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1091 Actions that change the order

 On Bulcasso's side, the doctor noticed that Bulcasso looked a little strange.

"What did you find?"

The doctor said with his back to the big star Starro.

"I found a group of irritable guys having a violent fight."

Bulqueso's tone was a little helpless.

The majority of barbarians are keen on fighting. After all, this is the simplest fun they can find in their difficult living environment.

"It sounds a little bad. You know, I never like to solve problems through violence."

The doctor spread his hands.

"But you never seem to shy away from using violence, right?"

Bulcaisel looked at the huge starfish behind the doctor.

Starro, judging from his aura alone, this guy's level is not far behind that of a legend.

I just don’t know why, but Bulcaisel always feels that this guy’s physical fitness is not as strong as he imagined.

That huge eye gave Bulcaisel the idea that he could kill the opponent if he poked it.

"Violence is a kind of means, and I am good at using means to solve problems, and violence is certainly one of them."

The doctor said calmly.

The Doctor's lifespan is a mystery, but one thing is certain, the Doctor is always wise and full of experience.

Even though there may be various changes in his personality, he is still him, and after the longest period of time, he can still guarantee that his heart will not change too much.

Stubbornness seems to have become a virtue at this time.

Although a stubborn person can easily be exploited by the devil for his stubbornness, this stubbornness can also become the most powerful weapon against corruption!

"Are you going to deal with those cranky guys now?"

the doctor asked.

"That's not necessary. Getting help from you is more important than resolving their disputes. And I believe they know it."

Bulkesso said casually.

Starro hit the barrier blocking him hard from behind, making a loud noise.

"Starro, be quiet for a moment. I will send you to the universe as soon as possible."

The doctor turned around and said impatiently.

He brought Bulcaisel here just to help Starro.

Although the doctor has a greater preference for humans, he does not only have eyes for humans.

What he wants from beginning to end is loving peace, and he doesn't mind sacrificing himself for the sake of peace.

So the doctor is a symbol of kindness~

"I remember that your TARDIS seems unable to accommodate such a huge friend. If you plan to let me throw this starfish into the universe, its body may not be able to withstand that level of force."

Bulcaisel continued to look at Starro.

"Of course it's not that way. After all, Starro has suffered a lot of harm over the years. It would be hard for him to leave this place full of suffering without doing anything."

The doctor rubbed his eyebrows worriedly.

For things like revenge, outsiders' evaluations are often unfair.

But the doctor does not advocate revenge, and he will never persuade people to give up revenge.

He would only advise others not to spend the rest of their lives in revenge, otherwise they would miss a lot of good things.

"Revenge? I have no idea about it. After all, we have never forgotten our hatred."

Bulcaisel scanned the surrounding environment. To be honest, the place where Starro was imprisoned was filled with an ugly smell!

"I know what you are worried about. The devil did appear here and used revenge as a reason to try to seduce Starro.

But they seem to underestimate Starro's intelligence. He is not a simple being like his appearance. His level of intelligence is at least higher than that of ordinary humans."

The doctor tilted his head and said.

Although Starro has huge destructive power due to his huge body, Starro's most outstanding strength should still be his spirit and wisdom.

This may sound a little funny, but the fact is that Starro's individual will is indeed stronger than that of humans.

"The spiritual power emanating from this guy makes me a little concerned. Maybe I can introduce Li Min to you. She should be able to send this big guy home without being obvious."

Bulqueso said.

It's actually very difficult to hide something like strength.

When it comes to humans, a strong spirit will make people appear energetic, and a strong body can be seen at a glance.

Starro's body is huge in the earth's environment to the height of more than ten stories, so the body that supports his movements is certainly not very fragile.

"That Nephalem mage you mentioned before? Or one of the most powerful Nephalem?"

The doctor asked curiously.

The Doctor is full of curiosity about everything unknown. He is more like a lively and energetic child than an adult.

"Yes, you can ask her when you can't find a solution to a problem. Although her solution may not be acceptable to you, you have to admit that her approach is very effective."

Bulcaisel said with memories.

Li Min is a little unsteady, but when facing the devil, he must be good if he is not steady.

Demons may know more about humans than humans themselves, so Bulcaisel will never deny any possibility.

"I probably understand, so do you have a way to contact the powerful Nephalem? Or do you Nephalems have nothing to do every day? Are you always on call?"

The doctor was a little curious.

"We have our own things to do. Just helping you solve your current trouble is what I want to do now.

What Li Min wants to do is probably to help me become stronger, and the plan is to buy me more time and solve the troubles I encounter faster."

Bulcaisel rolled his eyes and said.

There is no need to be too serious when dealing with doctors.

"Is the world always beautiful? Of course, everything that is cruel is also part of the beauty. I don't want to impose my own thoughts on Starro, but I still want to say don't let it wait too long."

The doctor smiled naturally. If you ignore his strange appearance at this time, his smile was very chic.

"It won't take long."

Bulqueso said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Min's figure appeared in this place.

"Bulkasso, is this why you have never asked me to come here at this time?"

Li Min's words surprised the doctor.

"Bulkasso, have you mastered the power of time in the future? Or should we say that Master Li Min has mastered the power of time?"

The doctor asked with some surprise.

"How do I know? I'm not from the future."

Bulcasso looked at Li Min, and then realized that Li Min was just joking.

If the Li Min in front of him comes from the future, then the power that Li Min possesses cannot be seen through by Bulcasso.

But at this time, Li Min was only as powerful as Bulcaisuo, and there was no way to differentiate between them.

Bulkiso knew that he was the yoke given to him by Li Min, and Bulkiso would not think that he had not become stronger at all in the following time.

"Doctor? Well, I was a little surprised when I learned that the word mage means master, but I am full of passion for knowledge."

Li Min smiled and said hello.

The doctor also immediately understood that Li Min just made a not-so-excessive joke before, although this joke shocked him.

"Hello, just call me doctor. I once had a good friend who was called a mage, although it might be more appropriate to call him a master."

The doctor also greeted with a joke.

His first impression of Li Min was pretty good.

"It's not a big problem to send this big star back to the universe, right?"

Bulkesso asked.

"Send him to the universe? Do you have any grudge against him? If so, I suggest you just tear him into pieces."

Li Min said.

"The universe has now become a battlefield, filled with demons and those who fight against them.

There is actually not much difference between sending him back to the universe and killing him directly, although this guy is almost a legend."

Li Min added.

"The devil's tentacles have reached into the universe?"

The doctor was very surprised.

"Archangels can use perseverance to forge weapons, so it shouldn't be strange that demons know the concept of the universe, right?

Although these guys do have little to do with technology, it seems to be just a matter of vision and cognition."

Li Min felt a little strange. The doctor seemed to regard the devil as an image from a storybook.

"So the devil has actually known that the earth is round for a long time?"

The doctor made a little joke.

"Even demons know that the ground in some places is square earlier than humans. They have more knowledge than humans. Don't underestimate those guys."

Bulqueso said with some helplessness.

The cruelty of demons is part of their nature, but it is also true that their vision far exceeds that of humans.

While humans were still exploring the surface, the top demons were already playing with Perseverance like a toy.

Under such circumstances, anyone who thinks that the devil is an easy guy to deal with must be extremely arrogant.

"By the way, there seems to be something interesting discovered over there at Natsubo. After you finish dealing with this matter, you can go and see Natsubo."

Bulcaisuo said briefly, and Li Min nodded, indicating that he had remembered it.

She knew that Bulcasso was not the type to chat and reminisce about old times. It was obvious that Nazebo had made some huge discovery and Bulcaisso needed to remind him at this time.

"Do you really plan to send this starfish into the universe? In that case, it would be more valuable for me to directly study its structure."

Li Min said casually.

After hearing these words, Starro couldn't help but knock on the barrier again.

"Starro has endured inhumane torture before. I think we can skip this topic of research first."

The doctor had to speak.

Because he seemed a little unhappy when he saw Li Min's expression.

The doctor can see how powerful Li Min is from Bulkeso.

He doesn't want his friends to be killed for inexplicable reasons. If this happens, the doctor will mourn the death, and before that, he will definitely try to save his friends.

The doctor is a good friend who will use everything he has to help others and never thinks of asking for anything in return.

Although the people he helped always repaid him when appropriate, this was not the reason for his widespread kindness.

"You also heard that the universe may be more dangerous for Starro than staying on Earth."

Bulqueso said.

"It depends on Starro's thoughts. For some lives, freedom is more important than living."

After the doctor finished speaking, he looked at Starro.

"I still want to live. If possible, I hope to live freely."

There was a mixed sound coming from the building.

Starro does not have human vocal organs on his body, but this does not prevent him from expressing himself.

As a being with extraordinary intelligence, it does not seem difficult to master human language after being studied by humans for so many years.

As for making human voices... there are too many prisoners sent to study Starro's power in this building.

This land is not a beautiful world, and the people in power here are definitely not good people.

In fact, it is the United States that studies Starro, but if it were studied locally, it would inevitably suffer a lot of criticism.

That's why Starro's research base was placed in this place.

"There are no souls in those corpses. They died normally. Their souls were not devoured by Starro. Although I am also a little curious about how these corpses remain active."

The doctor said something.

"Then you can ask your friends, I don't care about this at all.

If I must say it, I might be more interested in the time power you control."

Li Min said unceremoniously.

Li Min has this attitude regardless of whether she is facing an acquaintance or not, and she does not need to show humility to any existence.

Li Min is a genius, and she also knows very well what she can achieve with her talent and strength.

Human beings don't need to kneel down in front of Li Min and call her "queen". That's all because Li Min is not interested in her.

"Now that Starro can't go home, our plan seems to be stuck at this point?"

The doctor asked Bulkesso.

"It looks like this, but just like I told you before, we can appear in the next moment now."

Bulcaisel looked at the doctor with burning eyes.

Dealing with Leiko's enemies first will not delay things much.

"Do you really think that what I did is a good thing? I know that you are not so deep in hatred that you can't extricate yourself, but revenge is not a very high priority in my judgment."

The doctor said.

"But I have nothing else important to do now. If I don't take this opportunity to solve the problem, I will only face more troubles in the future."

Bulcasso said very seriously.

The doctor has understood Bulcaisel's determination!

"Okay, but I have to say it first. We can go back to the past, but we cannot go back to before Leiko died."

The doctor is very serious, he is not joking at all!

The consequences of triggering a paradox are not easy at all, and the Space-Time Death God that appeared before is just one of the troubles!

The chaos of time and space will cause a lot of troubles, and the effort required to correct the chaos will be unimaginably cumbersome.

"I know, so the only thing I have been trying to do to get rid of you is to help me complete my revenge."

Bulqueso said.

Those words were destined to come out of his mouth, and Bulcasso never broke his word.

"Then we can get ready. Does Master Li Min also want to go with us?"

the doctor asked.

"Of course, doesn't it mean that the time after we come back is the first second after we left?"

Li Min said with a smile.

She is still very interested in time travel.

This chapter has been completed!
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