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Chapter 17 The Surgeon's Call for Help

Chapter 17 The Surgeon’s Appeal

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 17 The Surgeon’s Appeal

"My name is Jenny Stout, you can call me Jenny.

Some time ago, I had red spots on my face. I didn't pay attention to it at first. This time I went back to China and checked it out.

As a result, the diagnosis was lupus erythematosus." Jenny Stout described his condition in a low voice and took out the receipt from the hospital test.

"Well, Jenny! Lupus erythematosus, this is the name of the disease in Western medicine. There is no such disease as lupus erythematosus in Chinese medicine.

Therefore, these documents are of no use to me!" Ding Changsheng did not look at the test documents, but said with a smile.

"I know! I came here just because I hope Chinese medicine can help me solve my physical problems."

"That's good.

Jenny, since you choose to use Chinese medicine to solve your physical problems, you must forget about lupus erythematosus from now on.

I will diagnose you according to the standards of traditional Chinese medicine.

At the same time, we will also regulate your body according to traditional Chinese medicine methods and solve your physical problems.

Can you accept this?"

"Okay!" Jenny Stott nodded.

As a Western medicine doctor and a senior surgeon, he is very familiar with the disease lupus erythematosus. Although lupus erythematosus is not a malignant tumor, as a rheumatic and immune disease, Western medicine does not have a good method at all.

Western medicine only uses hormones and immunosuppressants for treatment.

Currently, lupus erythematosus is an incurable disease in the field of Western medicine and can only be alleviated. With treatment, people can survive with the disease for a long time.

In Western medicine terms, if you actively cooperate with the treatment, your work and life will not be affected.

In fact, this is also a comforting statement. As a surgeon, Jenny Stout understands very well how terrible this immune disease is.

Even if you take medicine for a long time, it will slowly erode the body's internal organs. Eventually, the medicine cannot suppress it, and this complication will eventually break out.

Until death.

"Very well, let's start now!

Jenny, let me do a pulse diagnosis for you first!" Ding Changsheng said and pushed the pulse pillow forward.

The pulse is huge.

The corresponding symptoms are excessive stomach fire and strong liver fire, which also confirms the symptoms of body heat and thirst that Ding Changsheng had seen before.

"Let me take a look at the coating on my tongue!"

Yellow wet.

Yellow and wet tongue coating is also called yellow and greasy tongue coating in traditional Chinese medicine.

Yellow and greasy coatings indicate heat, while greasy coatings indicate dampness, phlegm, and food stagnation. The main diseases of yellow and greasy coatings are: stagnation of dampness and heat, phlegm and fluids transforming into heat, or food stagnation transforming into heat. It also refers to symptoms of exogenous summer heat, dampness and warmth, etc.

This is mutually confirmed with the previous pulse diagnosis and inspection.

"Jenny, besides being hot and thirsty, do you have any other uncomfortable symptoms?" Ding Changsheng asked after pondering for a while.

"I often sweat when I go to bed at night, and I feel very tired in the afternoon. In addition, my right leg and knee hurt a little, and my left elbow is itchy."

Regardless of pulse diagnosis, inspection or questioning, all are in line with the symptoms of Yangming disease that is easy to use Baihu Tang recorded in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases": pulse is strong and long, not aversion to cold, but aversion to heat, headache, spontaneous sweating, and thirst

A dull tongue, painful eyes and dry nose, unable to lie down, irritability and confusion, and hot flashes in the afternoon.

"I understand. Let me take a look at the itchy area on your elbow and your knees." Ding Changsheng gave Jenistot another physical examination.

"Jenny! Again, let's get rid of that damn lupus now.

In terms of Chinese medicine, your disease is Yangming disease. I will prescribe some medicine for you and you can go back and take it.

Whether it has any effect will be known in three days." Ding Changsheng thought about it for a while and came to a conclusion.

"You can see the effect in three days?"

"Yes! In Chinese medicine, as long as the medicine is right for the patient, it will take effect within three days. If it doesn't work, it means the medicine is not right for the patient, and the medication needs to be readjusted." Ding Changsheng said confidently.

"I know that Chinese medicine is very miraculous. I had gastrointestinal problems due to irregular diet, and it was your second grandfather who cured me with Chinese medicine." Jenny Stout nodded with great trust.

"Is it okay to make the medicine yourself?"

"No problem!" Jenny Stott nodded.

"I'm prescribing a flavored white tiger soup for you. After you go back, soak it in water overnight and then boil it.

Take three doses of medicine every day, morning, noon and evening on an empty stomach." Ding Changsheng wrote the prescription and explained to Jenny Stout how to take it.

"Mr. Xiao Ding, how can I treat the pain in my knees and the itching in my forearms?"

"Well, I'll make you a special ointment that can treat your itchy skin.

In addition, the pain in your knee has nothing to do with Yangming disease. I can treat you with acupuncture." Ding Changsheng explained with a smile.

After the explanation, we started to take medicine.

"Mr. Xiao Ding, I now believe that your medical skills are no worse than Mr. Ding!" Jenny Stout said with conviction when he saw Ding Changsheng holding medicine with his bare hands.

"Why do you say that?"

"I have been to many Chinese medicine clinics, but only Mr. Ding and you can take medicine like this!

I had questioned Mr. Ding before, but Mr. Ding taught me a lesson.

He grabbed a traditional Chinese medicine and told me how much it weighed. I weighed it with an electronic scale.

Sure enough, the error was less than 0.1 grams.

To prove it was not a coincidence, I asked Mr. Ding to try it several times, and the error was all within 0.1 grams." Jenny Stout waved his hands and told the story of his second grandfather's feat.

Ding Changsheng was a little helpless. He had to let his second grandfather pretend to have sex?

"This is called Boy Kung Fu. I have been practicing it since childhood. When I was a child, if I made a mistake, I would be beaten once. If I was beaten too much, I would naturally develop it." Ding Changsheng explained with a smile.

It can also be regarded as forced pretense.

"I know that you Chinese people used to have a very hard time studying art. Mr. Ding told me that not only did you have to be beaten, but you also had to starve.

It’s simply unbelievable, this is a very inhumane practice.”

"But, it's very effective, isn't it?" Ding Changsheng shrugged.

While Ding Changsheng was chatting with Jenistot, he quickly grabbed the nine sets of medicine, wrapped them up, and put them into a convenience bag.

Then he turned around to prepare an ointment for Jenistot to use on his skin.

Because we do not have the qualifications to produce Chinese patent medicines, we cannot make powders, pills, and other types of Chinese patent medicines for sale.

Ding Changsheng can only make it on site, which can be regarded as a kind of cooking service, and it can be regarded as exploiting a legal loophole.

All this is done under supervision, so as to avoid troubles and unclear explanations afterwards.

Half an hour later, the ointment was made. It was actually a paste made of medicinal powder and honey.

Fill it in a small bottle and give it to Jenistot: "Use this ointment once a day in the morning and evening. After cleaning the skin, use a cotton swab to apply it to the itchy areas, including red spots on your face. You can also use this ointment to apply it.


(End of chapter)

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