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991 How the Justice League Fights!

 In the secret realm of the Nephalem, the actions of demons have always been uncontrollable.

Even if there are big demons like the Secret Realm Guards, they will not be released until the ordinary demons are reduced to a certain level.

Naturally, there is no way to talk about directing the actions of demons.

At this time, the Justice League team has completed its assembly, and they will start taking action after taking a short rest.

The combat effectiveness of this team cannot be underestimated, and to a large extent they can complement each other.

Physical attacks, magic damage, and even long-range attacks are all available, and a speedster like The Flash can respond at any time.

This kind of team can be said to have no obvious flaws in battle.

"Okay, guys, we have had a rest, and the next step is to deal with the demons steadily! Then we will fight against the secret realm guards in a relatively better state!"

Wayne said.

He organized the team, so there is no problem as the commander at this time.

And among the people present, he was the only one who was familiar with the secret realm of the Nephalem, and no one else would jump out of nowhere to raise any objections at this time.

"Although the map of the secret realm is not complete yet, the Flash and I have determined the place where large-scale demons gather. Let's clear it out one by one first," Cyborg said.

They had already asked Wayne about the secret realm before. According to their analysis, such a huge underground prison should not have a second secret realm.

If you play it slow and steady, you'll soon find your way out.

"Going in this direction for about one kilometer, you will see a large group of demons. Did we leave some means to cover our retreat while we were on our way?" Arthur asked.

His combat experience is not that rich, but he is not a young man who has never experienced combat.

"Of course, it's just that only Shazam among us has such power. Shazam, can you do it?" Wayne asked.

He knew that Shazam could do it, so he specifically asked Shazam to say that he could do it at this time, in order to make everyone realize that the kid under this burly body was not a drag.

"Of course I can. I will mark it after using magic to make a trap. If we have to retreat, at least we will not be hurt by my magic trap." Shazam said confidently.

This performance was exactly as Wayne expected.

"That's good. Remember not to let your power be reduced to a certain level. Demons are not mindless beings. They will hide and attack secretly." Wayne reminded Shazam.

Shazam nodded, indicating that he remembered.

Then he started throwing out streaks of thunder on the road.

The thunder left a small mark on the ground, which can be detected with just a little attention.

This is left for his comrades to distinguish.

It's just that no one else said that they actually couldn't use this mark.

Wayne and Arthur memorized the locations of traps on the road, not to mention Cyborg, whose brain was better than the best supercomputer.

As for the Flash, his speed allows him to ignore this trap that requires a delay before breaking out.

Of course, he did not forget to remember the locations of these traps. They had already experienced this before when they faced Barr.

"I'll take the lead, Arthur, you're always ready to help me," Wayne said.

In this team of theirs, anyone can take the lead except Cyborg and The Flash.

It's just that Shazam was excluded from this critical position because of his mental problems.

"Be careful. If you are trapped in a tight siege, I can't guarantee that I will risk my life to save you." Arthur said this.

It's just that he doesn't know what he will choose at that moment.

"Ha!" Wayne roared!

War Cry: Veteran’s Commandment!

The effect is to improve the dodge ability of partners in battle.

This is one of the rare skills of barbarians that affects their spiritual will.

Improve the concentration of warriors so that they can better face the enemy's attacks on them.

According to the experience of those ancestors, this can probably increase the dodge success rate by about 30%.

Then comes the jumping chop!

Wayne's body visibly swelled when he took off!

Jump Slash·Steel Clash!

This is a jump slash rune that is rarely equipped by barbarians. Its effect is to use the power of the body to set off an upward shock wave when it lands, knocking away enemies within the range!

If it is just to ensure their safety when they fall into the battlefield, the average barbarian will choose the two runes of Mount Tai or Death Falling from the Sky.

The former can mobilize rage to strengthen his armor, and the latter can stun enemies within range.

So Iron Clash is not a skill rune that a barbarian would like to choose.

But he also has his own unique effect! That is, he cannot be stopped!

Under normal circumstances, after the barbarian's jump slash is released, no one would want to intercept the huge kinetic energy in mid-air.

Even if someone chooses this way, it will be difficult for them to win in a mid-air collision with a strong barbarian.

But it is not impossible to do it, and the steel collision strengthens the kinetic energy of one's jump to a higher level, which will produce a knock-up effect when landing.

To intercept the jump slash of this skill rune, the power required is even more terrifying than before.

That’s why Steel Clash is known as the unstoppable jump slash!

"You didn't give me a signal before you started!" Arthur complained, but his movements were no slower than Wayne's.

A tacit understanding of comrades-in-arms has been established between the two of them!

The moment Wayne fell into the group of demons, the demon's body had just lost its balance and had not even had time to take off under the influence of the shock wave.

The trident in Arthur's hand slammed to the ground!

Arthur can now turn water into impact in the specified direction according to his own wishes!

Even in a waterless environment, he can control the moisture in the air! It's just that the effect is not as powerful as in water.

Arthur gave the demons that were about to take off a backward impact, causing those demons to fall into his companions!

In an instant, chaos arose among the demons! The demons that were hit on the head by other demons were unable to organize an attack in a short period of time!

"It's such a pleasing battle." As Cyborg spoke, the cannon barrel transformed from his arm also completed charging, and the energy cannon fell directly into the chaotic demons!

The violent explosion brought the first wave of attrition to this group of demons!

And the next moment, thunder fell from the sky, taking away those demons who were not killed!

The moment the thunder stopped, a red figure arrived at the scene, and then gave the dying demons a final blow.

A combined attack from the Justice League instantly reduced a large number of demons to a sparse mess!

And they just put in a little effort!

"It's so refreshing!" Wayne couldn't help but say.

He already had a mace in his hand!

It was a very simple-looking mace, but the front end of a wooden stick was roughly driven into two metal pieces that looked like fangs!

The blood stains made it impossible to see the original color of the wood!

Legendary Mace! Nail Bite!

Although simple, it is very useful!

This is the best evaluation of this mace!

Wayne took a step toward the lone demon, with the mace in front of him!

The fang-like metal on the hammer head was pushed by his hand!

This is Wayne’s own collision stance!

If the enemy is in a group, then use the sharp front end of the mace in your hand to tear through the defense line!

If the enemy is one, then when the front end of the mace is embedded in the enemy's body like a nail, he will tear it hard!

Several demons who were already panicking were knocked down by Wayne!

Arthur fell from mid-air the next moment, and the trident in his hand pierced one of them like a lottery ticket!

Shazam's figure also arrived with Arthur, and his huge feet directly crushed a demon's head.

Another demon faced Cyborg's concentrated energy cannon and had its head smashed directly into pieces.

The last one tried to stand up in a hurry, but just when he found his center of gravity, he was pushed down by an external force!

Then the last thing he saw was the front end of that ferocious mace!

"Guys, our cooperation is getting better and better!" Shazam shouted, raising his hands in the air.

Everyone can see his happiness.

"Indeed, we no longer fight independently, and the fighting effect is particularly good." Cyborg also agreed.

Only Flash smiled shyly.

"By the way, can any boots suitable for me fall out of this place? The shoes on my feet are almost reaching their limit." The Flash said.

When moving at high speed, his speed force can protect his safety.

However, shoes that are in contact with the ground will still wear out, and this wear and tear is still very serious.

"Of course, you will meet the good boots you like." Wayne nodded affirmatively.

"Then let's go to the place where the demons will gather next moment. According to our current efficiency, we will see the secret realm guards soon," Arthur said.

He stood up straight and just shook the trident in his hand, shaking aside the demon's blood stains on it.

Although the demon's blood also contains water, Arthur cannot control it well due to the interference of the demon's power.

And there was a faint smell of sulfur in it, which Arthur didn't like very much.

"Then let's go!"

Wayne glanced at Cyborg and said.

Cyborg pointed in a direction, and then the group started on their way.

They still maintained a good formation while rushing on the road.

Wayne took the lead, and Arthur followed Wayne, so that they could take the lead in attacking the demon.

The Flash is in the third position, followed by Cyborg, and finally Shazam.

The Flash's speed will not affect Cyborg's attacks, and Shazam's physical fitness is strong enough and he has good perception ability.

In this way, he can still protect himself even if he cannot detect the attacker from behind.

Moreover, Shazam is not slow and can participate in the battle in time.

"By the way, Wayne, what boots do you think would be more suitable for me?" Flash asked.

At this time, they were no longer nervous. Although the pressure still existed, it would not affect their judgment.

"I heard from our ancestors that there is a pair of legendary shoes called Illusion Boots. The effect is that it allows you to shuttle through the crowd without any hindrance.

And I heard that those shoes are very soft and the protection they provide is not bad at all.”

Wayne said while observing the dark road ahead.

"That sounds like a good fit for me. At least I won't worry about being distracted and knocking down people when I'm running. You know, if you knock down ordinary people at the speed of a speedster, I can't even imagine the result." 1

The Flash said with ridicule.

"That's why you can be called a hero. You know the consequences of your actions and you restrain yourself for this."

Wayne said deeply.

These words are not only a compliment to The Flash, but also a reminder to Shazam.

Wayne has never been stingy with his experience for young heroes, although this does not prevent him from guarding against other heroes.

"Say less, I remember you said before that demons can understand human language, right?" Arthur said angrily.

He does have some concern, but it is always under the rudeness.

"Guys, we just finished an artistic team battle! Shouldn't everyone continue to be happy?" Shazam said like a stupid spore.

He was still immersed in the results of the previous battle.

"Being happy and bragging about our wonderful performance should be done when we really have a rest," Wayne said.

Shazam's abilities are very good, but he still needs a lot of growth.

Wayne was not in a hurry, he knew there were many opportunities for Shazan to grow up.

"Attention, there is another gathering place of demons ahead," said the Flash.

"I met several very large demons here. They looked different from the other guys."

Flash added.

"Is the number three or five?" Wayne asked.

He almost knew what enemy his team would face next.

Warrior level demon!

Most of these demons appear in groups of three, and occasionally there are ones with cluster characteristics that can increase to five.

This kind of demon is very difficult to deal with. Although it is easier to deal with than the elite demons that appear alone, there are occasionally very troublesome types among them.

"Three? It should be three!" The Flash thought for a moment and gave an affirmative answer.

"So is there any abnormal behavior?" Wayne asked one more question, although he did not expect to know any obvious characteristics from the Flash's mouth.

After all, the characteristics of demons can often only be noticed after actual combat.

This is true for effects such as imprisonment, teleportation, and powerful arcana.

But something like a fire chain is easier to spot.

"I didn't notice any other differences." Flash shook his head.

Wayne was not disappointed. This kind of information could still be obtained after the battle began.

It's just that you need to be extra careful during this process.

If it's an effect like molten fire that only appears after the demon dies, there's still some reaction time.

"Get ready. It's still the same fighting style as before. But be ready to retreat at any time!"

Wayne raised the mace in his hand and prepared for battle.

Everyone immediately became a little more serious, as the effect of the previous battle cry had not yet faded away from them.

Wayne has been calculating the duration of the skill in his mind!

Upon hearing this, Shazam immediately began to increase the number of magic traps he had laid before!

Try to be as prepared as possible before the battle, this is what Wayne told everyone from the beginning.

Shazam knows that he is not mature enough yet, so he has been carefully remembering everyone's views and opinions on the battle!

Being weak is not wrong, being arrogant is!

In his current state, Shazam is understanding bit by bit what he couldn't understand before.

I have to say that Solomon’s wisdom seems to be slowly unblocking Shazam!

This chapter has been completed!
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