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Chapter 143 Powerless? I don't think so

Chapter 143: Powerless? I don’t think so

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 143: Powerless? I don’t think so

People will undergo tremendous changes under the double blow of fear and despair.

At this moment, it is quite obvious when it comes to Han Xuan.

He seemed to have aged more than ten years all of a sudden.

"Brother, I'm tired."

Han Xuan got up and walked to the bedroom.

Xu Mo knew that the other party was crushed by the fish pond theory.

There is another factor here.

The collapse of faith.

Because if Xu Mo's fish pond theory is true, then the 'justice' they have always upheld has become a joke.

What maintains the right path and maintains the prosperity of humanity?

It's all lies, it's all a scam.

It is an illusory bubble fabricated by some people, and the most terrifying thing is that those who participated in weaving such terrible lies must also include the lofty, bright and majestic ancestors in Han Xuan's heart.

Human beings are just some fish kept in a fish pond.

Just thinking about this possibility can make people suffocate and despair.

So Han Xuan felt exhausted mentally and physically for a moment.

So why not Xu Mo.

He was also thinking about one thing. According to his fish pond theory, if those sages were managers of fish ponds, then the 'true immortal' who first opened the fish ponds eight hundred years ago would be involved in this matter.

What role does it play in this matter?

Xu Mo thought about this matter but there was no result at dawn.

However, when he saw Han Xuan again, he was shocked.

Han Xuan has really grown old.

Originally he looked like a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties, but now, people in his seventies and eighties believe him.

"Brother Han, you..."

Xu Mo hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Han Xuan sat down and remained silent for a long time.

He is completely different from his usual talkative self.

After a while, Han Xuancai said: "I can't figure it out. I asked the saint's scroll last night, but I didn't get a single word of response. Later, when I thought about it carefully, the boss suddenly asked us to leave separately yesterday. I'm afraid he wanted to ask them alone, or even do it.

I tried to do something to turn things around, but in the end, it probably failed. I even suspect that the boss has been poisoned."

Xu Mo thought for a moment and knew that this was a possibility.

And this possibility is very high.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the strange situation in Zhengqi Division last night.

It was as if, overnight, Zhengqi Division disappeared without a trace.

"I stayed up all night and didn't wake up until dawn, and then I realized that I was extremely old. Firstly, it was because I had lost my faith and righteousness; secondly, they regarded me as an abandoned son and took away the holy power. Brother, I am already ninety.

There are three times when my mind has collapsed. I know my end is coming and I will die. I am not afraid and have no regrets, but I am unwilling to give in..."

Xu Mo was also feeling heavy at the moment.

I thought I shouldn't have discussed the 'fish pond theory' with Han Xuan if I had known it earlier. Perhaps Han Xuan, who was still in the dark, would not be like this.

But how long can such a thing be delayed?

The boss may have made some efforts because he couldn't figure it out and wanted to uphold true righteousness, but obviously, he was either silenced or imprisoned.

Han Xuan is the same as the boss. Just because he can't think of it now doesn't mean he won't be able to figure it out in the future.

Once you have doubts, 'they' will know about it.

In the end, I am afraid that I will follow in the footsteps of the boss.

Of course, there is no way for the eggs to be completed under the influence of the whole family, and Xu Mo knew that he could not escape either.

But he is not afraid.

With Bajiaoting giving him the all-clear, this time was just one of his many experiences. It was not the first, nor would it be the last.

Of course, whether or not he will be implicated, and when he will be implicated, you have to ask Han Xuan whether he has ever told his fish pond theory.

"Brother, don't worry. I didn't mention you when I asked the question last night. I still know this. Brother, let's go. Leave Kyoto. With your ability and the means of your brothers and sisters, no matter where you go, you will be treated better."

Be strong here."

As he spoke, Han Xuan revealed a deep sense of powerlessness.

Xu Mo can relate to this feeling of powerlessness.

It was that feeling of powerlessness that even though he could break through the clouds in the sky with one sword, he still couldn't reverse the situation.

The situation is becoming increasingly chaotic, and all parties are vying for the throne at all costs.

Xu Mo thought, it would be better to simply kill all the princes, princes and ministers.

But in that case, the world will only become more chaotic.

Doesn't solve the problem.

"The key to solving the problem is not in the fish pond, but on the shore."

Xu Mo said something at this time.

After hearing this, Han Xuan's eyes lit up.

But it quickly dimmed.

He naturally knew what Xu Mo meant, but thinking about it, it was impossible to do this kind of thing.

"Not to mention how to get ashore, even if you get ashore, a fish is still a fish after all, and it will only die sooner if you get ashore. Brother, no matter what you do, this matter is irreversible. You and I have the intention, but there is nothing we can do to save it.


Han Xuan's tone was full of unwillingness and despair.

What's more, it's hatred.

Everything he insisted on in the past collapsed and shattered in just one night. This kind of blow is impossible for anyone who has not experienced it personally.

Xu Mo patted him at this time.

"Is there no way to save the day? I don't think so..."

After saying that, Xu Mo stood up.

"Brother Han, it's been cloudy these past few days. I haven't seen the sun for a long time."

Looking at the dark clouds outside, Xu Mo said something.

Han Xuan didn't know what Xu Mo meant, but he nodded and looked at the sky: "Yes, the world is just like the sky. I don't know when the clouds will clear and the sun will be seen. I will never see that day."

Frustrated, helpless.

Han Xuan knew that there was nothing he could do to save his life, and his heart was filled with despair.

Xu Mo said, "If I say that I can turn things around and change the world, would you believe it, Brother Han?"

Han Xuan was stunned and smiled, not knowing how to answer.

I wanted to ask, Xu Mo had already stepped out at this time.


Xu Mo called out.

Xiangying came over.

Her expression was a little solemn, she glanced at Xu Mo and asked, "Are you planning to do it again?"

He is indeed the one who understands Xu Mo best.

Only Xiang Ying and Xu Mo knew what this sentence meant.

Even if others heard it, they wouldn't know why.

Xu Mo nodded.

"I think, farewell, you can't handle this. Why don't you come back to Dragon Dragon Mountain with me? It would be great if we could be free and at ease."

Xiangying advises.

Xu Mo glanced at her.

Xiang Ying sighed, knowing that it was useless to say anything at this time.

"What if it doesn't work next time?"

"Then do it again, if it doesn't work twice, then three times, if it doesn't work three times, then four times... until this thing is done."

"Okay, what do you want me to do now?"

"Take the old man, take Sanniang and Chu Bai, and run as far as you can."

Xu Mo took out the Thousand Ghost Flag and handed it to Xiang Ying.

Then he walked out of Han Mansion.

There was no one in the streets today. The situation was even more chaotic. Soldiers from different camps were fighting. I heard that the third prince had broken out of the city.

The second prince led his men and surrounded the eldest prince's residence.

The Prime Minister decided that the second prince would inherit the throne, but the third prince and the fourth prince refused to recognize it.

The news is mixed, but what is certain is that the army has arrived at the city, and war is about to break out.

There were bloodstains in the streets, but no corpses. It was probably dragged away and eaten by evil and strange things hidden in Kyoto.

The collapse of humanity is a reshuffle of power and a carnival of evil and strange things.

But these have nothing to do with Xu Mo.

At this time, Xu Mo looked up at the dark clouds above his head and took out the poem scroll given by the late sage.

He wants to use the holy power to kill the sky.

Invite those sages to appear, and then scold them.

Mainly because Xu Mo himself knew that he couldn't defeat those beings on the shore, so he could only scold them.

Speak out your anger first.

Then, return to the Bajiao Pavilion with peace of mind, and try to find a way to go ashore, turn things around, and change the day.

"Sword out!"

Xu Mo waved his sleeves at this moment.

With a crash, three hundred flying swallows came out together.

The only one that still maintains its sword shape is the Diting Sword.

At this moment, it was hanging beside Xu Mo.

Xu Mo also went straight to work without saying a word.

Hold the scroll and recite poetry to borrow the holy power.

However, he changed the last sentence.

"...Looking at the clouds and sighing, the anger is hard to dissipate. I can only ask the thief Heaven with a sword. Humans have no way. Kill people. Immortals have no way. Kill immortals. Heaven has no way. Kill the sky!"

As soon as he finished speaking, three hundred flying swallows turned into flying swords and soared straight into the sky to slash the sky.

Almost the next moment, the book in Xu Mo's hand suddenly exploded and spontaneously combusted without fire.

Xu Mo knew that this was the ancestor who had collected his magic power.

But at this time, Xu Mo couldn't stop. He mobilized almost all his strength to kill this sword even if the oil was exhausted.

At this moment, Xu Mo's mouth and nose were bleeding. The magic power required to use this sword completely hollowed him out, and his whole body became visibly thinner.

It seemed that half of his flesh and blood had been taken away, leaving him withered and haggard.

At the same time, in the Tiger Cave of Zao Mountain, Xu Mo's external incarnation was also surging with light, providing Xu Mo with more mana.

Otherwise, with that blow just now, Xu Mo would have died on the spot.

Because of this, the external incarnation in the tiger's den clicked and finally exploded, shattering to pieces.

The external incarnation is destroyed.

But with this shocking sword move, Xu Mo finally struck out.

Thunder exploded instantly.

The sword energy flowed three thousand feet.

At this moment, a gap three thousand feet long was cut out of the thick clouds above Kyoto, like a cut open the belly of a cow, and all the contents spilled out.

It's sunshine.

Sprinkle it on everyone in Kyoto.

At this moment, the gloom in the city seemed to be dispersed by the sunshine.

But in the blink of an eye, Xu Mo saw a horrifying scene. Deep in the clouds, a pair of huge hands stretched out.

Deeper, a terrifying human face appeared.

Xu Mo seemed to have seen the other party's appearance before.

It's that sage.

But at this moment, the other party didn't have any majesty and solemnity at all, only unbelievable terror.

The size of the two palms was unimaginable. If they were photographed, they would be enough to destroy half of the city. The next moment, those two terrifying huge palms closed the dark clouds that had been cut open again.

It's like, the curtains are closed.

The scorching sun was blocked again.

Darkness falls.

The moment the dark clouds closed, Xu Mo was hit by a force as strong as the top of a mountain. He was covered in blood and fell rapidly.

When he was about to hit the ground, someone held Xu Mo up.

It was Wei Sanniang. Next to her, a huge green snake roared into the sky, trying to attract the attention of the terrifying existence in the sky.

But in fact, nothing in the sky can be seen by mortals, only immortal cultivators and evil spirits can see it.

In the clouds, the terrifying huge palm pressed down.

The invisible mountain crashed down, and under this terrifying force, the big green snake directly shattered, leaving no bones left.

Wei Sanniang was extremely angry, her red dress unfolded, and a gilded Buddha's light surged, but the next moment she was crushed by the power of the mountain, and her soul flew away.

The power of the mountain continues downward.

The Diting Sword immediately blocked Xu Mo, but it only blocked him for a moment before the sword shattered.

"I'm drafting uncle!"

Before falling into darkness, Xu Mo finally yelled out these curse words.

So cool!

"Wait until I reopen and then kill the sky!"

It’s just one chapter this morning. I’m a little sleepy and went to bed early. Fortunately, it’s a 3,000-word chapter. It’s not bad. I’ll continue to ask for votes. I’m asking for monthly votes!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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