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1095 Constantine's Waiting and Wayne's Investigation

 It was already evening when the three of them arrived at Harrogas.

In front of the gate of the Holy Mountain, Kalqiu stood there acting as a gatekeeper with a look of displeasure on his face.

Although he hated the way the three ancestors tied him to the gate of the Holy Mountain, he still performed his duties as a temporary guard honestly.

For example, he asked Aurel about the reason for coming here, and in such a simple way.

"Auriel, to be honest, your appearance in Harrogath doesn't surprise me, but it's hard to fathom that you didn't turn into a ray of light and stand in front of me."

Kalqiu's expression was particularly strange.

Although he was still angry about what he had experienced before, when facing the simple Auriel, curiosity still prevailed.

"It's not important, isn't it? I know Bulcaisel isn't here now, I'm here to see Warusk."

Auriel smiled.

She had no intention of concealing her purpose, but she also had no intention of revealing all her plans and ideas to Kalqiu.

Kalju just looked at Auriel strangely, and then moved out of the way.

"Hey~ We haven't seen each other for a while. I remember last time I seemed to talk about how I played with the devil?"

Constantine smiled and greeted Calgiu.

Constantine's best passes on the sacred mountain of Harrogas are the stories of his battles with demons.

Although there are many contents that barbarians would despise, for an ordinary person who does not want to use too much extraordinary power, everything Constantine does is amazing.

"Yes, but I still don't like you bastard."

Kalqiu said angrily.

Appreciating Constantine's courage and means does not mean that barbarians will like Constantine, a bastard.

They can still treat the two differently.

"Logan, we need to stay in the Holy Mountain of Harrogas for a while. This is about how I deal with demons in the future."

Constantine said to Logan.

Logan behaved more silently than before.

He is still trying hard to find those possibly important fragments among his broken memories.

Although Constantine persuaded him with a lie, Constantine definitely did not provide him with any help.

"You can make the decision. I have no intention of helping you make any plans right now."

Logan said angrily.

He once thought about whether he wanted to become a barbarian. After all, according to the barbarian ancestors, his fighting style was very similar to that of Hellab.

But Logan didn't like other people's suggestions, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

This may not have much to do with his thoughts at this time, but is a trace left in his long life.

It is difficult for mutants to be completely indifferent to other people's opinions. This sensitivity is imprinted in their every move in various ways.

There are just different ways of expression.


Constantine lit himself a cigarette.

While doing this, he deliberately stayed away from Auriel.

The Holy Mountain of Harrogath is open enough that it is not difficult to hide in a location where Auriel is not affected by the smell of smoke.

In fact, Constantine came to Harrogas to find a new refuge for himself!

As a member of the Nephalem, Constantine did not become a Nephalem in the most common way.

But he was still accepted by the Nephalem group, especially after becoming a demon hunter, and the Valar would provide him with protection without violating some rules.

But Constantine also knew that Vera's protection alone was not enough.

What he does will make him stand out, so when it is still safe, he will do his best to find protection.

He was planning a grand enough scene, and by that time he couldn't even guarantee that the Nephalem would have no opinion of him.

Constantine's approach is no different from when he was the weak one in the past, letting the strong pull each other off.

Even if you want to retaliate against him, you have to compete with other strong men of the same level because of "enjoying the right to handle things alone".

Such a result would make Constantine slightly satisfied.

"I can't guarantee that you will be able to see Volusk. To be honest, the last person who saw him was Gruchak."

Calgiu didn't care what Constantine and the others thought.

For him, the visit of the Archangel is something that must be treated with caution.

As for Logan and Constantine, the former is an excellent warrior that they admire.

The latter is a nephalem who can tell many interesting stories but is annoying.

Such two beings cannot compare to the attitude of the Archangel of Hope!

"I will not use any drastic means to force Warusk to see me, but I don't think anyone can refuse Hope's visit."

Auriel smiled softly.

"I hope it will be the same this time. At least you won't be as annoying as Malsayir and Tyrael."

After Kalju said this, he stopped paying attention to Auriel.

Auriel is an archangel. As long as you are an archangel, you must understand what the power accumulated in the holy mountain of Harrogath represents.

Unless they are determined to fight the Nephalem to the death, they will not do anything radical here!

But Kalju had no intention of sending Auriel to the Temple of the Elders, and the three ancestors were not here.

So as the only guard of the Holy Mountain, Kalqiu will certainly not leave here casually.


Auriel said, and then walked towards the direction of the Elder's Temple.

The self in Auriel's heart is not what Kalju said.

In Auriel's eyes, she should be the most unpopular existence among the archangels.

After all, not everyone can seize the opportunity.

Before every ancestral spirit died in battle, they saw that hope was right in front of them.

But the result was that they became dead under the radiance of hope. Although the barbarians would not be angry, it would be false to say that they were so calm that they had no idea at all.

The human heart cannot be tested because even humans themselves do not know what decisions they will make at a certain time.

"By the way, for the members of the Justice League who are staying here, you can try to provide more help."

Auriel said casually.

This is slightly contrary to her usual approach, and may be a way for Oriel to express her apology for what she has done.

"I take back what I said before. A guy like you who speaks unclearly is actually not very likable."

Kalqiu said without looking back.

He is not a decision-maker, and as a dead person, he does not like to consider issues that living people need to consider.

His only thought now is to exist with the Holy Mountain and eventually be destroyed together.

Of course, it would be better if the Holy Mountain could continue to exist.

"Hope is sometimes more cruel than justice and courage."

Constantine said quietly.

He was deeply impressed by this.

He had felt despair in his hope more than once, especially when he tried to expel the demon for the first time.

"Hope is there. It's best if you can catch it. If you miss it, she won't be of much help."

Constantine continued meaningfully.

"You'd better shut up. Although I promised to be your partner, I still want to tear your mouth apart."

Logan said a little irritably.

Logan was grateful for the information Constantine gave him, but he was also dissatisfied with Constantine's ambiguous expression.

This is not Constantine's original intention, but he really only knows a rough idea.

When communicating with Logan, he had already given out all the information he knew, but his pretentiousness made Logan feel like he knew everything but didn't say anything.

When Logan knows the truth, he will definitely find a way to deal with Constantine, but now Logan is still confused.

"Of course, of course. We just have to wait here for a while, something interesting will show up."

Constantine said with a dangerous look in his eyes.

The information he learned from Nick Fury was shocking, and Harrogath was the location where he thought he was most likely to come into contact with those beings.

Any one, as long as any such existence comes here, Constantine's plan will continue to advance!

Although waiting is inevitable in many cases, Constantine still hopes that the fewer opportunities to wait, the better!

He couldn't wait to see what his plan would look like after it was fully formed.


Vision is communicating with Dr. Doom.

The communication process was a bit strange. They would say a few words to each other and then get into a fight.

Then I stopped for some unknown reason and started communicating with words again.

Tony didn't understand the reason for this, and he didn't want to know.

But one thing he must be concerned about is that the steel frame signal amplifier plan was a complete failure.

Vision has a will of his own, and is beginning to understand the world under the influence of Dr. Doom.

Tony instinctively thought that this was not good news. After all, according to his values, Dr. Doom was not a good person.

So Tony went to find Wayne after saying goodbye to Dr. Doom.

Tony didn't know how many backup plans Wayne had, but it was an established fact that Vision was not under their control.

When Tony arrived at Wayne Manor, he saw Jason Todd already standing at the door of the manor.

Tony didn't know how long Jason Todd had been waiting, but he knew at a glance that this guy was waiting for him.

"Should I be amazed at Wayne's ability to manipulate people's minds?"

Tony said not politely.

"I am only afraid of his ability. I hope you won't have the same idea as me."

Jason Todd said angrily.

If you are afraid of Wayne's ability to control people's hearts, you must have experienced something.

Jason Todd's words are sincere wishes, although they sound a bit strange.

"He's right in front, not in that dark cave."

Jason Todd simply pointed out the way and then left on his own.

"I thought you were going to send me to Wayne?"

Tony was a little confused.

"You're an adult and not a middle-aged baby, right? I have things to do."

Jason Todd said angrily, then stopped talking to Tony and left.

His main job now is to deal with some accidents that occur in Gotham City.

Although Jason Todd does not have countless plans in Gotham City like Wayne, Gotham City at this time is just suitable for a guy like him to maintain.

Now that the devil has begun to wreak havoc, many things in the past have changed.

For example, Gotham City's weird crime methods in the past have become much more violent, and there are even a group of lunatic guys gathering together in the name of the devil.

Although most of these guys will become the devil's food, this is Gotham City.

Those people are no less vicious than demons.

There are even gangs where villains and demons have a strange symbiosis.

Batman will be in trouble when facing this kind of guy.

But for the red hood, it's very simple.

Batman needs to distinguish the difference between humans and demons, kill the demons, and then judge humans.

But Red Hood only needs to kill them all and then go to the next place.

Wayne made some changes, for example, he would choose to act like he didn't know at this time.

Maybe it's just because Wayne at this time has no extra energy to deal with some "little things" in Gotham City.

"What a disagreeable guy, and of course I am the same."

Tony sighed and walked towards Wayne's location while teasing himself.

When a person begins to reflect on himself, maturity seems not far away.

It just so happens that Tony is mature enough now. Although he is still full of pride, he no longer regards himself as the only smart person.

This is definitely a good thing, at least it keeps away arrogance.

When Tony saw Wayne, his expression was much weirder.

Because the Wayne standing in front of him was not wiping his battle ax like a savage, nor was he the rich boy and the most common image of Batman.

But in a burly armor!

To be honest, the shape is not much different from the "Hulkbuster Armor" in Tony's mind.

"This is a specialized strength-enhanced armor. I have barely enough strength to face the devil.

But more people are powerless, and this thing may be able to help them."

Wayne said naturally.

Now that he is very powerful, he will no longer guard against gadgets that can help others.

Even things that might reveal his identity, Wayne was willing to let others use.

For example, his old buddy, Sheriff Gordon, is now equipped with very good equipment. When some stupid thieves face Gordon, their hearts will thump.

Gordon now looks a bit like the "Future Trooper" in the movie.

"I don't think sharing your power is necessarily a good thing."

Tony frowned and said.

"I investigated my partners before, I think you should be able to understand, right?"

Wayne said nonchalantly.

He didn't care at all about Tony's doubts, but directly brought up the topic he wanted to talk about!

"Which teammate?"

Tony asked.

"Shazam. Of course not as Billy's maturing child, but as Shazam himself."

Wayne said as he handed several pieces of paper information to Tony.

The information was valuable, so Wayne didn't use e-mail.

He doesn't know the situation on Ultron's side, so this caution is not worthless.

"The same existence that shouts the spell 'Shazam' and gains power?"

Tony asked while looking at the information.

"Tes Adam, and the local devil Shabak."

Wayne said and nodded.

This chapter has been completed!
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