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Chapter 97 Massage for colds

Chapter 97 Massage cures colds

Author: Heguangwuwu

Chapter 97 Massage cures colds

"Dear, you are so amazing!" After sending Henry and the others away, Zhang Xin hugged Ding Changsheng's arm with some excitement.

In just one hour, I made 200,000 yuan.

This does not include medical expenses.

One application of ointment costs five thousand dollars.

This is simply a money grab.

If faced with Chinese people, Zhang Xin would definitely call Ding Changsheng a black man.

However, since the other party was an American, Zhang Xin would only praise Ding Changsheng for his greatness.

"Changsheng, what kind of ointment is that? You don't use any contraband, right?" Zhou Linlin thought more and asked worriedly.

"It's Musk Bone Strengthening Ointment!" Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"Musk bone strengthening ointment? You can't be?" Wang Linna thought of something and looked at Ding Changsheng with her mouth wide open.

Musk Zhuanggu Ointment is good, but he replaced one of the herbs with the medicinal materials in the original recipe.

As the name suggests, Musk Bone Strengthening Ointment definitely contains musk, and secondly, it also contains leopard bone.

The leopard bones were modified later, the original recipe used tiger bones.

The laws in the United States are very complicated and are completely a game for the rich.

Rich Americans enjoy raising tigers as pets, which has led to an industry chain ranging from cub breeding to selling and recycling all kinds of dead tigers.

Every year, a large number of tigers die due to various reasons. They are skinned and cramped, their bones and flesh are removed, their heads are made into specimens, and their skins are treated as trophies.

As for tiger bones, they will naturally flow into the market, and their destination is unknown.

In the eyes of rich people, these are not a big deal, but to the poor, it is a serious crime.

Being criticized by the media can also lead to serious fines and imprisonment.

The severity is even more serious than being jailed in China.

"Okay, let's not discuss this matter anymore. You guys, hurry up and prepare the medicine according to these two prescriptions!" Ding Changsheng handed Zhou Linlin the two prescriptions he just wrote out.

These two prescriptions are: Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, a decoction made by Henrik, which treats blood stasis-blocking diabetes; and Wuji San, a decoction made by Bernardo Brad, which is used to dispel cold, warm menstruation, remove dampness and activate blood circulation.


After explaining the three girls, Ding Changsheng began to take the medicine himself.

First use a small Chinese herbal medicine grinder to grind all the medicinal materials into ingredients.

Times are developing, and Ding Changsheng will naturally not do things that are traditional for the sake of tradition.

For example, there are obviously more labor-saving grinding machines, but you have to use traditional medicine knives, medicine grinders, pestles and mortars to grind powder.

That is too cumbersome and too slow.

Using a grinder will not harm the properties of the medicine, so why bother with yourself?

I often see some short videos, and there are obviously more advanced tools that I don’t need, but I insist on using original tools, saying that I respect tradition.

Ding Changsheng only has two words for such a short video, idiot.

It’s purely for showing off and attracting traffic.

Many crafts are inherited, either there is no market, or some people stick to the old rules and don't know how to change.

Handicraft is originally a craft that exists to improve the lives and quality of life of the broad masses of the people.

If you insist on raising it to the level of a work of art, the final result will be its demise.

Folk things must eventually return to the folk and be accepted by the public, which is better than anything else.

Only by using advanced tools to reduce production costs can it be more easily accepted by the public.

Just like Ding Changsheng’s hand-made musk bone-strengthening ointment, if you don’t have a grinder and grind it by hand, when will it be available?

Ding Changsheng didn't even bother to do it, let alone five thousand dollars per post, even ten thousand dollars per post.

It is too troublesome to grind tiger bones and other medicinal materials into powder.

Grind the medicinal materials into powder, then add water and bring to a boil over high heat. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and cook slowly.

While cooking, stir slowly with chopsticks to prevent the medicinal powder from sinking to the bottom.

Until the medicinal powder turns into a paste.

If you are making pills, you need to add honey to mix it. If you are making an ointment, you don't need it. You can just boil it into a paste.

Ding Changsheng makes enough for more than ten days at a time. When you are ready to use it, dig out a little, put it on the linen, heat it, and stick it directly to the affected area.

It is very troublesome to boil medicine, especially to make it into ointment. Naturally, Ding Changsheng will not cook it slowly by himself. There are three maids who prepare the medicine.

After Ding Changsheng ground the medicinal powder, he handed it directly to Zhang Xin.

It wasn’t just to be lazy, Julia Diallo came back with her two children.

Ding Changsheng tested the child's temperature with his hands and found it was 38 degrees.

Both children had an ice pack tied to their heads.

Apart from this, there are no other treatment measures.

If this had happened in China, my parents would have taken me to get a vasectomy a long time ago.

Ding Changsheng held the children's hands and took their pulse.

It was confirmed that there was no other illness, just a cold and a fever.

Ding Changsheng gently massaged the child's Quchi, Hegu and Waiguan points.

Of course, this gentle rubbing does not require any effort.

If the force cannot enter the acupoints and cannot achieve the effect of stimulating the acupoints, no matter how long you massage the acupoints, the effect will not be very good.

But if you use too much force, and people who don’t know how to use force can just rub it with all their strength, it will be very painful.

The child will definitely cry.

Therefore, Chinese medicine and martial arts training are still very useful.

Whether it's acupuncture or massage, you have the skills and know how to use force to achieve the greatest effect.

Really achieve the purpose of using needles as medicine and hands as medicine.

After a few minutes of kneading one child at a time, both children were covered in sweat.

"Okay! Don't let them run around. When the sweat subsides, their illness will be cured." Ding Changsheng said to Yulia Diallo with a smile.

"BOSS, are they ready now? This is simply amazing!" Yulia Diallo shouted in surprise.

“You saw it with your own eyes, it’s so amazing!

They have a cold, so if they sweat, they will be cured naturally." Ding Changsheng said with a smile.

"It's amazing, amazing China, amazing Chinese medicine!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't have believed that a cold and fever could be cured so easily." Yulia Diallo exclaimed.

"Okay! Let's take the children upstairs!" Ding Changsheng smiled and touched the heads of the two children.

"Thank you sir! I feel better now!"

"Thank you sir, I'm much better now and don't feel uncomfortable at all!"

Julia Diallo's two children thanked Ding Changsheng politely.

"You're welcome!" Ding Changsheng smiled.

After sending away Yulia Diallo, who had thanked her so much, Zhou Linlin asked curiously: "Changsheng, is this also the effect of kung fu?

Massaging the Quchi, Hegu, and Waiguan points can dispel wind, relieve symptoms, and reduce fever.

However, if other people massage it, it will take at least two or three times to have any effect."

"Yes! This is the effect of kung fu on massage. Whether it is massage or acupuncture, they are all designed to stimulate acupoints and ultimately achieve the purpose of curing diseases.

Ordinary people don't use force, so the effect will naturally be poor." Ding Changsheng explained patiently.

I had diarrhea today that made me feel weak all over. I could only lie in bed and type.

It’s been a long time since I’ve used my mobile phone to code, and I’m really not used to it.

(End of chapter)

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