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Chapter 9 Immortal cultivation is very dangerous

Chapter 9 Cultivation into immortality is very dangerous

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 9 Cultivation into immortality is very dangerous

If you add in the book "Spirit Attacking Technique" that you found before, Xuanshan Jun has four volumes of Taoist mystical techniques in total.

Xu Mo can choose one of them.

Knowing that it is better to bite off more than you can chew, and knowing that the road must be walked step by step, Xu Mo could only choose one of them and start his journey to immortality.

Xu Mo has thought about this.

Since we are coming to a world of immortals, if we have the opportunity to cultivate immortality, we must seize the opportunity.

Who doesn’t want to become an immortal?

Xu Mo thought too.

Not only because he wants to gain power, but also because he knows that he is different from others.

He is trapped in some weird death cycle.

If there is a chance, this matter must be investigated clearly. As the saying goes, people who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. Xu Mo can't look so far now. His top priority is to solve the immediate matter.

After going through many hardships, Xu Mo found that the crisis that troubled him at first could now be easily resolved.

Tiger crisis.

It can be solved by using the strange mummies in the mountain temple or directly communicating with the opponent. Although it is not 100% successful, you can always succeed after trying a few times.

Just like practicing 'Burning the Lord and Devouring the Veins', the success rate is about 30%. If you fail twice, you will always succeed once. Of course, most people cannot bear the consequences of this kind of failure, so Xu Mo can practice this technique.

, if others are not good enough, they will not be able to learn from it.

However, Xu Mo later discovered that it seemed that he could actually do without practicing the 'Burning Lord Vein Devouring'.

Of course, if you take a closer look, you will find that the 'Burning Lord's Veins' is not actually used to fight anyone, but to increase the success rate of deceiving the demon tiger.

Afterwards, Xu Mo reviewed and analyzed that if he had not revealed his hand at that time, Yaohu might not have been able to bear his temper and listen to his nonsense.

"Has the tiger studied these Taoist mystical techniques?"

Xu Mo decided to ask first.

Judging from the names, he didn't know which one to choose. Although he could try them one by one, he wanted to hear what the demon tiger thought of them first.

Just as Yaohu was about to speak, he suddenly breathed out and looked tired.

Are you sleepy?

The demon tiger didn't speak, but opened its huge mouth and spit out a person.

This effect is comparable to that of greatly transforming a living person.

The man who was spit out from the tiger's mouth was wet, skinny as firewood, and skin as pulp and paper. It was ghastly and terrifying. You could tell at a glance that he was not a living person.

"Let him say it." After the demon tiger finished speaking, his expression became sluggish, he jumped onto the gold-coated bluestone platform, lay down, and took a nap.

Really sleepy.

The person who was spit out first bowed respectfully to the demon tiger, and then said to Xu Mo: "The tiger is the master, and I am the servant. Sir, just call me Lao Zhou. The tiger is tired, please talk to me if you have anything."

Yes, everything is possible within your ability.”

Xu Mo observed this old Zhou carefully and thought that this was the second ghost he had seen.

The first one is the mummy of the mountain temple.

It is said that when a tiger eats a person, the person it eats will turn into a ghost.

Lao Zhou probably falls into this category.

This world is truly wonderful.

Xu Mo was very polite and asked Lao Zhou if the tiger had studied these Taoist mysteries?

"I only dabble in the secret techniques of human elixirs and the command to control gods, but I encounter bottlenecks halfway through my practice. It seems that there are barriers that hinder me from making progress."

Xu Mo then asked in detail the differences between several Taoisms, and Lao Yi answered them one by one.

It's just this result that Xu Mo didn't expect.

Let’s talk about the "Secret Art of Human Pills" first, which is summarized as the road to becoming an immortal by eating pills. However, this pill is not the kind that Xu Mo thought was made from various rare medicinal materials. There are medicinal materials, but they are not the main medicine.

The main medicine is ‘people’.

Flesh, flesh, and soul can be used as medicine.

When I think about it carefully, I feel horrified that this is simply an evil method.

Let's talk about "Three Animals Return to One". After listening to the explanation, I feel that it is more evil than the secret technique of human elixir. It is said that you must first cultivate to become a 'Yi God', and then divide your own flesh and blood into three parts and implant them into other people's bodies, and wait for the parasitized person to cultivate.

In order to improve, they can be integrated into one body and reach the realm of immortals, which is called "three animals returning to one".

Animals are livestock, and livestock means people who are 'parasitized' or 'raised in captivity'.

Xu Mo glanced at Lao Zhou and asked him to continue talking.

"The command to control gods is relatively simple. Since gods are ghosts, to put it bluntly, it is a method of controlling ghosts. It is easy to learn but difficult to master. Just like the tiger is already a master of this method."

Xu Moxin said that the tiger was so sleepy now that he couldn't hear anything. Why are you trying to flatter him?

As for the last "Spirit Attacking Technique", it is actually quite vast. Lao Zhou said that this book is actually a branch of the Spirit Attacking Technique, called "Dream Attacking".

"This is what mortals call dream entrustment!"

Lao Zhou grinned, with uneven teeth in his mouth, adding to his sense of joy.

Now that he has asked everything, Xu Mo simply asked clearly.

Just like the system of cultivating immortals.

It felt like there must be such a thing, but Xu Mo was unexpected by Lao Zhou's answer.

Lao Zhou said that since ancient times, the way of immortality varies from person to person and there is no system.

"Just like the 'Secret Art of Human Pills', I have seen people become immortals with one pill, and I have also seen people die suddenly after thousands of pills were taken into their stomachs. When cultivating immortals, you pay attention to the fate of immortality. When the fate of immortality arrives, maybe you can drink some cold water.

Then you can become an immortal by sitting on the ground."

Lao Zhou laughed and talked, but his words were a little unwilling.

Xu Mo asked Lao Zhou if he was a cultivator of immortality.

The latter smiled bitterly and shook his head silently.

Now that we have it all figured out, it’s up to us to choose.

As Lao Zhou said, these methods can all lead to immortality, but they are all like looking for a needle in a haystack. Whether you can find it all depends on chance.

Xu Mo decided to use the elimination method.

Let’s forget about “The Secret Technique of Human Elixir” and “Three Animals Return to One” first.

The former requires people to make elixirs, which is difficult and a technical job; the latter is not only a sect, but also has a threshold, and you must first cultivate to become a 'Yi God'.

The word Yi can be understood to mean slaughtering captives, sacrificing ancestors, and also refers to 'sacrificial vessels'. So just by hearing these, you will know that this method is not something that a serious person can do. Moreover, you have to cut yourself into three parts and send them to

In other people's bodies, only neurotics learn this.

Xu Mo would not choose.

"Spiritual Attack" only has dreams, so it's not that good so far.

The best way to win a general among the dwarfs is the "Order to Control the Gods", and Lao Zhou said that the "Order to Control the Gods" is relatively simple, and it is a method that is easy to learn but difficult to master.


Xu Mo glanced at the demon tiger.

The other party was sleeping soundly.

The snoring was loud.

This guy is huge, and when he inhales and exhales, the airflow in the cave moves quickly, as if there is a blower installed.

Opening the "Order to Control the Gods", there is not much content, divided into two parts; the first part is about "gods", that is, ghosts and strange things, and the second part is about the word "control".

The content is extensive and even more obscure.

If Xu Mo had studied it by himself and just understood its meaning, he might not be able to get it down within a few months.

But he was lucky to have Lao Zhou next to him.

If you don’t understand something, Lao Zhou will answer it directly.

Although the fact that Xu Mo didn't understand anything had been exposed, Xu Mo was not worried at all.

Concentrate and don't notice time passing by.

Without paying attention, it was already late at night.

The learning results are remarkable.

It's not Xu Mo's boasting, he has thoroughly understood "The Order to Control the Gods".

At least once you have mastered the theoretical knowledge, all that remains is practice.

And Xu Mo is the kind of person who just does what he thinks and doesn't know how to do ink.

"Between heaven and earth, there are gods in the mountains, gods in the water, gods in temples, and gods in tombs. They are the leaders among lonely ghosts, also known as wandering gods. To summon the gods to control them is to control the gods."

Xu Mo was ready to give it a try.

Seeing this, Lao Zhou stepped forward to stop him.

"Calling gods rashly is like entering a gambling house. Nine out of ten bets will result in losses. Only masters can use it. Those who are new to this way should kill people and eat their corpses, and use the palace of the five internal organs to refine the gods. Sir, I know the tiger. You can ask the mountain for advice on how to refine the gods in the palace of the internal organs."


Xu Mo smiled and said that I am confident, so you can just wait and see, so he continued to summon God.

The method is also simple. Cut off the finger, draw it with blood, and then find a place to write "death words" or "nightmare words".

Regardless of whether it is 'Death Wen' or 'Nightmare Language', Xu Mo is like learning a new foreign language. To say that he has mastered it, he is still far from mastering it.

But it would be much easier if you just follow the example of a cat and write down a few simple syllables to repeat.

Seeing Xu Mo's confidence, Lao Zhou had doubts in his heart, but he did not stop him.

After Xu Mo had written the "Memorial" in blood and mouthed the "Nightmare Language", within a moment, a dark wind suddenly hit, the temperature in the cave dropped sharply, and the demon tiger's snoring suddenly stopped.

Just as Xu Mo was about to speak, he saw a hazy shadow in front of him, and invisible and strange auras dispersed around him, mixed with strong malice.

The next moment, this thing surged forward.

Xu Mo's body ached and his vision went dark.

When Xu Mo opened his eyes again, the breeze was blowing on his face. Sitting in the pavilion, he could see mountains and mountains, and the setting sun was like blood.

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(End of chapter)

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