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Chapter 119: Listening to the Sword is Crazy

Chapter 119 Di Tingjian is crazy

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 119 Di Tingjian is crazy

In the strange lobby, the nine-foot-tall boss bent over and stared at Xu Mo.

He wore an official hat and a red robe, as bright as blood.

Next to him, a black-skinned kid held a candle and followed closely behind, lighting up the boss.

He looked so cautious that he didn't even notice the hot wax beads left by the candle falling on his hands, but it was obvious that it was very hot, making the black-skinned kid grimace.

Facing the boss's questioning, Xu Mo was under great pressure, but his mood was still as stable as an old dog's.

"Everything I said just now is true." After Xu Mo finished speaking, he turned around and said, "The Tingting Sword is here. If I lie, it will kill me, right?"

Next to him, Han Xuan's scalp was numb, and the boss was dumbfounded.

The second pavilion master who was watching the excitement outside was holding on to his robe, his eyes were shining, and he secretly said something wonderful.

It's so lively and fun to watch, and the trip was not in vain.

The boss also looked at Di Tingjian at this time.

Obviously, he is very aware of the magical power of this sword.

This sword will never kill anyone easily.

Only those who lie in front of it will be killed.

Because of this, the judge of the Zhengqi Division has the position of Di Tingjian. Basically, as long as he is there to hear the case, the prisoner has no other choice but to confess truthfully.

Even if it's a lie, Listening Sword can detect it immediately and then give you a harsh blow.

Normally, no matter how awesome you are, you would not dare to lie in front of Di Tingjian.

In the end, the Diting Sword was not cut off, but hesitantly and bewilderedly returned it to its sheath.

It looks very much like a person who is confused and confused.

The boss does not believe in evil.

"When did you see Di Tingjian?"

Xu Mo counted on his fingers and said: "If we look at it based on time alone, it can be said to be twenty days ago."

As soon as these words came out, Xiang Ying was the first to lose his temper.

I thought in my heart that this was lying with open eyes. Weren't you at the bank of Xiangshui Lake twenty days ago? At that time, I was accompanying you. Where did you go to see Di Tingjian?

The boss didn't know whether it was true or not, but he looked at Di Tingjian.

The latter took off its sheath again and slashed at Xu Mo.

But at the last moment, he still couldn't cut it off.

Because Di Tingjian knew that these words were true.

But the problem is, it doesn't remember such a thing, but it is true. You can imagine how confused, puzzled, and entangled it must be.

Anyway, the boss next to him and Han Xuan were stunned.

This was the first time they had seen Di Ting Jian trying to cut but not being able to do so.

It's like hell.

"Where did you see the Tingting Sword?"

"Jingzhou Weichang City, Dongling Family!"


The Diting Sword once again made this kind of movement that it wanted to cut but could not. The aura on the sword had begun to become chaotic at this time, like a person staring, breathing heavily, and falling into unanswerable confusion.

It's like a doctoral student who stares at the first-grade mathematics test paper, looking at the answer that 1+1 is equal to 3, and falls into a terrifying thought.

It's obviously wrong, but why is it right?

Don't understand.

That's why I'm confused.

Because of confusion, there is pain, and this pain is simply boundless.

Something is wrong with the Tingting Sword.

Everyone present felt it.

The sword made a clicking sound, which made people worry whether the sword would collapse in the next moment.

The second pavilion master who was watching the excitement outside was also nervously grabbing the corner of his clothes. Behind his head, his hair was flowing, and a woman's face stuck out. He also looked into the lobby with curiosity.

"Go and ask Dongling Zhijie to come over and suspend the court hearing."

The boss makes a decision.

I can't continue, I have to take a break, otherwise I'm afraid that Di Ting Jian won't be able to hold on.

When Han Xuan left, he glanced at Xu Mo with a strange expression.

He acted quickly, and within a quarter of an hour, he invited Dongling Zhijie over.

Dongling Zhijie seemed to know Han Xuan and the boss. After arriving, they greeted each other, then looked at Xu Mo and asked, "Who is this?"

The head of the department said: "This person is the suspect who killed Liang Shangshu, but he said before that he went to Weichang City 20 days ago, visited your home, and interviewed you?"

Dongling Zhijie looked at Xu Mo and shook his head: "There is no such thing."

"Humph, you are indeed lying." The boss's face sank, but this time, Di Tingjian did not move. Apparently, after what happened before, Di Tingjian also learned the lesson.

Let the bullet fly for a while first.

Otherwise, it will easily collapse on its own.

"Why don't you actually recruit me?" The boss looked at Xu Mo.

Xu Mo said with an innocent face: "Brother Zhijie is right. He did not see me this time, but I did go to his house. He was in seclusion at that time. I also have a good relationship with his son Dongling Yu.

He even invited me to dinner. Later, when I was in an emergency, I made a move, but no one was hurt. After I found Brother Zhijie, we became friends and exchanged information. At that time, I taught him the Shangqing Sword Essence, and he taught me them.

It was also at that time that I met Di Tingjian, the Dongling family’s Nine Heavenly Sword Techniques…”

"Nonsense!" Dongling Zhijie yelled angrily.

But the next moment, Xu Mo flicked his sleeves, and the tiger soul and spirit omen swords flew out, flying swords in the air, the moves were dexterous, and they were exactly the sword moves in the Nine Swords of the Sky.

Dongling Zhijie's eyes widened and he became mute.

Like Di Tingjian, I fell into some doubts and confusion.

Even Dongling Zhijie lowered his head and thought deeply, thinking about it again, has he become confused and forgotten this matter?


How can we forget something that never happened?

The other person is talking nonsense.

"Listen carefully, why don't you kill him?" Dongling Zhijie said.

The Diting Sword flew out to chop again, but just like before, it was still too close to cut.

It seems that there is an invisible force restricting it.

In fact, this power is Tingtingjian's own rules and magical powers.

It cannot kill those who are frank and tell the truth, but can only kill those who lie and talk nonsense.

At this moment, the buzzing sound on the listening sword was even louder, almost harsh, like a person mumbling madly to himself, falling into some kind of inescapable confusion.

The sword body is vibrating.


And as time goes by, this vibration frequency becomes larger and larger.

If it had been a different sword, it would have shattered long ago.

But even Di Tingjian has reached a very dangerous critical point at this moment, just like a person on the verge of collapse and madness.

Or, already crazy.

Di Tingjian went crazy.

Because at this time, neither the boss nor Dongling Zhijie could speak. It seemed that it could no longer listen and fell deeper and deeper into that terrifying predicament.

It tried to struggle, but the more it struggled, the deeper it became trapped. If it continued like this, it would no longer be crazy. The Listening Sword would inevitably collapse itself.

At this moment, the boss and Dongling Zhijie were extremely anxious.

This sword cannot make mistakes.

Firstly, the Divine Sword is rare. If it is gone, it is gone. It is estimated that it will never be found again. Secondly, if the sword was destroyed because of their investigation of the case, how will they explain it?

It should be noted that this sword has been passed down through several dynasties and is an 'immortal treasure' left by the true immortal eight hundred years ago. If this thing is destroyed, they will be sinners through the ages.

Just when Ditingjian was shaking to the point of almost collapsing, Xu Mo couldn't stand it anymore.

Because he likes this sword, of course he can't watch it collapse.

If he is just crazy, just persuade him to come back.

If you don't think about it with a person, you just need to persuade him to think about it. Neither the boss nor Dongling Zhijie have grasped the key point. He is already like this with Di Ting Jian, but you still force him.

Simply cruel

"Ahem, the truth is also false, and the false is also true. Brother Di Ting, you are in trouble!"

(End of chapter)

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