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Chapter 25 Carved and Gold Palm Thunder

Chapter 25 Carved gold palm thunder

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 25 Carved gold palm thunder

"Mr. Hu, you have internal disturbance of liver fire due to stagnation of liver qi. I will prescribe you a medicine that clears away heat and soothes the bowels, soothes the liver and reduces dryness.

After you go back, soak the medicine overnight, then boil three bowls of water into one bowl of water. After pouring out the medicine liquid, add water again, and boil three bowls of water into one bowl of water.

Mix the two bowls of medicinal liquid together and take it in two doses after meals." After taking Lao Hu's pulse, Ding Changsheng gave him a prescription.

While taking the medicine, he explained.

In fact, these medical orders were written on the prescription, and Ding Changsheng just explained them again.

There are two reasons why it is written on the prescription and needs to be explained again.

One is to make the patient feel valued. The doctor can make the patient feel warm by saying a few more words.

The other is to avoid responsibility. Patients can avoid responsibility when they take the medicine incorrectly or have disputes.

Just for the prescription, the patient can say that I don't understand it, or that I ignored it, and the doctor didn't explain it clearly.

Ding Changsheng wrote the prescription and dictated it again, so the patient had no choice but to say that he had not explained clearly.

There are cameras installed in the Changshengtang, which can collect sounds.

"Changshengzi, why should I take mine before meals and his after meals? What's the point of this?" Pan Jianguo asked curiously after listening to Ding Changsheng's medical advice.

"Yes! Generally speaking! Eat before meals when you are sick, and after meals when you are sick. Also, eat before meals when you are sick, and after meals when you are really sick.

Your insomnia is a deficiency syndrome, so you should naturally take it before meals. Mr. Hu's is a real syndrome, so you should take it after meals." Ding Changsheng explained to Pan Jianguo patiently.

"I see!"

"Mr. Pan, you're here just in time. I'll take your pulse and check on your condition."

"Okay, I was just about to ask you to take a look again! Do you still need to take the medicine?" Pan Jianguo smiled and stretched out his hand, asking Ding Changsheng to take his pulse.

"Mr. Pan, your symptoms of imbalance between the spleen and stomach have disappeared, but the spleen and stomach are still a little weak. This is a disease of old age.

You take the medicine for another three days to consolidate it.

I have slightly adjusted your prescription. It turns out that what I prescribed for you is a flavored Banxia decoction, one liang of French pinellia, two liang of glutinous rice, and one liang of night-flowering vine.

There is no need to add flavor now, just use five qian of pinellia ternata and one tael of glutinous rice to make soup and drink it.”

As Ding Changsheng spoke, he turned around and gave Pan Jianguo some medicine.

"Excuse me, Changshengzi!" Pan Jianguo had great trust in Ding Changsheng's medical skills. Naturally, he would do whatever he said.

In fact, Pan Jianguo also asked his personal doctor. The medicine prescribed by Ding Changsheng was said to be medicine, but more like medicated food.

There are no side effects and it can be taken for a long time.

If Ding Changsheng knew that Pan Jianguo's personal doctor said this, he would definitely recommend that Pan Jianguo consult this personal doctor.

Adding glutinous rice is a medicinal diet?

What is this idea?

Pinellia ternata is poisonous. If taken for a long time, symptoms such as throat pain, upper abdominal discomfort, and dry mouth may occur. In severe cases, symptoms such as hoarseness, incoherence, difficulty swallowing, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever may occur. In more serious cases, even

It can lead to difficulty breathing and death from suffocation.

"Is it enough for three days? No need to take more medicine? I feel that this medicine is very effective. After drinking this medicinal porridge, my stomach feels warm and comfortable." Pan Jianguo asked with a smile.

"No, this is medicine, not medicated porridge. It cannot be taken for a long time. Just consolidate it in three days." Ding Changsheng quickly warned.

In fact, Pan Jianguo's illness will be fine without taking medicine. As long as he pays attention to his diet and does not overeat or eat things that are difficult to digest, he will not get sick again.

Ding Changsheng prescribed medicine to him just to make money.

Anyway, Ding Changsheng didn't feel any burden when picking up Pan Jianguo's wool.

How many people were harmed in China, how many precious cultural relics were harmed by him, and how many people died because of his family.

Gathering his wool and pouring it into a charity fund can be regarded as atonement for his sins.

After Pan Jianguo took the medicine and paid the money, he did not leave. Instead, he asked casually, as if chatting about family matters: "I heard that there are guests here today?"

"Yes! Master Niu is here."

"Jin Ming is here? This kid doesn't make a sound when he comes, and he doesn't scold him when I turn around." Pan Jianguo laughed and scolded.

"Well, I probably haven't had time to contact you yet!" Ding Changsheng smiled awkwardly. He couldn't explain why Niu Ye didn't contact Pan Jianguo.

You two brothers should go and litigate the matter on your own, and I won't get involved.

After a brief chat, Pan Jianguo and Lao Hu said their goodbyes and left.

Seeing the two people exiting the door of Changsheng Hall, Ding Changsheng rubbed his hands eagerly.

It’s time to open the blind box again.

In particular, Pan Jianguo’s blind box is worth looking forward to.

There is also that old Hu. Although I don’t know what he does, it must not be easy to get Pan Jianguo to accompany him.

Especially, the pair of Wenwan walnuts with a bottom of one million, and the top quality lion heads.

A ball of clear air turned into four groups of light.

This is Lao Hu's.

Ding Changsheng randomly selected the treasure.

The light group submerged into the system space.

Holy shit!

Ding Changsheng took one look and couldn't help but curse.

This old Hu is really a deceitful person.

His treasure turned out to be a Browning Palm Thunder of the same type as Mr. Emperor's.

However, this palm thunder is much more luxurious than Mr. Dixiang's palm thunder.

The body of the gun is carved with exquisite patterns and inlaid with gold, and the handle is inlaid with ivory.

This pistol, also called a gift gun, should have a history of more than a hundred years.

In the early nineteenth century, this kind of gift pistol was very popular among the so-called aristocratic circles in Western countries.

When King Albert I of Belgium awarded him the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit, he also gave him such a gold-inlaid M1906 gift pistol.

Mr. Emperor's palm thunder was a gift from his British friend Cantlie.

However, Mr. Emperor Xiang's palm thunder is a pure black four-inch Browning with no other decorations.

That gun is collected in the Shanghai Public Security Museum and is a national first-class cultural relic.

Ding Changsheng didn't take out the palm thunder, so he didn't know what the special significance of this gift gun was.

Ding Changsheng rubbed his hands again, and the clear air turned into four groups of light.

Naturally, choose treasures.

Sure enough, to open the blind box, it must belong to Pan Jianguo.

This time, what Pan Jianguo brought out was a rough jade stone the size of a basketball.

The kind with the skylight open.

From the skylight, you can see the green that moistens your heart, and the clarity like glass.

There is no doubt that the material inside this raw jade stone is glass-type imperial green.

It's just that Ding Changsheng doesn't understand and doesn't know how big the material inside is.

However, if it can be collected as a treasure by Pan Jianguo, it is certainly not bad.

"Master Pan, it has been confirmed that Ding Changsheng did not go to the bank to withdraw anything.

But when Hao left the Changsheng Hall, his bodyguard had two extra safes in his hands." In a Maybach, a man in a black suit reported to Pan Jianguohui respectfully.

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(End of chapter)

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