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Chapter 100 Barrier? Ghost domain? [5500 chapters

Chapter 100: Barrier? Ghost Realm? [Vote for 5500 chapters]

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 100: Barrier? Ghost Realm? [Vote for 5500 chapters]

From the outside, the Weapon Refining Pavilion looks unattractive.

That's the literal meaning.

It's a construction area with a slum-like structure. Houses are next to each other, buildings are next to each other, and pavilions are next to pavilions. There are all kinds of strings, clothes, wooden boards, and random fabrics hanging in some places.

, seems very messy and disorganized.

The same goes for people here.

Most of them were men in fine clothes, carrying wood and ore, busy, and some shouting loudly. Most of them were bare-chested, or just wearing a waistcoat or something.

The skin is dark, sweating, and the air is filled with the smell of male hormones.

In addition to the strong men, another feature here is the smoke.

Not the kind of clear breeze and mist, but the smoke produced by burning charcoal.

Although some are discharged from the chimney, some are scattered around, which results in bad air and poor vision. But what is interesting is that in this thick smoke and black mist, the entire Refining Pavilion or "Fire"

Workshop' actually has a feeling of being hidden in a fairy pavilion, mysterious and unpredictable.

"Isn't this the real Weapon Refining Pavilion?" Xu Mo asked Xiang Ying.

Ever since she and Lin Jiuyuan came in, countless pairs of eyes were staring at them.

The eyes are all from those strong men.

There are very few women in this place.

Even if there were, each of them was stronger than a man. Now, two such beautiful flowers suddenly appeared. If you don't look at them, it would be abnormal.

Xiang Ying didn't care at all. After all, he was an old snake spirit who was close to six hundred years old. He twisted his waist and swayed his hips very naturally. Lin Jiuyuan was a little unnatural, but he was still stable, which showed that his mentality was okay, but it just needed to be strengthened.

"This is the Weapon Refining Pavilion." Xiang Ying said.

Xu Mo pointed to the better attic inside and asked, "Are you sure it's not over there?"

"It's right here." Xiang Ying looked around, then walked to the entrance of a very narrow alley, his eyes lit up: "Found it."

As he spoke, he pointed to a stone tablet on the ground for Xu Mo to see.

Xu Mo took a closer look and saw that the stone tablet was not big, only about ten centimeters high, and looked like a felled tree stump.

But it's completely black, more like a piece of black charcoal.

"The location of this object marks the entrance to the Refining Pavilion. Just walk in from this alley." After Xiang Ying finished speaking, he walked in first. Xu Mo was curious. There was nothing written on this black charcoal-like stone tablet.

Isn’t it embarrassing to get the wrong thing?

But after all, Xiang Ying has been here before, so I can only trust her now.

The three of them squeezed in one by one.

There's more smoke here, and I feel like I'll be able to get out of it if I stay here for a while.

"We're here, we're here!" Xiang Ying's voice came from the front. Xu Mo took a look and saw a door in front of him with a sign hanging on it.

There are three words written on it: 'Weapon Refining Pavilion'.

It's really so blatant.

It feels like anyone can see this sign as long as they enter this alley.

Xu Mo just wanted to ask if this was too ostentatious.

But he soon discovered that the three characters on the sign seemed to be moving.

Look carefully again.

These three words floated in the air, like black air.

"It's some kind of magic."

Xu Mo immediately realized that only practitioners could see this thing. Mortals would not be able to see these three words when they came in.

Even if it is just displayed here openly.

"Jiuyuan, come and take a look, what can you see?" Xu Mo pulled Lin Jiuyuan over and asked her to take a look.

Lin Jiuyuan was new to practicing Falun Dafa. Although he didn't dabble in it deeply, he had eaten crab meat after all. Later, he followed Xu Mo and ate fish, clams, shrimps and other monsters, thus accumulating some magic power.

So she could also see it, but the handwriting was blurry.

Entering through the broken door, Xu Mo felt a wave of heat rushing towards his face.

It's like entering a sauna.

The heat wave is so intense that ordinary people cannot bear it.

There is a corridor inside, and after passing through it, you arrive at a hall, where you can hear the sounds of various forging irons, jingling, clanking, and non-stop.

Xu Mo listened carefully again.

It was discovered that the sound of the collision of gold and iron was also mixed with some weird sounds, such as screams, roars, and wailings, mixed with pain, despair, and the resulting hatred.

"This place is interesting." Xu Mo squinted and looked around. Just like Grandma Liu when she entered the Grand View Garden, she was curious about everything she looked at.

Lin Jiuyuan is similar.

But she didn't seem to hear the wails.

Xiangying walked forward, carrying a baggage on her back, which contained Taoist Lingzhao's Nascent Soul and Flesh Huagai.

"Are you guys here for the first time?"

A guy came over to say hello.

This guy was wearing a long robe and looked like a poor scholar who could only read to death.

The long face with hanging eyes, combined with the smile, looks a bit weird.

Like, a fox.

"Where's Lao Ya?" Xiang Ying asked, probably an acquaintance of hers.

"Old Crow? Let me think about it...it broke the rules and was refined by the Pavilion Master." This guy was even more enthusiastic. He knew that those who could see or even know Lao Ya were at least cultivators who came here a hundred years ago.


There are more than a hundred years of Taoism.

Generally speaking, this kind of person is not easy to mess with, regardless of whether it is a human, a demon, or other evil spirits.

"What do you call me, brother?" Xu Mo came over and asked.

"Just call me Xiao Ming." The waiter looked at Xu Mo with a dazed look and was very respectful, but obviously not as condescending as he was to Xiang Ying.

Obviously, it also depends on the person ordering the food.

Xu Mo asked him how to refine the magic weapon now.

Just what the price and rules are.

"There are finished products here, but you have to go to the second floor. You can also customize them. Two materials, one goods."

Xu Mo understood.

I thought this was dark enough.

It is equivalent to refining a magic weapon, and you have to prepare twice the materials, and the other party eats one of them as a reward.

Xu Mo looked at Xiang Ying, who nodded.

That means it was the same price before.

They didn't trick you.

"Nascent Soul practices weapons, and Huagai will be used as reward." Xiangying took off the package at this time and placed it on the wooden table.

The guy opened it to check and repeatedly said yes.

"This Nascent Soul is about to reach the realm of Dacheng. It's very powerful. This flesh canopy is not bad either, but it's a pity that there is only one. It would be great if there were three."

After checking that the goods were correct, the clerk asked: "What magic weapon do you want to refine?"

Xu Mo thought about this on the way and discussed it with Xiang Ying. He immediately said: "Make a magic sword!"

He repaired the "Qinglian Sword Code" and integrated it with the "Nine Swords of the Sky", which can control more than one sword. If there is another magic sword similar to the Tiger Soul Sword, Xu Mo feels that his combat power can be improved by one level.


"Magic sword?" The clerk smiled and nodded: "Okay, our best sword-making master happens to be here, let her make it, and she can make it for you in an hour."

After saying that, he carried Yuan Ying and Rou Huagai and walked into the back room.

The clanking and terrifying screams came from those houses.

When Xu Mo saw the guy leaving, he asked Xiang Ying, "Could they have taken something and refused to practice it, or maybe they were trying to make a switch?"

There was no other way. Xu Mo decided that there was no good person among the immortal cultivators in this world, so he naturally thought of this possibility and had to be on guard against it.

"You can rest assured, the Refining Pavilion is very strict about rules, and no one can be bullied." Xiang Ying gave Xu Mo reassurance, saying that she had been worried a long time ago.

But if you really come into contact with it once, you will know that the Weapon Refining Pavilion pays most attention to the rules.

Here, we never ask you where the materials come from.

Regardless of whether it was stolen, robbed or deceived, it was all the same to them. They would never ask about it, and there was no material they dared not accept.

Materials are materials.

Business is business.

It cannot survive for hundreds of years without rules.

The next step is to wait.

And Xu Mo and the others were not alone in this hall.

On the other side, there is a person waiting there.

He is a middle-aged scribe.

Wearing a black robe, he looks quite elegant.

Obviously, those who can enter here are all immortal cultivators, and the immortal cultivators are not good people.

So Xu Mo gave this elegant-looking middle-aged scribe two labels.

His cultivation is not bad, but his heart is ruthless.

As if feeling Xu Mo's gaze, the other party actually turned his head and looked over, then smiled slightly and nodded.

Xu Mo also returned the gift warmly.

You still have to be polite.

Not only must he be polite, Xu Mo also planned to go one step further and go over to have a chat with the other party.

Originally, even if the other party didn't take the initiative to say hello, Xu Mo planned to go there. Now that he said hello, he should go over and have a chat.

Regardless of whether he is a good person or not, he can always make friends with Xu Mo.

Seeing Xu Mo coming over, the black-robed scribe was a little confused.

What does the heart mean by this?

You were just being polite, why are you getting along now?

What to do?

Xu Mo didn't know that this middle-aged scribe had also labeled him in his heart.

It’s also eight characters.

A person who hides his sword in his smile is not a good person.

"Brother, what do you call me?" Xu Mo came over with a sincere smile. Someone said that people who love to laugh are not very unlucky, because people who are unlucky cannot laugh at all.

Xu Mo felt something was wrong.

Laughter can be divided into real laughter and fake smile, which cannot be generalized.

His smile is very sincere now, and the brother opposite must have felt it.

"Rogue cultivator Dou Wenbin!" The black-robed scribe was very polite.

"Brother Dou, we are both casual cultivators. It is fate that we meet each other. We have to get to know each other. My name is Xu Mo. You can just call me Xiao Xu." Xu Mo planned to have a good chat with the other party while waiting.

After all, waiting is waiting. Finding something to do can also pass the time and increase your knowledge.

"Oh, it turns out to be Fellow Daoist Xu." Although Dou Wenbin was polite, it could be seen that he didn't want to talk much. This has already shown. Most people will most likely see it and leave.

Xu Mo falls into the category of small probability.

"Brother Dou, these clothes are really nice. Where can I buy them? I want to buy one too."

You can clearly see the eyelids of 'Brother Dou' on the other side twitching.

After waiting for a while, Dou Wenbin said: "I sewed this by myself and you can't buy it anywhere else."

After saying that, he turned around, looked elsewhere, and said nothing. The subtext was, get out of here and stop talking to me.

Xu Mo has a good attitude and doesn't care.

"Brother Dou, do you know how to make clothes? You really can't tell the difference between appearance and appearance. I admire you for your versatility."

No matter who he is, everyone likes to wear a high hat. Although the other person is tired of Xu Mo talking too much, he still feels very useful when he is praised and feels happy.

This is Xu Mo’s social password.

Tell others what they like to hear, so that even if they are bored, they will not be embarrassed to turn against you in person.

Besides, even if you are sure that the other party cannot figure out your true identity, usually those who are a little bit sophisticated will not fall out directly.

"It's just a little trick, just a weird skill, not worth mentioning."

The other person is very humble.

Xu Mo took a closer look and saw that the other party's black clothes were indeed unusual.

Now Xu Mo also knows the goods.

He could tell that there was something strange hidden in this outfit.

Maybe it's a ghost.

It could also be some kind of 'wandering god'.

Or, it's something else.

"Brother Dou, can you make one for me? Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain. The main reason is that I like this style. You also said that you can't buy it elsewhere."

"Hehe, hehe, Dou is so busy with trivial matters that he may not have the skills."

Although it is euphemistic, it is a solid rejection.

Xu Mo was not discouraged.

"How about you teach me this little trick?"

Dou Wenbin was stunned and then laughed.

By chance, someone came out and gave him the refined magical weapon. Dou Wenbin immediately walked over and ignored Xu Mo.

Xu Mo wasn't embarrassed either.

In his words, if there are dates but there are no dates, you can make three poles. If there are dates, you will make money, but if there are no dates, you will not lose.

Later, other immortal cultivators came in, most of them low-key, and Xu Mo did not go over to try to get close to them because he discovered another interesting thing.

Judging from the structure of the building he just saw from the outside, the space inside, although not small, is definitely not that big.

It looked like a structure with two bedrooms and one living room, but after entering, I found that it was six bedrooms and three living rooms, which was several times larger.

This is obviously not normal.

When I asked Xiang Ying, he said that this was the ‘Boundary of Heaven and Earth’.

It is a very high-end magic.

"In the world of cultivating immortals, what is the best magical weapon? It is not a weapon or a self-defense object, but a container." Xiang Ying gave Xu Mo a popular science.

"In the same pocket, others can carry ten things, but you can only carry one. When the time comes to fight, if the cultivation levels are evenly matched, others will naturally have the upper hand. And when you go out and find treasures, you must have a place.

Storage. The simplest one. Those who don't know how to make elixirs and like to devour human flesh directly need a 'corpse box'. It is said that there is a barrier of heaven and earth in this box. A small box can hold hundreds of corpses and can travel all the way.

, you can eat it all the way and still put it in it.”

When talking about this, Xiang Ying looked envious.

Apparently she didn't.

Xu Mo understood that it was the ‘snack bag’ in this world.

This thing is indeed rare. If it existed, they wouldn't have to carry Taoist Lingzhao's Nascent Soul on their backs all the way. When the time comes, they would be able to carry it in a Qiankun bag. Wouldn't it be cool and comfortable?

And for Xu Mo, this thing is more useful.

Xu Mo is currently majoring in Kendo.

He can handle a sword.

Not just a handful.

The limit of the Dongling family's "Nine Swords of Heaven Control" is nine swords.

Xu Mo used the "Qinglian Sword Canon" to fuse, and he was already better than his master. Not to mention nine swords, he could control even a dozen more.

I remember playing a game before, a guy named Li Xiaoyao could control ten thousand swords, and his name was 'Ten Thousand Sword Jue'.

That was imagined.

But Xu Mo felt that as long as he worked hard enough, he might be able to turn his fantasy into reality and display the real 'Ten Thousand Swords Art'.

Then this problem arises.

Even if he really integrates many sword techniques and can control tens of thousands of flying swords, how to carry these flying swords with him is a problem.

You can't really carry ten thousand swords with you, right?

I can't even carry it.

Therefore, the container with the ‘Qiankun Boundary’ is currently the best solution.

"Xiang Ying, I want to buy a Qiankun bag, can I afford it?" Xu Mo asked.

Xiang Ying glanced at him: "You can sell me out."

"If I sell it to you, I can exchange it for another one?" Xu Mo was actually a little moved.

Xiang Ying was furious: "I should swallow you up now to save you from harming me in the future."

Of course, this is a joke.

Xu Mo apologized sincerely and said that he had no intention of selling you in exchange for the Qiankun Bag. Xiang Ying also took back his words and said don't worry, he won't eat you for fear of indigestion.

From this point of view, in the world of immortal cultivation, the Qiankun Bag is a rare and extremely precious thing.

In summary, I can't afford it right now.

Xu Mo is a person who likes to take unconventional paths.

He thought, if he couldn't afford it, then I could explore the secrets of the Qiankun Barrier, maybe I could find out some secrets.

So I walked around the hall, touching this and picking at that, trying to find something.

Xiang Ying did not look at him, but whispered to Lin Jiuyuan: "If this can be discovered, can it be called a secret?"

"Then, Sister Xiangying, why don't you go and persuade Master Xu?" Lin Jiuyuan couldn't bear it.

"Persuasion? Will he listen? Let him go. Let's pretend we don't know him so that he doesn't embarrass us." After Xiang Ying finished speaking, he took a few steps to the side.

Lin Jiuyuan thought about it and hid behind him.

Here Xu Mo was looking around, picking at it, but he never thought that he would actually gain something.

He actually took off a small piece of the wall covering.

Look carefully, this small piece of wall is stained with blood.

Xu Mo immediately looked around with a guilty conscience.

Finding that no one was paying attention to him, he immediately walked over and blocked the gap with his body.

Looking at the wall covering in my hand, the front side is normal, but the back side, like the side where human skin has been peeled off, has skin lines and blood stains.

At this time, Xu Mo saw the right opportunity, squatted down, lowered his head, and looked towards the small gap he had just dug.

It's probably a hole the size of a coin.

It was pitch black inside and nothing could be seen.

Xu Mo came closer and looked again.

Suddenly, an eye appeared from the hole and was also looking at Xu Mo.

It was as if there was a person inside, lying in the gap and looking out.

Xu Mo was not surprised but happy.

Even though the eye inside was filled with terrifying malice, as if it wanted to eat him alive, Xu Mo felt that this was a big gain.

He blocked the hole with his hands.

He looked around again.

No one looked at him.

He immediately took his hand away and continued to pick.

It was difficult to pick it out, and after a long time of tossing, I finally tore off a small piece. The gap now is about half the size of a palm.

If you want to expand it further, you can't.

Through this small gap, Xu Mo made a discovery. He discovered that there was a ghost in the wall.

And there's more than one.

These ghosts want to get out, but the gap is too small and they can't squeeze out at all.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll help you think of something, keep your voice down, if someone finds out, we'll all be finished." Xu Mo comforted in a low voice.

The ghost inside understood it and became much more honest.

Next Xu Mo put his hand in and touched it.

It seemed to be mixed with some kind of liquid, it was very thick, and there were quite a few ghosts inside. With just his head, Xu Mo could touch many of them.

Just like digging a hole in a frozen lake in winter and then spreading the bait, there will be many fish vying to gather in the gap.

There were many ghosts inside, and they were attracted by this gap at this moment and gathered together.

But again, the gap is too small, it is barely possible to reach in, and it is impossible to figure out the ghost inside.

Xu Mo was very courageous. He touched around and touched a little guy.

This little guy seemed unable to squeeze through, so Xu Mo stretched his entire arm in and could barely reach him.

Xu Mo grabbed the little guy and pulled him back.

This process is not easy.

There are many ghosts who want to come out, but they can't, and they can't even transmit sounds to the outside world.

When I saw a little guy being dragged out, I naturally became jealous.

Want to stop it.

Xu Mo moved quickly and pulled hard, pulling his hand out.

Also captured was a 'ghost' about the size of a palm.

This ghost is very strange. It looks illusory and unreal. It is blue in color and has a body and limbs like a human. However, it is extremely ugly, with a protruding forehead and hair around the head, but the top of the head is bald.

Put on clothes and glasses, and look like a middle-aged coder, or a small leader of a certain organization.

This kid was acting very frightened at this moment, with his eyes wide open, his mouth wide open, and his whole body trembling.

Like a fish jumping out of the water onto the shore.

Just when Xu Mo was thinking about whether to stuff this thing back into the gap just now, the blue kid suddenly grabbed Xu Mo's sleeve and then got in.

Xu Mo obviously didn't expect this situation. The other party was like a ball of green dye, which instantly blended into his sleeve.

As a result, the originally gray robe now had a blue line on the cuffs.

Not to mention, it’s pretty good-looking.

Xu Mo touched it and found that the blue on the sleeves was very natural, as if it was already there.

This thing was so weird that Xu Mo naturally didn't dare to say anything about it.

The Weapon Refining Pavilion is not a place to be trifled with. Xiang Ying's temperament is like a snake's tail between his legs. If the people in the Weapon Refining Pavilion knew that he had cut off a piece of their wall and kidnapped a kid inside,

, I guess I will get angry, and I won’t let it go.

Therefore, it is wise to keep quiet.

Returning to Xiang Ying and Lin Jiuyuan honestly, Xu Mo put his hands behind his back and said nothing. Compared with his lively energy just now, he seemed to be a completely different person.

Big chapter, please give me a vote!

(End of chapter)

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