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1059 Omen of War!

 Ultron is constantly creating monsters with demonic appearances.

But in this process, Ultron did not gain nothing!

Just like if humans keep doing the same thing, they will become more proficient.

And Ultron was vaguely aware of the signs that power was resurrecting from his body, although at this time he only received a somewhat illusory seed.

But the seed will eventually take root and sprout, but until the seed grows into a towering tree, no one knows whether the result of the seed's growth will be presented in the most perfect manner.

But it doesn't matter, Ultron's expectations for the future have never been that strong.

He had personally experienced the power of beings more powerful than him, had trembled under Baal's destruction, and had seen how powerless Baal was when facing Bulcaisel.

So at this time, Ultron was not so swollen that he thought he could become the king of the world, but this did not prevent him from causing some accidents to make everyone present feel uncomfortable.

Human emotions are fragile and beautiful, and all demons recognize this.

Most of their favorite tricks are to use human emotions to achieve their own goals, whether it is torture or humiliation.

Human emotions have always been a prop for their use.

Sometimes it is not necessary to leave scars on the other person's body to hurt someone. Perhaps just a careless word can traumatize a person's spirit.

Ultron is closer to humans than other hell demons, so his methods are more sinister than those guys.

Human beings cannot exist alone!

This is true even for the Cybermen who focus on order and obedience. Human beings cannot exist alone!

Because loneliness is always the greatest danger to beings with emotions and thoughts.

"I always feel like everything about me is caught in a big net, but it doesn't matter."

Ultron's consciousness was talking to himself.

He noticed the will that was being born in La Tovilia. This was not the intelligence he got in the information field.

In fact, after Dr. Doom learned more about Ultron from Tony, La Tovilia's network was completely cut off.

Even the use of short-wave walkie-talkies has been abandoned, and communication between Latvillians seems to have regressed in an instant to an era when communication could only be communicated through face-to-face calls.

Fortunately, it hasn't been too long since the Latvian people came out of those days, so they can still accept this backwardness.

"What is the meaning of existence? What does the continuation of the race mean? What am I?"

Various questions kept popping up in Ultron's head, and he finally had time to think about it completely.

It is no longer a matter of getting messy information from the Internet and then expressing that information as your own opinions.

You no longer need to use intelligence analysis to get the results you need, and then the performance will be the same as the results of the analysis.

Really start to be independent, and then keep thinking.

This may be a sign of the true birth of an independent life.

"I will live and continue!"

Ultron said firmly.

He seemed to have made up his mind.

Living is not about living for anything, it is simply living for the sake of living.

Death is not worthy of praise because it is the end of life.

The living praising death is as ridiculous and absurd as praising hunger after being hungry.

The living should praise life, and the dead should praise death!

Facing death calmly is the freedom and ease at the end of life, but that freedom will definitely not include the living praising the beauty of death in the most active years of life!

"I will take revenge, but revenge is not my original intention. My original intention is just to live a better life."

Ultron's voice in the information field gradually became louder!

Even if no one can listen to his honest voice!

Ultron did not make a sound to express himself to any existence, he just made his call as a real life.

"In order for me to live a better life, so that my existence can leave more traces in the world."

Ultron's accent became weird.

But he seems to have changed dramatically from before!

On the outskirts of Khanduras, Diesh, who was warming up to those monsters, suddenly felt resistance from the weapon in his hand!

This is a very unusual thing.

Previously, when the legend in his hand cut off those metal monsters, it was as easy as breaking a piece of paper with a needle.

This means that the power of the weapon in his hand is no longer what it used to be!

Of course Dies knows that the effect of this legendary weapon cannot be weakened in his hands, so there is only one truth!

These things in front of us are no longer monsters that have been cut off and can be slaughtered at will, but are living beings!

"All this happened much faster than I imagined. I have never seen a demon reach this point so quickly before."

Dieche said.

Even when he spoke, the killing movements in his hands did not stop, but he was completely nervous!

Those monsters have become living beings, and they cannot be living beings like angels and humans!

They are the creations of Ultron, so their inevitable life attributes are demons!

Angels don't need any reason to defeat demons.

Arguments like these demons have just been born, but have not yet had time to do evil, will only make all the angels including Dies laugh.

No evil demon yet?

There is no such demon, there are only demons that will inevitably cause greater harm as long as they leave!

There is no possibility of redemption for demons. Their nature has been completely changed by the Burning Hell when they were born.

Demons are the beings who least need sympathy and the least need for sympathy!

The most important thing for those who sympathize with the devil is to be in the same room with the devil! Then taste the harm that the devil will bring to him!


The first roar of those metal monsters!

Dieche's expression also became strange.

He had cut open the bodies of these guys more than once before, but he could not find anything in these metal bodies that could be used to make roars.

This kind of performance means that the bodies of these metal monsters have also changed after they turned into demons.

This is obviously not a change under the will of Arcana, this can only be the Burning Hell incorporating these things into its own belonging!

"We can't keep these guys anymore."

Dieche sighed.

He originally planned to use these monsters as sparring partners for his rehabilitation.

But keeping these guys around complicates matters!

The best choice is to end these things at this time before they learn to think!

Doing this at this delicate time will most likely prevent these demons from reappearing in the Burning Hell.

Even though this is just a probability, Dies still has to do it!

No angel will miss an opportunity that may weaken the Burning Hell, even if this opportunity is actually not that important!

"Need help, Dieche?"

Aidan stood on the bones in the shape of a city wall and shouted to Dieche from a distance.

What Dies can feel, Aidan can also feel.

Perhaps thanks to the former strength and will of Prince Aidan, Aidan at this time immediately had a power that was almost the same as Dies after resurrecting as an angel.

Perhaps as time goes by, Angel Aidan can become more powerful.

But that is definitely not because the angel Aidan broke through the boundaries of ordinary angels and became an archangel, but because he regained the power he once had as a dark wanderer!

Both experience and knowledge can make a being stronger.

Although Aidan's soul was ripened from a fragment by the High Heaven to what it is now, there is too much influence from the High Heaven.

But Leoric admitted that Aidan was his son, so he was Aidan.

Especially if the angel Aidan recognizes his identity, no one can change his will!

"No need, the most important thing you should consider now is how to make him accept his father after meeting Leah."

Dieche shouted loudly.

While shouting, Dies exuded a strong aura!

After the deaths of Yizuel and Ozil, and with Inaris being regarded as an exception, the most powerful angel under the archangels finally came up with something real!

Diesch did not defeat Leoric at that time, but he did kill Leoric once!

If Leoric, the Skeleton King, was not an immortal but existing monster, then Leoric would have completely become a thing of the past.

This is not evidence that Dies is not strong enough!

In fact Dies is very strong!

His legend is so powerful that it has no effect on increasing his combat power in frontal battles!

It just makes the enemy's death more tragic when killing the enemy.

Dies is strong!

If Imperius and Tyrael were to give their evaluation, Diesh's combat effectiveness would not be any worse than that of Burning Angel Ozil and Ice Angel Yizuel.

The only difference may be that he did not choose an archangel to follow and take over any important responsibilities in the high-level heaven!

Under the power of Diesh, those demon cubs who had just given birth to a will lost the chance to grow!

Everything around him became quiet, as if a heavy snow had just fallen and covered everything.

Silence or dead silence? This is not what an angel should show!

To be precise, what Dies did was to end all negative existences and turn them into beautiful expectations for new life!

He is not the Angel of Silence or the Angel of Death, if Diesh needs a title.

Then he might be called an Angel of Twilight or a Sweeper.

The quietness brought by twilight is just to make the morning light break through the darkness more eye-catching!

"Be prepared for crazy revenge from a hell demon. I just bought a little time."

Diesh's voice came, and he smiled gently.

At this time, he was already standing in front of Aidan.

"This little time is enough. I was full of expectations for my first battle as an angel, and my consciousness missed the day Leah was born.

But at least I didn’t miss my new life.”

Aidan’s eyes are filled with compassion!

Whether he is as Prince Aidan or Angel Aidan.

Aidan is always full of beautiful expectations for mankind.

It's just that he is more confident.

"If I were you, I wouldn't make such an optimistic assessment."

Leoric's cold and huge figure stood not far behind Aidan.

The changes here cannot be hidden from Leoric.

Although it is not as old as those angels, Leoric's sensitivity to the devil's breath is definitely no worse than that of angels!

"In fact, I think so too, but I can't think of what a hell demon can do to take revenge on several beings that are far more powerful than him.

They include me, the Archangel of Courage, the Skeleton King who can never be killed, and even the Demon God of Destruction who can crush him forever, and Bulcaisso who is so powerful that we all have to make concessions."

Imprius said in a somewhat mocking tone.

Things that could not be hidden from Leoric certainly could not be hidden from him.

"Revenge has nothing to do with strength, and revenge does not have to be stronger than you."

Leoric said coldly.

Prius was stunned for a moment, then nodded slowly.

He recalled that when he was working in a barber shop, he had to promote various projects in his hands to every customer in order to achieve results.

When he lived as a human, he would not use his power as an archangel for such things.

At that time, Prius was recommending a perm package to a young man with long hair. Prius deeply remembered what the young man said to him.

"I'm going to have chemotherapy next week. There's no point in perming my hair now, no matter how beautiful it looks."

Because Prius had been depressed for three days because of this sentence, he felt guilty about forcing others to express his pain.

Until the fourth day, when the Archangel of Courage planned to treat the young man because of his inner guilt, he was hurt again...

He heard the young man say to his friend, "That's how I got rid of that nasty salesman."

It's hard to describe how I felt because of the Prius.

The guilt of being a human being and the nobility of being my archangel made him fall into a contradiction for a period of time.

Although Prius didn't do anything to the young man in the end, he at least deeply realized that revenge does not require strong power.

Just because he was a little annoying, the young man took advantage of the kindness in his heart and was severely retaliated against.

"Demons are different from humans. Demons have no sympathy value. In other words, killing demons is out of revenge.

But for us, there's more to it than you humans can comprehend."

Imprius said to Leoric.

He didn't care whether his words revealed any information to Leoric.

He just wanted to do it.

The Archangel of Courage is not afraid of any challenges or dangers.

Courage is self-confidence! It is fearlessness! It is victory!

Leoric looked at Imprius, whose expression changed several times in front of him, and suddenly felt like he didn't know what to say.

He himself is not very eloquent.

But when facing angels, Leoric could always organize countless vicious sarcasm in his heart to attack the opponent.

But at this time, Leoric even felt a little "unbearable".

Suddenly he couldn't bear to attack Imperial.

Perhaps the most commendable ability of human beings is empathy?

That can bring the same joy and share the same sadness.

"Father, next Canduras will still be the front line against the devil, but this time it will no longer be the front line against the faith."

Aidan said softly to Leoric.

His eyes seemed to ignore Leoric's ferocious appearance as the Skeleton King, and instead transformed into the great king who led his followers to build Khanduras in a barren land.

Leoric remained speechless, which seemed normal.

The dead should be speechless.

This chapter has been completed!
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