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Chapter 183 Jin Shuzhen is Back

Chapter 183 Jin Shuzhen is back

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 183 Jin Shuzhen is back

Ding Changsheng did not ask Lin Chaosheng and others to treat this middle-aged man.

You can tell just by looking at the clothes this guy is wearing that he is not the kind of person who comes here looking for free money and discounts. He has a big gold Rolex watch in his hand, and you can tell at a glance that he is not short of money.

Therefore, Ding Changsheng decided to personally receive this patient with chest tightness and irritability.

This kind of panic, chest tightness and irritability cannot be limited to just a few types, or the blood supply to the heart is insufficient, resulting in mental failure.

Then there is the problem of overworking. Overworking will hurt the energy, worrying too much will hurt the spirit, and the heart will be weak and the spirit will not be restrained.

Or if the heart, spleen and yang qi are both deficient, and the spleen yang is not moving, the water qi will stop internally, and the heart yang will be weak, the water qi will rise. The water qi will rush up, and the yin will fight the yang, resulting in dizziness, palpitations, and chest tightness.

Ding Changsheng has encountered these situations before, and it is not very difficult to treat them.

However, according to the patient's appearance and description, it seems more like a lack of blood supply to the heart and a lack of support for the mind and body.

"Let me take your pulse first!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

After taking his pulse for three or four minutes, Ding Changsheng said again: "Let me take a look at your tongue!"

The tongue is pale and has white coating, the pulse is slow and stringy, and cannot be pressed.

It can be confirmed that this is a deficiency syndrome, in which Yang Qi is deficient and the mind is uneasy.

"Your problem is either not serious, but caused by insufficient Qi and blood. I will prescribe a prescription for you to take for three days, and then come back for a follow-up consultation after three days."

"Doctor, what on earth is wrong with me? I don't understand you because you don't have enough energy and blood."

"In Western medicine terms, it means your heart is not supplying enough blood.

If the blood supply to the heart is insufficient and your brain is ischemic, it will naturally send you signals to remind you, which manifests itself as upset and easy to wake you up at night."

"I understand when you say that! I won't have any heart problems, right?"

"There is no problem with the heart. According to Western medicine, there is a problem with the cardiovascular system.

As we age, blood vessels will also develop various problems, such as hardening, blood lipids clogging blood vessels, etc.

Don't worry, your problem is not a big one. You can take the medicine according to my prescription and you will see the effect in three days.

After three days, I will adjust your medication to help nourish your qi and blood and warm your mind. In ten days at most, your upset and palpitations will completely disappear." Ding Changsheng said very confidently.


Chinese medicine is so awesome. As long as the medicine is right for the symptoms, the effect is very fast. It is definitely not a myth that a single medicine can cure a disease.

"Are you going to take it back and cook the medicine yourself, or should we do it for you?" Ding Changsheng asked while writing the medical record.

"Please help me decoct the medicine! I have watched your short video, and you are more professional when it comes to decoction!" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

This middle-aged man who is not short of money also likes to watch short videos.

It can be seen that liking to watch short videos is not just for young people. Old people also like to watch short videos.

"No problem, just come and pick up the medicine before five o'clock in the afternoon!

Your offer is ninety dollars!" Ding Changsheng said to the middle-aged man while handing the signed prescription to Wang Linna.

"Thank you!

No need to look for it!" The middle-aged man took out a hundred dollars and handed it to Ding Changsheng and said smoothly.

"Thank you. I will donate the extra ten yuan to the charity foundation on your behalf!" Ding Changsheng thanked him politely.

The arrival of the middle-aged man seems to have opened a mechanism, and there is an endless stream of patients.

Many of them were poor Chinese who came from nearby streets after hearing the news and wanted to receive free treatment.

In this regard, Ding Changsheng is also happy to see the success, as it can give Lin Chaosheng and others some training and increase his experience points.

It used to take ten days and a half to accumulate one thousand experience points, but now it takes three to five days to accumulate one thousand experience points and one hundred blind boxes.

In the afternoon, Ding Changsheng sat at the counter.

Lin Chaosheng and others do not have acupuncturist certificates. The patients they see and the prescriptions they prescribe must be reviewed by Ding Changsheng. Only when there are no problems, Ding Changsheng will sign on it and then give the patient medicine or acupuncture treatment.

This is a procedure and there is no room for negligence.

Ding Changsheng had just signed a prescription for Lin Chaosheng and asked him to pick up the medicine.

A person suddenly broke in outside the Changsheng Hall.

"Immortal Oppa!"

"Shu Zhen? Are you back? Why didn't you call me? I can pick you up at the airport!" Ding Changsheng saw the person coming and walked out of the counter in surprise.

This is the first woman he has ever met in the United States.

"Eternal Life Oppa!" Jin Shuzhen had just shouted, but her face was already filled with tears, and she was choked with sobs and could not speak.

"You see the patient first, and take the medicine that needs to be taken!" Ding Changsheng explained, leading Jin Shuzhen into an empty clinic.

"Jin Shuzhen, tell me what happened?" Ding Changsheng hugged Jin Shuzhen and asked softly.

"Oppa Changsheng, I will never have a home again!" Jin Shuzhen cried while lying in Ding Changsheng's arms.

Ding Changsheng was stunned, thinking that Jin Shuzhen's father had passed away, so he said that he no longer had a home.

"Shuzhen, you still have me! I will take care of you!" Ding Changsheng comforted Jin Shuzhen softly.

"Eternal Life Oppa, I..." Jin Shuzhen cried and recounted her experience.

Only then did Ding Changsheng realize that it was not Jin Shuzhen's father who died, but Jin Shuzhen's experience would not be better than her father's death.

Jin Shuzhen was actually sold by her biological father to Mr. Li of a large group.

It would be better if it was a marriage, but it was not a marriage. The other party was already married. Jin Shuzhen's biological father gave her to Mr. Li as his lover.

In other words, it is used as a plaything.

That person is not a good person. It is said that several female celebrities who jumped off buildings in Bangzi Country have the shadow of Mr. Li behind them.

Jin Shuzhen's father just wanted to get help from the other party and reach a cooperative relationship with that large group company.

Only then did he make up the lie of illness and deceive Jin Shuzhen back.

Jin Shuzhen was put under house arrest as soon as she left.

Fortunately, there has just been another incident involving a female celebrity in Bangzi Country, and it is related to Mr. Li. Mr. Li was grounded by the family, and Jin Shuzhen was temporarily spared from the disaster.

Finally, I found an opportunity to escape, sold my jewelry, bought a plane ticket, and fled to the United States.

"Shuzhen, don't worry, no one in the United States can hurt you. If they dare to come, I will throw them all into the Atlantic Ocean!" Ding Changsheng promised.

"Oppa Changsheng!" Jin Shuzhen burst into tears and laughed, hugging Ding Changsheng and shouted.

"Let's go, I'll take you upstairs to rest for a while, and I'll take you to buy clothes later." Ding Changsheng took Jin Shuzhen to the third floor, let her rest in the master bedroom on the third floor, and turned around to go downstairs.

"Oppa Changsheng, can you please not leave? I'm afraid!" Jin Shuzhen held Ding Changsheng's hand and said pitifully.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be on the first floor and no one can get in!

I'll go get you a change of clothes." Ding Changsheng said gently.

(End of chapter)

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