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1073 Gluchak, smart but not smart enough

 "Although I know you can't do everything, I can't help but feel relieved when I see you, Bulcasso."

Gruchak's soul was finally free again, and he opened his mouth to speak after just returning to normal size.

"It seems like your trump card has been revealed?"

Bulkesso frowned.

After being revealed, the trump card is just a conventional weapon, which is not a good thing for the Nephalem.

However, it is not without merit that Gruchak's combat power is put on the bright side, but in the end it is not as good as the trump card that can be used for surprise attacks.

"Anda Korgas seems to have discovered some secret of the Burning Hell, and Barr has no choice but to take action against us."

Gruchak said directly.

"So who is facing Barr now?"

Bulkesso asked.

This should be a very tense question, but Bulcaisel behaved exceptionally calmly.

"Yin Seril, although I don't know why he has the confidence to fight Baal in the Burning Hell, I think you should go there yourself."

Gruchak said and glared at Yin Na beside him.

"Since Prius is heading to the Burning Hell, the two Archangels should be enough to stop Baal."

Bulkesso frowned.

He didn't mean to take this matter lightly, but he hadn't dealt with everything yet.

If you end what you are doing, you will have to start over if you want to find clues to Lilith.

"But whether the Archangels will protect the Nephalem is a question. I don't believe them."

Gruchak said.

He moved his body and seemed to be planning to return to the Burning Hell to fight.

"You who were severely injured by Baal must undergo self-cultivation. What he hurt is the essence of your soul."

Bulqueso said.

"I almost forgot that the nature of our souls has almost no secrets in your eyes.

But if you can't trust a guy, will you solve the problem yourself?"

Gruchak smiled.

Although this smile is a bit forced.

"Only at this time do I wish I could use the Monk's Phantom Body Art."

Bulcaisel sighed again.

"I will come back with Andakulgas and the others."

He still made a decision!

Revenge for fallen comrades is of course important, but losing more partners for revenge is not worth the gain.

The enemy is there, and it only takes time for them to face each other.

"Then the current Burning Hell will be a bit too lively."

After Yin Na finished speaking, she left the Holy Mountain of Harrogas directly.

She doesn't have much interest in barbarian affairs. If she hadn't been a Nephalem, Yin Na might have been even more indifferent than she is now.

After all, the two parties are not from the same era, and they have no feelings to talk about each other.

"Are we still staying at the Holy Mountain?"

Korik asked.

"You are one of the keys to the power of the Holy Mountain."

Bulquesso's words have already given the answer.

When the "owner" Bulkesso is at home, of course he can use the "wealth" in the home without a key.

But when the owner goes out, if he wants to use these "wealths", he needs a key.

Of course, if there is a thief who plans to steal, he will first have to face the guards at his "home".

Although the power in the barbarian's sacred mountain is not unavailable to other beings, most of the "little thieves" who can break into houses no longer need this power to do anything.

Unless someone like that bastard Tyrell intends to use these powers to achieve some purpose.

"Well, now that Kahn has adapted to the connection between the three ancestors, the power of the three of us can at least delay you until you come back."

Korik smiled.

The three ancestors, whether they are the original three or the current three, are actually not very keen on fighting.

Although Madoc has more enthusiasm for fighting, it is largely a choice made by Madoc to verify whether the "future" he has seen is real.

How can a guy who already knows the outcome of the battle before it starts be enthusiastic about the battle?

Fighting is more like a routine to him.

As for Korik and Talik, they couldn't get any satisfaction from fighting.

Although it is not to the point of boredom, it is more like ordinary people choosing a certain kind of job in order to survive.

"I don't want this to be your promise. If I can build the Holy Mountain of Harrogath with everyone, I can also rebuild the Holy Mountain of Arreat. The name of the Holy Mountain is just a symbol, as long as you exist."

Bulcasso frowned and said.

What Kolik just said was a promise. He was saying that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would not fall until Bulcaisso came back.

Bulcasso knew the weight of this commitment very well, so he said such words.

"We have already experienced the destruction of the Holy Mountain before us once, so we will never let the tragedy of that year happen again."

Tarik said very seriously on the side.

They have already had this awareness.

"I know, although I'm not sure if I can settle everything before difficulties arise, but I will try my best to do it."

Bulcaisel shook his head, then directly opened a portal and walked through.

After Bulcaisel left, the portal was directly closed.

It was at this time that Talik and Kolik began to communicate.

"He was a little irritable, and he passed by before the space was stable."

Talik glanced at the space that was still generating ripples and said.

"Would you be angry if your plan to sleep in was ruined?"

Korik said angrily.

Tarik just smiled and said nothing.

Because he knew he would be angry.

He is the type who gets angry when he wakes up. The last time he tried to take a good rest, he was attacked by a demon. Madoc and Korik didn't even have room to intervene in that battle.

"We'd better be prepared. Bulcaisel emphasized our importance, although I don't think anyone would be tempted to attack the Holy Mountain of Harrogath at this time."

Talik said.

"Can't think about it? Why can't you think about it? Demons have never learned to respect life, and it is not uncommon for them to seek death for no reason."

Korik turned the battle ax in his hand and left here without looking back.

Now it's his time to guard the door. Bringing Burquetso here before was already considered AWOL.

Although there are still many ancestral spirits existing on the holy mountain of Harrogath, Korik still has no intention of relaxing on this responsibility.

Even if he is so bored that he boils a pot of water outside the gate of the Holy Mountain, he will not leave his place without authorization.

"Sometimes I really envy the legend of Anda Kurgas. We just keep our oath until death. But he will become stronger in order to fulfill the oath."

Talik shook his head, and then took a deep look at the closed Temple of the Elders.

He seemed to have discovered something.

"So what do I do now?"

Gruchak couldn't help but ask as he looked at the people dispersing around him.

It's just that he can't get the answers he needs from others.

Over there in the Burning Hell, Bulcaisel has already left. His past was not a help in times of need, nor was it even the icing on the cake.

He wanted to teach the young warriors, but at this time the young warriors also went to the place where the fighting existed, and Gruchak could not do anything for a while.

So Gruchak chose to knock on the door of the Elders' Temple!

What Madoc could guess could not be hidden from Gruchak, a guy who had been observing silently all year round.

He just did it in his usual stupid way.

When he knocked on the door, the door of the Elder's Temple opened for a moment, and Gruchak seemed to be sucked in with a "whoosh" sound by a huge suction force.

The next moment, the door of the Elder's Temple was tightly closed again.

"Since you don't need to hide it, then you can naturally know these things."

Volusk sat on his throne, dragging his head with his arms.

There seemed to be a little bit of disgust in his eyes.

"I'm very curious about what Bulcaisuo has hidden in the Temple of the Elders, and he's very serious about it."

Gruchak dusted himself off as he got up from the ground.

His posture was not very respectable when he came in.

If he hadn't been injured, he wouldn't be in such a miserable state.

"Death, the death of this world."

Warusk raised the corner of his mouth and said.

He was a little curious about Gruchak's expression after hearing the news.

"Death of this world?"

Gruchak's unexpected expression was a little funny.

A face that looked like it had been punched hard, with all the facial features coming together, and it looked painful.

"So the death of this world was planned by the Archangel?"

Gruchak immediately guessed part of the truth.

He would not think that Bulcaisel would rashly beat him to death and then imprison him in the Temple of the Elders.

Nephalem respect life, so they will never be so cruel to death and life.

"So once this matter is exposed, the archangels will know that we know what they have done, and know that we have the power to counter the power they hold."

Warusk added.

"So can I pretend that I don't know about this?"

Gruchak asked.

He realized that after knowing this secret, he was afraid that he would not be able to leave the Temple of the Elders in a short time.

Even he himself can think of countless reasons why other ancestor spirits have no idea about this.

For example, "Because I had a battle with Baal, I had to use the power of the Holy Mountain to treat my injuries."

Although he does need such help.

"You're not stupid, but you're obviously not as smart as Madoc. He guessed it, but guessing is everyone's right. Before determining the truth, he just needs to be the same as before."

Warusk's smile became wilder.

Strictly speaking, Volusk was active later than Gruchak.

Although he is also the Immortal King, he never received any respect from the Immortal King when facing Gruchak.

It is both easy and difficult to gain Gruchak's respect.

The simple thing is that the way to gain Gruchak's respect is easy, as long as you surpass him in strength.

But the difficulty is that this bastard Gruchak is almost impossible to defeat in a competition of strength.

At least Warusk, who only holds part of the power of death, cannot do this.

Worusk even believed that if the authority held by Burkaiso was not natural, it would be impossible to defeat this guy Gruchak in terms of power.

Based on the earth and competing for strength with the God of the Earth?

Only Bulcaisel, who has greater authority, can do this kind of thing.

Only the real idiot Kotur would enjoy being thrown to the ground by Gruchak in various positions.

Until Gruchak showed his authority over the earth, that idiot Kotur didn't realize that he was not actually wrestling with the barbarian "Gluchak".

But wrestling with the earth!

"Now there is one more unlucky guy who is as bored as me and can only keep secrets. Maybe we can talk about some interesting topics."

Warusk said with a wink.

"What are you talking about? About your lot of wives? Or about you marrying a lot of wives and not leaving a single child?"

Gruchak said a little bit bitterly.

He doesn't care about Volusk's face.

If the three ancestors are one of the keys to the power of the Holy Mountain.

Then Volusk is one of the guards who keeps the barbarians' wealth.

But Gruchak is both a key and a guard!

The Holy Mountain also stands on the earth!

Therefore, on the Holy Mountain, among the barbarians who can control the power of the Holy Mountain, Gruchak's authority is only slightly less than that of Volusk.

"You'd better not forget that you were severely injured by Barr before. You don't have the strength to challenge me at this time."

Warusk's smile became a little ferocious, and his teeth seemed to have become a bit sharper.

Gruchak was stunned for a moment, and finally realized his situation at this time.

"Would you believe it if I said I just got used to it?"

Gruchak tried to find an excuse for himself.

"Of course I believe it, because if you weren't used to it, you would never say such a thing at such a time.

But you reminded me that after you return to your peak, I won’t be able to deal with you, a bastard of weird power."

Warusk slowly stood up from his throne.

Then he dragged his gravel hammer towards Gruchak.

"By the way, my treatment methods are a bit rough, but they are definitely effective.

The general principle is to send the power of the Holy Mountain into your soul, and then complete the repair work on your soul."

Warusk said with a smile.

This reason is perfect, after all, the treatment methods of barbarians are mostly crude.

In addition to the use of herbs, this method is also the normal practice for most ancestral spirits on the Holy Mountain to restore their state.

It's just that the way he sent the power of the Holy Mountain into Gruchak's soul is hard to explain.

Now it seems that the gravel hammer, which represents the legendary power of Volusk, will be used as a channel to transmit energy.

"Just remember, you'd better not need me to help you with your treatment."

Gruchak scratched his neck and said.

After returning to his peak, although he was not helpless when facing Warusk, he was indeed a little behind in terms of strength.

So he didn't have much respect for Volusk, the immortal king who was famous for his roughness.

But it is unrealistic to want to regain the status after returning to the peak.

He could only hope that Warusk would also encounter the problems he was facing at this time, so that he could have a chance to take revenge.

"Don't worry, I will never be like you."

Warusk took a deep look at Gruchak, and then waved the gravel hammer in his hand brazenly!

This chapter has been completed!
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