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Chapter 20 In exchange for two houses

Chapter 20 Exchange for two houses

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 20 Exchange for two houses

"Master Niu, how do you know this is an imitation of Zhang Daqian?" Ding Changsheng asked humbly.

"Okay, since you are so studious, man, let me tell you a story.

It is said that during the Republic of China, Song Ziwen, the country's uncle and minister of finance, asked for several paintings of landscapes and ladies by Tang Yin.

At that time, this task finally fell into the hands of BJ Liulichang Juzhenzhai. Because Juzhenzhai is also a century-old store and is very prestigious in the industry.

Think about it, men, this Tang Yin's painting is not an ordinary painting, it is so easy to get.

This time, Li Zhongwu, the shopkeeper of Juzhenzhai, was worried.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, good luck hit the door. Someone happened to have the goods, and the price was very reasonable.

So Shopkeeper Li ate all these paintings and waited for someone to go to Nanjing on business, where he could make a lot of money and make good friends with his uncle.

It happened that on this day, Zhang Boju and his new wife Pan Su came to Shopkeeper Li to visit the shop.

After Shopkeeper Li collected the painting, he felt very guilty because it was a bit too smooth and scary.

Shopkeeper Li was afraid that if it was fake, he would be in trouble if he sold it to Uncle Guo.

Therefore, shopkeeper Li told Zhang Boju about this matter and wanted to ask Zhang Boju to help him."

"Master Niu, who is this uncle? He is very powerful?"

"Zhang Boju is known as the Four Young Masters in Beijing, Mr. Haohao, and is respectfully called Uncle Zhang. He was a famous antique appraisal expert, a master of calligraphy and painting, a master of poetry, and a master of Peking Opera during the Republic of China.

In the late 1970s, when I was about your age, I was lucky enough to meet Uncle Zhang." Mr. Niu fell into memories.

"Then Zhang Boju realized that the paintings collected by shopkeeper Li were forgeries?"

"Then, who is Uncle Zhang? That is the real uncle!

You can tell at a glance that this is a fake painting!"

"What happened next?"

"At this moment, the painting seller came!"

"How dare you go back after selling fake paintings?"

"As you said, I have never hidden anything!

Shopkeeper Li grabbed the man selling the painting and asked him if the painting was fake!

The person selling the painting was quite happy and immediately admitted that it was a fake painting!

However, the painting seller smiled and said, it’s not important that I admit it’s a fake painting, what’s important is that you have to provide evidence that it’s a fake painting!”

"This person who sells fake paintings is quite arrogant!" Ding Changsheng is a very qualified admirer.

When he was a child, he liked to get along with Mr. Niu because Mr. Niu was very good at telling stories. He could tell a story with just any antique.

"Haha, as soon as the words about selling fake paintings came out, even Zhang Boju couldn't help but frown."

"Didn't Zhang Boju see that it was a fake painting? Why are you still frowning?"

"Uncle Zhang was able to recognize it because one of the paintings was authentic and he had it in his hand, and he had also seen the authenticity of several other works.

Of course I knew it was a fake painting.

However, it is really difficult for him to provide evidence."


"Because in these paintings, the characters are lifelike and the lines are extremely smooth. They closely match the charm of Tang Yin's paintings. They are so lifelike that it is difficult to tell whether they are authentic or not."

"What happened next?"

"Later, Uncle Zhang stared at the painting for a long time before he laughed and said: The characters in your painting are too fat!"

"Is this also a reason?" Ding Changsheng couldn't help but look at the picture of the lady in front of him.

"Everyone was in an uproar after hearing what Uncle Zhang said. No one expected that Uncle Zhang would say such a thing.

The man selling the paintings laughed heartily and nodded in agreement with Uncle Zhang's statement.

Boy, do you know who this painting seller is?"

"Who? Is it Zhang Daqian?"

"Yes! The person selling the paintings is Mr. Zhang Daqian!

Mr. Zhang Daqian imitated Tang Yin's words, but he never copied them deliberately. He only started from the verve, taking the meaning and ignoring the form, so it was smooth and vivid.

Therefore, when appraising Zhang Daqian's imitations, we cannot start from the spirit, but rather start from the form.

In this picture of a lady, do you see that she has a richer body shape?

Moreover, I just checked and found out that the original painting of this lady is in a museum in Shanghai." Mr. Niu said cheerfully.

"Master Niu, you are a real person. You could have bought it as a painting by Tang Yin for ten million, but now you have to buy it with a small target.

When I return to China, I will steal a bottle of good wine for you from my father." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"..." Mr. Niu was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and tapped Ding Changsheng with his hand, "You kid!"

Zhang Daqian's paintings are much more valuable than Tang Yin's paintings in the auction market.

Tang Yin's paintings are priced at about 10 million RMB in the current market, while Zhang Daqian's paintings are often priced based on small targets.

After reading the tapestry painting "Mountains and Rivers and the Land of the Country" again, Mr. Niu sat on the sofa and fell into deep thought.

It's not that the things are wrong, they are all rare masterpieces, especially the "Mountains and Rivers Sheji Tu", which is a true national treasure-level cultural relic.

It is precisely because of this that Mr. Niu is worried.

Although he is not short of money and has a large business in BJ, although he is not as good as those big guys, he still has dozens of small goals.

If you add his collection, even a hundred small targets can't be defeated.

But the problem is, these are assets, not funds.

Now it is really difficult for him to come up with a few small targets to eat these two treasures.

It's not that he can't take it out, but that after taking it out, his capital chain will be in danger.

However, there are two treasures. If I can't put them in my pocket, I will probably be unable to sleep for a long time.

"Man, you really gave me a difficult problem!" Mr. Niu thought for a while, then took a deep breath and said with a wry smile.

"Master, are you still short of money?" Ding Changsheng asked with a smile.

"Man, Mr. Niu, I am not short of money, but I am short of rice!

Gentlemen, let's talk about it. I have a villa here in Manhattan and I will transfer it to you. Don't worry, I will be responsible for the taxes.

In addition, I also have a small courtyard house in BJ, which I also give to you!

How about exchanging these two treasures of yours?"

"A villa in Manhattan? Is it on Fifth Avenue?" Ding Changsheng asked in surprise.

"Man, any villa on Fifth Avenue can be exchanged for these two paintings of yours. I will also get a BJ's courtyard house?" Mr. Niu said angrily.

"That's right!" Ding Changsheng smiled and scratched his head.

“Right here in China Town, it’s a three-story independent villa with a pretty big yard and a single family.

It's more appropriate to say it's a small manor!" Mr. Niu explained with a smile.

"Okay! Mr. Niu, you have said it, then we will exchange it as you said!

Let’s talk about it first, I don’t care how you bring these two paintings back!” Ding Changsheng was secretly happy that he had just recruited seven beauties, but he was worried about not having enough place to live.

Mr. Niu was really timely and sent him a small manor, which perfectly solved this problem.

"Haha, men, this little thing can't trouble Master Niu." Master Niu said with a smile.

(End of chapter)

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