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Chapter 213 What is the name of this master?

Chapter 213 What is the name of this master?

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 213 What is the name of this master?

The thing outside the door accurately called the names of everyone inside.

That feeling couldn't be more scary.

But no one dared to say anything.

I don’t even dare to fart, even if I feel it, I have to hold it back.

After shouting for a while, the thing outside the door couldn't bear it anymore and began to curse, making the sound so loud that it was hard to hear.

Later, I even wanted to break in through the door.

But there was a sharp sound from outside, like a sharp blade cutting through the air, making a special buzzing sound, and then there was silence, and there was no movement at all.

The person inside the door breathed a sigh of relief,

But after a while, there was another noise outside the door.

"Zhang Youtian, come out!"

It was a woman's voice, but this time it only called one person's name.

These people became nervous again.

Especially the man whose name was called was particularly nervous.

And this time his eyes were wide open, a little in disbelief. It seemed that he was very familiar with the voice calling him.

"Zhang Youtian, you heartless person, I'm going to tell you to come out."

This time, the man named Zhang Youtian couldn't bear it anymore, so he put his head in the door and looked out.

Someone pulled him, but he whispered: "She is my wife."

The person next to me was scared and said: "It must be fake. Don't agree. Don't agree."

Zhang Youtian nodded, but couldn't help but look outside.

But he saw a woman standing outside the door. She was his wife. She was so familiar that she could recognize her at a glance.

Zhang Youtian looked horrified.

"My wife should be taking care of the children at home. How could this, this, come here? Could it be..."

Although he was confused, Zhang Youtian still remembered the warning not to respond. He endured the doubts in his heart, but did not leave his eyes, and still looked at the other person through the crack in the door.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that this is his wife.

There is nothing unusual about his appearance, tone of voice, movements and demeanor.

At this time, the women outside began to cry, scolding Zhang Youtian, saying that he had no conscience, and then talked about how he treated you in the past, making cows and horses for you, giving birth to children for you, but he actually had the heart to leave her outside and ignore her.


"I'm blind, how could I marry a man like you."



Hang yourself again!

The other party actually found a rope and hung himself under the tree in the yard.

Zhang Youtian wanted to answer several times, but held back.

The woman put the rope around her neck, kicked off the wooden bench under her feet, and began to twitch, her neck stretched out, her tongue stuck out, and the whites of her eyes rolled up.

Soon, the woman stopped moving.

Zhang Youtian almost collapsed. He covered his face. Although he knew this was probably a lie, there was no doubt that it was a mental attack that destroyed his will.

But when Zhang Youtian raised his head again and looked outside, he found his wife's face pressed against the crack of the door, with a rope around her neck, her face bloodless and terrifying.

"Zhang Youtian, you are so cruel, just watch me die, watch me die?"

Zhang Youtian screamed in fright and fell to the ground. The woman wanted to open the door and come in, but there was a cold light outside.


The woman's head fell to the ground and rolled to the side.

This time Zhang Youtian could see clearly that there was a wooden sword hanging on the door.

Just now, it was this wooden sword that killed the weird woman outside.

At this moment, he was already breaking out in a cold sweat. He hurriedly crawled and hid deep in the house. He knelt on the ground, covering his head, crying and shaking at the same time.

The wooden sword outside the door slashed two strange resentful spirits, and the resulting black resentment as thick as hair floated away, spanning a long distance, and finally merged into the many resentments around Xu Mo.

became a part of it.

"If the wooden sword kills me, does it count as my head?" Xu Mo was a little helpless. Obviously, the wooden sword he left behind could only be used three times. After three times, it would be a piece of wood.

And those people in the house will naturally suffer when the time comes.

But in this situation, there is no other way. I just hope that those resentful spirits will retreat after knowing the difficulty. After all, the wooden sword can only be used three times, and only Xu Mo himself knows.

Those weird things are unknown.

At this time, Xu Mo continued to look at the Resentment Mountain in the distance.

He had walked a long way, but found that he still couldn't really enter this mountain.

Obviously, that mountain also has restrictions that are so far away.

It's like two rings, one big and one small, put together. The outer ring can't get out, and the inner ring can't get in.

Xu Mo called it a ‘doughnut’.

A very important point is that this donut seems to be moving, because people and villages are gradually being involved in it. Once involved, it is extremely difficult to get out.

But if you think of the experience of the old herb collector Li Lianshan, you will know that if you hide in one place and don't move, you can naturally escape when the giant donut is removed.

That's why Xu Mo arranged for Zhang Youtian and his gang to hide in one place.

Because as long as you persist for a while and wait for the donut to float away by itself, you can escape from the strange situation.

Then, by the same token, you just need to stay where you are, and you can eventually escape.

But Xu Mo soon discovered that it was useless to stand still in the open space, because the 'donut' would still take you with it. Even in some buildings, it depends on your luck, because some buildings

, will also be taken away by donuts.

But this is not absolute.

Just like when waves sweep over the beach, some gravel will be carried into the sea, and some will stay in place.

In other words, the huge donut of Resentment Mountain is like a wave. Wherever it passes, it will sweep away many things, people, houses, and even entire villages, and then carry these things with it in some weird place.

Dimension travel.

Wherever it goes, it causes horrific events.

Xu Mo encountered a ruined temple on the road. The location of the ruined temple was incredible. It was obviously in a dense mountain forest, but the walls and roofs inside, including the stone statue at the door, all revealed that the ruined temple once stood.

A piece of Gobi sand.

There is still a lot of sand left inside, which is completely different from the surrounding soil.

Xu Mo could only understand that this ruined temple was brought here from some distant place by the strange thing called "Resentment Mountain".

Just like the drifting bottles from other continents drifting with the waves.

There are still people in the ruined temple.

This surprised Xu Mo.

A monk is sitting inside, holding Buddha beads and reciting scriptures silently. The monk's monk's clothes are ordinary, with many fraying and patches, like a wandering monk, and there is nothing unusual about it. There is a bamboo frame next to it that can be carried on the back.

It was covered with a thick white cloth, and I didn't know what was inside.

In addition to the monk, there was a strong man standing against the wall in the corner over there. The man was holding a knife in his hand, with thick eyebrows and angry eyes, showing his muscled arms, with a wary look on his face. Ever since Xu Mo came in, he had been staring at him.

It seemed like it would explode at any time.

He is a very murderous warrior.

These two were the only living people in the ruined temple.

There is one dead person.

Lying against the wall and covered with a straw mat, I don't know whether he was a man or a woman. There was a pool of blood under the body that had dried up. He must have been dead for some time.

"Stop, don't go in!" The big man over there kept staring at Xu Mo. Seeing that Xu Mo was about to come in, he immediately scolded him and grabbed the knife while speaking.

Xu Mo asked: "Is this your home?"

The big man was stunned and shook his head.

Xu Mo smiled and stepped in.

That means that since it's not your home, you have a lot of control over it.

"This place is very strange and cruel, and it is also good at changing people's minds. Who knows whether you are a human or a ghost?" The big man was a bit stern and was trying to bluff, but he didn't dare to take action.

Xu Mo was curious: "Could it be that a ghost came in before?"

"That's right!" The monk who was reciting sutras on the ground said at this time: "A woman just came. She looked like a normal person, but in fact she was transformed by an evil ghost. She tried every possible means to lure the two of us out, but I saw the flaw and did not fall in love with the evil ghost after all.

At that moment, the evil spirit showed its ferocious appearance and spoke evil words, but we were unmoved, so it could only return without success."

After saying that, the monk continued: "I recite Buddhist scriptures and spread Dharma power. If evil ghosts and evil spirits cannot come in, if the donor can come in, it means that it is not an evil spirit."

This was obviously said to the big man just now.

Upon hearing this, the big man was obviously relieved, but he still remained vigilant.

Xu Mo looked the monk up and down at this time. Looking closer, he found that the monk's magic power was not strong, but there was one thing that was different from many immortal cultivators Xu Mo had seen in the past.

That's because the magic power in this monk's body is quite clean, without that kind of "dirty stuff" in it.

The so-called dirty things are resentment, hatred and various desires.

This is the source of mana in this world.

So far, Xu Mo has not found any other source of mana that can replace these things. In the past period of time, Xu Mo has also been searching for and exploring, but with no results.

I didn’t expect that I would actually gain something today.

At that moment, Xu Mo became interested in this monk.

He walked over and said, "What do you call the master?"

"Oh, poor monk, water goes to the sea!"

Water to sea?

Is this a dharma title or a name?

Of course, Xu Mo would not ask rashly and nodded: "Master Shui, do you know where this place is?"

The monk looked up at Xu Mo and said with a smile: "Is the donor talking about this temple or this mountain? This temple is the Yiwu Temple. As for this mountain, I heard it is called Yuanyuan Mountain!"

This monk is not simple.

Xu Mo searched around, not just because he wanted to know more about the world, to find more practitioners, and to learn more about the method. Since he met him today, he had to find out why this monk could be so clean.

' of mana.

To be honest, Xu Mo was very excited at this moment.

But he has gone through many things and has long since practiced to keep his mind as still as water, so that no matter how many thoughts he has, he can still suppress them.

"Then Master Shui is here to practice?" Xu Mo asked tentatively.

Shui Quhai smiled bitterly: "Monks don't tell lies, but they are actually trapped here, hiding in this temple, hoping to escape."

Xu Mo nodded.

Although this monk's magic power is pure, his cultivation is too poor. If his cultivation is poor, his Taoism will be low. If his Taoism is low, his strength will be weak. It is not easy to stop some evil spirits from coming in here.

But Xu Mo can't yet make a judgment on how true or false this sentence is.

Because this ruined temple is obviously a building that has been dragged into a strange dimension by Resentment Mountain. Can you escape by staying here?

Xu Mo thought about it and then slowly tested it.

So he also sat down.

The intention of just talking to this monk was too obvious, so Xu Mo also said to the big man holding the knife: "What do you call this old man?"

Xu Mo is best at chatting and making friends.

The big man didn't expect that Xu Mo would talk to him. He was stunned, and then said: "My surname is Lu!"

He only mentioned his last name, and it was obvious that he was too wary and unwilling to trust others.

Xu Mo didn't care about the other party's attitude, he cupped his hands and said: "Xu Mo, a person from Zangwang Mountain in Zhuzhou."

Anyway, when Xu Mo greets people in this world now, they all say that he is from Zao Mountain, mainly the Octagonal Pavilion in the mountain, which is Xu Mo's 'birthplace'.

"Zhuzhou, that's far enough!" Shui Quhai, a monk, talked to him. It was obvious that he had been to Zhuzhou.

"It's quite far. I didn't plan to travel around the world and call home all over the world. I didn't expect to get caught in a heavy fog and end up here inexplicably." Xu Mo said proactively.

But the big man named Lu didn't say a word, and Shui Quhai just nodded slightly and didn't say anything else.

Xu Mo knew that sometimes being too anxious could be counterproductive.

Then wait for a while and see what happens.

As for the dead man covered by a straw mat in the ruined temple, Xu Mo didn't ask.

In the ruined temple, the next period of time was spent in silence. Not to mention, this place was very quiet most of the time. The only thing that could be heard was the murmuring chanting of monk Shui Quhai.

But Xu Mo had never heard of this scripture.

It should be a certain local Buddhist scripture.

Xu Mo sat down and just closed his eyes when he heard the monk's chanting stop. When he opened his eyes, he found that the monk was looking at him.

To be precise, it was the resentment like the long black hair that was wrapped around Xu Mo's body.

"Almsgiver Xu, you are already riddled with resentment, and the resentment is extremely strong. If you don't deal with it, you may be in for a big disaster."

When Xu Mo heard this, his heart moved.

"Master Shui, how to deal with it?"

"If Donor Xu believes in me, close your eyes and don't open your eyes no matter what you hear later. I will use Buddhist scriptures to resolve it for the Donor."

"So good!"

Xu Mo naturally agreed.

He also wanted to see what the monk would do.

As for not being able to open his eyes to see whatever he heard, Xu Mo simply ignored it.

If you don’t look at it, how would you know what the monk is going to do?

Seeing Xu Mo's cooperation, Shui Quhai also had a hint of joy in his eyes. He immediately asked Xu Mo to sit down, close his eyes and stay still, and told him again not to open his eyes to watch.

At the same time, he said to the man named Lu over there: "Donor Lu, please close your eyes. Remember, don't open your eyes."

The man named Lu over there nodded hurriedly, turned to face the wall, and covered his eyes with his hands.

It's quite simple.

At this time, the monk Shui Quhai began to chant sutras.

Moreover, the sound was obviously louder than before.

The voice of the other person chanting sutras was very nice, with a deep and deep sound. It really had a calming effect on the ears, but soon, Xu Mo heard another strange sound.

It's a bit like someone twisting a dry branch, making a clicking sound. This sound is mixed in with the chanting and is not obvious, but if you listen carefully, you can still distinguish it.

No matter what you hear about the saying "Guess the water will go to the sea", this is what it means.

And the sound is getting closer and closer.

At this time, Xu Mo felt the sword behind his back begin to vibrate.

It was Ah Xiu who was warning.

Is it dangerous?

Or, Ah Xiu is very excited and wants to kill someone?

At this time, the weird voice was very close, and it felt like it was right in front of me.

It's time.

Open your eyes!

Xu Mo saw something very strange.

It was a corpse that had been stir-fried until only the skin and bones were left. The skin of the corpse had turned dark brown, hardened, and stuck to the bones, like smoked dried beef.

This thing, still wearing the 'Five Directions Buddha Crown', is grabbing the black hair-like resentment wrapped around him and stuffing it into his mouth.

It tastes delicious.

Xu Mo opened his eyes, and the other party noticed it. He turned around and saw that the two faces were almost touching, and they could kiss each other even with a pout.

The scene suddenly became weird and a little embarrassing.

Monk Shui Quhai also saw it, and his expression changed, but at this moment he seemed to dare not stop chanting, so he could only continue to chant, but it was obvious that he was very anxious.

He winked at Xu Mo fiercely.

That seems to be saying, close your eyes!

Xu Mo refused.

He looked at the strange 'Corpse Buddha' in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "What is the name of this master?"

Early morning update, please vote for me!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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