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Chapter Thirteen Stable Business

After a dazed night, life has to go on, just like the rotating millstone, starting over and over again. But although life is dull, can't we have some dreams?

Fatty Wang seems to have been avoiding me on purpose recently, probably because my errands have not been fulfilled, so he is still a little embarrassed. Huh, he deserves it, who made him brag to the sky in front of my mother.

I set up the stall and just waited for customers to come. Wang Jiajia originally wanted to come today, but I didn't let her. I felt that I shouldn't get too close to her, lest she would have any illusions again. I really shouldn't have bought her that yesterday

Although she seemed to like the earrings very much, even though I felt that she went all the way to help me carry the bucket and worked hard to help me sell tofu, so I owed her something...

She dressed up carefully this morning and even wore the newly bought earrings and asked me if I looked good. Was she trying to seduce me?

No, Wang Jiajia, you really don’t want to waste your time on me anymore. You are not the woman I long for. The woman I, Li Jianghu, like should be...

I was a little confused when I thought about it. I just felt that the white figure was so ethereal that no one could touch it.

"Brother Jianghu, bring me a bowl of tofu pudding." A bowl was stretched out.

"Brother Song!" I was surprised: "I haven't seen you for several days."

"Oh, wasn't the county magistrate building a bridge? He went to work for a few days."

I took the bowl and filled it up: "I see, Mrs. Mu asked about you yesterday."

"Mrs. Mu?" Song Erlang looked incredulous: "She...she still remembers me?"

I snickered and said, "Did the second brother do something to impress her?"

Song Erlang looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he whispered: "I only met her once five days ago. Alas, I miscalculated. Somehow, the clear soup noodles in her shop started to add salt. You didn't know.

It killed me.

I wanted to pour some tea in and make do with the meal, but Mrs. Mu happened to come that day, sat across from me, said that I was a regular customer of the store, and talked with me for a long time, which made me feel embarrassed.

I washed the noodles with water. In the end, I ended up with thirty cents, leaving only the noodles."

I chuckled and said, "I think Mrs. Mu is quite smart. Doesn't she know that you secretly added salt to the noodles?"

"I probably know it, otherwise she wouldn't have deliberately teased me like this. Anyway, I won't dare to go to her shop to eat noodles in the future."


"Isn't it?" Song Erlang's dark face suddenly became nervous: "When I left the inn, I asked other diners and their noodles were still light. Why was mine the only one with salt in it? Fortunately, I

I paid thirty cents honestly, otherwise I would probably have to go to jail these days."

"Is it really that powerful?"

"That's it. Do you know who Mrs. Mu is?" Song Erlang became mysterious. Seeing that I was silent, he explained on his own: "She is the sister of County Lieutenant Mu, her biological sister."

"Who is County Lieutenant Mu? Isn't the County Lieutenant of our Xiangzhou City County Government surnamed Xiao?" I was stunned again.

"Liu Mu is the county captain of Yiling County in Xiazhou. It is said that when the imperial envoy came to Xiangzhou City this time, he only brought him from Yiling. Now he has given the Sky Eye Team to him for training. Even the leader of the Sky Eye Team, Long

Yu Han must obey his orders."

I suddenly realized: "So, I just heard from my second brother that the owner of Jianghu Inn has a special relationship with the imperial envoy. I thought they... Haha, I didn't expect it to be because Madam Mu's brother is a famous person around the imperial envoy."

"I just heard about it when I was working these days. Haha, if you want to live a stable life in Xiangzhou City, you must first understand your life." Song Erlang took out two pennies.

"No, no, let me treat you." I declined. Since we are friends, how can we ask for his money?

"Here, brothers have to settle the accounts clearly." Song Erlang put the money into my hand: "You are busy, I will leave first, and I will treat you to a drink after I pay my wages."

I watched his back go away, feeling warm in my heart, no matter what, this friend is not bad.

"Jianghu, you are really good. This product sells out very fast." Aunt Chen praised.

"Haha, it's not bad." I looked at the box that was almost empty, and felt a little proud.

"Give me a piece of tofu." A woman called softly.

"I want a piece too, haha, it's really good. Did you make this tofu?" the woman traveling with me also said, looking me over.

"Yes, I just made it this morning." I wrapped the tofu for them quickly, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Looking at the lustful looks in their eyes, could it be that they came to buy my tofu because I am handsome?

How many words should I say?

Ahem, I didn’t expect that good-looking people can have this effect. Most of the people who go out to buy groceries are women. If it is for this reason, won’t my tofu business be getting better and better in the future? Haha, uh... Why do I feel a little bit weird?

What's the way to make money by selling your sex life?

"Is there any more tofu?" came a sweet voice.

I just felt that this voice was so familiar. When I looked up, it turned out to be a familiar smiling face.

"Mu...Mrs. Mu?" I couldn't believe my eyes: "Mrs. Mu wants to buy tofu?"

"Yes. Whatever is left, I want it all." Mrs. Mu still had a sweet smile on her face, and her tone was bold as "there is no shortage of money".

"There is another box." I pointed to the box at the other end: "I have divided this box into three layers. Each layer can be cut into sixteen pieces, uh... two cents a piece."

"Okay, take me to the inn later and ask Uncle Fu to pay the bill for you." Mrs. Mu said, then she sat down on the small stool and said, "Is there any more beancurd? Here's a bowl."

"Yes." I responded quickly and tremblingly gave her some pea flowers. For a moment, I felt like I was in a dream.

However, all of this is true. Madam Mu, the woman who is out of reach in my heart, is sitting next to me at this moment, eating the beancurd cooked by me, and buying nearly a hundred cash worth of tofu.

"Mu...Ms. Mu, do you really want this whole box? Is it too much?"

Madam Mu's lips raised slightly: "A piece of tofu only costs two cents, and it's not expensive. When you get it to my shop, cut it into small pieces and fry it in some oil. Add some salt and chopped green onions, and I can sell it for twelve cents a plate.

If you make soup with crucian carp, you only need half a piece, but the value will be higher."

"Yes. I will send it to you in a moment." I replied respectfully, not daring to cross-examine again in front of such a shrewd boss.

"These beancurds cost two cents, here." Mrs. Mu finished eating the beancurds and handed over two copper coins.

"Thank you." I quickly took it, smelling the money and the fragrance of gardenia.

She must particularly like gardenias. I also like this flower. It is pure white and flawless, but not ostentatious. It only exudes fragrance silently. Just like Mrs. Mu, although she has the support of County Captain Mu behind her, she never uses it as a flower.

He oppressed the people and acted arrogantly, but he was so approachable that he even stooped to a roadside stall to eat my two cents worth of tofu pudding.

Two cents, how does she know the price of bean curd? Has she been here before?

I sold the last few bowls of bean curd and picked up a large box of tofu to Jianghu Inn. Uncle Fu and Ah Wu brought a few large pots to put the tofu away, and settled the bill for me very simply.

"Li Lang, haha, the boss just said that if the sales are good, then we will want all your tofu from now on. You should come over early tomorrow to check the situation. I don't know if the boss still wants it tomorrow."

"Hey, good." I was a little excited for a moment. If Mrs. Mu really bought all my tofu, wouldn't I be able to spare a lot of time every day? I hope she can sell it for a good price, and I hope I don't have to be bored anymore.

Keep the stall.

It was another sleepless night, not only because I was thinking about Mrs. Mu, but also because I was helping her with her business. It wasn’t until the east turned white that I fell asleep in a daze.

"Jianghu, why don't you get up! Do you still want to work?"

A knock on the door woke me up, and I sat up in a daze, only to realize that it was my mother-in-law practicing the "Lion's Roar Kung Fu" again.

"I'll go to the inn later and have a look. If Mrs. Mu is really willing to buy all the tofu, then our business will be stable in the future, and we can even save the stall fee." Seeing that I finally left the room, Aniang took the soaked tofu.

The soybeans were brought to me with a face filled with anticipation.

I came to the inn anxiously, and as soon as I entered the store, I saw Mrs. Mu's gentle smiling face.

She glanced at my burden and said, "I want all of this. Together with this bucket of bean curd, I will give you two hundred coins. If you are willing, I will give you this amount from now on, and deliver it before Chen time every day. How about it?"


"Okay!" Without thinking about it, I agreed. For two hundred cents, it usually takes half a day to set up a stall, and there is also stall fee, but now that I have made this deal, I save all of that.

Holding the heavy two hundred coins, I was happy but worried: "Mrs. Mu, you bought so much tofu, can the guests finish it?"

"Of course I can't finish it." Madam Mu smiled mysteriously: "I am an inn, and I mainly rely on the income from guest rooms. The rooms will not be broken down, so there is basically no cost.

The catering business in the front is actually just for the convenience of everyone. It doesn't matter how much you earn or how little you earn. The key is to let the people of Xiangzhou know that this place exists. No matter who wants to stay in the hotel, just ask someone on the street.

Everyone will tell him to come to my Jianghu Inn."

First, you don't want to make money, you want to be famous, and then you use your fame to attract people, and then you make money...

I thought about it carefully in my mind, and couldn't help but admire Mrs. Mu's methods.

"Uncle Fu, please show the sign again. Fried tofu with green onions will cost five cents a plate, raw tofu will cost two cents a piece, and cooked tofu will cost two cents a bowl."


Madam Mu gave some instructions, but when she saw that I was still stunned, she smiled at me again: "I'm afraid Li Lang hasn't had breakfast yet? Do you want a bowl of shredded pork noodles like last time?"

"Okay." I replied. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I was shocked. She... what did she just say?

"Ah Wu, make a bowl of shredded pork noodles for Li Lang." Madam Mu had already given the order, then smiled at me again: "Oh, a bowl of shredded pork noodles costs eighteen cents. I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave now.


"Let's walk slowly." I also smiled, but I felt a pain in my heart. A breakfast cost eighteen cents. Oh, it's so luxurious! I... I thought she was talking about clear soup noodles. Why not?

According to common sense?

This chapter has been completed!
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