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Chapter 53 Sword Demon Sword Demon

Chapter 53 Sword Demon Sword Demon

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 53 Sword Demon Sword Demon

No matter what you do, ‘knowledge’ is very important.

Even, sometimes its role far exceeds other abilities.

The ability of ‘knowledge’ is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires learning, accumulation, and practice.

To Xu Mo, he is also considered a knowledgeable immortal cultivator.

In the past dozen times of restarting the cycle, Xu Mo has seen a large number of strange monsters. He has seen both strong ones and weak ones.

Even in such a tense and chaotic situation just now, Xu Mo remained calm. He even observed carefully and made a discovery.

Even the appearance of the countless ghost hands seems to be carved from the same mold.

Even the number, size and location of the corpse spots on the arms are exactly the same.

This thing is really not easy for normal people to discover.

But Xu Mo discovered it.

And he also discovered that the appearance of those ghost hands was actually very similar to the arm of the 'Wall-Facing Ghost'.

That's why I did what I just did.

Xu Mo didn't know what was going on specifically, but he instinctively felt that the arm of the Wall-Facing Ghost was not simple, so he directly included it in the Little Black Flag.

After that, there was no ghost hand again in the passage.

It was an accident, and the source of the ghost hand was taken away.

Keep moving forward.

After walking another hundred steps, Xu Mo suddenly heard some faint sounds.

It's like someone is reciting poetry.

Xu Mo immediately stopped and listened carefully.

The sound seemed to come from the wall next to it.

Put your ear to the ground and listen.

"The sword is originally made of iron, but it becomes psychic by holding it..."

The sound is melodious.

Now that he has made a discovery, according to Xu Mo's habit, it is natural to investigate.

He reached out and touched that piece of wall, pressed it around, and suddenly felt the pressure loosen, and a hole was pushed open in the wall.

It was pitch dark inside. Xu Mo listened to the sound, thought about it, and walked in with a lantern.

Inside the walls, it's even darker.

The narrow passage just now was only lightless, but here, it was not only lightless, but also filled with black mist.

The black mist was like water vapor, cold to the touch and uncomfortable.

At this time, the voice that sounded like poetry suddenly disappeared.

The surroundings fell into an eerie silence.

Although it was extremely quiet, Xu Mo was not in a good mood because he could feel the danger coming.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in his ear.

"Who asked you to light the lamp?"


The breeze is gentle and the mountains are like weaving.

In the Octagonal Pavilion, Xu Mo froze on the spot for a long time.

"This is an accident!"

He defined his behavior, and Xu Mo, who was a little unconvinced, followed the process of restarting the cycle for the sixteenth time, and everything was as usual, except this time after pushing open the wall in the lightless ghost realm, while the voice was still there

, directly use the Heaven-Conquering Nine Swords Technique and kill it with the Tiger Soul Sword.

Let's strike first to gain the upper hand.

Result, die!


The setting sun falls on the branches, and the sparrows return to the forest.

Every time you take a step, you gain wisdom.

All procedures remain as usual.

However, this time, in addition to using the Tiger Soul Sword, he also used nightmare words to make the wandering gods attack and kill him at the same time. A two-pronged approach should be foolproof.

Result, die!


Inside the Octagonal Pavilion.

"Violence cannot solve any problems, I love peace!"

Xu Mo suddenly sat up from the ground.

Being able to kill the current self so easily shows that the weirdness is very powerful, and judging from previous experiences, a strong attack seems to be impossible.

Gotta be smart!

The process remains unchanged. When he enters the lightless ghost realm again this time, catching ghosts and entering the flag, a process that is already familiar and cannot be more familiar is completed. Even when catching ghosts, Xu Mo is more proactive than before, often before the opponent shows up.

, Xu Mo was able to predict the situation and take action in advance to imprison him in the little black flag.

For example, as soon as the cold feeling behind the ghost calling people appeared, Xu Mo reached back accurately and smashed the black flag down.

Another example is Hanged Ghost. This time Xu Mo adopted the fast mowing mode. Because the speed was fast enough, he caught three of them this time, and the improvement was obvious.

And that ghost hand.

Xu Mo didn't wait for the other party to cut off his arm and survive. He directly used the Tiger Soul Sword to cut off the other person's arm, and then inserted a small black flag into it, just like buying discounted goods in a supermarket.

The wall ghost didn't even react, Xu Mo had already left.

"Where is my hand? (Nightmare)"

No one responded.

Of course, to Xu Mo, these are not the most important things.

What matters is the tough battle ahead.

Strictly speaking, Xu Mo could not push open that wall or provoke the things inside.

But after experiencing the incident at the Xiangshui Lake, Xu Mo had a clear understanding that there are some things that cannot be avoided by hiding, because some things can be avoided and some things cannot.

If you blindly avoid danger, you will definitely be the unlucky one in the end.

Strength is the most important thing.

Isn't there a saying that the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold?

Xu Mo has already thought about how to outwit him this time.

Carefully analyze previous failures, be arrogant and underestimate the enemy, and violate taboos.

Both aspects need to be changed.

So before entering this time, Xu Mo put out the lantern.

Because no lights can be lit inside.

This is obviously a taboo.

Another point is that you can't use force, mainly because you can't defeat it.

But we can't let the other party take action.

Xu Mo has his own way.

After pushing open the wall and entering, Xu Mo cleared his throat and recited sword skills.

What I am reciting is "Shangqing Sword Essence".

The main reason is that he remembers this very clearly. Compared with the Nine Swords of Yutian, it is more catchy.

Because the strange thing in the wall was reciting sword skills before, Xu Mo's move can be regarded as a move that suits him. You recite yours and I recite mine. Don't hit me and I won't hit you.

This is Xu Mo’s original intention, called the ‘brothers are good’ strategy.

As for what will happen after reading it, to be honest, Xu Mo doesn't know.

Isn't he just crossing the river by feeling the stones?

Let’s try it first before talking.

As I said before, the dark world inside the wall is very dark, and there is black mist. It is like the feeling of being submerged in ice water, which is extremely uncomfortable.

It was also Xu Mo who practiced his internal strength in advance every time and achieved it quickly, so that he could withstand it.

Otherwise, if you stay here for a while, you don't need to kill him strangely, and he will fall to the ground and die.

At this moment, Xu Mo was reading and groping around.

When I was halfway through reciting, I suddenly heard a voice saying in my ear: "What sword technique are you reciting?"

The sound came very suddenly.

Fortunately, after experiencing it several times before, Xu Mo was already prepared. When he heard the sound, he was frightened but not panicked.

"This is "Shangqing Sword Essence"."

"Can you teach me?" the other party asked again.

Now comes the multiple choice question.

Can, or can't.

Xu Mo felt that there was something strange and moody in the darkness, and he might be killed if he said something wrong. Fortunately, he was not afraid, so he could just choose blindly.

If you choose the wrong one, change it next time.

"Yes!" Xu Mo replied.

"Then you continue to read."

Xu Mo continued to recite the Sword Essence of Shangqing.

More than three hundred words, I read it in a while.

Then there was silence.

"Interesting!" The voice spoke again after a long time.

Xu Mo listened with little understanding. He knew what the three words "interesting" meant, but he didn't know what the other person was referring to.

Or can this weird guy discover the extraordinary features of "Shangqing Sword Marrow"?

If you don’t understand, just ask.

"What's interesting?"


"Tell me more specifically."

"This is not a swordsmanship at all, but a key."


"Yes, the key to dreams."

"Dream?" Xu Mo was very confused. He hoped that the other party could say more, but then the surroundings became quiet, as if the strange thing had left.

Called softly, but got no response.

While groping, Xu Mo found a door, pushed it open, and as if breaking through the water, the sound of jungle birds, fresh air, and faint moonlight appeared at the same moment.

Xu Mo looked around and found him standing outside the mountain temple.

I don’t know if it was moved out or if it came out on its own.

But no matter what, this is the first time Xu Mo has come out of the lightless ghost realm.

There was a lot gained this time.

So Xu Mo doesn't plan to enter the Lightless Ghost Realm again.

"The Sword Marrow of the Supreme Purity is the key to dreams?" Xu Mo was still savoring this sentence carefully.

If other people heard this, they would definitely find it baffling, but Xu Mo was proficient in the "Spirit Attack Technique", and the method of entrusting dreams was one of the techniques.

Because he was proficient, Xu Mo figured it out after thinking about it for a while.

"It really might be a key!"

(End of chapter)

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