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Chapter 91 The Weird Taoist Spirit Sign

Chapter 91 Weird Omen Taoist

Author: Dark Eggplant

Chapter 91 Weird Omen Taoist

"To celebrate, eat shrimp tonight, eat prawns!"

Xu Mo was very happy.

Taoist Lingzhao was his biggest threat for a while. During that period, Xu Mo did not hesitate to break into the Lightless Ghost Realm and improve himself in order to defeat Taoist Lingzhao, a powerful enemy.

Unexpectedly, it was successful so quickly.

Although he was not the one who took the main action, it was Daqing Snake Xiangying.

But the result is the same.

Taoist Lingzhao is dead.

This guy didn't have a good piece of meat on his body. What Xu Mo meant was that when Xiang Ying chased him out in the end, he struck harder.

"I originally planned to ask him something, but it's a pity."

When Xu Mo said it was a pity, he really felt it was a pity.

He wanted to find out what kind of immortal cultivator Lingzhao Taoist was, what his method was, and see if he could get any benefits out of it.

But it's no use now.

Xiangying was not interested in the body of Taoist Lingzhao.

What interests her are all kinds of interesting stories.

But Yuan Jun liked it. The old man pulled out the Zifu Yuanying and the canopy that looked like blood Ganoderma lucidum on his head, and even came to ask Xu Mo if he wanted it.

"What do I want to do with this? Eat it?" Xu Mo asked.

Yuan Jun nodded: "Eating is just a choice, but there is a better choice than eating."


"Usually, we demon cultivators eat it directly, but you human cultivators, it is said that you can implant the Nascent Soul into your own belly. If the fusion can be successful, even if you are a cultivator of the acquired Nascent Soul, your strength will be much lower, but it will save you money."

It took a lot of effort.”

"Can this still happen?"

Xu Mo was really surprised.

But then I thought about it, this method is really possible, getting someone else's Nascent Soul into my stomach, it really saves a lot of time in hard work.

This is called reaching the sky in one step, this is called quick success.

But still the same sentence.

If you get something too easily, you will pay a higher price without noticing it.

To apply what Xu Mo has been saying all along, there are two sides to things.

The advantages and disadvantages must be equal to each other.

This is the law.

Therefore, behind this great visible benefit, there must be invisible disadvantages.

Xu Mo will not transplant this Nascent Soul.

This kind of thing is so weird.

Although he would not be able to transplant, Xu Mo would not let go of the opportunity to have close contact with a genuine Nascent Soul body.

For the next half day, in a secret room of the Lin family, Xu Mo and Yuan Jun studied this Nascent Soul with mysterious faces.

This thing should be dead too.

It's really like a newborn baby, the body, limbs, and even the fingers and nails on the fingers are clearly visible.

Another point is that the skin of this Nascent Soul is rough, wrinkled, and has black hair in some places.

For example, it can be found on the back, arms and fingers.

The facial features are also very small.

Xu Mo opened the other party's eyelids.

This guy rolled his eyes, which were all cloudy. Just when Xu Mo wanted to get closer and take a closer look, suddenly, the white eyes that had been rolled down suddenly turned down. The next moment, the dark pupils were full of resentment, and they were dead.

Staring at Xu Mo.

The moment their eyes met, Xu Mo felt like he was being pulled into a weird place by some kind of force.

Xu Mo, who is proficient in the "Spirit Attack Technique", knows that this is the dream killing technique, one of the "Spirit Attack Techniques".

Sure enough, there were scary things around.

They are ferocious mummies and terrifying ghosts.

There were many of them, roaring and making terrible noises, crawling over from all directions.

Xu Mo didn't panic.

He touched his sleeve and took out the small black flag.

"My treasures can be brought into dreams, so this level of dream killing technique is useless to me."

Xu Mo swept it with a small black flag, and all the evil ghost mummies around him disappeared.

It is an illusion formed by resentment, and it is something that can be killed in dreams. Once attacked with a small black flag or some other means of restraint, these illusions can be swept away.

But this time the dream killing technique is not over yet.

In the darkness ahead, a person walked over.

If you look carefully, you will see that it is Taoist Lingzhao.

The other party was covered in blood, his clothes were torn, there was a big gap in his stomach, and he was empty inside.

That's right, his Nascent Soul was ripped out.

The same thing happened on the head. The skull with the eyes pointing upward was cracked, and it looked like it had been hit hard several times with a hammer. It was dented and cracked, and the brain matter flowed all over the face.

The Lingzhao Taoist stared at Xu Mo and said ferociously: "You and I have no grudges, why do you want to put me to death?"

Xu Mo felt that this was a typical situation where you reasoned with him and he fought with you. When he couldn't beat you, he came to reason with you again.

Is this a reasonable thing?

"How do you know that there is no hatred or resentment?"

Xu Mo asked back.

The face of Taoist Lingzhao opposite him became more and more ferocious.

"You'll regret it!"

After saying that, he rushed over suddenly.

Xu Mo stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Tiger Soul Sword flew and killed him. When the sword went away and the sword returned, the head of Taoist Lingzhao was separated and he fell to the ground.

"What nonsense!"

Xu Mo recited the dream escape spell at this moment, his body shook, and the ground beneath his feet began to collapse. As expected, he would be able to escape from the dream in the next moment.

But at this moment, another curse sound came from the distance, low and strange, and the dream that was about to be broken was restored in an instant.

Didn't come out of the dream.

Xu Mo turned his head and looked over.

The head of Taoist Lingzhao on the ground was smiling at him.

The headless corpse was also slowly getting up.

"Give me back my Yuanying, you give me back my Yuanying!"

Not to mention, it's a bit scary.

"Are you still haunted?" Xu Mo used the Tiger Soul Sword to chop the opponent's body into seven or eight pieces.

This time, it’s time to live in peace, right?

Obviously, no.

"Give me back my Nascent Soul, Jiejie, give me back my Nascent Soul!"

The corpse pieces were reassembled and restored to a human body. Then they squirmed on the ground and sucked the head back. Finally, Taoist Lingzhao stood up again.

The smile on his face was full of sarcasm.

Xu Mo didn't take action immediately this time.

He finally figured it out and he was tricked.

Maybe from the beginning, or maybe, when I was studying Yuanying before, I was glanced at by the other party and fell under some kind of 'spell'.

There are all kinds of strange spells in this world, and sometimes it is really difficult to guard against them because you can fall victim to them if you are not careful.

The most troublesome thing is that at this time, there is no help from others.

You can only rely on yourself.

The Lingzhao Taoist on the opposite side rushed over again, bringing with him a stench and fishy wind.

Xu Mo could only kill him with his flying sword.

But every time he kills, the opponent always comes back to life, seemingly immortal and endless.

"You have to think of other ways."

Xu Mo realized that there was a problem. Controlling a sword in a dream would also consume mana. It would not be a long-term solution if he continued to use it like this. He couldn't get out now. The final result would be that he would run out of mana and be killed by the opponent.

"Taoist Lingzhao, please wait a moment."

Xu Mo saw the Lingzhao Taoist who was like minced meat on the ground restored to form, and shouted.

"Give me back my Nascent Soul!"

There was only pure hatred in Taoist Lingzhao's eyes.

"We have to be reasonable. You should understand that it was not me who beat you to death, nor was I the one who tore out your Nascent Soul. There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor, so why are you going to them to embarrass me?"

"Give me back my Nascent Soul!"

Yes, in vain, this person can't listen.

Or, simply pretending to be confused.

The reason is very simple. He can't afford to offend Xiang Ying. Yuan Jun is not bad at all. He is the weakest persimmon. Who can he pinch if he doesn't pinch himself?

"I'll give you a hammer back!"

Xu Mo was also angry.

"Pervert, come out."

At the command, the pervert in the little black flag walked out shivering.

"Step on his shadow." Xu Mo said.

The pervert hurriedly stepped on it.

Trampled on.

But it can be seen that the pervert is working hard. Taoist Lingzhao is too strong and the pervert may not be able to last long.

"Chu Bai!"

Xu Mo called out again.

The next moment, a strange voice came from behind Taoist Lingzhao.

"Lingzhao, look back."

Taoist Lingzhao sneered, took off one of his own eyeballs, held it and put it behind his back.

It directly broke Chu Bai's magical power.

"Can this still happen?"

Xu Mo also learned it, but this thing is easy to learn but not easy to use.

At this time, Taoist Lingzhao opened his mouth and vomited, and a ball of flesh and blood flew out, directly hitting the pervert who was stepping on his shadow over there. The latter screamed, and half of his body was corroded and swallowed by the ball of flesh and blood. If it weren't for Xu Mofei

If you use the sword to help resolve it, the perverted ghost will be swallowed up.

This time Taoist Lingzhao played a more terrifying trick.

The opponent's body suddenly fell into pieces and rushed towards Xu Mo from different directions.

Scary enough.

The most important thing is that Xu Mo only has one sword. In this case, it is inevitable to focus on one thing and not the other. If there is any loophole, the opponent will take advantage of it.

Fortunately, Xu Mo still had backup options.

He waved the little black flag.

In an instant, countless ghost hands stretched out from the ground, grabbing or hugging Taoist Lingzhao's body.

This is a ghost hand.

This guy has a lot of clones, and like leeks, after a wave of cutting, it can continue to rise sharply. At this time, it is most suitable to use it to suppress Taoist Lingzhao.

The crazy Lingzhao Taoist was temporarily controlled, and he continued to use strange methods to melt and bite the ghost hands, but the ghost hands could continue to grow back, and a certain balance was temporarily achieved.

Xu Mo had to think of other ways.

The pervert was half-dead, almost out of his wits, and lost all hope.

Chu Bai was also defeated by the opponent, but he also had no way to defeat him.

In other words, Guishou can still rely on constant consumption to delay time.

As the saying goes, when a book is put to use, it will be easy to hate it, and now Xu Mo has deeply realized this.

He has no way of recruiting this Lingzhao Taoist at the moment.

You can't escape from the dream, and you can't kill the opponent.

It’s so difficult!

Just when Xu Mo felt that he was not good enough and that his strength was too weak, he suddenly realized what he was doing.

"No, Taoist Lingzhao is stronger than me. If it weren't for Xiang Ying's help this time, I wouldn't be able to kill him physically. But now that he's in his sleep and attacks, doesn't he also fail to defeat me? From this point of view,

I should be proud and proud."

Xu Mo is good at looking at problems from different perspectives.

This method still works when it comes to solving mental illnesses and problems.

(If you encounter some problems that you can’t figure out, you can also give it a try. It’s very effective. May your future be bright and never dark.)

At this time, Xu Mo thought of a way.

Since you can't kill Taoist Lingzhao with your own sword or ghost, then just find someone who can kill him.

"Did he fall into my dream? Then I can find a way to take him with him, can't he just fall into the dream of the big green snake and his baby?"

Xu Mo found a way to solve the problem.

Nothing is difficult in this world, only those who are willing to do so can do it.

After trying it, Xu Mo found that it didn't work.

The reason is very simple. Xiangying didn't sleep, so naturally it was impossible to dream about her.

"What is she doing at night when she's not sleeping?"

Xu Mo has no choice but to enter other people's dreams.

But in this situation, whoever enters will be harmed.

Mainly because it cannot solve the problem.

Suddenly, Xu Mo thought of a good place.

A place that he had thought about never going to again.

Glancing at the Lingzhao Taoist who was biting and corroding ghost hands over there, looking like a monster, Xu Mo walked over and said, "I'll take you to a good place."

The next moment, Xu Mo performed the spirit attack technique.

Thanks to his recent increase in skill and powerful magic power, he was able to lead Taoist Lingzhao into other dreams.

When the surrounding light and shadow changed, I discovered a place that looked like a black and white ink painting.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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