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Chapter 9 If you have money, you can spend it

Chapter 9 If you have money, you can spend it

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 9 If you have money, you can spend it

"Mother, please listen to my explanation!"

"Say!" Xu Manling uttered two words coldly.

"Well, I found a few treasures at the flea market here in New York. One of them was sold for 20 million, and it was put into my mother's card.

I want to ask your mother to check it out!" Ding Changsheng quickly told what happened.

"Twenty million?"


"Let me see!

Received, received!

Son, you are so awesome, mommy loves you!


Okay, hang up, take care of yourself!" Xu Manling told Ding Changsheng that she had received the money, then gave Ding Changsheng a radio kiss and hung up the phone directly.

"Lao Ding, your son bought a bottle for 20 million!" After Xu Manling hung up the phone, she jumped on Lao Ding and shouted excitedly.

"Twenty million? This boy is really lucky!" Ding's father was also shocked and said in a daze.

"My son gave me all the money! I'm going to splurge tomorrow, I want..." Xu Manling thought for a long time, but couldn't remember what to buy.

She has no shortage of cosmetics. The key is that as a doctor, she is very suitable for using cosmetics.

I usually just use some skin care lotion at most.

As for buying a house, 20 million sounds like it, but buying a house in BJ?


As for buying a car?

I have one at home. I bought it a few years ago and it is not suitable to replace it with a new one.

Another lottery to buy a car?

"Forget it, let's save up a wife for that brat!" Xu Manling lay on Lao Ding's body and thought for a while, and finally sighed.

"However, my son has made so much money, so he must celebrate it!" Xu Manling became excited again.

Old Ding was so frightened that he trembled and wondered whether he should go to the storage room and take another sip of the medicinal wine left by his father.

Ding Changsheng saw his mother hang up the phone and touched his nose. He hadn't told him yet that another Maitreya Buddha had been sold for fifteen million dollars.

Don’t blame me!

I only blame my mother for hanging up the phone too quickly.

Ding Changsheng muttered to himself.

"Director Fan, I have received the money. This Kangxi blue and white celestial vase with entwined branches and lotus pattern is yours, but I can't issue you a sales receipt!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, I can handle this kind of thing myself!" Fan Dongmin smiled and waved his hand.

This is no big deal at all. Just find a handicraft store, buy a similar celestial sphere bottle, smash the bottle, and you will have the certificate?

The customs doesn't care whether your bottle is genuine. They only want to see whether you have proof of purchase and whether you have paid import and export duties.

Then Ding Changsheng happily signed a sales contract with Pan Jianguo and handed over the high-ice Zhengyang green Maitreya Buddha to Pan Jianguo.

Accept the check written by Pan Jianguo.

There is no way to avoid tax on this 15 million U.S. dollars, and you must pay a large amount of tax to the Federal Taxation Bureau.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s free money anyway.

Looking at the smiling Pan Jianguo and Fan Dongmin, Ding Changsheng couldn't help but sigh, "What good people!"

At this time, Pan Jianguo and Fan Dongmin were only thinking about making a fortune.

At this time, Pan Jianguo had temporarily forgotten the tapestry painting "Mountains, Rivers and Sheji".

You won't make much money even if you take down that painting and resell it. As for collecting, Pan Jianguo prefers to collect jade.

Jade is a truly non-renewable resource. If you hold it in your hands, it will only continue to appreciate in value.

Unlike antiques, the market still has a cooling and warming period.

The antique market has been on a cooling trend in the past two years.

In the market, the price of high-quality ice varieties ranges from 10,000 to 100,000 per gram, but the calculation cannot be made like this.

This is Zhengyang green second only to emerald (imperial green). In addition, the carving of Maitreya Buddha is very good. It is a work of a famous artist. The price should be around 1 gram and 200,000 yuan.

The weight of this Maitreya Buddha is about one kilogram, which means that this high-ice Zhengyang green Maitreya Buddha is worth at least 30 million US dollars.

"Changshengzi, if you find something good in the future, don't forget to let me know. From your second grandfather's point of view, it's not an exaggeration to call me Grandpa Pan.

When you have good things in the future, remember Grandpa Pan, Grandpa Pan is not short of money!" Pan Jianguo did not forget to remind him before leaving.

"Don't worry! Mr. Pan, I will definitely think of you when I get something good in the future!" Ding Changsheng smiled brightly and agreed readily.

I thought to myself: As long as you come to me often for medical consultation, good things will definitely be indispensable for you.

After sending Pan Jianguo and Fan Dongmin away, Ding Changsheng jumped up high and waved his fist fiercely.

Although he is accompanied by the system, he is still a young man in his twenties.

This is the first time in my life that I have gained such great wealth.

You must know that the total value of the small three-story building left to him by his second grandfather, plus the many medicinal materials and homemade Chinese patent medicines from Changshengtang, is only a few million US dollars.

In fact, thanks to the fact that the fixed assets left to him by his second grandfather were only a few million, otherwise he would not be able to pay the inheritance tax alone.

After venting his anger, Ding Changsheng made himself a cup of tea, slowly sipping the tea to calm down.

With fifteen million dollars, what can we do?

For example, recruit a few beauties to provide decoction services to patients.

Another example is buying a better car so that when you go out for fun on weekends, you won’t have to drive my second grandpa’s old car.

Another example is buying a set of better fishing rods and going fishing at the beach on weekends.

New York is close to the Atlantic Ocean, not to mention that Chinatown is originally in Lower Manhattan.

Manhattan itself is an island, so there is no shortage of places for fishing.

That's all Ding Changsheng could think of for the time being.

There are still a lot of things I want to do, but fifteen million dollars may sound like a lot, but it is far from enough to really get things done.

Now he doesn't even dare to sell those small pills left by his second grandfather.

Of course, the little pills left by the second grandfather are not the kind of little pills that men like, but the little pills that really save lives.

At a critical moment, a small pill can save a life.

It's just that if no one sues this thing, if someone sues it, it's illegal medicine and drug sales.

Don't think that just because you saved the other person's life, they won't sue you.

This crime could punish him until he went bankrupt, and he could also spend several years in prison.

However, Ding Changsheng planned to set up a small pharmaceutical company, register several patents for small pills, and then specialize in producing the small pills that men love most.

This thing is definitely worth a fortune. One piece sells for one thousand dollars, and there are definitely many people rushing to buy it.

What America doesn't lack most is rich people and poor people.

Therefore, this kind of pill is very marketable.

However, US$15 million is only enough to set up a small pharmaceutical factory, but not even a big one can afford it.

He even dared not come up with those good cures for diseases now.

The power of certain capital cannot be offended!

However, Ding Changsheng was not in a hurry and took his time.

As long as he treats all the elderly people in Chinatown, he can save the funds he needs.

New York's Chinatown is home to many capital tycoons or established families.

Although Pan Jianguo is famous in Chinatown, in terms of capital, he is not ranked at all.

Pan Jianguo is famous because of his Hongmen status. This old guy has a high seniority. It is said that he is two generations higher than the current speaker.

Therefore, what he needs to do now is to continue to sit in court for consultations and accumulate funds and connections.

Don't worry about anything else. Let's hook up a few beauties from school to help him boil the medicine.

As soon as he thought of it, Ding Changsheng opened WeChat on his mobile phone and found his graduate student WeChat group.

Good guys, we are all a group of night owls. At this time in China, it is almost one o'clock in the morning, and there are still people chatting.

Are you a Chinese medicine practitioner?

Don’t you know about health maintenance?

I opened the WeChat red envelope and sent fifty red envelopes directly, and each red envelope was full.

Just blow up a bunch of people.

"Wow! Master Ding is online!"

“What a big red envelope!”

"Thank you Master Ding, please accept my knee!"

"Master Ding, do you need a bed warmer?"

"Is Changsheng getting rich?"

"Is it so easy to make money from the American empire?"

"Master Ding, do you still need to run errands?"

"You don't need errand runners, but you do need a few bed warmers!"

"Damn it, is Mr. Ding so arrogant now? How many bed warmers are there..."

A group of people were reveling in the group, either teasing, admiringly complimenting, or secretly jealous.

Some people also chatted with him privately and asked him how he was doing in New York.

"Senior, how are you doing in the United States?"

When Ding Changsheng saw it, he couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

The person who was chatting with him privately was their next classmate, a secretive girl who could be considered a school beauty.

However, Ding Changsheng did not dare to provoke him in the past. Although the two of them had WeChat, Ding Changsheng had never taken the initiative to chat with each other privately.

The precocious Ding Changsheng knew that he could not afford to offend or support such a woman.

Without a prairie, how can one afford to raise BMWs and famous horses?

The key is that this school girl is a sober person.

"Fortunately, it's quite quiet here. They are all old customers left by my second grandfather. Don't worry about not having any customers." Ding Changsheng replied with a smile.

Just because I didn't dare to provoke him before doesn't mean I don't dare to provoke him now.

There is no grassland, but he has green Franklin.

"I'm so envious of you, senior, I've never been abroad before!"

"You are welcome to come late at any time. The seniors promise to welcome you all the way, so that you can have a good time and experience the corruption and luxury of imperialism."

"Forget it, I'm afraid what if I fall in love with a corrupt and luxurious life?"

"It's easy to handle! I still need a little maid here who can cook medicine. She will provide food and shelter." Ding Changsheng raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a slight smile.

"Ah! Senior, you are so evil, you actually want to trick me into becoming your maid!" The corners of Zhang Xin's mouth turned up, revealing a sweet smile.

"Thirty thousand dollars a month!"

"Really?" Zhang Xin was so shocked by Ding Changsheng's words that she opened her mouth into a seductive "O" shape.

"When did senior lie to you?

As long as you are willing to come and report your card number, we will immediately advance your salary for two months!" Ding Changsheng said generously.

"Senior, you're not just afraid of being a little maid who works as a decoction, right?" Zhang Xin asked tentatively.

(End of chapter)

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