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Chapter 6 Divination of Mountain Doctors

Chapter 6: Mountain Doctor’s Divination

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 6: Mountain Doctor’s Divination

Finally, there is a property panel. System documentation without a property panel has no sense at all.

Ding Changsheng casually opened the properties panel.

Name: Ding Changsheng


Spirit: 10 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Strength: 8 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Endurance: 8 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Speed: 7 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Constitution: 10 (the limit for ordinary people is 10)

Luck: 20

Experience: 1000 (can be used to improve skills)


Four Diagnostics - Proficient (can be improved)

Acupuncture - Mastery (can be improved)

Massage - Mastery (can be improved)

Prescription - Mastery (can be improved)

Pharmacy - Proficient (can be improved)

System space: slightly

Ding Changsheng nodded with satisfaction: Yes, it is much more comfortable this way, and it looks like a systematic document.

My skills are actually at the master level?

Hmm! Can it be improved?

What should be improved first?

Ding Changsheng thought about it briefly and chose the fourth diagnosis.

After pondering for a while, Ding Changsheng finally figured out how to operate the operating panel.

It's very simple, just a thought and you will automatically add points successfully.

The level of the four diagnostics is upgraded from proficient to expert level.

A large number of experiences regarding the four diagnostic procedures emerged in Ding Changsheng's mind.

The physical changes corresponding to various pulse conditions, and the human health conditions represented by various faces and smells, all appeared in Ding Changsheng's brain.

That's not right, Ding Changsheng already knew this knowledge, but now his understanding of this knowledge is a step closer.

By the way, there is also an upgrade gift package.

Ding Changsheng quickly found the gift package from the system space.

Still so unpretentious.

An ordinary envelope with three words written on it, Big Gift Package.

Ding Changsheng opened the gift package with his mind.


Congratulations to the host for opening the mountain-shaped gift package.

Obtained: Immortality Medicine Diet Plan, Immortality Breathing Technique, Immortality Boxing, do you want to learn it?"

Ding Changsheng scratched his head, always feeling that the system was inside him.

How could such a coincidence happen?

His name was Ding Changsheng. When he opened the mountain-shaped gift package, what he got was the longevity medicine dietary formula, longevity breathing method, and longevity fist.

This is definitely the connotation of him.

Ding Changsheng chose to study.

In an instant, countless knowledge emerged in my mind, countless times more than the knowledge that had just emerged from the fourth diagnosis upgrade.

Ding Changsheng only felt that his brain was a little swollen, as if something had been inserted suddenly.

The feeling of fullness made him feel nauseous and wanted to vomit.

However, this feeling soon disappeared.

It's like a fast guy who is used to practicing his craft. He just felt something but it's not over yet.

It’s real, the system is built into it.

What longevity breathing method, longevity boxing.

It’s Tai Chi with breathing techniques.

It’s not accurate either. The breathing method should be the breathing method of Tai Chi.

Changshengquan is a hodgepodge of Tai Chi Zhuang Gong + Tai Chi Chuan + Tai Chi Sword, which includes training methods and fighting methods.

He is already used to it, this is not a serious system.

Ding Changsheng thought that the first big gift package he got was called the medical gift package, and the big gift package he got this time was called the mountain big gift package.

I don’t know, the next big gift package I’ll get is the undecided character gift package, or the supplementary character gift package.

No wonder there is nothing like determining cause and effect.

It turned out to be a Taoist system.

Taoist five arts, mountain medicine and astrological divination.

With the end of the inheritance of the mountain-shaped gift package, Ding Changsheng's attribute panel also changed instantly.

Name: Ding Changsheng






Constitution: 10

Luck: 20

Experience: 0


Four diagnostics - experts

Acupuncture - Mastery

Massage - Mastery

Prescription - Mastery

Pharmaceuticals - Proficient

Medicinal Diet - Proficient

Mastery of Immortality Breathing Technique

Mastery of Changshengquan

System space: slightly

Although the inherited skills directly start with mastery, they do not have any impact on the six-dimensional attributes for the time being.

If he wants to improve his six-dimensional attributes, Ding Changsheng still needs to truly practice.

What is proficient is Ding Changsheng's understanding of these skills.

After studying his attribute panel for a while, Ding Changsheng closed the system panel.

These days are getting more and more promising.

The afternoon is still very leisurely, and the days without patients are so comfortable.

It would be even better if I had another girlfriend to give me a shoulder squeeze.

Ding Changsheng took out his mobile phone, opened the short video, watched the short food video shot by the food anchor, and studied what to eat for dinner.

System upgrade, such an important day, must be celebrated.

How about going to a Michelin three-star restaurant to celebrate?

Think of Michelin three stars.

Ding Changsheng was very moved, it had three Michelin stars!

It's amazing what's been posted on the Internet. I don't seem to be short of money now. Do you want to try it?

Immediately, Ding Changsheng thought of the medicinal diet recipe he had just obtained.

Mastery-level medicinal diet recipes can actually improve your cooking skills.

Ding Changsheng was thinking wildly while scrolling through short videos.

Time slips away unknowingly through your fingertips.

At five o'clock, Ding Changsheng came out of Changsheng Hall, then turned around and closed the door.

Nine to five.

It's time to get off work again, so I am so willful.

"Changsheng, are you off work? Are you going out?"

"Uncle Lin, are you still busy?

Anyway, there are no patients, so I will get off work early.

Go to the supermarket to buy some food and make something delicious to reward yourself in the evening." Ding Changsheng replied with a smile.

"Don't worry! Everyone doesn't know your medical skills yet. You will get better gradually in the future." Uncle Lin also knew that Ding Changsheng's business was deserted, and comforted him with a smile.

"It's okay, Uncle Lin, I'm not anxious at all!


I wish there would be no suffering in the world, I would rather use medicine to produce dust!" Ding Changsheng pointed to the couplet at the door of Changsheng Hall and said with a smile.

"Your personality is very similar to your second grandfather.

Back then, he often said this sentence." Uncle Lin said as he recalled.

"It's passed down from an ancestor, that's right!" Ding Changsheng replied with a smile, and then left, leaving Uncle Lin to reminisce about the past.

Ding Changsheng walked to the supermarket, thinking about what kind of medicinal diet he should make.

I walked around the supermarket and bought a pound of mutton, two large pork kidneys, a bundle of leeks, and ten eggs.

Then he carried the dishes and slowly returned to Changshengtang.

There is always a feeling of entering old age early.

"Ah Changsheng! Are you back from shopping so soon?" Uncle Lin likes to sit at the door, so Ding Changsheng always meets Uncle Lin every time he goes in and out.

"I'm alone and easy to deal with. I just bought some vegetables." Ding Changsheng responded with a smile.

After entering the Changsheng Hall, Ding Changsheng took some medicinal materials from the Baizi cabinet downstairs.

After arriving upstairs, we started brewing medicinal ingredients and processing ingredients.

Let’s make Guidi roasted mutton, braised pork loin with yellow flowers, and astragalus and ginseng porridge.

Strengthens the spleen and stomach, replenishes qi and blood, perfect.

Ding Changsheng prepared dinner calmly.

First wash the mutton, cut it into strips about 3 cm long and 0.8 cm thick, blanch them in boiling water, take them out, and then wash them with warm water.

Wash the angelica root and raw rehmannia root, soak the jujube root in water, and then wash it with warm water.

After making preparations, Ding Changsheng added a little lard to the pot.

Cook over medium heat until it is 50% or 60% hot.

Saute ginger shreds in a pan, add sugar and stir-fry, add mutton and stir-fry for a while.

Add cooking wine, clear soup, soy sauce, refined salt, angelica root, raw rehmannia root, jujube, etc.

After simmering over high heat, Ding Changsheng began to process the ingredients for Huanghua braised pork loin.

Cut the pork loin, remove the fascia, wash and cut into loin cubes.

Soak the daylily in water and tear into small strips.

Day lily is also a medicinal herb, also known as forget-me-not. It has the effects of nourishing blood, calming the liver, diuresis and reducing swelling; it is mainly used to treat: dizziness, tinnitus, palpitations, low back pain, vomiting blood, epistaxis, large intestinal bleeding, edema, gonorrhea, sore throat,

Breast cancer.

Chop onion, ginger and garlic into mince and set aside.

Ding Changsheng enjoyed such days very much, it was very comfortable and leisurely.

In the evening, at around seven o'clock, Ding Changsheng prepared dinner and began to taste the dinner made by himself.

Tastes good!

Ding Changsheng was quite satisfied with his craftsmanship.

With this kind of craftsmanship, if you open a herbal restaurant, the business will be very prosperous.

Nine out of ten men are deficient, either qi or blood deficiency, and one is both deficient.

With my own skills, I am guaranteed to make a lot of money every day by opening a herbal restaurant.

Immediately, Ding Changsheng gave up this thought again.

Opening a restaurant or restaurant has been a matter of diligence since ancient times.

Hard work is not easy to do.

How can a person who only has a small goal a day give up for five buckets of rice?

After enjoying the food, Ding Changsheng washed the pots and bowls slowly, put things away and stacked them neatly.

Although Ding Changsheng is very lazy sometimes, he doesn't feel bored doing housework and so on, it seems to be just a casual thing.

Just like washing your hands when going to the toilet, this is also a habit developed since childhood.

Lying on the sofa, scrolling through Douyin to eat.

Holy shit!

Ding Changsheng suddenly jumped up from the sofa.

The effect of this medicine was so strong that Ding Changsheng felt his energy and blood surge all over his body, and Xiao Changsheng was about to rebel.

Ding Changsheng quickly stood in the middle of the living room, with his legs spread as wide as his shoulders, and his hands wrapped around him like a ball.

Through the mouth and nose, start breathing according to the rhythm of Changsheng Breathing Method, inhale...inhale...inhale...exhale...inhale...inhale...inhale...exhale.

This is the so-called longevity stake and longevity breathing method that Ding Changsheng obtained from the system.

Anyone with a little knowledge will know that this is the Tai Chi Hunyuan pile combined with the breathing method.

However, the effect is really good. With each exhalation and inhalation, the surging Qi and blood are gradually controlled and become stable.

Ding Changsheng stood on the longevity stake for more than half an hour before he could regulate his energy and blood.


Experience +10”

After putting away the longevity stake, Ding Changsheng impromptuly performed a set of longevity boxing in the living room.


Experience +10”

Well, I feel refreshed all over.

Ding Changsheng didn't know whether the longevity stake, longevity breathing method and longevity fist had any other effects, but for a single like him, they were still very good.

Practice it every night to regulate your qi and blood, and you don't have to worry anymore. Every night, you can't help but want to find a place to soak your hardened little Changsheng.

Or maybe I can’t help but take out Teacher Fan’s teaching video and practice the unicorn arm.

Go back to the sofa, continue to lie down, and then start studying your attribute template.

Just after standing on the longevity pile, the system prompts that ten points of experience have been added. After playing the longevity boxing, there is a prompt that ten points of experience have been added.

Not bad, if you add twenty points a day, you can upgrade a skill in fifty days.

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(End of chapter)

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