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Chapter 190 The Blind Man's Secret

Chapter 190 The Blind Man’s Secret [Third update please vote]

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 190 The Blind Man’s Secret [Third update please vote]

Xu Mo asked Lin Jiuyuan to go down the mountain and realize it on his own.

She understood some things, but she still had to think about them again.

As the saying goes, the master introduces the door, and the practice lies with the individual. No one can help her in this process, she can only do it by herself.

After Lin Jiuyuan came down the mountain, Xu Mo looked towards the darkness over there.

It's dark and quiet there.

"Come out."

Xu Mo said something.

After a while, a person came out of the darkness over there.

He is blind.

Obviously, the other party has already arrived.

"Great Sage Wushan, I killed it with three swords and deprived it of at least a hundred years of Taoism!"

"I saw it."

"Can we talk now?"

Xu Mo was a little worried. It was still not easy to deal with the blind man. After all, he didn't know anything about Yue Ling's other situation. Forcing him to tell her was the same as selling random lottery tickets on the roadside and expecting to win the jackpot.

Not very realistic.

Xu Mo is now thinking about how to make the blind man say something by himself.

But he never expected that when he was thinking about it, the blind man actually took the initiative to speak: "The Great Sage Wushan doesn't even know about Yue Ling. No one in this world should or can know about it except myself."

This is somewhat absolute.

It feels like the impulsive words of a young man with little life experience.

But the blind man is definitely not that kind of young man.

He is not impulsive either.

So it's very interesting what the other person said.

Either he deliberately exposed a flaw, or he was telling the truth.

One of the benefits of practicing the law is that your mind works very quickly.

Compared with ordinary people, it can be understood that the thirteenth-generation CPU beats the first-generation CPU, and the same thing is deduced. The ordinary people's brains are just like that, and they may not even be able to do it.

But practitioners have considered all possibilities.

Just like now, Xu Mo has considered all possibilities.

The result is that the other party is more likely to tell the truth and is more reasonable.

"You know, there is a painting hidden in me!" the blind man said again.

Xu Mo understood this time.

"That painting is the only evidence of Yueling's existence?"


If no preconditions are presupposed, then this statement is fine. If preconditions are added, then there is obviously a big problem with this statement.

The biggest problem is that traces of a person's existence cannot be proven from just one painting.

This is neither logical nor realistic.

But the blind man obviously swears by this.

Unless that person does not exist at all and is made up by the blind man, then the only fictitious painting and name are the only proof, and it is also consistent with the sentence "No one else in the world can know except him."

Xu Mo stared at the blind man, filled with doubts in his heart.

If you assume that what you just deduced is true, then this thing will be very strange.

The only evidence of a person's existence in this world is a painting.

Isn't this weird enough?

If it was fictional, would a normal person be so concerned about a fictional character? Pay such attention to it?

Xu Mo's mind was spinning fast and he had already thought of three words.

Mental illness!

"I was very curious at first as to how you knew about Yue Ling, but after listening to your talk about "The Universe of Humanity" just now, I had a guess."

The blind man said to himself at this time.

Obviously there is a lot to say.

"What guess?" It was Xu Mo's turn to be curious.

What does the world of humanity have to do with that moon spirit?

If the other party is really mentally ill, could it be that he has also found inspiration and resonance from his own theory?

This is not a good thing.

Anyone who can resonate with mental illness probably has a bad brain.

"It is impossible for you to understand the "World of Humanity"." The blind man said this with a decisive and earth-shattering momentum.

Xu Mo smiled.

"Why do you think I didn't realize "Man reaches the universe"? Besides, do you know what "Man reaches the universe" is?"

This is said with a bit of contempt.

Because what the other party did was akin to trying to do what they like.

"Of course I know. I was listening just now. You know I am listening, don't you?" said the blind man.

Xu Mo nodded.

This is true.

When I was telling Lin Jiuyuan about people arriving in the universe, the blind man sneaked up. This guy was not bad at cultivation and was good at hiding, so Lin Jiuyuan didn't notice him.

Xu Mo only discovered later that this guy was actually hiding there and eavesdropping.

How much can be heard, I don't know.

Whether he can understand it or not, Xu Mo subjectively thinks that there is a high probability that the other party will not understand it.

"You think I can't understand, don't you?" The blind man grinned, showing his yellow teeth.

Xu Mo was noncommittal on this issue.

"Being blind actually has its advantages. You are willing to think and you are good at thinking. That little girl just now, no matter how much you teach her and guide her, she seems to understand, but in fact she still doesn't. I am different, your "

"Human Dao Qian Kun" I very much agree with and have understood its secrets. Just now you said that Human Dao Qian Kun is not a method, but a spiritual state. I understand you, I understand you, I understand you better than your disciple."

It could be seen that the blind man was very excited at this time.

It's completely different from the cold and cold look of Menghulu when he was in Jingge before.

This is also in line with some psychological research. It is said that people who usually look dull are actually more capable of talking and talking than those who are cheerful.

The main thing is whether it can arouse their sense of identity.

"What do you know about me?" Xu Mo felt that his previous judgment might be correct. The other party was not only blind, but might actually be sick.

The blind man chuckled: "I just said that you can't understand "The Universe of Humanity". This sentence has a premise. If you are a normal person, you won't be able to understand it, so..."

Xu Mo quickly asked the other party to stop.

He finally understood.

The blind man has mental illness, and he is very stubborn in thinking that he also has it.

"I'm not the kind of person you think." Xu Mo waved his hand and firmly drew a clear line.

"Who are you!"

"I really am not!"

"How do you know you're not?"

This rhetorical question was very spiritual, and it immediately stopped Xu Mo.

It is equivalent to a gay man asking another man, how do you know you are not GAY?

I don’t even know how to answer it, okay?

Xu Mo's mind is a bit messed up. Chatting with this blind man would easily lead to him being influenced by him.

The main thing is that this guy doesn't play by the rules at all.

"What exactly do you want to say?" Xu Mo decided to cut through the mess quickly.

The blind man laughed, his laughter was strange.

"At first, I asked you how you knew about Yue Ling. I couldn't figure it out. But then I listened to your "Man to the Universe", including what you said in order to enlighten your apprentice.

I immediately understood those experiences. You have seen me, you know me, and you know the painting on my body."

When the blind man said this, Xu Mo narrowed his eyes.

This blind man is quite interesting.

Stay silent and continue to listen to what the blind man has to say.

"If you have seen me and know the paintings on my body, it means you killed me, or you and I became close friends. But I think you must have killed me, because if we were close friends, you must know Yue Ling

What is it, instead of just knowing a name."

"But I'm not dead. Then you didn't kill me, so it's impossible to know the paintings on my body. But you did know, so you still killed me. This thing happened and didn't happen. It's not a delusion.

, but it’s not true either. There are some parts that I can’t figure out, but that doesn’t stop me from continuing to think. That’s why only people like you can create “The World of Humanity”. You are better than those who claim to escape from the world and climb to the top.

It's much more powerful, because your body is still in the water, but your heart has already landed on the shore. You have cut off your humanity, but you have not lost it. You are the same as me, but more powerful than me, because you have now become a shore.


Xu Mo looked at the blind man and then stood up.

"I judged before that you were crazy. Now I see that this judgment is correct. You are indeed a lunatic!"

"Are you leaving?" the blind man asked, ignoring the word "madman".


"Are you like the Great Sage of Wushan and want to learn the Spring and Autumn Sword Technique?"

It seems that the blind man is not only a real madman, but also a smart madman.

"I don't want to learn anymore." Xu Mo couldn't let a madman control him.

"Spring and Autumn Sword Jue" is good, but Xu Mo can't do without it. The main reason is that the blind man said that he has become a "monster on the shore", which makes Xu Mo uncomfortable.

The blind man knows "Shishang", and obviously knows a lot of things, and the other party is not simple.

Xu Mo still needs to think carefully about how to deal with this person.

Compared with these, "Spring and Autumn Sword Jue" is not important.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you the "Spring and Autumn Sword Art"!" the blind man said suddenly.

Xu Mo stopped.

The blind man then said mysteriously: "But you have to come in and get it yourself!"

(End of chapter)

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