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Chapter 46 Jinjiang River God Cowards

Chapter 46 Jinjiang River God is scared

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 46 Jinjiang River God is scared

"This is our River God Festival in Linhe County. We hold it every spring."

"What, don't do it? We can't do it if we don't do it. If the river god gets into trouble, half of the river boats passing by will sink here, and those who die then won't be the two little babies."

"The river god asked for a boy and a girl in a dream, and he also wanted to build a temple to receive incense. This would ensure peace... How to choose? Draw lots. There are thousands of households and tens of thousands of people in the county. Whoever is drawn will be considered the family.

It's unlucky, what can I do? But the one who wins the lottery will get some money, which can be regarded as some compensation. The government? It can't control it, it can't control it at all, it's a tacit approval."

"Are you talking about the inside story? Brother, you are an expert. This matter should be done in the same way in other places. There must be an inside story. Otherwise, why would the children drawn every time be the children of poor families and the rich officials?

But I have never won the lottery."

"In the past, there were those nosy knights and knights who saved people, but they were able to save one family, but not the second family. There was nothing we could do. We couldn't stop worshiping the river god."

"You mean the River God? Of course I have seen him before. After a while, the sacrifices entered the river and you saw him."

"Thank you so much, brother!"

Xu Mo thanked him and said, "Oh, by the way, if no sacrifices enter the river, will the river god be angry?"

"Of course it will!"

"Will you show up and get angry?"

"Of course, and if that's the case, we have to double the tribute to appease the wrath of the river god."

"You just said that as long as you knock the gong in front of the River Temple over there, the River God will come?"


"Thank you!"

Xu Mo probably understood the question, and cupped his hands to the young man, then squeezed through the crowd and walked all the way to the River Temple.

Many people along the road were pushed down and cursed, but Xu Mo didn't care. Some people pulled him, just joking. How could he pull a master of internal energy?

Useless effort.

When Xu Mo walked to the Heshen Temple and looked at the many nervous villagers there who were protecting the two boys and girls, Xu Mo said that I was here to beat the gong, not to rob people.

After saying this, take a hammer and beat the gong.

Clang clang clang!

Clang clang clang!

Clang clang clang!

Knock nine times in a row.

Everyone around was stunned, and the old man reacted and cursed loudly.

"Where did this rude man come from? If you ring the bell before the hour is up, the river god will definitely blame you. What are you going to do?"

"Arrest this guy quickly."

"It's over, it's over. If the River God takes the blame, we will all suffer."

"Tie it up, tie it up quickly!"

Some young and middle-aged people came around, but they were all repelled by Xu Mo. Dozens of them could not get close.

These people are not fools and know that this man is not easy to mess with.

So the hard one no longer works, so I changed it to the soft one.

He knelt on the ground with a thud.

"This hero, the River God Festival, must not cause trouble. This matter is related to the life and death of the people along the river. I beg you, hero, to show your respect. Don't stop and cause trouble. Deny the wrath of the River God. No one will be able to live without it."

"Please show your noble hand, heroes."

Faced with everyone's pleas, Xu Mo remained unmoved.

He was too lazy to talk to these people.

He looked at the surface of the river, and sure enough, the surface of the river, which had been relatively stable just now, was now rippled with waves, and the water began to change from clear to turbid.

It's obviously not normal, there is something churning under the water.

Xu Mo looked curious. Of course, he was fully prepared.

The little black flag was held in his hands, and his whole body was filled with true energy.

If there is any abnormality, it is better to strike first.

The water in the river rolled even more fiercely, and bubbled up like boiling water. The surrounding villagers were so frightened that their hands and feet went limp, and they knelt on the ground, begging the river god to calm down.

You also said that if it doesn't work, the river god will show up and eat the villain who offends you.

Listen, is this human talk?

As the river rolled, the sediment became turbid, and the originally sunny sky turned cloudy, with heavy clouds.

Xu Mo looked up.

"This is the art of making wind and rain!"

Muttering to himself, Xu Mo also looked serious at this time.

Obviously, the person in the river is not simple.

The last time I encountered someone who could summon wind and rain was Huai Yuanhui from Gua Longshan.

Xu Mo knew how fierce Huai Yuanhui was. If there was a fight, ten of them might not be able to defeat one Huai Yuanhui.

Fortunately, Huai Yuanhui advocated Buddhism, and Xu Mo relied on this to turn disaster into good fortune. Not only was everyone fine, he also took a lot of advantage and gained a lot of benefits.

And if the man in the river was really as tyrannical as Huai Yuanhui, all Xu Mo could do was to turn around and run away without saying a word.

At this moment, Xu Mo was ready to run away.


A huge wave surged up.

It was like a sewer pipe that suddenly burst open. Water sprayed out more than ten meters high and fell to the shore. Many people were knocked over by the turbid muddy water.

The shore suddenly became a mess, with people crying and shouting "Mom" and running away in a hurry.

Xu Mo station is in a good location and has not been affected.

Looking again, something appeared on the river.

Very big.

And weird.

The floating hair on the green shell is like a millstone, and the pair of pincers is wielded like a sword. If there is no straight path in the world, the eight legs will run wild and you will be crazy.

"Isn't this a crab?"

Xu Mo couldn't help but swallow his saliva when he looked at the giant thing in the river.

Mainly because he had never seen or eaten such a big crab.

It looks to be as big as a car.

If this is steamed, what size pot should be used?

How much material does it cost?

I don’t know if it’s a male or a female, or if it has crab roe!

No, I'm thinking too far ahead. Look at the present first.

Xu Mo knew that this thing was probably the so-called river god.

A giant crab.

Now that the other party is coming, strike first to gain the upper hand.

Xu Mo had thought about it. As soon as this thing came ashore, he would immediately take action. First, he would use the small black flag to fix the image, and then use the wandering god to deliver a fatal blow.

But what happened next was different from what Xu Mo expected.

The big crab did not land, but only half of its body surfaced in the river for a look, and then sank again.

After a while, the river surface returned to calm, and the clouds cleared and the sky cleared.


Xu Mo, who was already ready for a big fight, was stunned.

Doesn’t it mean that the river god will be angry?

That's it?

Xu Mo wanted to ask, but the surrounding villagers had dispersed just now, and there was no one to ask.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Xu Mo went over and knocked on the gong again, and even threw the statue in the river temple into the river. After waiting for a long time, nothing strange happened. This made Xu Mo understand that the crab must be really scared.


They waited on the shore until Lin Jiuyuan came back, but the river god did not show up again.


Lin Jiuyuan looked excited and said that she had found the parents of the child and returned the child.

Xu Mo gave a lecture, saying that after she left, another child was brought forward to be sacrificed.

"Sir, did you take action?" Lin Jiuyuan asked.

This is nonsense. There was no one left in the lively River God Festival just now, and all fools knew something was wrong here.

"It's a pity that the root cause was not eradicated."

Xu Mo stared at the river with some reluctance.

Who would have thought that the crab was so timid and ran away as soon as he saw it.

The other party insisted on hiding in the river, and Xu Mo had no choice.

After waiting for a long time, when the ship was about to leave, Xu Mocai and Lin Jiuyuan had no choice but to return.

At night.

Xu Mo was a little sleepy, so he simply fell asleep. As a result, he suddenly felt the sound of water rippling around him. He opened his eyes and saw that he was still on the boat, but the surroundings were like a dream.

This is in a dream.

Except for Xu Mo, there was no one on the boat. Suddenly the boat shook. When I went to the deck, I saw a man standing there who was all wet.

The other party had a sullen face. When he saw Xu Mo, he immediately said: "I have no enmity with you, why should you harm my prestige? Steal my human elixir?"

Xu Mo had never seen anything before, so he reacted immediately.

"Are you the Jinshui River God?"


It turned out to be the big crab.

Xu Mo understood that the other party was entrusting him with a dream and came to question him.

Are all the monsters here so reasonable?

Pay homage first and then fight?

As for the other party's question, Xu Mo thought about it and said: "Eating children is against the laws of nature. Now that you have encountered it, of course I will take care of it."

The man sneered: "You are nosy, what is against the laws of nature, why are you so hypocritical? You are an immortal cultivator, and you eat several times more human pills than me. I only eat two a year, so what's wrong with you?"

Obviously he didn't believe Xu Mo's words.

Xu Mo thought about it and said that I had never eaten a crab as big as yours.

"I knew it!"

The man's facial features were hideous and terrifying at the moment.

"You are just like them, you are all greedy for my body."

As soon as he finished speaking, his body changed and turned into the shape of a giant crab, rushing towards Xu Mo.

This is intended to be a dream kill.

Xu Mo was not used to this problem and shouted, "Someone is causing trouble, come out!"

The next moment, Wei Sanniang, Zhang Wan and other lonely ghosts all appeared on the scene, and the shadow of a tiger loomed behind Xu Mo.

(End of chapter)

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