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Chapter 112 There is a good strategy

"Let me stop? This is the county government, you are the county magistrate, do you want my help in trying the case?" Li Dongsheng, the leader of Xiaomu, stood in the middle of the lobby and said to Magistrate Xu leisurely, and then stepped aside.

"Oh, Li Dongsheng, I want to ask you. You have to tell the truth. Did you harm the Zhu family?"

Li Dongsheng glanced sideways: "I already told you, I didn't do it!"

"Some people say that you have a grudge against the Zhu family. Is this true?" Magistrate Xu asked again.

Li Dongsheng was still full of anger: "If someone makes irresponsible remarks about your wife, wouldn't you be angry? But would you cut out someone's tongue when you are angry?"

"This..." Magistrate Xu was speechless for a moment. He paused for a moment and then gently patted the wooden door: "I am asking you now."

Li Dongsheng hugged his chest with both hands, turned away, and said no more.

Magistrate Xu was so embarrassed by Li Dongsheng's arrogance that he couldn't stand down. Due to Xiao Mu's presence, he couldn't get angry easily, let alone use punishment, so he had to call out: "Call for witnesses."

Immediately, a man about forty years old trotted up to the hall and knelt down on the ground: "The villain is the iron bull, and I pay my respects to the Ming Dynasty."

"Get up and talk!"

"Yes." Tie Daniu recalled: "Yesterday around midnight, when I came out from Huichun Hall to grab medicine, I saw two people arguing not far in front. I recognized one of them as the owner of Jianghu Inn and a middle-aged woman.

I just heard the woman say: 'It's business to take care of your wife, but don't let others become a cuckold and raise other people's children!'

Li Dongjia was very angry at that time, pointed at the woman and said: "If you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful I will be rude to you!" After that, he left.

The woman even cursed at the back of Dong Li’s family: ‘Why are you so cruel? You’ve become a bastard and you don’t know...’”

"Shut up!" Li Dongsheng grabbed Tie Daniu's collar and scolded him, clenching his fist with his other hand.

"Bold Li Dongsheng, don't be so arrogant in the lobby!" Magistrate Xu was so anxious that he took a picture of the alarm. When he realized that Xiao Mu was also there, he squeezed out a smile: "Hey, he is narrating the case, you

Let him finish."

When Li Dongsheng let go, Tie Daniu was still in shock. He moved a few steps to the side, looked at Magistrate Xu, and then plucked up the courage to say: "Anyway, that woman cursed and said a lot of swear words. After scolding Li Dong's family, she

She began to scold Madam Mu again, saying that Madam Mu was a vixen. It sounded like she was very dissatisfied with Madam Mu.

I was very angry when I heard that. Mrs. Mu from Jianghu Inn is a very good person. One time, my mother-in-law was passing by her inn and suddenly fell ill and fell to the ground. Not only did she send for a doctor to treat her, but she also gave us some money.

, let me buy some delicious food for my mother-in-law to replenish her health..."

"Okay, you're going too far!" Just as everyone onlookers nodded in approval, Magistrate Xu suddenly stopped.

"Oh, yes, yes. I just thought of Madam Mu, so I stepped forward to stop the woman from talking nonsense. But she didn't listen. She said that what she said was true, and her son was seduced by Madam Mu.

Lost the soul.

I asked her: Who is your son?

She said: My son is Qin Yong, the captain of the third team of the Sky Eye Team.

Um...I heard in the morning that a notice was posted that someone had his tongue cut out, and we were looking for witnesses, and the victim was the mother of Qin Yong from the Sky Eye Team. I thought about seeing her yesterday, so I posted the notice and was taken to the county office.


After Tie Daniu finished speaking, he glanced at Magistrate Xu carefully, lowered his head, and waited for his resignation.

"So, you only saw my mother quarreling with him a few times, and he even threatened my mother. You didn't see that he was the murderer?" Qin Yong asked Tie Daniu.

"Yes, that's all I saw and heard."

Li Dongsheng became even more arrogant: "Then can I leave now?"

"Hey, what's the rush?" Xiao Mu couldn't stand it any longer, so he grabbed him and tried to persuade him again, but suddenly he frowned and couldn't help but retched.

"What's wrong? Aren't you feeling better?" Li Dongsheng patted him on the back naturally.

"Shijun, are you okay?" Magistrate Xu also asked with concern.

Xiao Mu pinched the tiger's mouth and endured the nausea: "It's okay. You can continue the trial."

"Trial? This..." Magistrate Xu looked confused.

Judging from the witnesses, it can only prove that Li Dongsheng and Aunt Zhu had a dispute, but it is too hasty to convict Li Dongsheng based on Li Dongsheng's words, "Be careful, I am not polite to you." What's more, he is Xiao Mu's friend.

, how can an unjust case be created under the eyes of an imperial envoy?

I glanced at Lin Sheng, who was taking notes, and saw that his pen and ink were flying, and he looked serious and quiet. But before Xiao Mu arrived, he loudly angered Li Dongsheng, almost causing Magistrate Xu to die.

Could it be that... all of this has something to do with Lin Sheng? It seems to be a case in which Aunt Zhu was harmed because of her talkativeness, but in fact it is another conspiracy against Xiao Mu?

Xiao Mu saw that the scene was frozen for a while, and he licked his lips towards Magistrate Xu and the people who were watching.

Magistrate Xu's eyes lit up, he stood up and said to everyone: "This case is complicated, and I have no clue at the moment. Dear fellow villagers, do you have any good ideas? Anyone who helps me solve the case will be rewarded a hundred coins on the spot. Well, I don't believe you.

Ask Li Jianghu, he helped the county government solve a case two days ago!"

I was pointed out by Magistrate Xu and faced with everyone's envious gazes. I felt a little embarrassed for a moment. Should I solve the case? Oh, it was just a formality and Xiao Mu's plan was fulfilled.

After everyone talked about it for a while, someone finally took a step forward: "Little Zhang Ergou..."

"Hahahaha, Ergou..."

"What's your name?"

As soon as Zhang Ergou reported his name, he was drowned by a burst of laughter.

I secretly held back my laughter. It seemed that when he chose the name, his father must have thought that the name was cheap and easy to make a living on. Unexpectedly, it became a laughing stock. Fortunately, my name is grand. What should I name my son in the future?

Ahem, Li Jianghu, stop it, stop it, you are thinking too far!

"Quiet, quiet." County Magistrate Xu stopped laughing first, and when Xiao Mu had laughed enough, he finally clapped the gavel again: "It's just a name, it's just vulgar, what's so funny? Zhang...hehe

...Ahem, Zhang Ergou, go on."

Zhang Ergou clasped his hands again: "I just want to ask, when did Aunt Zhu get injured?"

Qin Yong glanced at him: "Last night, after Xu Shi, Aunt Liu next door saw my mother going out to pour water for washing feet, and she even said hello. It was Xu Shi at that time."

"The crime took place at home?"

"Yes. On the bed. There are blood stains and a severed tongue, the size of half a copper coin. The county magistrate has sent people to check." Qin Yong said, his voice was trembling and his face was ferocious, thinking that he had found the real murderer.

He will fight hard for it.

Zhang Ergou scratched his head: "What about Aunt Liu? Have you asked? She didn't hear anything?"

County Magistrate Xu said: "I already asked Qin Yong at his house in the morning, and her family didn't hear anything."

"Ah? How could this happen? Doesn't it hurt? There has to be resistance, right?"

"Yes, there should be screams."

"How can you scream without your tongue?"

"Oh, what I'm talking about is before cutting off your tongue. If someone wants to cut off your tongue, you don't say anything or call for help? I know both of their families, and they are only about ten steps away. If you desperately call for help,

How could you not hear it?"

Several people started talking again.

"Doctor Li analyzed that my mother may have been given a large amount of drugs in advance, so she is still unconscious until now. The blood in the wound has solidified, the blade is flush, and the attack is clean and neat. It is not something ordinary people can do. She must be cruel.

A cruel person." Qin Yong added.

What Li Huichun said makes sense, and he is also very good at analysis. But at such a juncture, why didn't he come to redress Li Dongsheng's injustice? What else would he do to diagnose him? However, he is a doctor, and if someone is sick, of course the patient will be given priority.

"This... I can't think of anything to ask." Zhang Ergou retreated.

"Captain Qin, I wonder if your mother has any enemies in her daily life?" Tie Daniu couldn't help but ask Qin Yong.

Qin Yong's face turned dark and he said: "No. My mother just likes to talk about people. She is fine in other aspects. She should not be enmity with others."

I also took a step forward: "Yes, yesterday afternoon Aunt Zhu came to my house to chat with my grandma, and she also mentioned the conversation with Li Dong's family. She was too suspicious and thought she wanted to give Li Dong's family a warning.

She does like to comment on others behind their backs, but even if she says something unpleasant, it will only offend others at most. Who would be so cruel just because of a few gossips?"

"When did she go to your house?" Lieutenant Xiao also asked.

"Shen Shimo left when it was just getting dark." I replied, "Mother Zhu will tell my mother anything she wants, but except for hearing her complain about Madam Mu a few times, she never mentioned any enemies."

"Hey, then this has nothing to do with our boss. Although our boss has a bad temper, he wouldn't go to her house in the middle of the night to drug her and cut out her tongue." Ah Wu also shouted in the crowd.

"That's right, Li Dongjia has only been in Xiangzhou for a few months. How does he know where Aunt Zhu's family is?" The man who just claimed to know Aunt Zhu also shouted.

"Ahem, this...that..." Magistrate Xu was helpless and looked at Xiao Mu for help.

Xiao Mu was still watching the excitement indifferently. He combed the bangs on his forehead with his right hand, patted his abdomen gently with his left hand, and had a faint smile on his lips. It seemed that everything around him had nothing to do with him.

"Then can I go? My inn is still busy." Li Dongsheng asked, but looked towards Xiao Mu.

"Mingfu, we've caught someone, we've caught him!" someone shouted excitedly.

The crowd of onlookers made a way to both sides, and saw two men and two women escorting one person over. The man was of medium build, with a black cloth covering his head, and his appearance could not be seen clearly, but the four people escorting him were

His face was full of excitement, as if he had picked up money.

Lin Sheng frowned and tilted his head to look at the masked man. Magistrate Xu also looked confused and pointed at him and asked: "What are you..."

"He is the suspect!" said an older man, pulling off his mask.

I saw that Lin Sheng's face suddenly became a little ugly, even the hand holding the pen was trembling slightly, and his head was lowered.

"Who are you? What kind of suspect is he? What has he committed?" Magistrate Xu asked again.

"Back in the Ming Mansion, my name is Liu Shu, and he is my brother Liu Lin, and there is also my wife and sister-in-law. We were just about to go out to do some New Year shopping. When we opened the door, we saw this man tied to the tree in front of the door.

There was also a piece of paper taped to his body with writing on it.

We were illiterate and did not dare to loose our bonds easily. I asked my younger brother and the others to look at the person. I took the writing to the street and showed it to Li Qingquan, who wrote the peach charms. He said that what was written was: The tongue-cutting evil thief, leave it to you and wait.

The county government accepted the reward and signed it as: Secret Agent with Eyes of Heaven.

We didn't dare to delay, so we brought him here. This man looked unfamiliar, and he didn't seem to be from our place."

Willow replied, looking forward to Magistrate Xu's reply.

"This man does look strange. He doesn't seem to be from our shop."

"do not know."

"I don't know him either. He couldn't have just fled here, right?"

The crowd was excited again.

This chapter has been completed!
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