dozen calls like this.

It can be seen that they are all smart people.

There is no need to pretend to be cool or anything like in the novel.

When I weigh the strength of both sides, I feel that there is no need to fight to the death over such a trivial matter.

You will naturally make the right choice.

First apologize, then repost the video and apologize publicly, saying that this was just an irrational behavior by an individual reporter in the heat of the moment and had nothing to do with their company.

Otherwise, these people working in the media have very flexible minds.

The video was edited to point the finger at several patients at the scene.

Through the video, you can see the big arms of these patients, and they were the first to do it.

The purpose is to tell everyone that although their reporter was impulsive and acted irrationally, the cause was provoked by a few community members.

The most important thing is that they also found the person who robbed the donation box. Through the slow-motion camera, it was clearly seen that several people robbed the money from the donation box.

Good guy, you have done what the police wanted to do.

What a good citizen.

As a result, the direction of public opinion began to change, and it began to condemn the thugs, took the opportunity to stir up trouble, and took the opportunity to rob the Changsheng Hall.

It’s the last day of May. Please give me a monthly ticket. If you still have a monthly ticket, hurry up and vote.

By the way, I’m looking for a guaranteed monthly ticket for June!

In June, the monthly tickets will be updated. If the total number of monthly tickets does not exceed 100, an additional chapter will be added.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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