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Chapter 89 I lost my ideal

Chapter 89 I lost my ideal

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 89 I lost my ideal

Bluefin tuna is a high-end ingredient.

Every year during the bluefin tuna season in the United States, a large number of American sailors, fishermen, and anglers charter boats to go fishing for bluefin tuna.

Some people even make a living by fishing for bluefin tuna.

But, how many of these sailors, fishermen, and anglers are willing to try bluefin tuna that costs nearly a hundred dollars a pound?

Now a bluefin tuna weighs at least 80 to 90 kilograms. Ding Changsheng wants to share with you how to prevent the sailors from being happy.

"Sir is so generous!"

Similar good words, free of charge, kept ringing from the next deck.

Soon, a speargun shot out and hit the bluefin tuna accurately on the head. Then the sailor on the deck quickly pulled the rope and pulled the bluefin tuna onto the deck.

Of course, the sea bass Ding Changsheng caught was also caught.

It weighs about two kilograms.

Sea bass is an economic fish and can be found throughout the ocean.

"I won! My dear, do you want to continue the competition?" Zhang Xin made a victory gesture towards Ding Changsheng, then jumped on Ding Changsheng and said coquettishly.

"Beat, why not? What time is it? Wait, watch me catch a bigger bluefin tuna!" Ding Changsheng patted Zhang Xin's round face and said with a smile.

He also knew that Zhang Xin's ability to catch bluefin tuna was entirely due to luck. The fishing rod and bait were both wrong. Catching bluefin tuna was definitely a blind cat meeting a dead mouse.

After hanging the bait, Ding Changsheng threw the rod vigorously.

However, this time his luck was not as good as the previous two. Ding Changsheng finished a bottle of beer and did not hear the bell ring.

Looking at the undulating waves and the vast ocean in the distance, Ding Changsheng's thoughts began to wander.

Inherit the second grandfather's inheritance, Changshengtang Medical Clinic, and obtain the system.

After having the system in place, I felt that my life had reached its peak and I started to work hard.

Goofing around aimlessly every day.

Then, after selling a few antiques and emeralds, and having money, I wanted a beautiful woman and a luxury car.

Nowadays, we have mansions, luxury cars and beautiful women, and it seems that we no longer need to work hard in life.

After all, most people have already obtained things that they can’t obtain even if they work hard all their lives, so why should they work hard?

For a moment, Ding Changsheng was a little confused.

Start thinking about life!

What is the meaning of life and what is the goal of life?

The principal, his father, two horses, and Dongzi already have so much money, why do they still have to work so hard?

Da Ma has retreated from the rapids, but he is still running around, giving lectures and working as a teacher.

Why do they do this?

For career, for ideal?

So what is my career? What is my ideal?

It was once ridiculous that I wanted to open a pharmaceutical factory and gradually break the capital blockade on traditional Chinese medicine.

Later, I realized that this idea was ridiculous.

Chinese patent medicines simply cannot pass FDA review.

Because Chinese patent medicines belong to the category whose active ingredients cannot be detected.

In fact, Ding Changsheng is not very obsessed with whether he can open a pharmaceutical factory.

He just couldn't find the direction in life for a while and lost the goal of his efforts.

Even for medical skills, as long as he follows the procedures step by step, his medical skills will continue to improve.

No effort required at all!

Career, ideals, life goals, a few words kept wandering in Ding Changsheng's mind.

Ding Changsheng was so lost in thought that he didn't even hear the bell on the fishing rod ring.

"What are you thinking about? So absorbed in it? The fish have all run away!" Zhou Linlin pushed Ding Changsheng.

"Oh! Think of something!" Ding Changsheng didn't care about the fish on the fishing rod.

"Sister Lin Lin, Xin'er, Linna, what is your ideal?" Ding Changsheng looked at the three women and asked.

"Ideal? My previous ideal was to be a good doctor!" Zhou Linlin thought for a while and said.

"I want to make a lot of money, change my family's economy, and let my parents live in a good house." Wang Linna's ideal is very simple.

"I want to be Mrs. Ding!" Zhang Xin said with a smile.

Her ideal is the most realistic!

I never hide my thoughts!

Unfortunately, her ideal will never be realized!

This ideal was shattered from the moment she touched Ding Changsheng's bed on the first night she came to the United States.

No, in other words, Ding Changsheng has been shattered since he was in school, before he obtained the system.

It's not that Ding Changsheng has a mysophobia and won't marry anything else.

Zhang Xin is still very clean and self-sufficient. Although the tree-lined path has been walked by people before, she was never naive when she was young.

Because of my innocence, it is normal for people to walk through the tree-lined path once or twice.

At least, Zhang Xin's breath is still very clean.

Rather, Zhang Xin's character made Ding Changsheng conclude that she could only be regarded as a canary from the very beginning.

To put it nicely, it means a confidante.

Once a person has an impression of someone or something, it is difficult to change it.

As for Zhou Linlin, she is pretty good. Although she often quarrels with him during the day and finds some quarrels with him, she is very gentle at night and is willing to cooperate with him in various positions.

The smell is also very clean, and it probably only happened to one or two people, and definitely not many times.

As for Wang Linna, she has the cleanest breath among the girls Ding Changsheng has ever seen.

But Ding Changsheng is very greedy.

I don’t want to give up a forest for a tree.

However, no matter what, the three women have their own ideals.

But what is his ideal?

"Why did you suddenly ask this question?" Zhou Linlin asked curiously.

"Because, I suddenly discovered that I don't know what my ideal is?

I can't spend all my money in a lifetime.

I can’t say that my medical skills are the best in the world, but as far as Chinese medicine is concerned, I am confident that I can rank among the top 100.

As time goes by, my medical skills will improve.

Although my Kung Fu has just broken through Ming Jin, in fact, my understanding of Kung Fu has surpassed Ming Jin and reached Dark Jin.

It's just that my physical fitness can't keep up.

As long as my physical fitness keeps up, I will be a kung fu master in the dark stage.

In today's society, Ming Jin can be called a master.

I don’t know, what’s the use of continuing to work hard?

I lost my ideal!" Ding Changsheng said with a bitter smile.

Zhou Linlin and the three girls looked at each other, although Ding Changsheng's words were a bit Versailles.

However, Zhou Linlin could tell from Ding Changsheng's words that he was not Versailles, but really confused.

"Changsheng, I don't know how to enlighten you! There is an old saying in our country, which is that if you are poor, you will be alone; if you are rich, you will contribute to the world.

You can think about it carefully!"

"It helps the world! I established a charity foundation. Isn't that what I am doing?" Ding Changsheng was still confused.

Many charities in the United States were originally designed to avoid taxes. Later, charitable funds became a means to control government policy decisions.

His purpose is simple, to help some people while avoiding taxes.

There are more later.

(End of chapter)

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