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Chapter 67 Another Harvest Day

Chapter 67 Another good harvest day

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 67 Another good harvest day

"Master Cheng, do you want to cook the medicine yourself, or should we cook it for you?" In the end, Ding Changsheng gave Master Cheng a fifty-dollar discount. After taking the money, Ding Changsheng asked again with a smile.

"Do you now provide frying service?"

"Of course, in response to the requests of our friends, we now provide the service of decoction for beautiful women, and it's free of charge!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'd better go back and cook the medicine myself! I still have the feeling to cook the medicine myself, and let you cook the medicine in bags. I still feel like I'm not seeing Chinese medicine!" Master Cheng smiled and shook his head.

"Okay! Master Cheng will come over again tomorrow and he will give you another injection!" Ding Changsheng finally explained.


Experience +10”

After sending Master Cheng away, Ding Changsheng remembered that he had seen four patients today and the blind box had not been opened yet.

Taking advantage of this moment, Ding Changsheng opened the four blind boxes.

The first one is Jensen’s, the most anticipated blind box.

Sure enough, Jason never disappoints me and produced another oil painting.

Ding Changsheng didn't study it carefully. He didn't know much about oil paintings. This painting was about a basket of apples. When he was short of money, he would sell it at an auction.

Next is Daniel Blue's, a four-star chef with a high salary and high expectations.

When the blind box was opened, it turned out to be a bottle of red wine, Romanee-Conti 1945.

Treating a bottle of red wine as a treasure is worthy of being a four-star chef.

In the same way, if anyone gives him a Heavenly King Jiuxin Pill, he will treat it as a treasure.

I searched it on my phone and found out that this bottle of wine is really a treasure, Romanée-Conti 1945. It suffered hail in 1945 and only 600 bottles of red wine were produced that year.

In the following years, due to the introduction of new strains, no new wine was released for six consecutive years.

Every bottle of Romanée-Conti 1945 left in the world is out of print and deeply treasured by red wine lovers.

Then open Uncle Lin’s blind box.

Good guy, it turns out that Uncle Lin is really secretive!

The blind box that Uncle Lin opened was a set of porcelain. It was a very exquisite export porcelain from the Qing Dynasty. It was a blue and white porcelain with entwining lotus pattern from JDZ.

A complete set, including plates, bowls, wine bottles, teacups, etc., a set of more than 40 pieces.

Nowadays, exported porcelain is a popular collection. This set of JDZ exported porcelain from the Guangxu period is worth a few dollars.

Finally, there is Master Cheng’s blind box.

It's a photo, a signed photo of Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee sparked the kung fu craze in China. It can be said that the entire Chinese martial arts gym in Chinatown has Bruce Lee to thank.

Because Bruce Lee triggered the kung fu craze in China, a large number of foreigners went to Chinese martial arts schools to learn kung fu.

That’s why so many Chinese martial arts schools have spawned.

Because Zhou Linlin and the others were there, Ding Changsheng didn't take it out to appreciate. He just opened the blind box and took a look, then let them stay in the system space.

The system space where time stands still is the best place to store antique artifacts.

After finishing his busy work, Ding Changsheng remembered that the Chinese medicine liquid bag he wanted had not yet been delivered.

Just as I was about to call and ask, the guy from Sihai Medicinal Materials Store walked in.

"Doctor Ding, I'm sorry! I just happened to catch up with a batch of goods coming into the store. I was busy unloading the goods, so I'm late!" The boy apologized as soon as he came in.

"It's okay, it's okay! No delay!" Ding Changsheng took the traditional Chinese medicine solution bag with a smile and turned to hand it to Zhou Linlin.

"Doctor Ding, are they the new doctors in your shop?" Seeing Zhou Linlin and the three girls, the young man felt that his eyesight was not enough.

I thought to myself: This Doctor Ding is really powerful. He has found three such beautiful assistants. I wonder if Doctor Ding still needs anyone here?

Ding Changsheng took the receipt and paid the bill to the boy.

Seeing that the young man still refused to leave and kept looking behind him, Ding Changsheng asked calmly: "Xiao Wang, do you have anything else?"

"Oh! It's okay. I just wanted to ask, what other medicinal materials does Doctor Ding need here?" When Ding Changsheng asked, the boy was a little flustered and made an excuse.

"The medicinal materials we just purchased two days ago are not needed at the moment! I will call you when I need them." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Oh! I'm leaving then!" The boy turned around and left with some reluctance.

Ding Changsheng secretly sighed, this was also an innocent young man, he probably had never seen anything meaty.

I don’t know what’s wrong with this society?

Whether at home or abroad, there are more and more honest and innocent young men.

There are fewer and fewer innocent girls.

I don’t know if it’s the progress of society or the sadness of men.

"Hello! I'm from Daniel's Restaurant. Mr. Blue asked me to come over and get something!" Just as the boy left, a young white man walked in.

"Hold on!"

Ding Changsheng thought to himself that he had come at the right time. If he had come a few minutes earlier, he would not have been able to give anything to the other party.

Ding Changsheng went upstairs and took a look. The fried Chinese medicine had been packed into bags.

"Tidy up, it's time for us to get off work!" Ding Changsheng took the medicine and told Zhou Linlin and others.

After coming down and handing the medicinal solution to the young white man, Ding Changsheng followed him out, closed the store door, took some medicinal materials, and then drove out of Changsheng Hall with Zhou Linlin and the others.

Ding Changsheng took the three of them to the supermarket.

"What should we buy in the supermarket?" Zhou Linlin and the other three were quite curious about foreign supermarkets.

It should be said that at this time, they were curious about everything around them.

After all, it had only been more than 20 hours since they arrived in New York, less than 30 hours.

I stayed in the Changsheng Hall all day long, and I didn't have time to take a good look at this city full of legends and legends.

"Buy some ingredients for tonight and tomorrow morning, and I'll teach you how to make herbal meals tonight.

In the future, if our Changshengtang Medical Clinic cannot continue to operate, we can consider opening a medicinal food hall." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

If Ding Changsheng didn't find it troublesome, or in other words, if there was no system nearby.

Opening a herbal medicine restaurant is really more profitable than opening a medical clinic.

With the system close by, you can open a blind box without seeing a single patient.

Although not all the things offered are valuable, as long as you meet a big boss, you can easily achieve your internship goal.

For example, the oil painting that was opened today, although he doesn't know much about oil painting, but an oil painting collected by a big shot like Jason, it should be an easy target for a small target.

Western oil paintings have been highly hyped by Western collectors, and now they are also hyping Chinese oil paintings.

The four of us were picking in the supermarket and bought a lot of ingredients, as well as many things for women, such as large and small masks, for daytime use, for nighttime use, for normal use, and for special times.

Ding Changsheng didn't study what they bought. He didn't understand it anyway. He was only responsible for the final settlement.

"Is there anything else you need to buy? For example, cosmetics or something? I'll be kind to you, boss, and I'll pay your bill today. If you want to buy something, hurry up." After coming out of the supermarket, Ding Changsheng asked again with a smile.

Let me report the results. The first order was more than 900, so round it off to 1,000. It is almost the same as the results when I first started writing.

After all, this book was put on the shelves too early, so I didn’t dare to compete with those great masters. I compared my own results, which were pretty good.

You can write it down.

(End of chapter)

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