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Chapter 168 The transaction was successfully completed

Chapter 168 The transaction was successfully completed

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 168 The transaction was successfully completed

"Our family's Changshengtang has been open in Chinatown, New York for more than a hundred years. More than a hundred years ago, and decades ago, the United States was not as safe as it is now.

Of course, it's not very safe now.

It’s impossible to open a medical clinic in such an environment without the ability to protect one’s health!”

"Oh! Go ahead! Your Changsheng Hall has a history of a hundred years? It is longer than the history of our Jensen family! Our Jensen family only emerged during World War II." Jensen said with a face full of surprise.

This needle directly pierced his newly rising murderous intention.

"To be precise, Chang Sheng Tang was opened in 1890 when Chinatown was just opening.

At that time, Chinatown only had two streets, and it was often bullied by gangs and radical white people.

It is really not easy for people of their generation to gain a foothold in Chinatown!" Ding Changsheng said with emotion.

In fact, he didn't know how difficult it was, and all the things he mentioned were learned from the Internet.

The two of them chatted not to discuss the history of Chinatown, but to ease the awkward situation just now.

"Dear Ding! How many of you in China know how to sting a fly with a needle like you just did?"

"There should be quite a few! Many people hide it secretly, but there are still many people who know how to simply sting flies with flying needles.

This is a process where practice makes perfect, you can do it if you know the technique and practice frequently.

If you look at Chinese videos, there are many people performing tricks similar to flying needles.

Around the 1980s and 1990s, a martial arts school in Shandong, China, once opened a concealed weapon training class.

But I hired a teacher who once performed hidden weapon kung fu, finger snapping, and used a peanut to knock down a flying bird in the sky from thirty meters away."

"This is simply amazing! China is a magical country, full of legends!" Jason exclaimed.

"Dear Ding, can you shoot down a flying bird from thirty meters away?"

"Use peanuts? I can't do that. That requires special skills, the finger snapping skill I just mentioned. I can only shoot down flying birds with a silver needle from a distance of thirty meters!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"That's awesome! I'm curious, where did you take out the needle just now?"

"Haha, this is a secret. It's called the hidden needle technique. You hide the needle on your body. Unless you use an instrument to detect it, most people won't be able to find it!" Ding Changsheng laughed.

His hidden needle technique cannot be detected even with instruments.

Not only did he hide a needle, he also hid a gun!

There are many pistols, rifles, long and short guns hidden.

The two people chatted for a long time, and the bald appraiser finally finished appraising all the oil paintings.

He nodded to Jason, "They are all rare and exquisite products!"

After hearing this, Jason didn't know whether he was happy or sad.

At this time, Jason and Ding Changsheng were fighting with each other.

Jason was reluctant to spend four to five billion in real money to buy these paintings, but he was shocked by Ding Changsheng.

Don't dare to use extreme measures easily.

Ding Changsheng was even more worried. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would definitely want to complete the transaction safely.

I don't want to create extraneous problems.

Otherwise, he won't be able to stay in New York!

Jason's expression changed for a while, and he and Baldhead discussed quietly for a while, and then said to Ding Changsheng with a smile: "Dear Ding! How about giving you a total of 430 million for these oil paintings?"

"Okay! Although the price is a little lower, who made us friends?" Ding Changsheng readily agreed.

"Ahaha! Yes! We are friends. If you have such a piece of art in the future, don't forget me!" Jason laughed to release his inner emotions.

"Hahaha! That's for sure!

My great-grandfather left behind a lot of treasures. Unfortunately, the old man was too naughty. To open each treasure, you need to solve the puzzle in order to get it.

When I solve the puzzle again and get the treasure, I will leave some of the Western artwork inside for you, Jason!" Ding Changsheng also laughed.

"So that's the case, then I'm looking forward to it even more!" Jason was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said.

He looked very expectant and happy.

"Dear Ding, please wait a moment, I will mobilize funds! More than 400 million, I really need to find someone to lend it to me!" After an explanation, Jason said goodbye and left.

Ding Changsheng did not stop him, but sat quietly in the small reception room, drinking tea quietly.

If Jason really had murderous intentions, it would be useless for him to follow.

We can only hope that Jason will not lose his mind due to greed.

Fortunately, Jason returned to the small conference room after being out for about twenty minutes.

"Dear Ding, please check your bank account. The money has been transferred to your account!" Jason said with a relaxed smile.

At this time, Jason felt really relaxed!

Because he finally defeated greed.

"Jason, I've been thinking about changing my environment recently! Is there any way or news about a manor like the one you live in?" Ding Changsheng also asked with a relaxed smile on his face.

Although he did not answer Jason's words, his attitude has already answered.

"There are quite a few estates similar to mine in Manhattan, but I haven't heard any news about those who are interested in taking action.

I can help you find out later!" Jason said with a smile.

"Then it's troublesome for Jason! After my Changsheng Hall reopens next week, Jason remembers to come over and I will help you take care of your health!

Make you even more powerful!" Ding Changsheng smiled and shook hands with Jason, then said goodbye and left.

After driving out of the Jensen Manor, Ding Changsheng felt that he was covered in sweat.

"Damn! Selling oil paintings is more exciting than selling flour!" Ding Changsheng couldn't help but pat the steering wheel.

In fact, the moment the money entered Ding Changsheng's account, the risk had passed.

If Jason could give him the money, he wouldn't do anything else.

Because, since the money has entered Ding Changsheng's account, even if he is killed, the money cannot be recovered.

Of course, it's not impossible to get it back, but the price to pay is too high and definitely beyond Jason's psychological endurance.

He now has status, status, and money, so it is unworthy of him to take risks and leave a stain for one or two billion.

This stain will become a target for his political opponents to attack him in the future.

I called Zhou Linlin and found that the three girls had already finished shopping and returned home.

Ding Changsheng drove home directly.

"What's going on over there at Changsheng Hall? Where have you been? Why are you so sweaty? Your clothes all smell!"

"I went out to do some errands. I stayed out for a little longer today, but I'm just sweating all over, right?

I'm going to take a shower? Which one of you will come over and rub my back?" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Let Xin'er go!" Zhou Linlin said with a smile.

"I won't go, let Lina go! Lina is the best!"

(End of chapter)

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