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Chapter 32 Meeting the Thief Again

I walked aimlessly by myself, thinking about my regret for Madam Mu and my unfeeling for Wang Jiajia, and I felt a little regretful for a moment. If I could turn back time, I would decisively agree to Madam Mu’s appointment, and I seemed to be able to be patient with Wang Jiajia. Be patient and explain it to her.

"At three o'clock in the morning, the sky is dry and everything is dry, so be careful of candles!" The watchman's gong sounded particularly harsh.

I looked around and realized that I had arrived at Jianghu Inn without even realizing it.

"You're busy, thank you!"

A man came out of the inn and waved goodbye.

I accidentally glanced at it and couldn't believe my eyes.

It's him! He's still looking like that stern-looking person, looking left and right as he walks over, carrying a big bulging bag behind him.

"Stop!" I shouted and blocked his way: "Give me my money bag!"

The little thief was stunned, obviously he didn't expect to meet me here, but soon he smiled again and took out my money bag from his arms: "Oh, what a coincidence! You mean the money bag? Is this it? ?”

I took the empty money bag he threw over and said, "Where's the money in it?"

"Use it."

"You..." I have never seen such a shameless person, so I stepped forward and stretched out my hand: "Give me my money back!"

"what money?"

I was furious: "One hundred and eighty copper coins! Give it back to me!"

"No." The little thief said with a bitter look on his face: "If you don't believe me, just look for it yourself. If you find it, it's your fault."

"You...Okay, then don't blame me for being rude!" I said, and I was about to search him.

"Help! It's a robbery!" the thief suddenly shouted.

I couldn't help but stop, and my heart tightened. This guy was planning to frame someone again!

"What's going on?" came a familiar voice.

"Long Baotou, you came just in time. I just came out after eating and ran into this man. He blocked my way and wanted to rob me." The little thief said, and just hid next to Long Yuhan.

"Dragon catches the head." I smiled at Long Yuhan, as if I had met a savior. We had a good chat with him over wine last time, and we got to know him a lot better.

"Li Jianghu?"

"This little thief stole my purse a few days ago, and there was 180 coins in it. I met him today, and I asked him for it, but he framed me instead."

When Long Yuhan heard what I said, he looked at the little thief: "Is this possible?"

"Haha, misunderstanding. I was lucky enough to pick up this money bag a few days ago. I was greedy and used the money in it. I didn't expect that it actually belonged to this little brother. Haha, I'm really sorry. I don't have anything on me at this time. Bring the money, I still have some at home, I'll go get it and pay it back to you." The little thief nodded and said, suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Stop!" Long Yuhan and I said in unison and chased after him.

As expected, he is a cunning man, and he is very agile. He specializes in secluded alleys and seems to be very familiar with Xiangzhou City. As he ran away, he kept grabbing debris on the roadside and attacking us, which made There was nothing we could do about him for the time being.

However, Long Yuhan was not a vegetarian either. He would kick in the air or swing his sword out, and the things that hit us fell aside one after another.

After a while, we finally chased him to an abandoned temple. I ran the slowest, and by the time I got to the temple door, Long Yuhan's figure had already entered.

"The dragon catches the head!"

I panted and followed in, only to see Long Yuhan standing quietly under the eaves, and the little thief was standing next to him.

They looked at the courtyard in front of them. There was a lantern on a tree stump in the middle of the courtyard. Sitting on the ground around the lantern were more than a dozen ragged children, both boys and girls. The oldest was about fourteen or fifteen years old, and the younger was

He looked like he was only three or five years old. At this moment, everyone had only one action, which was to grab food from the bag and wolf it down.

When the little thief saw me coming in, he lowered his head and smiled: "I can't pay back your money, they have already eaten it."

"Where did these children come from?" Long Yu asked coldly.

"Picked them up." The little thief sighed: "On the way from Tongguan, he picked up the children who were left alone. He wandered all the way. In two years, he actually picked up fifteen of them. Their parents and relatives

They are all dead, but you can still survive by following me."

"Are they all dependent on you alone?" I asked softly, feeling sad.

The little thief smiled bitterly and said: "How can I support myself? There are many good people in this world. Didn't you just donate 180 Wen? Well, I just went to Jianghu Inn and asked for a bag of food.


Long Yuhan stared at the group of children: "Why not hand them over to the government?"

"The government? Are they reliable? Which official really serves the people?" The little thief sighed: "Besides, I have developed feelings for them in the past two years. They are just like my own children. How can I bear to treat them

Send it to strangers?"

"But you can't steal other people's money just to buy them food!" I was very touched by his behavior of saving the children, but after all, he is still a thief!

"I am a person who follows rules. Firstly, I do not steal from the old, weak, sick and disabled; secondly, I do not steal from Taoist monks and doctors; thirdly, I do not steal from the poor; fourthly, I do not steal life-saving money; and fifthly, I do not steal from the same person! I am also quite famous in the world.

, he was given the nickname "The Thief" but never took it back." The little thief suddenly felt quite proud, as if he had done something heroic.

"What's your name?" Long Yuhan asked, probably because he had never heard of this nickname, or he was not interested in his nickname at all.

"I won't change my name in business, or my surname in office, Su Xiaolu!" said the little thief, stretching out his hands: "If Capt. Long still thinks that I should be put in prison, then just tie me up!"

"No, don't catch me." An older child suddenly dropped the pancake in his hand and stopped in front of Su Xiaolu.



All the children also ran over and surrounded Su Xiaolu.

Long Yuhan looked at those frightened eyes, and a rare smile appeared on his lips: "Su Xiaolu! Okay, I will remember you, and I will tell the imperial envoy about you and let him pay attention.

Be careful, lest you suddenly take up his mind one day, after all, the richest person in the entire Xiangzhou city is the imperial envoy."

"Okay, then Capt. Laolong will help me bring a message to the imperial envoy, asking him to keep an eye on his money bag. He is obviously not within the scope of my 'five no-takes', so I will ask him to borrow some money sooner or later.


"Li Jianghu, let's go!"

"The dragon catches its head and stays behind. Come, I'll give you back the money bag."

Long Yuhan was stunned, stretched out his hand to touch his arms, grabbed the empty money bag handed over by Su Xiaolu and went out.

I quickly followed him: "Long Captou, this man is really capable. When did he steal your wallet?"

Long Yuhan shook his head: "He has good skills and is very heroic. The imperial envoy will definitely like this kind of person."

"Do you mean to make him turn from darkness to light?"

"Yes, it's a pity that the imperial envoy always appears but never ends. He wandered around the government office in the morning and then disappeared. I don't know when I will see him next time." Long Yuhan said helplessly: "Have you seen Xiao Mu recently?


"Xiao Mu?" I shook my head: "Long time no see."

"If you meet him, remember to tell him about Su Xiaolu."


"I heard from County Lieutenant Mu that the imperial envoy is very afraid of heat. During the hot summer season, he will always find a shady place to hide. He will not come out unless absolutely necessary. He will not show up until autumn when the weather gets cooler."

"Ah? What should I do if something goes wrong?" I suddenly felt that this imperial envoy was a little weird.

Long Yuhan said: "Of course, magistrate Xu is in charge of ordinary incidents in Xiangzhou City. Anything that he can't control will be reported to Meng Sima or Governor Lei. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the imperial envoy."

I was confused: "Then what's the point of having an imperial envoy?"

Long Yuhan smiled again and said: "As the saying goes, 'God has eyes', the Imperial Envoy is the pair of eyes that are always staring at you. Although he is often absent, he can know what you have done at any time. Because of this, everyone

People should be cautious before doing things, so as not to be caught by the imperial envoy. This is the purpose of the imperial envoy!"

"Oh." I nodded, I seemed to understand, but I didn't seem to understand. But this Long Yuhan was pretty good, and he was willing to tell me so much. Fatty Wang also said that he was indifferent, but I'm afraid he was just looking at the surface.

, when I really get along with him, I feel that this person is still very warm.

"Li Huichun, how's your investigation going?" Long Yuhan suddenly asked.

"After many inquiries, it seems that Li Huichun was a knight before. He met the imperial envoy in Chang'an and accompanied the imperial envoy to Yiling to take up his post. He helped the imperial envoy get rid of the three evils in Yiling. After the imperial envoy established a firm foothold in Yiling, he

Then he began to travel around the world again.

He seemed to have a passion for medicine. Later, he traveled to Xiangzhou and accidentally saved Dr. Du. Seeing his talent and intelligence, Dr. Du accepted him as a close disciple.

Not long after, he accidentally fell off a cliff while collecting herbs with Dr. Du, hit his head, and forgot some things.

That’s all I found.”

As I said this, I felt uneasy in my heart. Although there were various signs that Li Huichun was doing well, why did I feel like there was some story between him and Madam Mu?

Did they know each other before Li Huichun lost his memory? What was their relationship? From the look in Mrs. Mu's eyes when she looked at Li Huichun, I could feel her unusual emotion for him. I even made a bold speculation that Li Huichun

Could Huichun be Madam Mu’s dead husband?

Long Yuhan shook his head: "The information you found was all what the imperial envoy told us when he met Li Huichun at Dushi Medical Center two months ago. It seems that the imperial envoy has already established an identity for him, so you can

Don't bother, I'm afraid there will be no other results if you continue to check."

"Then... will Xiao Mu accept this result? Fortunately, he is not here these days, otherwise I wouldn't know how to report to him."

"Xiao Mu?" Long Yuhan looked confused: "Xiao Mu asked you to check?"

"Hmm. Xiao Mu thinks Li Huichun is a good friend of the imperial envoy, and is afraid that he is a trickster."

Long Yuhan looked at me blankly, then scratched his head: "Xiao Mu's thoughts are really unpredictable. Whatever he asks you to do, just do it."

"Yes." I nodded, and then remembered what Mrs. Mu said just now: "Um... didn't Long Baotou go to see the lanterns tonight?"

"It's no fun if I go. I like peace and quiet."

I coughed softly: "I just met Mrs. Mu on the street. She was alone and didn't look very happy. She said... She was originally with you, but you suddenly left."
This chapter has been completed!
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