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Chapter 17: Renewing the Case

"What? The murder weapon?"

"That's right, the real cause of Tu Laosan's death was not drunkenness, but suffocation after someone covered his mouth and nose with this silk handkerchief." Xiao Mu said firmly: "You actually returned such important physical evidence.

Murderer, I really don’t know what you are thinking?”

"No, it's impossible, how could Madam Mu be the murderer!" I roared angrily: "This silk handkerchief belongs to Madam Mu, but at 3:30 yesterday, Madam Mu met Tu Laosan on her way home and was raped by him.

Because of the entanglement, the silk pa was snatched away by him. It is not surprising that it ended up in Tu Laosan's house."

"Mrs. Mu!" Xiao Mu raised the corner of his mouth and revealed a sneer: "I have been paying attention to this person for a long time, and she is by no means as simple as you think.

She bought the inn from Fushun three years ago and renamed it Jianghu Inn, but she has not shown up since then, and the entire inn is still managed by Fushun.

At the end of March this year, when the imperial envoy came to Xiangzhou City, she appeared right after him. She also vigorously promoted the unlimited clear soup noodles in her shop for three pennies, attracting people in the city to go there.

I once went into a store and ordered a bowl of noodles. The noodles were so bland that there seemed to be no salt. It was so hard to swallow that I had to pay her 30 cents.

A woman, who would show up like her? Who gave her the courage to ask for ten times the money at will, but she would face jail if she didn't pay?"

I couldn't help it anymore: "Since you are a secret agent, don't you know that Mrs. Mu is the sister of County Lieutenant Mu? His brother came to Xiangzhou with the imperial envoy, and she happened to show up. Is this strange?

I heard that her former husband was very rich, owned many shops, and owned Uncle Fu's inn. What happened?

There is also the three-cent clear noodle soup in her shop, which is specially prepared for poor people. People who are really hungry can still eat it regardless of whether it has salt or not. If you can't eat it, it's because you are not hungry enough.

Although she is the sister of County Lieutenant Mu, she does not use this opportunity to pretend to be powerful. Instead, she uses this status to do good deeds and give the poor people the dignity of survival.

Because of this, Magistrate Xu supports sending some wealthy customers to jail for a few days to teach them a lesson. As far as I know, so far, only two or three scoundrels have actually been sent to jail.

Just a scoundrel."

"It seems that your inquiry is very clear." Xiao Mu's eyes fell on the silk handkerchief in my hand: "Then how to explain this murder weapon?"

I was anxious: "As I said just now, Tu Laosan snatched this from Mrs. Mu. How can you slander Mrs. Mu as the murderer based on this alone?

How did she, a weak woman, enter Tu Laosan's home? How did she kill him? How did she escape?"

Xiao Mu still waved his fan calmly: "Early in the morning, I was eating breakfast at a roadside stall. Suddenly I saw the county magistrate Xiao Xiao and a group of people hurried to Tu Laosan's house, and followed the people there.

I saw the excitement.

I only heard Zhang Xiaoquan, the co-worker, report to Lieutenant Xiao County: Tu Laosan died of aspiration due to vomiting after being drunk.

Lieutenant Xiao asked Tu Laosan's mother and his wife, and they both said that Tu Laosan had locked the door and said: Beauty, is this veil given to me?

This shows that there was someone in the room at that time, probably a woman, quite beautiful, who gave Tu Laosan something. The extra thing on Tu Laosan was this silk handkerchief, and the owner of this silk handkerchief was

Mrs. Mu, it’s just that you were careless in the autopsy at that time. The officials only paid attention to the surrounding scene and did not move the body, so they did not find this silk handkerchief.

So, if it wasn’t her who killed Tu Laosan, who else could it be?”

"Hahaha, that's ridiculous! Is this your reasoning?" I couldn't help laughing: "How can we take the crazy words of a drunk man seriously? He drank wine at Wanhua Building. You should know where that place is. 80% of it is

Maybe he is still fantasizing about some woman.

Besides, Brother Chu entered the room only after knocking on the door. At that time, only Tu Laosan was dead on the floor. Later, Tu Laosan’s mother and daughter-in-law were in the room until Brother Chu called someone from the government. The windows of the room were also

Closed. If it was a homicide, where did the murderer get out?"

Xiao Mu pointed his fan to the sky: "What if the murderer can fly over the walls? Can he get out from the roof? I saw that the detectives searched the surrounding area carefully, but did not check the beams and the roof. This is a loophole.


He was indeed a self-righteous guy, so I sneered and said, "In your opinion, how did Tu Laosan die?"

"On his way home from Wanhua Tower, Tu Laosan met Mrs. Mu. He used the strength of wine to talk frivolously, but he failed to do so. Afterwards, he went home disappointed, and when he looked back at his wife, he felt that she was ugly.

So not only did he beat her, but he also locked the door.

At this moment, he found that Mrs. Mu was in his room, waving a silk handkerchief to him, so he cheered: Beauty, is this handkerchief given to me?

Madam Mu didn't answer, but took a few steps forward, leading Tu Laosan to the wall, and put the silk handkerchief on his mouth and nose. Just as he was leaning against the wall, greedily enjoying the fragrance of the handkerchief, Madam Mu's hands became heavier.

After gaining strength, he raised his legs at the same time and pressed his knees against his abdomen.

Tu Laosan's stomach was injured, and the food in his stomach spurted out. However, his mouth and nose were held down, so he could not spit it out, and his breathing was not smooth, so he naturally inhaled the spit out into his airway.

Mrs. Mu saw that Tu Laosan had difficulty breathing and the silk handkerchief was dirty, so she jumped onto the beam and left from the roof. Of course, she covered the roof with thatch.

The silk handkerchief fell to the ground, and Tu Laosan also fell slowly. He struggled to death, but could not cough up the vomit in his airway, so he suffocated and died.

This is the entire story of Tu Laosan's "drunken death".

Using accidents to cover up murders is the most clever way for killers. Tu Laosan was an alcoholic by nature, and he often vomited after drinking. It was easy for people to accept the vomit being choked into his airway.

Sure enough, the autopsy result of Zhang Xiaoquan was the same, and the family members of the deceased had no objection.

However, since the imperial envoy took office, he has been very strict with officials of all sizes in Xiangzhou. Peng Lun, the former magistrate of Yongqing County, was not only banned but also dismissed from his post because he neglected his duties and arbitrarily judged cases.

Our County Magistrate Xu ordered us not to make a decision easily when we encounter a case, so County Lieutenant Xiao specially invited another widow from the governor's office to do the autopsy. In order to give you a chance to show off, Fatty Wang made some excuses and asked them to invite him.

about you.

Your result is consistent with Zhang Xiaoquan's. Although they didn't notice the silk handkerchief behind the deceased at the time, even if they found it, they would probably think it was a gift from the woman of Wanhualou, just like the victim. So Magistrate Xu said,

Accidental death' closed the case.

However, Madam Mu didn’t know your identity and thought you were just a tofu maker. She never expected that you would be invited to do an autopsy and that you would recognize her silk handkerchief. So she lied to you and lied to you.

She took the silk handkerchief away and hid it under the bed. If I hadn't arrived in time, found an excuse to push her away, and stole the evidence, she would have destroyed the murder weapon long ago."

There was indeed some vomit on the silk handkerchief, and it was indeed pressed behind his back. As well as what Tu Laosan said before he died, Xiao Mu’s explanation made sense. I didn’t go up to take a closer look at the beams, but there was something inside the house.

There are pieces of thatch, could it be that the murderer really left from the roof?

Madam Mu? No, how could it be?

My mind was in chaos. After a moment, I looked at the self-righteous guy in front of me again: "This is all just your inference. Although I am not a county magistrate, not even a police officer, I know that solving a case requires

Talk about evidence.

You guessed that Mrs. Mu could fly over walls, then why did she not beat Tu Laosan when she was teased on the street, but instead followed him to his home to kill him, and kept her silk handkerchief?"

Xiao Mu argued: "Because she wanted to hide her skills, people would inevitably be discovered on the street. However, she was not willing to be treated lightly by Tu Lao San, so she sneaked into his house and used an accident to kill him.

She may have a mysophobia, and she won’t want anything that is dirty. She is even quite confident, thinking that even if the murder weapon is left behind, no one can do anything to her.”

I looked at Xiao Mu in surprise: "Does Brother Mu know her so well?"

There was an elusive light in Xiao Mu's bright eyes. This look shocked me. Just half an hour ago, I had seen this look on Mrs. Mu. It made people sigh.

There is a feeling of confusion, like facing an abyss, like a foggy face.

Xiao Mu smiled coldly again: "It is precisely because I don't understand her that I pay special attention to her. The death of Tu Laosan has no impact on me or the entire Xiangzhou City. Such a person who eats and drinks

A scumbag who engaged in prostitution, disobeyed his mother, and beat his wife would be happy to die. What I care about is Madam Mu’s true identity."

"She is the sister of Lieutenant Mu, the owner of Jianghu Inn." I glanced at the silk handkerchief in my hand: "Other than that, what other identity can she have?"

"What I found out is that Mrs. Mu only met the county captain three years ago when the imperial envoy was serving as county magistrate in Yiling.

Mu County Wei was originally from Yiling, and he was a knight-errant with strong martial arts skills. He got acquainted with the imperial envoy when he was still taking the exam in Chang'an. Later, the imperial envoy became the magistrate of Yiling County, and he followed him around and was granted the title

The county lieutenant came to Xiangzhou with the imperial envoy to take up his post this time. He can be said to be the right-hand man of the imperial envoy.

Although Mu Xianwei's mother was snatched away by thieves when he was pregnant and she was never seen again until she died of illness, and his father also passed away later. But now, he has a loving wife by his side, two children, and enough slaves at home.

The messenger... Even his mother's unborn sister was reunited with him. He was truly a big winner in life!

I heard that the imperial envoy is dedicated to serving the public good. He is now alone, with no family members, no followers, and not even a maid to serve him. There is only Mu County Lieutenant. Therefore, if anyone wants to get close to the imperial envoy, they can only start with Mu County Lieutenant.

To deal with Lieutenant Mu, I can only be his sister whom I have never met."

I just felt dazzled by the dazzling sunlight, and my head was buzzing. I got up early today and was busy for most of the day, and now I heard him talk so much, it was really hard to digest for a while.

I pinched my forehead, looked at Xiao Mu who was leaning against the tree trunk, and asked slowly: "You have told me so much, what do you want to say?"

Xiao Mu shook his fan calmly: "I suspect that Mrs. Mu is a spy planted by Tubo in Xiangzhou City. I want to find evidence to find her out. However, County Lieutenant Mu firmly believes that she is his biological sister and will not let me disturb her."

She, so I can only monitor her secretly.

In the past three months, I have eaten in her restaurant five times and stayed in a guest room once. I have spent almost all my money, but I still haven't gotten anything of value.

Don't you want to be a secret agent? Then let's join forces to reveal her true identity and let the imperial envoy see what we are capable of. Are you afraid that you won't be able to enter the 'eye of the sky' by then? Maybe I can rely on the imperial envoy to make a living.

The official is right."
This chapter has been completed!
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