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Chapter 49: By the Qingchuan River

"Your Excellency, are you the young boss of Shunfeng Escort Agency?" the young man asked. He unclenched his clenched fists and closed his T-step. Then he bowed his hand and said, "Liu Jiabao, I am the Yuelai Restaurant in the city.

That's right. There was a misunderstanding just now. If Mr. Lin is free, please come to Yuelai Restaurant and let me apologize to you."

"Little brother, do you recognize me?" Lin Shu asked with doubts on his face.

"Of course, uh... Although I have never met him, I have admired his name for a long time. A few years ago, when my parents were in the capital, didn't my grandfather often ask your escort agency to deliver things to me at Shenlong Villa?"

"Zhao Jiabao?" Lin Shu asked tentatively.

"Yes. My parents have been married for many years, and it took a lot of effort to have me. They almost died after I was born, so they found a blind Taoist priest and told me that they would wait until I was twelve years old before the family could reunite and live in peace. So, I

He has lived in his maternal grandfather's house since he was a child, and has the surname "Zhao".

When I was more than seven years old, my family sent me to Shenlong Villa to learn kung fu after discussion. I paid a one-time payment for five years, thinking that I could strengthen my body or find multiple ways out in the future. Who knew that my master would spend all day long

I don’t see anyone here, and I don’t teach anything. I basically learned all my kung fu from my senior brother.”

Liu Jiabao complained that it seemed that five years had been wasted.

Lin Shu smiled and shook his head: "Everything in the world is unpredictable. If it weren't for the imperial envoy Mingjian, who would have thought that the owner of the dignified Shenlong Villa was actually someone else."

Liu Jiabao also let out a long sigh: "Yes, I really didn't expect that my 'master' would be so bad. Just because he is a twin brother, and because of his similar appearance, he actually wanted to kill his own brother and replace him. Fortunately, Tianwang Huihui,

He did not miss anything, and now he has received the punishment he deserves."

"How is Master Dongfang doing now?"

Liu Jiabao was stunned: "Master Dongfang Manor? Uh... you mean Master Wu Lian? Hey, his appearance has been ruined. He and his wife spend every day in the mountains and rivers, or talk about scriptures, which is quite comfortable. Now.

Senior brother is in charge of the affairs of the villa. Oh, my senior brother is already the new owner of the villa, but I don’t know how the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance will be handled."

Lin Shu's face showed a hint of sadness and anger: "Three years ago, in order to compete with Tiansheng Palace for the position of leader of the martial arts alliance, Dongfang Xiong secretly collaborated with the traitors in the court and massacred everyone in Tiansheng Palace. This has already made the world's knights

I’m dissatisfied. This time I heard that I wanted to collude with Tubo to do something secretive, but the imperial envoy exposed me. Now, the imperial envoy ordered Dongfang Hong to temporarily take over the position of leader of the Wulin Alliance, but with matters in the world, I’m afraid the imperial envoy’s words may not be effective.”

Liu Jiabao waved his hand: "That's all, I get a headache when I hear these things. Fortunately, I am not a disciple of Shenlong Villa anymore, so I can let my senior brother handle it on his own."

I clasped my hands behind my back and watched the two of them chatting animatedly, and felt itchy in my heart. I went to and from the Jianghu Inn every day, and more or less heard some Jianghu stories told by Old Man Fang. In addition to the stories about the heroic heroes such as Baiyun Fairy and others, I felt itchy.

, of course there is no lack of fighting among various sects. Alas, it is just fighting for martial arts secrets and status in the martial arts, which is really tiring.

"Haha, you have a good attitude. If you have time, how about you come with me to meet a friend?" Lin Shu invited.

"Friend? Who is it?" Liu Jiabao showed some concern again on his face and pointed to the distance: "I will accompany my mother-in-law to enjoy the osmanthus flowers."

"Then you play first. I will take my friend to Yuelai Restaurant to meet you in the evening." Lin Shu smiled and said, "I have something else to do, so I'll excuse you now."

"Okay, farewell!"

The two of them said goodbye reluctantly, as if I no longer existed.

"Ahem." I coughed and raised my hands that were tied behind my back: "You two heroes, can you help me untie them?"

"Oh, you didn't answer me just now, what's going on?" Lin Shu asked.

Liu Jiabao finally set his sights on me again: "A little thief stole my money bag last night with his accomplices. I lost him after dark. I didn't expect that I happened to bump into him just now. He ran away and was about to get ready."

Take him to the county government office."

"Misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding!" I tried to defend myself: "Young gentleman of the Liu family, when did I steal your wallet last night?"

"It's not you, it's your accomplice."

"Misunderstanding, really a misunderstanding. That person also stole my wallet, so I just happened to know him. I am not with him."

"But my purse is on you."

"He must have stuffed it into me." I was afraid that Liu Jiabao would send me to the police because of his childish anger, so I explained nervously: "The person who stole your money last night is known as the master thief. He has good skills and steals every time."

The Queen of Money likes to return empty bags to others. If you don’t believe it, ask Long Yuhan, the leader of the Sky Eye Team, he also knows him and has also been stolen from.”

"What are the five things that a great thief won't do?" Lin Shu's face was filled with joy: "The first one is not stealing from the old, the weak, the sick, the second is not stealing from Taoist monks and doctors, the third is not stealing from the poor, the fourth is not stealing life-saving money, and the fifth is not stealing from the same person."

"That's right, that's what he was yelling about." I confirmed.

"Does Mr. Lin know him?"

"We had a chance encounter, haha, or in other words, it was stolen by him once. He has always robbed the rich and given to the poor, so he can be considered a grand thief."

"A thief?" Liu Jiabao scratched his head: "A thief is a thief? How can he be matched with the word 'xia'? My family's money didn't come from the strong wind, so why should he use it to pretend to be a good person?"

"Um... this..." Lin Shu thought for a while: "Fortunately, he only stole it once, and he won't try to trick you again in the future."

I thought of Shopkeeper Liu's greedy face, and suddenly I wanted to defend Su Xiaolu: "Well... Your Majesty, Shopkeeper Liu, I have met several times. If Su Xiaolu didn't steal your money to help the poor,

, I’m afraid you won’t be able to bear it if you ask your father to donate it yourself?

I remember that I once helped my friend Song Erlang deliver wine to your restaurant. At first, shopkeeper Liu wanted to refuse the payment for fifty cents, but thanks to Mr. Song’s upright words, my friend was able to get his wages."

Liu Jiabao must still remember this. He blushed and untied my hands: "Forget it, just think of me as doing a good deed for him."

"Little Prince, Little Prince!" A person who looked like a maid ran over panting: "Oh, Little Prince, why are you here? My wife is looking for you everywhere."

"Oh, how offended I am." Liu Jiabao looked at me and smiled apologetically: "I don't know what I call you, but if you have the chance to go to Yuelai Restaurant, I will apologize to you."

I rubbed my red wrist: "I'm Li Jianghu. I make tofu for a living on weekdays. I deliver tofu to Jianghu Inn every day. It's convenient to go to your restaurant, but your food and wine are too expensive. Not for ordinary people."


"Are you Li Jianghu?" Liu Jiabao suddenly became excited: "I went to Jianghu Inn yesterday to eat beancurd. It was delicious. Sister Xian'er said you made it early. I'm still wondering who can get into Xian'er.

My sister’s eyes are able to deliver goods to her store for a long time, so it’s you!”

"Uh... haha, are you... very familiar with Madam Mu?" I asked, and I was a little confused when I heard him call Madam Mu by her maiden name. As the saying goes, people in the same industry are enemies, and their two families are so close together that their business

It is inevitable that there will be friction. How can this boy have contact with Madam Mu?

"That was, sister Xian'er and I were four years ago..." Liu Jiabao said, suddenly covering his mouth with a panic on his face: "Don't worry about it. I'm leaving first. Mr. Lin, come over that night



Seeing him walking away with the maid, Lin Shu also smiled: "This guy is quite interesting."

"Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Lin." I said politely.

Lin Shu looked me up and down: "A person who is clean will be cleansed himself. I didn't do anything. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"Uh... see you later!" I also cupped my fists and saluted.

Hero, walking around the Jianghu alone with a sword is really majestic. Haha, Li Jianghu, you must envy him.

Baokang County is close to Xiangzhou City. Shunfeng Escort Agency? I have never heard of it. But in today's world, many places are in chaos, so the business of the Escort Agency should be good.

I took a walk by myself, and the fragrance of osmanthus was refreshing and made me feel like I was in a dream. The Qingchuan River is winding and winding, and there are more tourists on both sides of the river, either with the whole family enjoying the scenery, or with friends getting together, or with beauties.


Hey, suddenly I feel lonely again...

Business was pressing, and we agreed to build a house. I searched for the houses that were being built, and inquired about the wages and materials needed until I was exhausted.

It was already past noon. I ate two cakes to fill my stomach. Then I returned to Jianghu Inn to get my load. I saw Madam Mu eating roast chicken alone in the living room.

"My boss." I stepped forward and smiled: "I walked around today and contacted a few masters. When I get home and discuss it with my mother, I estimate that the construction will start in the next two days. Um...

…But don’t worry, I will still guarantee to deliver the tofu every day on time.”

"Well, okay." Mrs. Mu threw a chicken bone heavily on the table: "There is no need to report to me about your family's affairs, and I don't have the energy to take care of it."

"Oh, yes. Then I... will go back first."

I went to the kitchen to clear my load and glanced at Ah Wu: "Fifth brother, is Mrs. Mu okay?"

Ah Wu turned his head and glanced at Madam Mu, and whispered: "I'm afraid I had a quarrel with Qin Yong, how dare I ask?

Early in the morning, he said happily that he didn't care about the store today, he was going to deliver oranges to Qin Yong and go to Qin Yong's new home to play.

When she came back at noon, her face changed. Uncle Fu asked her if she had eaten, and she replied: Is it only Qin Yong's family who has food to eat? I'm afraid she would feel uncomfortable if she went to Qin Yong's house and sat on the bench."

"Oh, I'll leave first then. I'd better come over early tomorrow." I whispered, for fear of arousing Mrs. Mu's anger on myself. I had originally thought about asking Nuan Xin about her situation, but I had no choice but to give up.

When I got home, I heard my grandma’s hearty laughter, and it turned out that Aunt Zhu was here again.

"Hey, Jianghu is back?"

"Bless you, ma'am." I said hello and rested the load by the well to pack it up.

"Then let's just say, I have to go back and pack my clothes."

"Okay, it's settled then. Thank you very much. We can come and play again after our house is built."

"Okay, okay, get busy."

The two said goodbye, and my mother-in-law came over to help. She was still in high spirits: "That's great. I wish you to introduce me to the master who built her house. I think her house was built well. All expenses are included."

, it’s done for ten taels of silver.”

"Only ten taels of silver?" I suddenly felt that it was much cheaper than what I had inquired about.

"That's right, I wish you to be smart. It's definitely the most economical option. It means we have to put in more effort ourselves. We have to dig out the yellow mud ourselves. If we can get straw and other things from farmers' homes, it's okay.

Save money.”

"Yeah." I nodded and my eyes fell on the basket next to me.

Auntie wiped her hands and lifted the cloth covering them: "Eat, I see there is one next to your pillow that you are reluctant to eat. This time, I wish Auntie will give us a basket so that you can eat enough.



"Haha, you are so polite to Mrs. Zhu. You introduced me to the master bricklayer and gave me oranges. We must remember this favor..." Auntie continued to chatter.
This chapter has been completed!
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