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Chapter 175: Overcome the tricks and become a Buddha

Chapter 175: Overcome the Strange and Become a Buddha

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 175: Overcome the Strange and Become a Buddha

At the critical moment, a few cursed monks took action and pushed the others aside, thus relieving Xu Mo from certain death.

It is no exaggeration to say that at that moment, Xu Mo had already seen the Octagonal Pavilion.

It is dangerous and dangerous, and only through personal experience can you know how terrifying it is.

Xu Mo took a look at it at this time and thought that it was okay, but he had fooled a few. Although there were still many that had not been fooled, this was a good start.

As long as he is allowed to speak and has time to speak, in the end, he will kneel at my feet and call him Buddha.

"Those who are willing to turn back have reached the other shore; those who are unwilling to turn back will sink into the sea of ​​suffering. However, I, the Buddha, am merciful and willing to enter the sea of ​​suffering to save all sentient beings."

Xu Mo wiped the blood from his face.

Just now, I didn't know that that bastard scratched his face, but I figured it out later and had to slap him to death.

While talking, Xu Mo glanced at the cursed monk who had been 'fooled' by him.

not much.

Just four.

At this moment, he is protecting himself in the middle, blocking the surrounding cursed monks.

"The four of you are now out of the sea of ​​suffering. The past is just smoke and illusion, but it is only at this moment that it becomes real!"

Xu Mo felt weak and simply sat down cross-legged, then closed his eyes and chanted sutras.

The scriptures serve as bait, and those who wish to take the bait may take the bait.

Didn't four of them take the bait just now? Keep casting the net and keep fishing. Count as many as you can catch.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and can survive all hardships..."

Xu Mo chants sutras.

This scripture is obviously better than the ordinary scriptures in the small temple.

At this moment, there was no movement in the small temple. It seemed that they were also listening to Xu Mo's chanting.

Xu Mo recited the "Heart Sutra", which contained not many words but had profound meaning.

Why choose this scripture?

Firstly, it has few words and is easy to read; secondly, it is suitable for the current situation.

The vengeful monk is confused by resentment and hatred. If they can be brought back to the right track, not to mention great merits and so on, at least the current crisis can be solved.

Read it once.

Read it twice.

After two times, it was three times.

After reading it three times and opening his eyes, Xu Mo felt happy.

Because among the dozens of cursed monks, there are already more than a dozen, like him, sitting cross-legged, sitting around, and chanting sutras with him.


Xu Mo discovered that although the clothes of the cursing monk chanting sutras were torn, there was nothing dirty about them.

The dirty things here are actually resentment and hatred.

Scripture is like water, washing your mind.

Moreover, by chanting it many times, it is equivalent to rubbing and rubbing, and even the most stubborn stains can be rinsed away.

At this time, even the monks and a few pilgrims in the small temple were attracted. They looked at this scene in surprise. Several monks, such as the old monk with missing teeth from before, felt like they had been given a slap in the face. They suddenly realized and crossed their legs.

Sit on the ground and read the scriptures.

Ten times.

Twenty times!

The sky is clear and the clouds have dispersed.

Especially the monk closest to Xu Mo.

The other party was very old and had deep resentment at first, but after being cheered by Xu Mo's words and cleansed by Buddhist scriptures, he came to his senses the fastest.

At this moment, the old monk's appearance has undergone a huge change. The original evil ghost appearance is gone. Now he has a kind face and kind eyes, and his eyes are shining with the light of wisdom.

"Honorable Sir, I have something that I don't understand." The old monk bowed respectfully to Xu Mo and said.

This is treating Xu Mo as a Buddha.

For Xu Mo, this is a good thing.

"What's wrong?" Xu Mo asked.

"What is illusion? What is nowhere? What is name and form?" the old monk asked three times in succession.

Xu Mo smiled and started to lecture on the Diamond Sutra.

For Xu Mo, it was not the first time for him to do such things as lecturing and deceiving, he was quite skilled at it.

But the old monk and the other monks who cursed me for the first time had wonderful expressions on their faces, and it was obvious that they had gained a lot.

Xu Mo felt very accomplished at this moment.

Being able to let go of resentful souls and evil spirits is the essence of Buddhist scriptures, which best reflects the value of these things?

Strictly speaking, the old monk calls himself ‘Venerable’, which is absolutely correct.

Isn't it the Buddha who saves people to do good?

At this moment, Xu Mo also had a clear understanding, thinking that Thousand-Armed Buddha and others who pursue the ultimate power, called Buddha, are actually evil.

It's a pity that when it comes to fighting, the demon is still more powerful.

This is an indisputable fact.

After lecturing on the Diamond Sutra, the old monk was silent for a moment, and his appearance changed again.

The other party's clothes are clean, without dirt or dust, and his eyes are even bright.

"Honorable Sir, what is destiny? What is the difference between destiny, human destiny and material destiny?" The old monk had quite a lot of questions. If it were placed in a school, he would be the type who is good at learning and progressing.

Xu Mo thought for a while and started to talk about the Shurangama Sutra.

"As the saying goes, 'Nine times out of ten, life will be unsatisfactory.' When you understand the principles of life, you will not be panicked and helpless when faced with unsatisfactory situations, let alone blame others."

The core of this sutra is: My heart is my master, and my fate is my destiny!

After finishing speaking, the old monk's eyes widened and he was trembling all over.

Although the other cursed monks also reacted, they were not as strong as this old monk.

In fact, during the entire process of preaching, many monks who cursed and resented themselves disappeared.

Just as mysterious and strange as they came, there was no movement at all when they disappeared. They were there one second and gone the next.

That's right, the weirdness is originally composed of resentment. If the resentment is eliminated, it should naturally cease to exist.

In the end, only this old monk was left.

The old monk is obviously a very special being. His resentment has disappeared but not disappeared, and he can still discuss Buddhist scriptures and principles together.

Very weird.

To be honest, Xu Mo didn't know who this old monk was, but since he wanted to listen to Buddhist scriptures, he would just teach him.

Therefore, Xu Mo started from the Heart Sutra, then the Diamond Sutra, and finally the Surangama Sutra.

The old monk had more and more problems, and sometimes Xu Mo couldn't handle them anymore.

To put it simply, the other person's understanding is too strong and his Buddha-nature is too high, so he is naturally suitable for practicing Buddhism. If he is placed in some good world, he will definitely become a generation of eminent monks.

It's a pity that the other party's life was not good. I don't know what kind of troubled times he encountered. Not only did he die, but he also died miserably and became a cursed monster.

But something like Buddha nature can be awakened.

Gold, even if it is covered in mud, dug out, and washed clean, it is still gold.

The essence will not change.

That's what the old monk is like.

After some discussion, the old monk suddenly said: "The three realms are based on mind, and all dharmas are based on consciousness. Venerable sir, I have realized it!"

After saying that, there was light all over me.

It seems that the body is beginning to disintegrate.

As for what the other party realized, Xu Mo actually didn't know, but at this moment, he smiled slightly and nodded: "As long as you understand it, it will be good."

"Your Majesty, can you give me your last words? I heard your Majesty's voice and I will remember it and spread it wherever I go."

What the old monk means is, I'm leaving. Please give me a few more sentences at the end. I want to hear them. Not only will I listen, but I can also spread them out in the future.

Xu Moxin said that I had already been hollowed out by this old boy, so why should I give you any words?

But you can't say that.

All we can do is scratch our heads and rack our brains.

Finally, I choked out this sentence: "I don't listen to what is happening outside the window, and I only read the books of the sages. I lie on the nine-fold cloud, sleeping on a futon with the truth... Go, go!"

That means, it’s gone, it’s really gone, go away quickly!

After hearing this, the old monk was overjoyed and clasped his hands together.

"Dare I ask for the name of His Holiness?"

"Xu Mo!"

"Xu Mo, disciple has taken note of it!"

After saying that, the old monk bowed his head and bowed, and then his figure disappeared in a golden light.

The next moment, there was a roar.

Everything around him began to collapse. Xu Mo's eyes flickered, and when he opened them again, he was already back in the inn.

The magic attack is over!

Xu Mo unexpectedly discovered that the curse of the Thousand-Armed Buddha was no longer in his body.

After a while, he murmured to himself: "You mean, I have lifted the curse?"

I thought I was certain to die, but after all, it was almost impossible to lift the curse of Buddha.

But Xu Mo actually found another way and actually solved it.

This is something that is difficult for immortals, Buddhas, and saints to do, but Xu Mo was able to do it.

In addition, Xu Mo also discovered something incredible.

There is a hint of holiness in the air. Although it is dissipating, it is obvious that something happened here before.

"Xiao Xuan, Yuan Hui, Jiu Yuan..."

Xu Mo called out.

The door was immediately pushed open and everyone rushed in.

"Master Xu!"

"Ah, Master Xu, you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Xu Mo saw the weird expressions on everyone's face, just like a mortal seeing a ghost. He was furious at the moment and said: "I'm not dead, are you surprised? Traitor, traitor!"

"No, Master Xu, your appearance..."

Later, when he brought a basin of water, Xu Mo looked at the reflection on the water and was suddenly enlightened.

He looked much younger, looking to be in his early thirties.

After being stunned for a long time, Xu Mo muttered to himself.

"This endgame actually made me come alive!"

Originally, Xu Mo was preparing to report back to the Bajiao Pavilion. Unexpectedly, in the end, things turned out to be dark and bright. Originally, he was seeking death by using the "Spirit Attack Technique" to curse the Buddha, but unexpectedly, the chance of survival was in this dead situation.

Xu Mo converted the old monk, who helped him get rid of the Buddha's curse.

If you think about it more carefully, who can undo the curse of Buddha?

I'm afraid only the Buddha can unravel it.

"In other words, that old monk has become a Buddha?"

"I saved a Buddha?"

In the early hours of the morning, I kept asking for votes. I couldn’t stand it any longer and wanted to sleep. Finally, I shouted, please give me monthly votes, please give me monthly votes!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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