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Chapter 116 Everyone has his own destiny

I was a little confused: "What do you mean?"

"Oh, actually, Brother Mu is a very fake person. I, Aye, said that his name is all fake. He went to take the exam and become the county magistrate in Yiling just to find the person who killed his father.

It’s just to avenge his parents and fulfill his father’s wish to become an official.”

I nodded: "I know that."

"And him...he used to have a family in Yiling, but later, he divorced his wife."

"Ah? Why?"

Du Xiuzhen came closer to me and whispered: "Because her wife's real man is Captain Mu, and even Mr. Zui's son is also Captain Mu's."

"Ah?" I was really shocked: "How do you know?"

Du Xiuzhen became proud: "My third uncle's name is Sai Huatuo, and he is the most famous doctor in Yiling. He came to my house to bid farewell to the New Year the day before yesterday, and I overheard his conversation with me, Aye.

Uncle Third Master said that when Brother Mu was in Yiling, his maid secretly went to the drug store to buy medicine... uh... aphrodisiacs that are only used by men who cannot have sex..."

Du Xiuzhen said, blushing, and continued: "Anyway, Brother Mu...he is not a man. When he first arrived in Yiling, he acted like a loving family, but later he couldn't pretend anymore and simply divorced his wife.

He asked his wife to remarry Captain Mu. He was so generous that he got Lieutenant Mu to obey his orders!"

I thought about Lieutenant Mu's cold face. It would take some means to make him work for me, but I didn't expect that Xiao Mu got it in exchange for a woman. Hey, this Xiao Mu!

Du Xiuzhen bit her lip: "I didn't believe it at first, so I asked Brother Mu. Unexpectedly, he actually admitted it. He said that he just didn't want to delay me because of his hidden physical illness. He also said...he

Actually... I am more interested in handsome men."

I thought my expression must be very surprised, so Du Xiuzhen pushed my chin with her finger and closed my mouth for me.

"How could it be? Xiao Mu..." I wanted to deny it, but every detail of my time with Xiao Mu flashed through my mind.

Xiao Mu is indeed handsome. I remember the first time I saw him, I lamented that he was so beautiful that he blurred the male and female, especially his eyes that were similar to Mrs. Mu's, always inadvertently showing the tenderness common in women...

Thinking of this, I trembled all over, Xiao Mu said, he is more interested in beautiful men... beautiful men... including me?

"Hey, Li Jianghu, are you okay?" Du Xiuzhen asked.

I swallowed: "Okay. It's just... it's too unexpected. So Xiao Mu... does he like anyone?"

"Of course." Du Xiuzhen looked around and lowered her voice: "Prince An."

"Ah? What did you say? An..." I couldn't hold my tongue straight, and I just felt that my mind was a little confused.

"Have you forgotten? The last time we were in his study, didn't we still have a copy of "Taibai Poems" given to him by King An? There are also words given to him by King An. He cherishes it so much!"

I also thought about what happened in the study that day. Yes, that day I saw Xiao Mu’s sad expression when he mentioned that King An was killed in the Weihe River. I thought they really had a friendship like "high mountains and flowing water", but I didn’t expect it to be...

I took a deep breath and said, "This will damage the reputation of the imperial envoy. You must not tell anyone!"

"Don't worry, I know my own rules. I just tell you what's in my heart because I see you are an honest person and a friend of Brother Mu, so that I won't be depressed by myself, and you won't have to fantasize about being a lead for us.

.Okay, I’m leaving.”

Watching that innocent little girl skipping away, my heart couldn't calm down for a long time. I always thought that I knew Xiao Mu very well, but I didn't expect that he actually had so many secrets that no one knew about.

I slowly walked to the county government office and saw Inspector Gao anxiously wandering at the gate of the county government office. When he saw me, he quickly came up to me and said, "Li Jianghu, what's the matter with you? I obviously saw you following behind, but in the blink of an eye I

After a while, he disappeared. It took only a few steps to get to the county government office, but you still got lost. Did you just find it now?"

I smiled and said, "I met an acquaintance on the road and said a few words."

"What kind of acquaintance? You are more arrogant than the county magistrate? Come in quickly, Magistrate Xu and others have been waiting for you for a long time." Captain Gao said hurriedly, pointing towards the county office, only to push with his hand.

I was greatly surprised. Waiting for me? If I have more money, I will rush to send it out. Then I will organize my official duties and prepare for a vacation?

"Li pays homage to the Ming Dynasty, the chief registrar, and the county captain!" Seeing that all three of them were present, I had no choice but to salute one by one.

"Li Jianghu, why did it take you so long to follow?" Magistrate Xu complained.

"Um...I wonder what the Mingfu wants to do with Li?"

"What is the real cause of death of Shen Liulang?" Magistrate Xu asked sharply.

I replied affirmatively: "Death from smoke inhalation poisoning."

"Did he really choke to death from the cigarette?"


Magistrate Xu stared at me: "Then if a person is knocked unconscious, can he still breathe normally?"

My heart tightened: "Yes."

"Can you inhale the smoke?"

I think I was careless about Feng Liulang's autopsy. I was only judging whether he was smoked to death while alive, and ignored whether he was comatose before his death.

"Yes." I had no choice but to answer bravely.

Lin Sheng walked up to me and gave me a meaningful look: "I forgot to tell you at the scene just now. When Feng Liulang was found, his head was facing inside the house and his feet were facing out.

Generally, people who are killed by smoke will run out as hard as they can before dying, fall to the ground and crawl when they can't hold on any longer. When they finally die, they will head towards the door.

As for Feng Liulang, I have a bold guess, was he knocked unconscious and thrown into the room?"

I looked at those arrogant eyes, and everything became clear to me. This is what he said yesterday, the weird things that will appear during the autopsy? The details that they deliberately ignored?

Feng Liulang was killed by Lin Sheng's people, maybe just to give me a warning!

Lieutenant Xiao took a step forward and said, "Master Lin suspects that someone deliberately set the fire and took advantage of the fire to kill people?"

"Don't Lieutenant Xiao feel suspicious?" Lin Sheng asked.

"Lu's Flour Shop has been on that street for a few years, and the shopkeeper is quite old. How could he not have some common sense about safety? It's quite possible that someone deliberately set the fire on fire."

County Magistrate Xu stroked his beard: "So, although I have closed this case on the surface, we still have to continue the investigation privately. County Lieutenant Xiao, go and check to see if Feng Liulang has any enemies in his life?"

"Ming Mansion, someone is crying for injustice!" Detective Gao quickly ran in to report.

"Hey, everyone is celebrating the New Year." Magistrate Xu complained, straightened his official uniform, and went straight to the lobby. Of course, County Lieutenant Xiao and Lin Sheng followed closely behind.

"Li Jianghu, what's the matter? Look at your face, are you wondering where to buy regret medicine?" A face like a sesame pancake came into view, and Zhang Xiaoquan mocked in a sinister way.

I didn't want to say anything, so I walked around him and left.

"Hey, relax, it's not a big deal. The county magistrate didn't blame you!" Zhang Xiaoquan caught up a few steps and comforted: "We are not gods in this industry. We can only say that based on our eyes and noses,

I feel... I want to restore the cause of death of the body in as much detail as possible to help the county magistrate and others find the real culprit. As for whether they can successfully close the case, that is not something we can control. I have been doing this for almost 20 years.

Not every corpse that has been examined has found the murderer."

I thought of Lin Sheng's words again and held his shoulders: "Uncle Zhang, have there been any weird cases in the past ten years?"

"Weird?" Zhang Xiaoquan was stunned: "What do you mean? What kind of weird method?"

"It's just that...some people die strangely. It feels like it's man-made, but...it's also an accident."

"There must be this. Come with me."

I excitedly entered a room with Zhang Xiaoquan, and saw him take out a booklet from under the bed, dust it off, and open a page:

"Look at this, it was also the twelfth lunar month of winter when he went out and was found dead in the Qingchuan River. This happened last year. Magistrate Xu searched for several days and found nothing, so he had to be sentenced to have fallen into the water accidentally. But I still have a feeling in my heart.

Funny, because I also found a bruise on his back. I don’t know whether it was caused by hitting a stone at the bottom of the river after falling into the water, or by someone beating him.

There is also this man who, on his wedding day, picked up the bride and stepped over the brazier. As a result, the dress was given to him at once and he was burned alive on the spot. What happened the summer before last year still seems unbelievable to me. I also checked around, and found out that

There is no grudge or grudge, it can only be regarded as an accidental case closure.

There is also this person, the case four years ago, before Magistrate Xu came. He choked to death while eating. And this person, who fell to death while walking. This person was struck by lightning. This... you can check it out for yourself

, various ways to die.

Hey, anyway, what should I say? I just felt that the death was strange. But no matter how much I checked, I couldn't find any abnormalities, so it can only be regarded as an accident.

I tried my best on my own. Now that the imperial envoy has arrived, Magistrate Xu has also paid more attention to cases involving dead people. Therefore, whenever there is a murder case, he will try to get two people to investigate and look for clues. However, it is not always possible to get everything done.

As you wish!"

After saying goodbye to Chang Hsiao-chuan, I felt even more uneasy. Lin Sheng's words were like a sharp knife piercing my heart. As a part-time worker, I have the responsibility to find out the true cause of death for each deceased person. But, can I help them?

Finding the real murderers and avenging them is something I really can't control.

He walked out of the side door in a daze and passed by the main entrance of the county government office, only to see another group of people surrounding him.

Someone is complaining? What case?

Suddenly I felt that I, like those ordinary people, also like to watch the excitement? No, I am just an ordinary person, and everyone is curious.

Sliding through the cracks in the crowd, he squeezed in, and saw Magistrate Xu slap him down: "You said that Old Man Wang killed your husband, do you have any evidence?"

"In the blue sky, everything the folk woman said is true. My Liulang has been working in Lu's flour shop and has never had any grudges with anyone. If he had offended someone, it was him! The last time he ate carp secretly, he was killed by my Liulang.

If you find out and report it to the county government, you must have a grudge..." The woman said, covering her face and crying bitterly.

"Oh, Madam Feng, how can this old man be so narrow-minded?" The old man next to him cried out in aggrievedness.

County Magistrate Xu's face darkened: "That case has already passed. It was tried by the imperial envoy himself. I don't know what kind of fish it was. Anyway, the imperial envoy fished it out and fed it to the cat. The fish soup was also drank by the imperial envoy. I

I didn’t blame you, so what else is there to mention?”

The woman wiped her tears: "There are so many people in that shop, and everyone else is fine, why did my Liulang die?"

"Hey, fire and water are ruthless, everyone has their own destiny. Are you asking me to go to God for a reason?" Magistrate Xu cupped his hands on his head, with a look of helplessness on his face: "Well, the dead are the most important, so they should be buried early.

For peace of mind, you can ask the Lu family for funeral expenses, but if they don’t give it, come back to me. Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year, take the children with you, and let the old man live a good life! It’s time to leave!”

This chapter has been completed!
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