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Chapter 41 The Tanglin Family

Chapter 41 Dongling Family

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 41 Dongling Family

Xu Mo spent some time studying the 'Shangqing Sword Essence', but the time was limited, and he only learned a rough sword move, which was tangible but without charm.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, Xu Mo's level may not be comparable to the third-rate swordsmen in the world.

Of course, if coupled with his Dacheng realm of internal strength, even if he is not good at swordsmanship, he can still defeat the master.

As for Lu Mingzhe, he couldn't sleep because he was deceived by the pervert. Xu Mo did not continue to take him with him. Instead, he settled with the store, leaving some money and a letter, saying that he should change his appearance, keep his name anonymous, and start over.

That's all that can be done.

Xu Mo still planned to follow his own pace.

I originally thought I would pick up a bargain along the way and get the Supreme Sword Essence of Swordsmanship, but I didn’t know that this embroidered pillow was useless and even worse than the Tiger Master Fist.

As for where the problem lies, I can't figure it out for a while, so I can only put it aside for now.

After leaving the boundary of Gualong Mountain and walking for another day, we arrived at the boundary of Jingzhou.

Strictly speaking, this is not the first time Xu Mo has visited Jingzhou. Chaoyun Temple, which he visited through the Lightless Ghost Realm before, is also in Jingzhou, on Dial Mountain in Jingzhou.

That place is a bit special for Xu Mo. He can use the "God Controlling Order" to recruit powerful wandering gods like Ghost Sword Girl.

I just asked Lin Jiuyuan, but the latter didn't know Dial Mountain. It was probably because of the nameless hill.

As for Chaoyun Temple, I don’t even know.

Lin Jiuyuan said she had never heard of it.

Dongling's family is in Weichang City, Jingzhou. This city is prosperous and prosperous. Although they passed through some towns along the way, they are not as good as the Weichang City in front of them.

At the gate of the city, there are many cars, horses and pedestrians, the city wall is high and the garrison is majestic.

Entering the city, the streets are wide and the lanes are bright. There is a vendor every three steps and a restaurant every ten steps. The smell of wine, rice and women's rouge are mixed together.

"Weichang is a big city here."

Xu Mo said something.

Lin Jiuyuan has the final say.

"However, I still like our Lin family's Xiangshui Lake. Although it is not as noisy, it is better than being quiet."

The Dongling family is located in the east of the city. The mansion is very large. When Xu Mo and Lin Jiuyuan arrived at the door, several people were already standing there. When they saw Xu Mo, they immediately came forward.

"But Mr. Zao Sanxu?"

The other party was very polite.

Xu Mo thought about it and knew that Donglingting must have come back in advance to tell him that he was coming, so the Dongling family must have been prepared.

That's fine, let's see how the Dongling family will respond.

Xu Mo nodded.

"Mr. Xu, my master has been waiting for many days, please!"

Entering the courtyard, one could only feel that the courtyard walls blocked out the noise in the city outside, giving the illusion of a paradise. The birds and flowers inside were singing and fragrant. Compared with the houses in the county town that Xu Mo had seen before, it was like heaven and earth.

After a while, Xu Mo was led into a hall.

"Mr. Xu has come all the way from Zhuzhou. The journey is dusty and the carriage and horses are tired. My master has prepared a banquet and I would like to ask Mr. Xu to honor him."

The round table in this room is filled with wine and food.

Xu Mo took a look and said that your master is very thoughtful.

"But where is your master?" Xu Mo asked.

"Mr. Xu, please wait a moment. We have just sent someone to report..." Halfway through, the man looked outside and saw someone coming, and hurriedly said: "My master is here."

Xu Mo also looked outside.

A fat old man, about fifty or sixty years old, walked quickly, followed by only three or two servants.

Xu Mo was sizing up the other party. Next to him, Lin Jiuyuan had already stepped forward to salute and address him as 'Uncle Dongling'.

This should be Donglingting's father, Donglingyu.

On the way here, Lin Jiuyuan had already revealed all the situation of the Dongling family. The father of Dongling Pavilion, Dongling Yu, was the current head of the Dongling family, and the legendary Dongling Zhijie of that generation had long since stopped caring about worldly affairs and could not go out in seclusion.

Naturally, someone has to take care of all the affairs of the Dongling family. It is said that 30% of the property in Weichang City belongs to the Dongling family. Taking care of these businesses is also very laborious.

So Dong Ling Yu doesn't look like a martial arts master, but more like a rich man and a fat man.

"Jiuyuan, you are already a big girl. The last time you went to the Xiangshui Lake, you were so big!" Dongling Yu gestured with a smile, and then looked at Xu Mo.

"Mr. Xu's arrival has really made our Dongling family shine. Please take a seat. I have many things to say to Mr. Xu."

Kind, friendly, social attributes.

Xu Mo knew he had met his opponent.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person, because the other person is a master.

He also responded with a smile. After sitting down, Dongling Yu, as an elder, toasted Xu Mo first. From this point of view, the Dongling family is now prosperous, so he knows that it is not luck.

Perhaps the Dongling family is highly skilled in martial arts, but if they want to amass wealth and attract financial resources, just having good martial arts skills is not enough.

You have to know how to run it.

Don't make random enemies yet.

After pushing the cup and changing the cup, Xu Mo and Dong Ling became like brothers after a while, and their relationship seemed to be very good.

At this time, Dong Lingyu suddenly stood up and saluted Xu Mo.

Bow to the end.

Xu Moxiao asked why.

"Brother Xu, my son Dong Lingting has made it clear to me about your matter. You stopped my son at the foot of Zao Mountain. In fact, you were saving him. Otherwise, he might be killed by a tiger after entering the mountain. Brother Xu, please save me."

My son's life has been a great favor to the Dongling family, and it is only natural for me to salute you."

This aventurine metaphor can make friends.

When people talk about the Dongling family, they only know the Nine Sword Immortal Dongling Zhijie, or the Dongling Little Sword Immortal Donglingting that has become active in recent years, but few people know Dongling Yu's name.

This is especially true in the arena.

But in Xu Mo's eyes, the one who is really awesome in the Dongling family is the chubby and harmless Dongling Yu in front of him.

Eat and drink enough.

Tangling Yu ordered people to take away the bowls, chopsticks and plates and make fine tea.

"Brother Yu, since you know why I'm here, don't waste time and let's get straight to the point."

Xu Mo got straight to the point at this time.

Dongling Yu also looked straight at this moment.

"Ting'er said, Brother Xu, do you want to see my father Zhijie Gong?"


"Can you tell me the reason?"

"Everyone in the world says that your Lord, Zhijie Gong, is the number one martial artist in the world. I have some questions that I need to ask in person, and these questions can only be answered by experts in martial arts."

"I see!"

Dongling Yu chuckled, and then said: "To be honest with you, brother, don't think that I am wide and fat, and I am harmless to humans and animals. In fact, I have learned about the true meaning of my father's swordsmanship. If you have any questions, brother, just ask me.

, we are also martial arts masters."

Xu Mo was stunned.

This fat guy is quite confident.

"That's fine!"

Xu Mo thought for a moment and then asked if he could enter the immortal path if he went up to the next level after reaching the ultimate level of martial arts? If so, how to enter.

Dongling Yu was stunned after hearing this.

I guess I didn't expect that Xu Mo actually asked this.

He even stood up and walked around, thinking about it before and after, and finally shook his head unwillingly.

"Brother Xu, it's really difficult for me to answer your question, and there are only a handful of people in the world who can answer this question, and my father may be one of them."

After saying that, he sighed again, sat back, and asked Xu Mo why he was wrong: "But, my father said in retreat last time that it is of great importance to understand the true meaning of swordsmanship this time, and must not be disturbed. He also made it clear that unless

The Dongling family is facing a life-and-death crisis. Otherwise, he must not be disturbed in seclusion to meditate, so..."

The following words are already very obvious. I hope Xu Mo can understand the difficulty.

After Xu Mo listened, he remained silent.

Dong Ling Yu hurriedly said: "How about this? I can live here. Maybe my father will be able to leave the country in a few days. We can arrange to meet him then. What do you think?"

Xu Mo asked how long it would take to wait.

"It can be as short as a few months, or as long as a few years!"

After hearing this, Xu Mo shook his head.

Say no.

"I can't wait that long. It would be great if there is an answer. If not, it's a waste of time."

"There is no other way for now!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere became a little dull and stiff.

When Xu Mo saw Dong Ling Yu didn't say a word, he knew it couldn't go on like this.

The other party seems to be easy to talk to, but he won't give in on some key things.

Anyone else would definitely not know what to do at this time.

Maybe we can only wait.

But Xu Mo is different.

He smiled at this time and said: "Brother Yu, don't be embarrassed, I have thought of a way."

"Oh?" Dong Lingyu was surprised and asked quickly: "What method?"

"Brother Yu just now, you said that before your father went into retreat, he made it clear that unless the Dongling family encountered a life-or-death crisis, he would never be disturbed in his retreat, right?"

"Yes, that's what I said."

Xu Mo smiled and said nothing at this moment.

Dongling Yu understood it instantly.

At that moment, his expression changed.

"Brother Xu, you..."

"Brother Yu, you and I are brothers, so you have to help me with this matter."

After saying that, he suddenly took action and grabbed the opponent.

The gripping method used in Tiger Zun Fist is the tiger hunting technique.

Dong Lingyu's eyes narrowed and he hurriedly moved back. He was so nimble that he didn't look like a fat man.

With his skills like this, the other person who said he was a master of martial arts just now was not bragging.

Xu Mo's attack failed and he immediately attacked again. Dong Lingyu hurriedly hooked his feet on the wooden table and swung it forward. The wooden table weighing a hundred kilograms flew over like a toy.

Xu Mo punched out, and with a bang, the wooden table exploded into pieces. The living room, which was originally a good place, was now in a mess.

There was so much noise here that it was naturally heard outside.

Immediately, more than a dozen Dongling family experts arrived and rushed into the living room. At this moment, Dongling Yu and Xu Mo were already counting their moves.

"You guys stand down."

Dongling Yu saw this and hurriedly shouted at his men.

Then he said to Xu Mo: "Brother Xu, what are you doing? Let's talk about it carefully and discuss it later."

"There's no need to discuss it. I'm here to help you, so that I won't be in trouble, brother."

After Xu Mo finished speaking, he jumped out.

Dongling Yu was shocked when he saw this.

Chase him out immediately.

"Brother Xu, do you really want to embarrass me?"

Xu Mo didn't answer.

Dong Lingyu was lucky, and the next moment his energy surged all over his body, and then he stretched out his finger and brushed.

Several streaks of light blocked Xu Mo's path like flying arrows.

Xu Mo was also stunned.

"I'll go, Feijian?"

What stopped Xu Mo at this moment were three long swords, but no one was holding them and they were hanging in the air, just like magic.

Xu Mo was shocked.

At this time, the sword stabbed at him. Xu Mo did not dare to neglect, he muttered a nightmare and pointed forward.

The shadows flowed under the feet, and an invisible silhouette quickly bumped into it. The next moment, the three long swords were swung away by the invisible force and fell to the ground one after another.

Dongling Yu took a few steps forward, raised his palms, and the three long swords flew up again, hanging beside Dongling Yu.

(End of chapter)

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