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One hundred and nineteenth chapter Xiangzhu was captured

"Then just kill me." I stretched my head, knowing that he wouldn't do it.

Sure enough, he laughed: "Yes, he is a man. No wonder Mu You likes you. You want to see Lord Xiang, okay, I will make arrangements for you right now."

As he spoke, he came to the backyard, blew the whistle, and instantly saw the head of a black-faced ghost emerging from the corner of the courtyard wall. Lin Sheng made gestures with his hands, and the man nodded and jumped off the wall.

"Okay, I've given you a notice, and I hope you keep your promise. If I find out what tricks you dare to play, I will never let you go easily." Lin Sheng's eyes showed a fierce look, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

I secretly took a breath: "I know."

"Let's go."

Lin Sheng took off his official uniform, changed into brown casual clothes, and took me away from the county government office. When I met Detective Gao and asked about it, he only said that he was going out with me and let him handle the matter as appropriate.

After another round of twists and turns, I followed him, quietly took out the bag of flour given to me by Lieutenant Xiao, hid it in my sleeve, and sprinkled some when I reached the corner, hoping that someone would follow.

About two-quarters of an hour later, he took me to the thatched patch of grass where I had been for the first time. I saw the back of the man in yellow shirt still wearing a black turban from a distance.

Lin Sheng put his right hand on his chest and saluted as usual: "Master Xiang, bring Li Jianghu here."

The man in the yellow shirt turned around. The black gauze on his face was hazy, making it difficult to see his true face, including his eyes.

He seemed a little surprised by my arrival. He was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Do you have any important information? Tell me quickly!"

This voice was obviously different from the previous two times. In the previous two times, he deliberately lowered his voice or made his tone thicker. But this time, this voice actually seemed familiar. He covered himself so tightly. Could it be that I have seen this before?

People, are you afraid that I will see any clues?

"Li Jianghu, why are you so stunned? Who are the secret agents lurking in Xiangzhou City?" Lin Sheng asked.

I suddenly felt a little nervous, secretly pinching the empty bag in my sleeve, hoping that Lieutenant Xiao would quickly lead his men to find the mark and follow.

If my calculation is correct, Lieutenant Xiao County should inform Li Huichun of this matter. Based on the relationship between Li Huichun and Xiao Mu, it should be easy to find Xiao Mu.

After that, Xiao Mu can bring the agents of the Sky Eye Team, and even order the military commander Shi to bring the soldiers to encircle and suppress him. At that time, no matter how high Ren Xiangzhu's martial arts is, as long as he uses wheel tactics, will he be defeated?

And the only thing I have to do now is buy time for them.

Thinking about this, I pinched my fingers hard to calm myself down and tried my best to squeeze out a smile: "Last time, Xiangzhu said that he would confer me a seventh-grade Sesame Officer. I wonder if it still counts?"

"Professorship?" Lord Xiang turned to look at Lin Sheng: "What does he mean?"

"Li Jianghu, didn't I say that as long as you work seriously, I won't treat you badly?" Lin Sheng patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Last time you investigated the case for our county government and did the autopsy for us, why?

What’s the benefit of missing you?”

"But, how can I trust you? If you don't keep your word, where can I find you?"


"Don't worry, it's not like you don't recognize me? Are you afraid that I'll run away?"

Master Xiang pointed at me and was about to say something, but Lin Sheng overran him.

"Dragon Team, this way!"

The sound of chaotic footsteps sounded, and it sounded like there were quite a lot of people there.

I turned around and saw that brothers Long Yuhan and Qin Yong were running at the front with the arresters from the Sky Eye Team. They were followed closely by Lieutenant Xiao, who also brought about thirty or fifty people. Then came the Governor's Mansion.

Wu Changshi, there are probably hundreds of soldiers in the darkness.

I was so happy that I finally waited for them!

"Surround it up!"

Accompanied by the sound of horse hooves, Meng Sima came before Xiao Mu arrived. He pulled the reins, rode and stood beside Wu Changshi, shouted, and Long Yuhan and others surrounded us.

A sharp whistle sounded, and ten black-faced ghost heads jumped up from behind the thatch bushes, showed their sharp knives, and stood in front of Master Xiang. Lin Sheng also quickly ran to Master Xiang and took something from his arms.

Bring out the knife you used to scare me last time.

I knew a big battle was coming, so I quickly took a few steps back to avoid being accidentally injured.

"Who are you...?" Master Xiang asked, his voice trembling a little, maybe because he was too surprised and a little excited.

"Of course we are from the governor's office. You can't run away, why don't you just surrender and capture us!" Wu Changshi was riding on a horse, fully armored, and the sword in his hand was not unsheathed, but he was already majestic and intimidating.

"No, you..." Lord Xiang pointed at everyone, but stopped talking.

"Have you misunderstood? I am Lin Sheng, the Chief Secretary of the Yamen of Xiangzhou City. I am here to meet with the Chief Military Officer, Meng Sima." Lin Sheng smiled and pointed at me with a knife: "This young man's name is Li Jianghu. He said something about

Because important matters concerning the survival of Xiangzhou require a private meeting with the governor, I have arranged this meeting. I don’t know what is wrong, so why bother to mobilize the troops?"

I caught a glimpse of a sinister smile on Lin Sheng's lips, like a slight ripple on a calm lake. If he hadn't been looking at me, he would have been almost unnoticeable.


I didn't have time to think carefully about Lin Sheng's words, so I couldn't help but look towards Lord Xiang, and saw him slowly pulling off the veil. Suddenly, my whole body turned to stone...

I have met him before, and of course I recognize him—Xiangzhou Governor Lei Ming, Lei Shaoxuan’s third uncle!

"Provincial Governor!" Meng Sima and Wu Changshi were also shocked. They dismounted and saluted with clasped fists.

Long Yuhan and others also looked at each other, not knowing whether to continue pointing the knife at him or put it away.

"Look at you, your figure, your appearance, and your beard, what's different about you? Don't waste your time, just admit it."

After the last trial of Yang Mosheng's case, I followed Lin Sheng and others to report the case to Xiao Mu. Xiao Mu's words seemed to still be echoing in my ears.

This Xiao Mu used to be a fortune teller. Could it be that his predictions were really accurate? Is Inspector Lei really the leader of the detailed plan?

Inspector Lei looked solemn: "Meng Sima, Wu Changshi, what are you doing?"

"How presumptuous! You actually dare to be so disrespectful to the governor. Are you planning to rebel openly?" Lin Sheng shouted loudly.

"Lin Sheng!" Inspector Lei turned to look at him in confusion: "What on earth is going on?"

Lin Sheng put his hand on his chest and bowed again: "Master Xiang, please calm down. Since the matter has come to this, our identities must have been exposed, so there is no need to continue the show. Don't worry, Master Xiang, we will protect you to the death! You go quickly!"


Lin Sheng gave an order, and ten ghost-faced men rushed forward!

"Take it!" Wu Changshi shouted.

The soldiers divided into two groups and spread out to the left and right, forming a circle around us, while the catchers of the Sky Eye Team were already fighting with the ten ghost-faced men.

The sound of metal colliding could be heard endlessly, and the sparks from the knife even ignited a dry thatch bush. The thatch pole made a "pop-pop" sound, like a firecracker. The dazzling flames were like firecrackers on both sides.

The determination to win in his heart became stronger and stronger. Driven by the cold wind, it continued to spread and soon formed a sea of ​​​​fire.

"Quick, put out the fire!" Meng Sima shouted.

I know what he is worried about. Next to this piece of thatch is a small hillside. It is the leaf drying period now. Once the wildfire ignites the trees, not only the wheat fields on the hillside will be affected, but also the wheat fields at the end of the field.

The house can no longer be saved.

A total of nineteen Sky Eye agents came, and except for Long Yuhan, the others were two to one, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the Ghost-faced Man.

I guess Wu Changshi must have understood the current situation, so he threw the horse rope to Meng Sima, and led a group of soldiers to cut down cypress branches and put out the fire. Upon seeing this, Xiaoxian Lieutenant also brought the county government officials to hold the fire.

Pick up the dirt on the ground and cover the flames...

"Master Xiang!"

A scream came, causing me to shift my gaze to Inspector Lei again. I happened to see Lin Sheng fall down facing him, and Inspector Lei still held Lin Sheng's knife in his right hand. At this moment, the knife was dripping with blood.

Even his hands were stained red.

Inspector Lei, he killed Lin Sheng!

I was shocked, what did he want to do?

Inspector Lei's eyes were wide-eyed and his face was full of panic, as if he suddenly had a terrible dream in which he killed someone in a daze.

He glanced at the blood on his hand, and when he let go, the knife fell straight down, almost pricking his foot. He was frightened again and took two steps back. He first looked at me in confusion, and then looked at Meng Sima.

: "I've been tricked...believe me!"

After all, they were the agents of the Sky Eye Team who had been strictly trained by Lieutenant Mu Xian. With more versus less, the ten ghost-faced men were quickly knocked to the ground with knives on their necks.

"Sima, ten thieves have been captured." Long Yuhan reported to Meng Sima.

Meng Sima stared at Inspector Lei: "Take them all back to the prison to be carefully interrogated by the imperial envoy."

"Yes." Long Yuhan replied.

"Ah! Dragon Team!"

"Not good, hello!"

"Spit it out!"


There was a cry of surprise, and I saw all ten ghost-faced men who were kneeling on the ground fell to the ground.

There was no need to explain, so I quickly stepped forward to check and saw that the masks of the ten people had been removed by the Sky Eye Team agents. All of them were young people in their twenties and thirties, and at this moment, they turned into corpses in an instant.

Black blood flowed down the corners of his lips, and it was obvious that he had died of poisoning. I opened one's mouth, and sure enough, I used a branch to take out a small piece of wax. I once listened to Mr. Fang's story, saying that some craftsmen would know how to do it when performing tasks.

Seal the poison with wax and hold it in your mouth. If the task fails, bite the wax pill and commit suicide by taking the poison.

I checked the other nine people, and they all died in the same way. It seems that these people, like Shen Zhong, are also well-trained professional killers.

"Back to Sima, these ten people bitten the poison in their mouths and died of poisoning." I replied.

"Dead?" Meng Sima was also in a daze. He couldn't help but sniff at a few people, his face full of disappointment.

I came to Lin Sheng again, touched his neck, and said happily: "Sima, he is still alive!"

Meng Sima ran over quickly, stretched out his hand to try, and looked at me, also overjoyed: "Sure enough, there is still a faint breath. Come quickly, send him to the Governor's Mansion quickly, put him under strict protection, and then send someone to ask for Li

If Li Huichun doesn't work, go ask Du Ruhai. No matter what, we must cure him!"

"Yes." Long Yuhan and others did not dare to delay, so four people came over, picked him up, and hurried away.

The surrounding fire was also under control. Lieutenant Xiao came over in disgrace and took a look at the corpses on the ground. He was also extremely shocked.

"Lieutenant Xiao, please send these corpses to Yizhuang."

"Yes, Sima." Lieutenant Xiaoxian accepted the order.

The sword in Wu Changshi's hand was already placed on Lei Jishi's shoulder, and he was staring at him with an angry look on his face.

Inspector Lei's face turned pale: "Wu Qiubai, we have worked together for many years, do you think I am a meticulous worker?"

Meng Si immediately took two steps forward: "Prince, please follow us back to the government office and explain everything today clearly!"

This chapter has been completed!
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