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Chapter 36 A Very Fat Sheep

Chapter 36 What a fat sheep

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 36 What a fat sheep

After breakfast, Ding Changsheng drove Jin Shuzhen to school before returning to Changsheng Hall and opening the business.

Not long after he opened the store, Fourth Master Long sent someone to deliver the medicinal ingredients he ordered yesterday.

After counting the money, Ding Changsheng wrote a check and asked the other party to take the money back.

After seeing off Fourth Master Long's men, Ding Changsheng sorted the medicinal materials that had just been delivered.

Then take out a little of each medicinal material, put it in your mouth, chew it, and then spit it out.

"Mr. Ding, what are you doing?" Pan Jianguo walked in and asked curiously when he saw Ding Changsheng taking medicinal herbs.

"I am here to understand the medicinal properties of medicinal materials. Each medicinal material and medicinal efficacy are grown in different environments, grown for different years, and medicinal properties and medicinal efficacy are also different.

In order to ensure that the prescriptions I prescribe are effective and can use less medicine to achieve better results, I need to understand the medicinal properties of each medicinal material." Ding Changsheng explained with a smile.

Many Chinese medicine doctors complain about me, saying that it’s not that my medical skills are not good, nor that the prescriptions passed down by my ancestors are not easy to use, but that the current medicines are not as good as the previous ones, and the properties of the current Chinese medicines are not as good as those of the past.

Ding Changsheng disagreed with this. What was the difference between those who said this and those nerds who just studied hard?

In other words, the person who said this has not done enough research on the properties and pharmacology of medicines.

Otherwise, there would be no such feeling at all. The properties of the medicine are not good, and the compatibility can be readjusted according to the properties of the medicine.

The prescriptions created by our ancestors were also created based on a full understanding of the properties of the medicine.

The descendants of our generation cannot create their own classic prescriptions for treating diseases. On the basis of classic prescriptions, it is still not possible to adjust the prescription according to the properties of the medicine. We cannot blame others for not paying attention to traditional Chinese medicine.

The decline of traditional Chinese medicine can only be blamed on the failure of future generations.

"Awesome, you are almost as good as Shen Nong in tasting hundreds of herbs. No wonder the medicine you prescribed is more effective than others." Pan Jianguo praised.

Ding Changsheng didn't want to continue this topic and asked with a smile: "Mr. Pan, why are you free to come to my place today?"

"I have nothing to do all day long now. I'm passing by here and came in to see you.

Among the younger generation, I am optimistic about your eldest son, who will definitely be a figure in the future." Pan Jianguo said in a very amiable manner, looking like a kind old man.

"Mr. Pan, please praise me! I'm just a young doctor who doesn't seek advancement and just makes a living." Ding Changsheng clasped his hands in his fists and said modestly.

As for what Pan Jianguo said about being optimistic about him, only a ghost would believe it.

He really pretends that he doesn't know about the crimes this old guy has committed in the country.

This is a demon who eats people without spitting out their bones.

Just because he didn't sell him the tapestry painting, Ju Gan reported on Mr. Niu, which was harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.

I came here today, probably to get some news.

Since he was the one who reported it, he would naturally know that the customs did not catch Mr. Niu for tax evasion yesterday.

That’s why I came here specifically to inquire about the news today.

What Pan Jianguo did shocked Ding Changsheng. Originally, the transaction between him and Fan Dongmin was in RMB, and Fan Dongmin used a domestic account to transfer money to Ding Changsheng's mother.

This transaction originally did not require the United States to pay taxes.

Now, when Ding Changsheng files his taxes, he really doesn't dare to miss this transaction.

Who knows if Pan Jianguo will arrange for someone to report him again?

Pan Jianguo can do such a thing.

"I'm not flattering you, my eyes are pretty accurate at seeing people.

At your age, when you get a large amount of money, you can actually endure it and not go to nightclubs, buy sports cars, or buy luxury goods.

Based on this, you will definitely be promising in the future." Pan Jianguo continued to praise Ding Changsheng.

"Please stop complimenting me, I'm getting a little carried away.

I don't go to nightclubs or buy sports cars because I like quietness, don't like noisy environments, and don't like driving noisy cars." Ding Changsheng patiently chatted with Pan Jianguo.

Although he despises Pan Jianguo's character, it does not prevent him from maintaining this client well. This is a very expensive and fat sheep.

Just pick up a handful and it’s a small goal.

Pan Jianguo, who is in his seventies and almost eighty, although he looks relatively healthy, his body's functions have begun to age and various minor problems must continue to arise.

Definitely a very good customer.

"Changshengzi, Jin Ming is gone?" After talking nonchalantly for a long time, Pan Jianguo finally couldn't help but ask.

"Should we go? You came here yesterday, told me about the transfer of the villa, and then left.

As for whether to return to China, I don't know." Ding Changsheng replied very calmly.

"This kid, even after he came to New York, didn't even bother to come to my place to do anything. Let's see how I deal with him later." Pan Jianguo said pretending to be angry.

"Yes, you deal with him severely. Just because you have a good relationship with my father, you bully me and buy a villa for my Kesi paintings." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Just give you a villa?"

"How can it be false? Mr. Niu just cries about being poor to me! You said that a big boss who flies on a private jet actually cries about being poor like me, a poor boy.

It makes me embarrassed to ask him for money." Ding Changsheng complained.

"Zhangshengzi, you are still too down-to-earth. Tell me, if you sell your tapestry painting to me, I will give you at least 20 million US dollars.

If you want a house, I can give you a luxury apartment on Fifth Avenue." Pan Jianguo also complained for Ding Changsheng.

"Otherwise, you, Mr. Pan, are so generous. Don't worry, if I find something good in the future, I will definitely keep it for you." Ding Changsheng quickly promised.

"Okay, we men have agreed that if we find good things in the future, we have to keep them for me.

I am about to turn 80, how many years can I live?

I don’t have any hobbies, I just like these old gadgets, I will play with them for a few years, and when I leave, I will donate all these things to the country.”

"Your awareness is really worth learning from us, the younger generation." Ding Changsheng said casually.

I thought to myself: Donate to the country, do you, an old guy, have a country?

Is your country the United States?

Or do you plan to follow the example of Mr. Weng and donate most of the antiques to museums in the United States and then sell some to China?

By the way, the man surnamed Weng is over a hundred years old, so he must have more physical problems.

It's a pity that this old guy didn't ask me to see a doctor, otherwise he would have to pluck out a few handfuls of wool.

Give him a prescription that will make him feel better as soon as he takes it, and he will get sick if he doesn't take it.

We won't stop until we turn this old guy into a bald sheep.

After chatting for a few more words, Pan Jianguo saw the patient coming and stood up to say goodbye and leave.

Ding Changsheng apologized, but did not send him off. He just watched Pan Jianguo leave.

"Jason, how are you feeling today?" Ding Changsheng looked at Jason who walked in and asked with a smile.

"I feel very good. I have never felt this good in the past few years." Jason said with a hearty smile.

(End of chapter)

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