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Chapter 6 Hello Tiger

Chapter 6 Hello Tiger

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 6 Hello Tiger


The gentle breeze mixed with the fragrance of vegetation in the jungle, wrapped in the last ray of warmth blown from the setting sun, just like the girl's pink and soft little hands, gently brushing Xu Mo's face.

After opening his eyes, Xu Mo stretched.

"The executioner's skills are good, and there is really no pain at all."

Looking at the Octagonal Pavilion and the surrounding green mountains and forests, Xu Mo took a deep breath.

It's back again.

How to plan after this restart, how to live long and well, Xu Mo had already thought about it a lot in prison.

If you follow the plan step by step, just do what you did last time, first run to the mountain temple to remove the mummies to contain the tiger, and then after dark, rush to Yijing Village overnight.

This is naturally feasible. Of course, Xu Mo will definitely not be stupid enough to look for a job. If a gangster dares to look for a job, he is asking for death.

But what happens next?

It is inevitable to explore the way of immortality. Since we know that this world can cultivate immortality, of course we have to set a goal for ourselves.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be in vain?

A person should have some pursuits in his life.

But Xu Mo felt that he could try another route.

A rather bold idea came to mind.

He planned to communicate with the tiger entrenched in Zao Mountain.

This is indeed very bold. If you make a mistake, you will be killed.

But would Xu Mo be afraid of this?

This is not the first time that he has been killed by a tiger.

After taking a look at the sky, Xu Mo smiled faintly. He didn't run away this time. He first found a rather sharp stone in the octagonal pavilion, and then began to use the method of opening acupuncture points and the 'Burning Lord's Veins' to improve himself.

Because it was not the first time to use it, Xu Mo had practiced it ninety-nine and eighty-one times during the last cycle in the prison, and he was already familiar with the acupuncture process.

So this time I was familiar with the road.

And Xu Mo is still practicing and summing up his own experience.

For example, Guo Xie said that in order to use the 'Burning Lord Devouring Meridians', the prerequisite is to open the 'Three Storehouses and Six Meridians', and these Three Stores and Six Meridians are the introductory term for practicing internal strength, also known as internal strength.

If a martial artist does not open the six meridians of the Three Treasures, even if he practices for hundreds of years, it will be in vain.

This is not what Xu Mo said, it is known to everyone in the martial arts world.

This is the beginning. After the internal strength is strong, there are other names, but now Xu Mo doesn't want to go that far.

Under normal circumstances, in order to open the Tripitaka and the Six Meridians, you must have an inner strength and mental method to practice. It also depends on your talent, resources, and time. This is a normal approach.

Xu Mo didn't have these.

So he must take a side road to find a shortcut.

Guo Xie said that to use ‘Burning the King and Devouring the Meridians’, you must first open the acupoints.

After many practices, Xu Mo discovered that it is actually possible not to open acupuncture points, but it is more difficult and dangerous. Simply put, it is a bit of a gamble.

The principle is to use ‘Burning Lord Devouring Veins’ twice, once to flush the acupoints and once to improve.

If it succeeds, it will be like a Neijin warrior who has worked hard for seven or eight years to directly open acupuncture points across borders; if it fails, the meridians will be completely shattered and paralyzed, and in the worst case, it will backfire on the heart veins and vomit blood and die suddenly.

Xu Mo has not succeeded yet, but he feels that his theory must be correct.

Isn't it just gambling? He has plenty of capital.

If it doesn't work once, do it twice. If it doesn't work twice, do it three times. There will always be success.

Holding the sharp stone, Xu Mo took a deep breath and began to tap more than a dozen acupuncture points on his body one by one, in a specific order.

Painful and itchy.

The sensations are unpredictable, and this is where the pain is the most.

But Xu Mo could bear it.

This pain is nothing compared to the pain I experienced several times before my death.

The process is complicated and you cannot miss a step. For example, you need to press this acupuncture point hard, and then immediately poke the next acupoint when you feel a burning sensation. The order cannot be wrong.

The sequence was taught by Guo Xie, and the intensity and rhythm were figured out by Xu Mo based on his own physical condition. The two must be closely matched.

So far, the success rate is not very high.


Although Xu Mo completed all the steps, the final result was that a mouthful of blood spurted out and he fell to the ground and died suddenly.


Under the gentle breeze, Xu Mo opened his eyes and turned over.

"Failure is the mother of success. How can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain?"

Xu Mo cheered himself up and looked for rocks to try again.

Ten minutes later.


Blood spurted all over the floor.

Death suddenly.


"I have to make some adjustments. Both times it was due to bursting of the heart veins, which means that the heart cannot bear the heavy load. That's right. This body has thin skin and tender flesh. It can't help but change to a stronger body. It will definitely succeed."

Xu Mo brushed his hair in front of his forehead in the wind and thought carefully about the solution.

“Since you can’t become a fat man by eating one bite, then eat it in two bites!”

As soon as an idea came to his mind, Xu Mo closed his eyes and thought about it for a moment, then started immediately.

Or look for stones and poke acupuncture points.

When poking, you also need to coordinate your breathing. Although it is cumbersome, Xu Mo is already familiar with it.

But this time, Xu Mo stopped only halfway through.

My heart already hurts.

It's like someone poked it in with a stick.

Xu Mo knew that if he continued, he would still not be able to escape the end of his heart bursting and dying.

So you have to slow down.

Carry out in two steps.

But I don’t know how long it will take. After all, Xu Mo also needs to explore.

Unconsciously, the sky darkened, and then a tiger roar sounded from a distance, shaking the mountains and forests.

"It's bad, why did you forget about the big tiger?"

Xu Mo secretly thought that it was bad, there was a man-eating demon tiger in Zao Mountain.

Now that I am practicing Kung Fu, I can't move, and my Kung Fu will be broken if I move. If a tiger comes, wouldn't it mean that I have a ready meal?

Thoughts surged in my mind.

After a while, the wind stopped.

The surroundings were also plunged into darkness. The moonlight was not shining, so everything was very dim.

Xu Mo sat cross-legged on the ground and looked forward with squinted eyes.

The grass and trees moved slightly, and suddenly a strong wind blew.

A huge creature slowly walked out of the forest.

The demon tiger is coming.

When Xu Mo faced this giant tiger, he was either running for his life or on the way to escape, but basically he had to be knocked down and eaten by this tiger in the end.

This was the first time that Xu Mo faced the demonic tiger head-on without escaping.

It's really big.

When this guy is crawling on all fours, his height is already higher than that of an adult male. This is unimaginable if he stands upright.

He is truly the king of beasts in the forest, with so much momentum.

Xu Mo can't even move, let alone run, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

But you can't just wait to die.

You have to find a way to save yourself.

The demon tiger opposite didn't pounce immediately, so he was probably very curious when he saw Xu Mo sitting cross-legged, motionless as a mountain.

The tiger was wandering around, but his eyes were fixed on it.

The pressure is so great that it is like the pressure of a mountain. Unless you experience it yourself, you will never imagine it.

At this time, Xu Mo recalled the description of the demon tiger in Piaoyun's essays, and immediately had a bold idea.

Smiled and nodded towards the demon tiger.

Then he said: "Hello, tiger!"

The demon tiger was stunned.

I guess I didn't expect that this food would not only be calm and fearless when facing death, but also dare to say hello to me.


It doesn't look like it.

For the demon tiger, delicious meat is available every day, but such interesting food is rare.

When Xu Mo saw that the tiger hadn't pounced on him, he knew there was a way out. He immediately continued: "The tiger is powerful and has extraordinary weapons. This time when I enter Zao Mountain, I will meet the tiger. It is indeed a worthwhile trip. But I still want to invite the tiger."

Wait for a moment until I receive my energy and return it to my Dantian, and then I can greet the tiger again."

After saying that, he started to poke the acupoints on his own.

I've almost rested, and my heart doesn't hurt that much anymore, so I hurry up and continue.

The demon tiger really didn't pounce.

Maybe it was because the demon tiger was in front and the pressure was huge, which caused Xu Mo to concentrate; or maybe it was the experience and lessons learned from several previous failures. In short, this time, he used the shortcut technique of 'Burning the Lord and Devouring Veins' to open the acupuncture point, and it was successful.


With the last blow, Xu Mo spurted out a mouthful of blood, but his body suddenly felt lighter.

Unlike before when he was suddenly paralyzed and weak, at this moment, Xu Mo only felt that his ears and eyes were bright, his body was light, and his limbs seemed to have endless strength.

Especially in the lower abdomen and chest, it seems like there are three balls of fire burning, feeling warm and like a spring breeze.

Xu Mo immediately jumped up, straightened his clothes, took a few steps forward, and saluted the demon tiger opposite him.

(End of chapter)

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