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Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Crazy on the spot

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 69 Crazy on the spot

After Xu Mo finished lecturing on the Diamond Sutra, the three people attending the lecture immediately asked various questions, and one of them, who was broad and fat, asked the most.

However, the other party is indeed knowledgeable, especially in Buddhism, and has extremely profound attainments.

There were some questions that almost stopped Xu Mo.

Fortunately, Xu Mo has a lot of things in his stomach. He can interpret them from different angles and the other party can understand them without having to explain them too clearly. This saves Xu Mo a lot of trouble.

Talking to smart people saves trouble.

The old woman obviously didn't understand Buddhism as well as the other two, so she asked few questions and spent most of the time listening quietly, seemingly thoughtful.

It seems that I don't understand.

By the time he finished speaking, Xu Mo discovered that the opening hours of this market were almost over.

"It's wonderful. Buddhism is truly vast and there is no end to learning."

The fat man over there let out a happy sigh.

Just like a hungry person burping after stroking his belly after eating, or like a tired person burping after sleeping for a long time.

It’s the ultimate feeling of comfort after being satisfied.

Xu Mo put away the treasure exchanged by the other party.

These things were enough for him to study for several days.

"In this way, money and goods are cleared, which is good."

Xu Mo muttered.

At this time, the big fat man opposite suddenly said: "Mr. Xu's next lecture will be in two days?"

"Lecture? In two days?"

Xu Mo was stunned for a moment, and was about to say that he wouldn't talk about it anymore.

But he suddenly reacted.

He came to Fangshi not just to gain benefits.

Before, my money was tight, my pockets were empty, and I couldn't exchange for anything.

Now that you can get benefits from ‘lecturing’, why not do it?

The most important thing is that you basically don’t need to pay anything, you just need to be a good porter between the two worlds.

To put it more bluntly, it’s like prostitution for free.

Why not do such a good thing again?

After considering the pros and cons, Xu Mo took the law of true fragrance to its extreme.

"Yes, it will still be two days later."

After saying that, the old woman was already talking to the strange painter in the teahouse next to her: "Did you hear that? Mr. Xu said that he will continue to tell stories here in two days."

When many weird painters heard this, they immediately beamed with joy.

However, their smiling faces still make people's scalp numb and their hearts tingling with fear.

Xu Mo glanced at the old woman. She obviously wanted to hear the story and deliberately set a trap to trick him into it.

But again, since he has benefited from this matter, Xu Mo doesn't want to worry about it so much.

Besides, it is not difficult for him to bring some interesting stories.

It's great to get benefits, but if you don't get them, just do good deeds.

"That's all for now, everyone, take your leave."

Xu Mo didn't stay long. He planned to go back and study the magical tools and techniques he had obtained. After saying that, he silently recited the spell to escape from the dream in "Spirit Attack Technique", and his body shape disappeared like bubbles.

After Xu Mo disappeared, the three people who had just listened to the Diamond Sutra looked at each other.

"This Buddhist sutra is mysterious and contains the truth of the great truth, but I don't know where this Mr. Xu got it from?" It was the chubby masked man who spoke.

Naturally, he was not asking his companion, but the old woman.

The old woman chuckled: "Master, I'm not familiar with that Mr. Xu, why don't you ask him directly."

The fat masked man smiled and said nothing.

The next moment, his figure disappeared without a trace.

His companion nodded towards the old woman, and also turned into foam.

The old woman's exposed eyes were narrowed.

"These two old monks are not simple, but they look like the two from Fazen Temple. If this is true, it would be interesting. Fazen Temple is a holy place for Buddhism and Taoism. Even they call it a wonderful Buddhist scripture.

Where did it come from? Could it be..."

The old woman didn't know what she was thinking of, and her pupils shrank.

"The old monk didn't forget to ask, but he didn't dare to ask him. Then who is he?"

At this time, another immortal cultivator came and asked around. When he saw the old woman, he immediately came over to ask.

"Just now, was there a gentleman giving a lecture here?"

The old woman nodded: "Yes, but it's already finished."

When the immortal cultivators heard this, they were all disappointed.

"But I have written down what he said about the Diamond Sutra. If you want to hear it, you can give me treasures in exchange for it."

"Seriously? This is fine!"

If Xu Mo were here, he would definitely scold the old woman for being shameless. The other party resold his things and actually doubled the profit, making more than him.

Old women are also very powerful.

At least he has an outstanding memory, and he actually recited the Diamond Sutra that Xu Mo just talked about intact.

Not a word is wrong.

Among those cultivators, there were also those who practiced Buddhism intensively. They knew the goods well and tasted them carefully. After being shocked, they suddenly had an epiphany, like a thunderbolt initiation, and burst out laughing.

"Wonderful, wonderful, this Buddhist sutra contains the truth of the great truth. All the doubts in my mind are solved, all the doubts are solved, hahahaha... No, no, this kind of Buddhist principles can never come from the mouths of ordinary people. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to think of it.

I can’t think of it, I understand, I understand, it’s an immortal, it’s a Buddha, yes, it must be, the person who preached this sutra must be a living immortal Buddha, ah, ah, I actually missed him, I would like to worship him as my teacher,

Where is my teacher?"

This immortal cultivator is actually a little crazy.

Although those who do not practice Buddhism also know the extraordinary nature of this sutra, their understanding is obviously not as strong and straightforward as those who practice Buddhism.

It is also true that this Buddhist practitioner is not deep in his spiritual practice and is not in a good state of mind. Otherwise, the two abbots of Fazen Temple were shocked, but they managed to stabilize their state of mind and did not go crazy on the spot.

This farce caused a lot of noise.

The old woman didn't want to cause trouble, so she left quietly.

But the incident of ‘Fangshi Storyteller’ was obviously no longer suppressed and spread through some people.

However, the two old monks who left first didn't know about this kind of thing, and Xu Mo didn't even know about it.

Still inside Fazen Temple.

The abbot was sitting alone in the Thousand Buddhas Cave, but he drove everyone out and ordered that no one should come, let alone disturb his meditation.

Outside, the old monk Jingkong clasped his hands in his robes and walked quickly. When he reached his own quiet room, he could no longer hold on and his skin and flesh were twisted.

With a sneer, his face was like torn kraft paper, cracking open again.

"Buddha, Buddha..."

The evil spirit hidden under the skin of the flesh and blood squeezed out half of its face and roared crazily.

The other normal half of Old Monk Jingkong's face was now looking crazy.

"It is indeed a Buddha. I have been exploring Buddhism for so many years, and this is the first time I am so close to the real Buddha."

The evil ghost under the skin laughs strangely.

"If you eat the Buddha, I will be the Buddha. If you let me eat him, you must let me eat him..."

As he spoke, the evil spirit became furious, like a bloodthirsty beast, beating inside the old monk's skin and flesh. The cracks in his skin became bigger and bigger, and countless fangs protruded from the flesh and blood underneath, which was very terrifying.

It seemed that at the next moment, a terrifying evil spirit would emerge from the cracked human skin.

"Shut up and act rashly without planning is the way to your own destruction. Don't you understand?"

The half-normal face opened his mouth to reprimand.

It's as if reprimanding this evil ghost has become a natural thing.

"Fart, don't you want to eat it too? I just expressed your feelings. Think about it, eating him will be of great benefit to you and me."

This time the old monk Jingkong didn't speak.

It seems that he is also considering the possibility of this matter.

for a long time.

"Abbott, you won't let us do this. If we really want that much, the abbot will be the first to kill us."

There was a hint of reluctance and helplessness in the tone of the old monk Jingkong.

"Then strike first to gain the upper hand, and kill the abbot first..."

"Shh!" Old monk Jingkong stretched out his hand and pressed the evil ghost's mouth tightly.

"Don't talk nonsense about this matter. Don't forget how terrifying the abbot is."

After hearing this, the irritable evil ghost seemed to have remembered something from the past, and his ferocious eyes became much more restrained, and slowly, they were hidden under his flesh and blood again.

The old monk Jingkong took a deep breath, reattached the cracked human skin, and sat still, as if he had entered samadhi.

(End of chapter)

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