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1086 The Unfair Under Fairness

 Gruchak set off on the road to Khanduras after saying goodbye to Volusk.

He did not choose to use the portal, a faster way to go to Khanduras, because he was unable to do it at this time.

You should never choose a risky method when carrying valuables, and portals are actually a somewhat risky method of movement.

Even though the power of space has been utilized by the Nephalem, there is still danger in it.

Even Bulcaisel will not use the portal during the battle. Although it may not have any impact on him, he still will not choose such a risky way to act.

And Gruchak is even more so!

When Gruchak arrived in Khanduras, he met Kahn head-on.

"So what are you doing here?"

Gruchak had a headache.

He still remembered Volusk telling him not to meet other ancestor spirits, although Volusk did not specifically warn him at the time.

"I came out to relax. You went to the Temple of the Elders for treatment before, right? Did you recover from your injuries so quickly?"

Kahn was a little surprised.

He learned about Gruchak's situation from the mouths of Andakulgas and others.

Of course, it also includes the part where Gruchak is the God of the Earth.

"It's just a little injury. Why do you all seem to think that I will die from that kind of injury?"

Gruchak relaxed a little. Apparently Kahn didn't care about the secrets in the Elder's Temple, but was more interested in his request for money.

"If I was injured, then of course I don't need to worry to that extent. But you are different. Even if Volusk personally took you away, your injury is of course more serious than what we know.

After all, you fought a fierce battle with Baal, and the battlefield was still a hellish place like the Burning Hell."

Kahn looked at Gruchak up and down for a while, as if he was looking at some monster with pride.

"I don't like the look in your eyes. Although I'm not as violent as Hairab, I will still punch you in the face."

Gruchak felt very uncomfortable. He had used this look to look at other beings before.

For example, he once looked at a dying demon like this.

"Of course, of course. Although the status of the three ancestors is special, it is still far behind you, the God of the Earth."

Kahn shook his head, and then moved out of the way for Gruchak to pass.

"If I'm not wrong, the current Burning Hell probably doesn't have the power to attack you, so why are you so cautious?"

Kahn asked garrulously.

"For the sake of those archangels who don't know what their attitude is, if my luck is bad, I might have another fight with Massa Yin'er here."

Gruchak glared at Kahn, and then squeezed past him without ceremony.

The position where Kahn stepped aside was open enough, but Gruchak did so anyway.

This is a bit childish, but it also shows that he doesn't take this matter too seriously.

A joke that is too much for strangers, but it is just right for two barbarians who are familiar with each other.

"Awesome, I also want to try what it's like to fight against an archangel."

Kahn shook his head and said from behind.

It's just that his eyes were a little cold when he spoke. Among the archangels, Malsayil was the most hostile to the barbarians, followed by Tyrell.

Kahn really wanted to learn the skills of these two archangels.

"Are you... also one of those ninety-tenths?"

Gruchak suddenly turned around and asked.

"What did you say?"

Kahn was a little confused.

"Nothing, I just suddenly thought of this question."

Gruchak turned around and left.

Kahn watched Gruchak walk away until he reached a position where his voice could never be heard.

"So how much did that guy from Warusk tell him?"

Kahn said to himself.

Obviously, he is also one of those ninety-tenths!

The fighting style of the Ninety Barbarians is actually very obvious. They are all barbarians who are good at telling and cutting.

Among the legendary barbarians on the Holy Mountain, there are actually quite a few who are good at this fighting method.

Among the three ancestors, Korik and the deceased Madoc are both good players.

But the three ancestors cannot be one of the ninety barbarians. Although the years of their birth are long enough, they are not old enough.

"Olac, your passing has turned me into eighty-nine. This is a very regrettable thing."

Kahn whispered softly.

The arrow standing at the front among them is always Orac, while Kahn and Anda Korgas are the ones who follow Orac most closely!

As for the other Ninety Barbarians, they are unknown.

Ninety Barbarians is their name, and they don't need their own names.

Even among the Ninety Barbarians, whether it is Orak or Kahn, they do not need to remember their names, as long as they continue to charge, it is enough.

"But fortunately, your successor is getting stronger little by little, and she is becoming a little too much like you, although this is not necessarily a good thing."

Kahn turned to look at the battlefield of young warriors and said softly.

Jessica looked more and more like Orak, and Kahn was a little worried that this young warrior would lose himself in the process.

Of course a person would not live just for himself, but it would also be wrong to live only for others.

Barbarians are very open-minded about this. As long as they are fighting with demons, the desires in their hearts are irrelevant.

Fighting against demons is fighting for space for human beings to survive.

Not doing bad things is their simplest requirement, and everyone has done a good job in this regard.

Gruchak had already reached the door of Leah's tavern.

He raised his hand and didn't knock it down for a while, because he felt Leoric's breath in the room.

"Come in, savage."

Leoric invited naturally.

"I'm thinking about whether I should give you more time to get along with you. After all, I don't seem to be in a hurry."

Gruchak said after pushing open the door.

"Our time will not be rushed. Gruchak, I remember your name."

Leoric and Gruchak greeted.

However, he did not know the identity of Gruchak, the God of the Earth, but Leoric had already seen Gruchak's ability when Rakanos was raging.

That is not someone he can despise, so he still needs the most basic respect for the strong.

"Okay, I'm here to bring Leah the stones of burning hell, although your and my strength should be enough to protect Leah from being affected.

After all, she now has the blood of a stag flowing through her body."

Gruchak glanced at Leah.

Leah's body was built with Bulcaisel's own flesh and blood. If Gruchak is present, the barbarian's bloodline power can resonate to a certain extent.

As long as the impact cannot break through Gruchak's defense, it will not affect Leah's state.

But Gruchak is not so optimistic!

He also remembered that there was a gift from Diavolo in Leia's soul. If both existences had an influence, he was not sure whether he could protect Leah's soul.

"I know what you're worried about, so I'll ask Aidan to come over."

Leoric said naturally.

Even if Aidan is an angel at this time, it is impossible for him to forget that he was once the prince of Canduras.

Leah was also his daughter, so there was no reason for him to sit idly by.

"Okay, Angel Aidan, I'm somewhat curious about his current posture."

Gruchak nodded.

Soon after, Aidan appeared in the tavern.

"So when do we start?"

Aidan asked seriously.

This matter was something that had to be taken seriously for him.

He has already lost everything once, and now he is absolutely not willing to let himself lose anything again because of his negligence.

"Wait a while until I finish drinking this barrel of wine."

Gruchak held the edge of the barrel with one hand and poured it into his mouth.

The bucket looked like a large cup in the hands of the burly Gruchak.

"I think many people must have said this to you. You really look like a big bear standing upright."

Leoric was joking on the side.

"I'm just a little bit bigger, and there's nothing wrong with being big.

It's like if you punch Aidan, he has to jump up to slap you back."

Gruchak put the wine barrel on the table and made a winter sound.

When facing Leoric, Gruchak didn't need to be polite.

If one ignores Leoric's difficult immortality, the combat power of the three ancestors can basically match him.

But Gruchak is more powerful than the three ancestors, so there is nothing to worry about.

If I have to say it, among the barbarians, apart from Bulkesso, perhaps it is Warusk and Gruchak who can order Leoric's food.

Warusk's hidden methods are definitely related to death. Even Gruchak suspected that Leoric became such an immortal monster, largely because Warusk made the rules of death incomplete.

Later, Leoric took advantage of the opportunity.

As for Gruchak, as the God of the Earth, he can mobilize the power of the earth to a large extent to maintain his own state.

Leoric does not seem to have the power to leave irrecoverable injuries on Gruchak's body. Of course, this is just Gruchak's own idea.

As for the outcome of a real fight, no one knows until it happens.

But it must have been a crazy battle, Leoric was a madman, and Gruchak was normal.

Who would compete with a madman for willpower? Of course the result would be another madman.

So this probably won't happen.

"I hope to use the power of higher heaven to protect Leah."

Aidan said.

He still has that serious look.

His suggestion is not impossible. After all, the defense built by the power of high-level heaven cannot be penetrated by the power of burning hell.

The only example of the result of the two forces intertwining and merging without struggle is the Nephalem.

This will at least ensure that Leah will not be quietly affected when facing the power of the Burning Hell.

"You mean looking for Dieche?"

Leoric's tone was not very polite.

He is Aidan's father, so of course you don't need to pay too much attention to his tone.

Even though Aidan is an angel now, he is considered a high-ranking person among angels.

"I'm looking for more angels. I plan to use the power of a large number of angels to build a protective shield."

Aidan nodded.

This was the best plan he could come up with in a short period of time.

The quality of the angels' protective shields is guaranteed. Although the power of protection is not all of the angels, it also accounts for a large part of the angels' power.

This is also an important reason why High-level Paradise has a good reputation.

"It sounds interesting, but do you plan to let Leah study the things in the Burning Hell through the protective shield?"

Gruchak frowned.

He didn't like this plan very much, and even instinctively thought that there might be some problems with this plan.

"Research never happens overnight, and no matter how rigorous the initial contact is, it will never be enough."

Aidan had no intention of backing down.

"It's really interesting. I respect a father's decision to protect his daughter."

Gruchak did not intend to stick to his own ideas.

Aidan probably doesn't have much sense at this time. After all, it is normal for any loving father to show this level of protection after knowing that his daughter has suffered such misfortune.

Even Aidan's performance was pretty good, at least he didn't completely lose his mind and just acted a little paranoid.

"Kanduras has professional scientists. My idea is to let those scientists study it in their own way before Leah studies those things."

Leoric said casually.

This thought made Gruchak couldn't help but glance at Leoric.

Leah has at least three levels of protection, and the barbarian bloodline is protected by Bulcasso and the Holy Mountain.

Plus Gruchak is here, so he can increase the strength of this protection at any time.

The protection of Leoric's unique power is definitely not useless.

And Aidan, an old angel father who is worried that his daughter will be harmed, even plans to use the power of the angel army.

And what about those scientists?

Even if Gruchak wanted to provide protection, it wouldn't be very effective.

Judging from Leoric's appearance, he completely planned to use those scientists as cannon fodder to test the extent of the influence of the materials in the Burning Hell.

As for Aidan, as an angel, he will certainly provide protection to scientists, but he will never use his power for public and private purposes like he did to protect Leah.

It's just that although Aidan can do a lot of things with his own power, it is definitely not foolproof.

Leoric glanced at Gruchak with hollow eyes, obviously he didn't want Gruchak to reveal his thoughts.

As for whether Aidan can see through it, maybe he can.

After all, the Dark Wanderer is a lone hero. If he didn't even know this part of his plan, he wouldn't have such a great reputation.

It's just that he doesn't seem to necessarily object to this. At most, he just cheers up and gives the scientists the best protection he can.

However, not every place the Dark Wanderer wants to protect is safe...

"Who are you going to ask to do this?"

Gruchak asked.

"Lex Luthor, he is the best scientist I know."

Leoric said.

Gruchak thought for a while and tried hard to piece together the image of Lex Luthor from the information he knew.

"That scientist who is not a good person? A human supremacist similar to Zuodun Kule? I have no objection to that. He is indeed a very good scientist."

Gruchak agreed with Leoric's idea and gave Leoric an assist.

The description of "a very good scientist" is actually to convince Aidan.

Aidan sighed after seeing the two people quickly reaching an agreement.

"The voting results were two in favor and one abstention."

Aidan said, of course he was the one who abstained.

"There's still one vote against."

Lia Shu finally spoke.

She knew how dangerous the power of the Burning Hell was, so she naturally wouldn't think that Lex Luthor could be completely unaffected.

"Okay, two votes in favor, two votes against."

Aidan changed his words.

When Leah participated in the voting, the number was two to two.

If Leoric was given the opportunity to give up this idea, Aidan would not choose to give up.

"Then let's settle our differences according to the customs of our savages?"

Gruchak asked.

"What custom?"

Aidan's face looked a little strange, as if he had guessed something.

"A fight or a test of arm strength, which one do you choose? Of course, you can also test your drinking capacity."

Gruchak said carelessly.

Aidan looked a little confused.

A fight doesn't matter, but he will never choose the next two options.

While Gruchak was speaking, he had already finished two barrels of wine. Judging from the fact that his face was neither red nor out of breath, it seemed that he could keep drinking.

As for the competition of wrist strength, even if Aidan didn't know that Gruchak was the God of the Earth, he had heard of Gruchak's legendary skills and belief in power.

He would not choose this way of solving the problem.

"Although Bulcasso has bought us time to develop, it can't be wasted." Leorick said in a hurry: "How about we have a drinking test, count me in."

"No matter how much you drink, it leaks out of your chin."

Leah sighed, Leoric and Gruchak had already expressed their attitude that they would not give up.

"I'd better give up."

Leah said.

This chapter has been completed!
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