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Chapter 98 Lin Sheng Questions

Pretending to be relaxed, I strolled to Thousand Cups of Wine and asked, "Waiter, what kind of wine do you have in your store?"

"Hey, sir, please come in. We have a lot of varieties of wine here. I wonder if you, sir, can drink it yourself or give it to someone else?"

I smiled and said, "It's the Chinese New Year, so of course we have to prepare a jar at home, and visits between relatives and friends are of course inevitable. Hey, where's Yang Mosheng? I've always heard him praise the good wine here, and I asked him to help me choose."

The waiter smiled and said, "Mr. Yang hasn't come yet."

I pretended to be surprised: "He's not back yet? Where is he going?"

"What's wrong?" Wang Yicheng just came out: "Are you looking for Yang Mosheng?"

"Oh, let him help pick out the wine."

Wang Yicheng looked around: "Where is the person? Isn't he here yet?"


"What's going on with this man? Don't you usually call him in advance if something happens? Go and see where he lives. Don't think he's sick." Wang Yicheng ordered.

"No, he's staying at my house. He didn't come home all night last night. I thought your restaurant was busy, so he rested in the shop because it was too late." I said.

Wang Yicheng looked nervous: "How could it be? I let him go around midnight yesterday."

I was also deliberately surprised and asked: "Where is that man? Does he have any relatives or friends in Xiangzhou?"

"I've never heard of this. I just paid him his salary yesterday, and now it's the end of the year. I'm afraid some people will have no money to celebrate the New Year, so why don't you use your imagination?" Wang Yicheng frowned.

I was shocked: "You mean... he might have been kidnapped or... had an accident?"

"It's possible."

"Then...then I'll report it to the official!" I said, and I didn't even bother buying wine, so I ran towards the county government office.

"Wang San'er, you go too, come and have a look!"

Wang Yicheng ordered from behind, and the waiter chased after him.

Everything was as Xiao Mu expected. Magistrate Xu happened to have a stomachache. I wonder if he was also a spy, or maybe he was secretly given laxatives by Xiao Mu. After all, Xiao Mu's friend owns a medical clinic.

, that Li Huichun is not a simple doctor, just a word from Xiao Mu, I am afraid he can prescribe any medicine.

Lin Sheng asked about the case, and the waiter Wang Saner, who was not drunk but did not know anything about it, narrated it. The whole disappearance case became more real. I followed Xiao Mu's explanation and explained the report process. Because he was no longer the first

This is the first time I have acted, and now I can be completely calm and composed.

"Okay, I know everything. I will send someone to investigate carefully. Li Jianghu, you stay here first." Lin Sheng finished asking about the case and took notes. He looked very tired. He waved Wang Saner to leave, but

left me here.

What do you mean? Did I say something wrong that made him suspicious? I felt a little panicked, but with a smile on my face: "I wonder if the registrar has any other instructions?"

"Lieutenant Xiao, take him to the mortuary to have a look." Lin Sheng ordered, his face looking very ugly.

I followed County Lieutenant Xiao to the mortuary. Zhang Xiaoquan saluted him and opened two pieces of cloth covering the body: "County Lieutenant, this is Zhang's autopsy report."

"Well, Li Jianghu, please take a look again." Xiaoxian Lieutenant retreated to the door and said.

"Yes." I replied, and after touching my arms, I realized that I didn't bring the triangular handkerchief that Madam Mu gave me for autopsy. Well, I had to hold my breath, but fortunately it was cold now.

It's only been a night, so the corpse shouldn't be too smelly.

One night! That's right. Without checking, I basically guessed who the deceased was. Yesterday at my house, Xiao Mu ordered the hero Ouyang to kill two of Yang Mosheng's men.


Just when I held my breath and was about to start, Zhang Xiaoquan handed me a clean handkerchief.

I took it and smiled at him gratefully. Suddenly I felt that the half of his big face that was exposed was so cute.

Yesterday, there was an attempt to drug Song Erlang's father to blame Li Huichun. Fortunately, they saw through the trick and sent him to prison. But at this moment, the man is lying here, already a cold corpse.

I took out a silver needle and pierced his stomach and tried it. Sure enough, he was poisoned and died. After smelling the smell, there was no doubt that it was arsenic. As an assassin, you still need to learn to identify the basic poisons.

I looked at the corpse next to me. The wound was obviously on the left chest, going straight to the heart.

"Back to the County Lieutenant, the man was poisoned by arsenic. The time of death was probably around 1 hour last night. The man was stabbed into the heart with a sharp knife and died. The time of death was around midnight." I reported to the Xiao County Lieutenant.

County Lieutenant Xiao looked at the autopsy report in his hand and nodded to me: "Okay, go down, Zhang Xiaoquan, and take him to collect his wages."

It was obvious how the two of them died, and it was easy to earn sixty cents, but my heart became heavy.

Growing up, I have only occasionally killed a few fish and slaughtered a few chickens. Although I have done autopsies with Fatty Wang since I was a kid, I have never done anything like today where I knew exactly how the deceased was killed and still pretended to check the cause of death.


I wandered around the streets and bought some rice, noodles and wine to send to Lao Meng. I also prepared some basic necessities for life. Not long after I arrived home, Lin Sheng led a team of people to the door immediately. They searched carefully first.

The room where Yang Mosheng lived was checked, and then the rooms of my mother and I were also checked.

"Oh, Li Jianghu, sorry to bother you, you can clean up yourself." Lin Sheng said politely.

They have been in contact with each other many times, and they are acquaintances at least. In addition, after the imperial envoy took office, he advocated being close to the people, and all the officials in Xiangzhou became less pretentious.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can help solve the case." I replied looking at the mess in the house.

"If Yang Mosheng comes back, remember to notify me as soon as possible."


"Have you discovered anything else, Lieutenant Xiao?"

"No more. I wonder if County Magistrate Xu is feeling better? How should I report this case?"

Lin Sheng's brows almost knitted into knots: "Didn't the imperial envoy let his words go out after he took office? He said: Government offices at all levels must follow the 'first-in-charge responsibility system', that is to say, whoever takes the case will be responsible to the end. Alas,

Otherwise, I would like to ask Magistrate Xu to decide this case, and it would be more comfortable for me to take notes myself."

"Master, if there is anything you can do to help Xiao, just ask."

"That's natural."

"How about posting Yang Mosheng's portrait and checking the activities of the two dead people? See if there is any connection between their death and Yang Mosheng's disappearance?" I thought about Xiao Mu's plan and couldn't help but interject.

"Well, that makes sense. Li Jianghu, didn't you say that you have started to take a rest recently? You are free anyway, so come to the county government office to help me solve the case." Lin Sheng suddenly invited.

I wish I could give myself a slap in the face, Li Jianghu, Li Jianghu, who told you to talk too much?

"Um...forgive me, Chief. My mother...my mother is pregnant and needs to be taken care of. I'm afraid she can't live without someone else. Haha, besides, I'm just a commoner. How can I solve the case?" I laughed awkwardly,

Hope it dissuades him.

Lin Sheng patted me on the shoulder: "Hey, it doesn't matter. Yesterday morning, the imperial envoy was there when Magistrate Xu was reviewing the case. The imperial envoy also said that officials should not show off their authority in front of the people and should handle things flexibly when encountering problems.

The imperial envoy used a white cat to spare Old Man Wang a slap in the face, and also used the hands of the common people to uncover the details of the attempt to frame Li Huichun. Of course we must imitate the imperial envoy, mobilize more people, pool their wisdom, and strive to solve the case as soon as possible.

What's more, we haven't interacted with each other more than once or twice. Although you don't have an official position, you can do autopsies and have brains. Haha, I like it!"


"Get settled at home. Your mother is pregnant with Fatty Wang's child. Just let him take care of it. Don't worry about it.

Okay, it’s settled, come to the county government office tomorrow to report to me, don’t worry, I won’t let you work in vain, I’ll give you one hundred wages a day. Let’s go!”

Lin Sheng waved his hand, and Lieutenant Xiao and a group of people followed him.

Auntie put the quilt back on the bed and looked a little nervous: "Last time, we kidnapped Jiajia and tricked me out of the city, but it was this Chief Lin who did the trick?"

"Well, Jiajia told you everything?"

"Yes. He asked you by name this time to help him solve the case. I'm afraid he has bad intentions. Could it be that he knows that you are a secret agent with the Eye of the Sky?"

I thought for a while: "Probably not. I used to think that someone was secretly watching me, but then the people who were watching me were all withdrawn. Xiao Mu said that it was because I passed their assessment.

They also want to select some people in Xiangzhou City to do things for them. Firstly, as natives of Xiangzhou, we will not make people suspicious; secondly, once our identities are exposed, they will push everything to the

We put our heads above our heads to protect ourselves.”

After hearing this, Aniang became even more nervous: "Is that dangerous? Where is Xiao Mu? Go and ask him quickly and see what he says? Otherwise, you can pretend to be sick and push this matter away."

"Mom, it's okay. They just want to use me and they won't hurt my life." I comforted.

But Aniang was so anxious that she just shook her head: "Although you are asked to help solve the case, who knows what tasks they will arrange for you. If what they ask you to do is not good for Xiangzhou, or they ask you to deal with the imperial envoy, what should you do?

?If you refuse, they will definitely not let you go. If you really do it, wouldn’t you become a spy and you will have to be spit on and drowned to death?"

"Don't worry, Aniang. Since Xiao Mu has warned me, it means that he has taken precautions. Don't forget, I am the captain of the Wei team. We spy on so many people with our secret eyes. Xiao Mu will not let me deal with them alone.

I'm sure someone will help me.

You forgot, Nuan Xin wanted to kill Xiao Mu before, but Xiao Mu faked his death and made Nuan Xin give up his hatred. Xiao Mu is an elusive person, and there are expert guards around him, so he will be fine.

If I follow Lin Sheng, I might be able to find out some information and inform Xiao Mu to take precautions."

"But... okay, now that you have decided, my mother also supports you. However, you must be careful, you must be calm when encountering things, and you must not show off." Mother warned again and again.

I glanced at grandma's belly: "Okay, grandma, don't worry. You are now... haha, it is also an extraordinary period, so you should pay more attention to your body."

Auntie smiled shamefully: "You went out this morning, and Fatty Wang came over to see me. He said that at noon, he asked Jiajia to stew a chicken for me."

I swallowed exaggeratedly: "Really! Then I can take advantage of it again!"

"You, brat, how will I ever be without you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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